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Submitted BY: -
MBA 2010-2012
I hereby declare that this project report SOCIAL COMPILANCE AUDIT is
a! a"the!tic #or$ do!e by %e&
The st"dy #as "!derta$e! as the part o' the co"rse c"rric"l"% o' M(A '"llti%e
pro)ra% o' Utta% I!stit"te o' Ma!a)e%e!t St"dies *"!$ata+ A)ra&
I '"rther declare that the i!'or%atio! prese!ted i! this project is tr"e a!d
ori)i!al to the best o' %y $!o#led)e&
Date,- .i)isha A)ar#al
Place M(A /
*oll No& 1011220032
Proforma Of Guide
Name of t!e tudent" #i$i!a A$ar%al &oll No" 1011220032

Na%e o' the 5"ide
O''icial a!d Address

Mobile No&
E-Mail ID
Acade%ic 6"ali'icatio! M(A
Selected area o' Speciali8atio! o' the St"de!t, 9UMAN *ESOU*CE
Topic chose! 'or the Project '& AUDIT IN SOCIAL COMPLIANCE ADOPTED
() DA*A& +OOT*EA&
I do hereby accept to )"ide M, #i$i!a A$ar%al *oll No&1011220032 o' Utta%
I!stit"te o' Ma!a)e%e!t St"dies+ A''iliated to Maha%aya Tech!ical U!i:ersity Noida&
Si)!at"re o' the St"de!t Si)!at"re o' the
;ith O''icial Seal
A lar)e !"%ber o' i!di:id"als ha:e co!trib"ted to project& This project is a
h"%ble atte%pt to s$etch do!e the co!trib"tio! o' all these perso!s #ho ha:e
directly or i!directly )i:e! their precio"s ti%e a!d help alo!) #ith their proper
)"ida!ce 'or %a$i!) this project report i! the 'ollo#i!) shape&
<irst o' all I #o"ld li$e to tha!$ Mr& (&=& 5"pta+ '& Mana$er o' DA;A*
<oot#ear I!d"stries a!d Dr& >i$ra!t Shastri+ Director o' UTTAM 5ro"p o'
I!stit"tio!s 'or al#ays helpi!) %e a!d pro:idi!) %e #ith rele:a!t boo$s a!d
data i! the s"bject to e!able to prepare the project&
Lastly b"t !ot the least+ I pay %y )ratit"de to %y pare!ts 'a%ily %e%bers+
'rie!ds+ 'ac"lty o' UIMS a!d all the e7ec"ti:es o' DA;A* 'or their %oral
s"pport a!d #hole hearted cooperatio! i! dra'ti!) this report&
This pro)ra% is a! i!te)ral part o' the c"rric"l"% o' M(A ?Master o' ("si!ess
Ad%i!istratio!@& I )ot the pri:ile)e o' #or$i!) o:er the project e!titled 9*
A"dit i! ?social co%plia!ce@ i! DA;A* <oot#ear I!d"stries& I had a )reat
pleas"re i! doi!) %y project&
The reaso! behi!d choosi!) this partic"lar topic 'or %y project report is that it
helps %e to e!ha!ce %y $!o#led)e re)ardi!) social co%plia!ce i! a co%pa!y
a!d pro:ide %e #ith tre%e!do"s opport"!ities&
I ha:e co%piled this report #ith %y best e''orts a!d I hope this report #ill )i:e
co%plete satis'actio! re)ardi!) :ario"s aspects o' 9* A"dit i! DA;A*&
E.ecuti/e Summar0
This project #as "!derta$e! to 'i!d o"t the :ario"s ;el'are Policies+ that a!
or)a!i8atio! or)a!i8e so that the e%ployees #or$i!) i! their or)a!i8atio!
re%ai! co!!ected to it+ #hich )i:es pro'itability to the or)a!i8atio!+ a!d )i:e
rise to#ards E%ployee satis'actio! a!d Miti)ati!) 5rie:a!ces&
A s"r:ey #as do!e to St"dy ;el'are policies pro:ided by the or)a!i8atio! 'or
the e%ployee #el'are a!d #hat are Di''ere!t Stat"tory B No! Stat"tory Policies
prese!tly i!corporated i! or)a!i8atio! 'or satis'actio! le:el o' e%ployees& The
s"r:ey #as do!e at Da%ar +oot%ear Indutrie Ltd,
The sa%ple si8e ta$e! #as 12&
The data so obtai!ed #as the! a!aly8ed a!d a'ter a!aly8i!) the data 'i!di!)s
a!d reco%%e!datio! #ere %ade&
Ta3le of Content"4 Pa$e No,
Chapter C 1-
I!d"stry Pro'ile
Chapter C 4-
Co%pa!y Pro'ile
O:er:ie# o' Da#ar <oot#ear I!d"stry
Chapter -/-
I!trod"ctio! to 9* A"dit,-
a& I!ter!al A"dit
b& E7ter!al A"dit
Chapter- 3-
9* A"dit i! social co%plia!ce i! DA;A* <oot#ear I!d"stry
Chapter- A-
Le:iDs A"dit
Chapter- 1-
*esearch Methodolo)y
A!alysis a!d i!terpretatio! o' E"estio!aire
Chapter- 2-

The <oot#ear I!d"stry is a si)!i'ica!t se)%e!t o' the Leather I!d"stry i!
I!dia ra!$s seco!d a%o!) the 'oot#ear prod"ci!) co"!tries !e7t to
I!dia prod"ces %ore o' )e!tsD 'oot#ear #hile the #orldDs %ajor
prod"ctio! is i! ladies 'oot#ear&
The i!d"stry is labor i!te!si:e a!d is co!ce!trated i! the s%all a!d
cotta)e i!d"stry sectors& ;hile leather shoes a!d "ppers are co!ce!trated
i! lar)e scale "!its+ the sa!dals a!d slippers are prod"ced i! the
ho"sehold a!d cotta)e sector&
I! the case o' slippers a!d sa!dals+ "se o' !o!-leather %aterial is
pre:ale!t i! the do%estic %ar$et&
The %ajor prod"ctio! ce!ters i! I!dia are Che!!ai+ *a!ipet+ A%b"r i!
Ta%il Nad"+ + M"%bai i! Maharashtra+ =a!p"r i! U&P& + .ala!dhar i!
P"!jab+ A)ra a!d Delhi& The 'ollo#i!) table i!dicates co!ce!tratio! o'
"!its i! :ario"s parts o' the co"!try,
&e$ion Lar$e 5 Medium Scale SSI 'oue!old
Ta%il Nad" 13 /1 2
Delhi B "p North 3 F 4A
A)ra+ =a!p"r G /3 13
Calc"tta 1 / 1G
(a!)alore 1 / 3
M"%bai / 11
Others 1/ 10 /4
The esti%ated a!!"al 'oot#ear prod"ctio! capacity i! 1GGG is !early
12/1 %illio! pairs ?221 %illio! pairs o' leather 'oot#ear a!d G10 %illio!
pairs o' !o!-leather 'oot#ear@& *e)io!-#ise share o' total esti%ated
capacities is as 'ollo#s,
Leat!er S!oe
Ta%il Nad" 41 A A3 1 0
Delhi B U&P&
10 22 3 1 10
A)ra+ =a!p"r 3A 0 /4 14 0
Calc"tta 14 0 4 / 0
(a!)alore / / 3 0 0
M"%bai 3 4 1 /4 0
Others 0 1/ / 1 30
Total 100 100 100 100 100
Shoes %a!"'act"red i! I!dia #ear bra!d !a%es li$e <lorshei%+ 5abor+
Clar$s+ Sala%a!der a!d St& MichealDs& As part o' its e''ort to play a lead
role i! the )lobal trade+ the I!dia! leather i!d"stry is 'oc"si!) o! $ey
deli:erables o' i!!o:ati:e desi)!+ co!siste!tly s"perior E"ality a!d
"!'aili!) deli:ery sched"les&
I!dia i! itsel' has a h")e do%estic %ar$et+ #hich is lar)ely "!tapped&
The I!dia! 'oot#ear i!d"stry is pro:ided #ith i!stit"tio!al i!'rastr"ct"re
s"pport thro")h pre%ier i!stit"tio!s li$e Ce!tral Leather *esearch
I!stit"te+ Che!!ai+ <oot#ear Desi)! B De:elop%e!t I!stit"te+ Noida+
Natio!al I!stit"te o' <ashio! Tech!olo)y+ Ne# Delhi+ etc i! the areas o'
tech!olo)ical de:elop%e!t+ desi)! a!d prod"ct de:elop%e!t a!d h"%a!
reso"rce de:elop%e!t&
The a:ailability o' ab"!da!t ra# %aterial base+ lar)e do%estic %ar$et
a!d the opport"!ity to cater to #orld %ar$ets %a$es I!dia a! attracti:e
desti!atio! 'or tech!olo)y a!d i!:est%e!ts&
I! 1GGG+ the )lobal i%port o' 'oot#ear ?leather a!d !o!-leather@ i! ter%s
o' :al"e #as aro"!d USH 3/42F %illio!+ acco"!ti!) a share o' 1/&34I i!
the total )lobal i%port o' leather a!d leather prod"cts& O"t o' this+ i%port
o' leather 'oot#ear alo!e acco"!ted 'or USH 41/2G %illio! a!d !o!-
leather 'oot#ear USH 11FGG %illio!&
I!diaDs e7port o' Leather <oot#ear to"ched USH //1 %illio! i! 1GGG-
4000+ recordi!) a! i!crease o' /&4GI o:er the precedi!) year& I!dia th"s
holds a share o' 1&4AI i! the )lobal i%port o' leather 'oot#ear& The
%ajor %ar$ets 'or I!dia! Leather <oot#ear are the U&=&+ the U&S&A&+
5er%a!y+ Italy+ <ra!ce a!d *"ssia& Nearly 21I o' I!dia Js e7port o'
Leather <oot#ear is to 5er%a!y+ the U&S&A&+ the U&= a!d Italy&
I! 1GGG-4000+ e7port o' leather 'oot#ear 'ro% I!dia co!stit"ted 41I
share o' its total e7port o' leather a!d leather prod"cts& Nearly // %illio!
pairs o' :ario"s types o' leather 'oot#ear #ere e7ported d"ri!) the year+
o"t o' #hich shoes K boots co!stit"ted G0I&
The di''ere!t types o' leather 'oot#ear e7ported 'ro% I!dia are dress
shoes+ cas"als+ %occasi!s+ sport shoes+ horrachies+ sa!dals+ bealleri!as+
E.6ort of leat!er foot%ear durin$ t!e lat t!ree 0ear,
?>al"e i! %illio! USH@
Prod"ct 1GGF-GG
4000 4000-4001
Leather <oot#ear
/40&4A //0&F0 /3F&G1
So"rce, D5CI B S+ Calc"tta
E.6ort 6ro8ection for t!e ne.t t%o 0ear "
?>al"e i! %illio! USH@
P*ODUCT 4001-04 4004-0/
Leather <oot#ear 3A/ A01
So"rce, I!dicati:e Medi"% Ter% Pla!
C'APTE& 41
DA;A* 5*OUP has co!trolled the speci'icatio!+ prod"ctio!+
distrib"tio! A!d tech!ical i!'or%atio! o' <oot#ear Tech!olo)y
DA;A* 5*OUP #as 'o"!ded i! 1G22 o! the %odest scale i! the city
A5*A& A %o:e to set "p %ore "!its #ere !ecessary to cope #ith the
abr"pt I!crease i! the :ol"%e o' b"si!ess
A 100I E7port Orie!ted U!it i! A)ra
Prod"ces Me!Ls a!d Ladies Leather <oot#ear
A <oot#ear Ma!"'act"ri!) )ro"p stro!) :al"es to#ards,-
Ladies M 4000 PairsK day
Me!Ds M 3000 PairsK day
Uppers M 4000 PairsK day
U&=& B E"rope
North A%erica
So"th A%erica
United Colour of (enetton
Do"ble Capacity <ro% 1300 to 10000 Pairs a Day
Co%pa!y 9as Pla!s To <oray I!to *etail
Pact #ith O%a7e Co!str"ctio!s <or *etail
Pla!s to La"!ch O#! (ra!d 5lobally
To <oray i! Chai! O' 9ospitals i! Tier / Cities i! North I!dia
To )i:e the better E"ality prod"ct a!d to be the c"sto%er 'irst choice&
DA*A& +OOT*EA& INDUST&) :- Is a )o:er!%e!t reco)!i8ed e7port
ho"se E!)a)ed i! the %a!"'act"re B e7port o' %e!Ds 'oot#ear& i&e classic-
co%'ort Classic B s"pport li!e B all type o' "pper&
DA*A& LSD :- is a )o:er!%e!t reco)!i8ed e7port ho"se e!)a)ed i! the
Ma!"'act"re B e7port o' ladies 'oot#ear P 'ashio! P co%'ort P sporty P;o:el
A!$led C %id C lo!) boots + shoe B sa!dals .
Da#ar 'oot#ear ltd #or$s #ith this %issio!& I! 1G22 Mr&P"ra! Da#ar the
chairperso! o' Da#ar 'oot#ear ltd to #or$ #ith his brother at Da#ar shoe shop
at Sadar %ar$et ?A)ra@there he started to pay order 'ro% the c"sto%er he
lear!ed sales%a! ship 1GF2 he co%es i! e7port& I! 1GF2 the t"r!o:er o' Da#ar
'oot#ear ltd is 1 crore& It decli!e to G0 lac$s i! 1GFF&
I! ho"se prod"ctio! o' shoes+ T*P soles
a!d shoes Da#ar 'a%ily is lar)er a!d )ro#i!) 'a%ily& It e7pa!d beyo!d the
people #ho #or$ 'or Da#ar )ro"p& Their 'a%ilies are also i!te)ral part o' it
)ro"p shares the hopes a!d a! i!spiratio! o' its people a!d their childre!& It
)oes o"t o' its #ay to r:ered their hard #or$ a!d dedicatio!&
It is childre! ed"catio! i! additio! to this it also pro:ides %o!itory assista!ce to
a lar)e %e%ber o' its #or$ers childre! st"dyi!) i! other schools&
The )ro"p also #or$s i! associatio! #ith !"%ber o' N5O JS to '"ll 'ill its other
social #el'are co%%it%e!ts& It also or)a!i8es re)"lar health chec$"ps 'or the
'a%ilies o' its #or$ers&
Mr,Puran Da%ar =c!air6eron>
Da#ar is led by Mr& P"ra! Da#ar a pro-acti:e :etera! 'ro% the shoe i!d"stry&
Mr& Da#ar has bee! associated #ith shoe i!d"stry 'ro% %ore tha! thr" decades&
The "!der sta!ds the dy!a%ics o' shoe b"si!ess a!d ho# it is co!d"cted i! the
i!ter!atio!al %ar$et& ;ith his clear :isio! roc$ solid dedicatio! he has bro")ht
Da#ar )ro"p this 'ar a!d co!ti!"ed to lead it #ith %issio!ary 8eal&
It is Mr& Da#ar co!cer! 'or his people a!d e!:iro!%e!t related iss"ethat has
e!dea:ored hi% to o!e e!d all a :isit to )ro"ps %a!"'act"ri!) 'acility a!d
corporate o''ice re'lects theses co!cer!&
Mr& Pre% A)ra#al+ 5e!eral Ma!a)er is o!e #ho loo$s a'ter the day to day
a''airs o' the co%pa!y&
It is ha8ard 'ree airy+ #ell lit a!d #ell b"ilt #or$i!) 'acility+ they pro:ide there
co%ple7 #ith clea! toilets a!d ed"cated dri!$i!) #ater 'acilities&
There is a :olley ball co"rt i! the 'ro!t a%idst spra#li!) )ree!s& It has #it!ess
%a!y a co%petiti:e i! ho"se to"r!eys it is i%porta!t 'or o"r peoples to $!o#
the joy o' #illi!) a!d a)o!y o' losi!) to each other& ("t to)ether they %a$e a
'or%idable tea% o' F00 stro!) a!d hi)hly s$illed people #e are pro"d.
O"r prod"ct ra!)e is e7hibited is %a!y presti)io"s 'air li$e &i/a Dei Garda
*O&9 ST&ENGT'"
<or a co%pa!y to stay ahead i! ter% o' E"ality a!d co%petiti:e!ess& It has a
relay o! the stre!)th o' its o#! i!'rastr"ct"re a!d reso"rce& #e at Da#ar )ro"p
releasi!) it :ery early&
Today #e !ot o!ly ha:e a %ost %oder! %a!"'act"ri!) co%plies b"t also a!
array so sophisticated %a!"'act"ri!) co%plies b"t also array o' sophisticated
%achi!e to prod"ce a di:erse ra!)e o' #orld class 'oot#ear&
(esides a !o o' Italia! hasti!) %achi!es a!d 5er%a! closi!)
%achi!es+ there are other %achi!es o' :ario"s sta)es o' prod"ctio! o!li!e
E"ality chec$s e!able "s to %o!itor co!siste!cy i! prod"ctio! o' partic"lar
order 'ro% shoes "pper to co%plete shoes+ e:erythi!) is prod"ced i! ho"se
there by red"ci!) prod"ctio! had ti%e e!ha!ci!) cost e''ecti:e!ess& O:er the
year the )ro"p $ept a st"dy pace #ith tech!olo)ically ad:a!ces i! 'oot#ear
prod"ctio!& It has co!ti!"o"sly "p)raded i! to i!'rastr"ct"re to prod"ce E"ality
<ualit0 Polic0
At Da#ar+ #e loo$ at E"ality 'ro% a di''ere!t prospecti:e co!cer! 'or E"ality is
i!)rai!ed i! o"r syste% & it is a! i!te)ral part o' o"r thro")h process& A!d that is
ho# it has beco%e a ta!)ibles aspect o' o"r prod"ct yo" ca! see a!d 'eel it&
6"ality is !ot ta$i!) abo"t it& ItDs sho"ld be i!here!t i! o"r belie' syste%&
;e at Da#ar ha:e i!:ol:ed o"r o#! E"ality policy t"r!ed i! to
capabilities o' o"r peoples&
They prod"ce E"ality beca"se #e pro:ide the% E"ality e!:iro!%e!t a!d
'acilities& ;e lead the cr"sade 'or E"ality 'ro% the 'ro!t& At pro'essio!al i!spect
it a to)ether they deli:er it&
<ro% ti%e to ti%e people "!der)o orie!tatio! pro)ra%%ers co!d"cted
#ith the assista!ce o' tech!ocrats to "!dersta!d E"alitati:e aspect o' prod"cts
#e %a$e& To top it all+ the %a!a)e%e!t o' Da#ar )ro"p %o!itors the prod"ctio!
process to e!s"re the each 'oot bears Da#arDs seal o' E"ality al#ays
To be the best 6"ality 'oot#ear B 'oot#ear co%po!e!ts prod"ci!)+ #orld
class pla!t #ith lo#est prod"ctio! cost+ Eco 'rie!dly+ sa'e B healthy
e!:iro!%e!t+ co!'or%a!ce #ith social K ethical co%plia!ce

;e at DA;A* <OOT;EA* IND& a leadi!) %a!"'act"rer a!d e7porter o'
'oot#ear a!d 'oot#ear co%po!e!ts+ are co%%itted to carry o"t o"r acti:ities
#ith hi)hest co!cer! 'or C"sto%er deli)ht+ E!:iro!%e!tal protectio!+
Occ"patio!al 9ealth B Sa'ety+ Ethical )o:er!a!ce a!d i! co%plia!ce #ith all
applicable stat"tory+ le)islati:e a!d !atio!al a!d i!ter!atio!al sta!dards
Puruant to t!i $oal? %e !all"
S"pply hi)h E"ality o' 'oot#ear a!d 'oot#ear co%po!e!ts a!d %eet
reE"ire%e!ts o' o"r c"sto%ers&
Co!ti!"ally i%pro:e 6"ality+ Prod"cti:ity+ Social Per'or%a!ce+ cost o' poor
E"ality+ i%pact o' o"r acti:ities o! air+ #ater B la!d a!d also i! pre:e!tio! K
co!trol o' Occ"patio!al 9ealth a!d Sa'ety ris$sQ
Mo!itor+ co!trol a!d "p)rade o"r tech!olo)y K processes a!d operatio!al
practices so as to opti%i8e reso"rce co!s"%ptio! a!d e!s"re sa'e #or$
e!:iro!%e!t K #ell bei!) at #or$ placeQ
*eco)!i8e a!d care 'or the co!cer!s o' o"r e%ployees a!d a''ected
i!terested parties re)ardi!) the i%pact o' o"r operatio!s o! the e!:iro!%e!t
a!d Occ"patio!al 9ealth B Sa'ety ha8ards at #or$ placeQ
Participate i! o:erall social de:elop%e!t o' the !ei)hborhoodQ
Stre!)the! a#are!ess+ s$ill a!d co%pete!ce o' o"r e%ployees so as to e!able
the% to co!trib"te e''ecti:ely i! e!s"ri!) so"!d E"ality+ e!:iro!%e!tal+
social+ occ"patio!al health a!d sa'ety %a!a)e%e!t&
C!airman @ Mana$in$ Director
This Index show how Dawar group increase his performance Month
by month and also year by year
&an- of t!e +oot%ear com6anie in A$ra"4
DA*A& G&OUP Ae.cellence in foot%earB ran-ed no, C in e.6ort of Leat!er
To red"ce spilla)e B lea$a)e
To red"ce oil+ )rease B leather co!te!ts i! dischar)ed #ater to 8ero
To red"ce electrical e!er)y co!s"%ptio! by AI
To pro:ide A#are!ess Trai!i!) to all e%ployees o' co%pa!y B
To e!s"re i%pro:ed e%er)e!cy prepared!ess
To e!s"re sa'e ;or$place 'or e%ployees
To e!s"re i%pro:ed sa'e #or$ practices
To re:ie# B "pdate perso!al Ma!"al
To "p)rade sa!itatio! 'acilities i! the pla!t
To %ai!tai! 8ero o:erti%e
To red"ce diesel e!er)y co!s"%ptio! by /I
Mar-et 6rofile of t!e or$aniDation
DA;A* 5*OUP capt"re 43I shoe %ar$et i! #hole A5*A
Ser/ice outlet of Da%ar
DA*A& G&OUP Produce *orld Cla Product on &eaona3le Price
&a% Material

(Internal A!"t#
Ta3le of Content
A& Sa'ety Co%%ittee
(& *is$ Assess%e!t
C& E%er)e!cy Prepared!ess
D& Aisles a!d E7its
E& Li)hti!)
<& 9o"se$eepi!)
5& Electrical Sa'ety
9& Co!trol o' 9a8ardo"s E!er)y K Loc$-O"t Ta)-O"t
I& Machi!e 5"ardi!)
.& Po#ered I!d"strial Tr"c$s
=& Noise Ma!a)e%e!t
L& Perso!al Protecti:e EE"ip%e
M& >e!tilatio!
N& Che%ical Stora)e
O& E7tre%e Te%perat"res
P& Asbestos Ma!a)e%e!t
A, <i!ishi!) Sa'ety 5"ideli!es
1& 9a!d #or$
4& Laser Etchi!)
/& *esi! K C"ri!)
3& Sa!d (lasti!)
A& Scree! Pri!t
1& Sprayi!)
A& <irst Aid
(& Pre:e!ti!) Co%%"!icable Disease
A& Do%estic Se#a)e a!d (ios lids Ma!a)e%e!t
(& Tra!sporti!) 9a8ardo"s Materials
C& 9a8ardo"s ;aste
D& Solid ;aste Ma!a)e%e!t
E& Pre:e!ti!) Stor% ;ater Poll"tio!
<& Abo:e)ro"!dK U!der)ro"!d Stora)e
A& 5lobal E''l"e!t 5"ideli!es
Sa'ety co%%ittees ca! ide!ti'y a!d correct 'actory health a!d sa'ety iss"es+ I!crease
sa'ety a#are!ess+ a!d i%pro:e #or$ersD job satis'actio!& The p"rpose o' this sectio!
is to describe the reE"ire%e!ts 'or ha:i!) a #ell-r"! a!d e''ecti:e sa'ety co%%ittee&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Safet0 Committee
<actory %a!a)e%e!t dra'ts Sa'ety Co%%ittee Missio! State%e!t&
Sa'ety Co%%ittee appro:es Missio! State%e!t+ appoi!ts Leaders&
Leaders prepare %eeti!) a)e!das&
Sa'ety Co%%ittee %eets at least o!ce a %o!th to disc"ss 'actory sa'ety iss"es&
Co%%ittee pro:ides #ritte! record o' %eeti!)s to %a!a)e%e!t B posts a
copy that #or$er pop"latio! ca! easily access& =eep records o' sa'ety
co%%ittee %eeti!)s 'or at least 'i:e years&
Me%bers are trai!ed to i!spect 'actory areas+ co!d"ct i!cide!t
i!:esti)atio!s + prioriti8e a!d 'ollo#-"p o! correcti:e actio!s& Sa'ety
Co%%ittee co!d"cts the acti:ities described i! its Missio! State%e!t a!d
reports to 'actory %a!a)e%e!t re)"larly&
Ma!a)e%e!t re:ie#s Sa'ety Co%%ittee acti:ities a!d per'or%a!ce a!d
reco%%e!ds cha!)es+ as !ecessary&
The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to ide!ti'y all ha8ards #ithi! the #or$place this
co"ld reaso!ably be e7pected to ca"se har% a!d to assess the ris$ prese!ted by
those ha8ards&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for &i- Aement
Prepare proced"re 'or ide!ti'yi!) ha8ards a!d assess i! ris$s at 'actory&
Trai! Sa'ety Co%%ittee %e%bers a!d a!yo!e respo!sible 'or "si!) this
(, ACT
Sa'ety Co%%ittee %a$es cha!)es to proced"re to respo!d to
'eedbac$ a!d i%pro:e per'or%a!ce&
I!di:id"alsK)ro"ps ide!ti'y ha8ards+ Co!d"ct ris$ assess%e!ts "si!) the
Ma$e reco%%e!datio!s 'or correcti:e actio!s+ prepare report&
Co!d"ct ha8ard to"r a!d ris$ assess%e!t at least e:ery year a!d #he!e:er
si)!i'ica!t cha!)es occ"r.
D, C'EC9
Sa'ety Co%%ittee a!d 'actory %a!a)e%e!t periodically re:ie#
e''ecti:e!ess o' proced"reQ reco%%e!d cha!)es+ as !ecessary&
E%er)e!cy e:e!ts i!cl"de 'ires+ earthE"a$es a!d accide!ts& I!j"ries to #or$ers a!d
da%a)e to b"ildi!)s a!d eE"ip%e!t ca! be red"ced i' e%er)e!cies are pla!!ed 'or i!
ad:a!ce& This sectio! describes the reE"ire%e!ts 'or pla!!i!) a!d prepari!) to protect
#or$ers i! the e:e!t o' a! e%er)e!cy&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Emer$enc0 Pre6aredne
Ide!ti'y the pote!tial e%er)e!cies that %ay occ"r at the 'actory locatio!&
Create a! e%er)e!cy prepared!ess pla! that i!cl"des proced"res 'or,
S Sa'ely e:ac"ati!) the 'actory i! a! e%er)e!cy+
S Shelteri!) i! place ?i' !ecessary@+
S Co!d"cti!) drills+
S Mai!tai!i!) e%er)e!cy ro"tes+ e7its+ a!d eE"ip%e!t i! )ood order+
S Trai!i!) #or$ers.
(, ACT
Create or %odi'y proced"res to i%pro:e the 'actoryDs e%er)e!cy
prepared!ess+ based o! drills a!dKor i!cide!ts&

Assi)! a se!ior 'actory %a!a)er #ith respo!sibility 'or e%er)e!cy
Ma$e s"re all #or$ers are trai!ed to sa'ely "se 'ire e7ti!)"ishers&
Ma$e s"re all #or$ers are trai!ed o! e%er)e!cy e:ac"atio! proced"res&
I!'or% :isitors o' e%er)e!cy proced"res&
Ma$e s"re 'actory has proper #ar!i!) si)!s+ 'i re e7ti!)"ishers+
e%er)e!cy alar%s a!d e%er)e!cy li)hti!)& Mai!tai! e%er)e!cy
eE"ip%e!t i! )ood #or$i!) order&
D, C'EC9
*e)"larly co!d"ct drills o' the e%er)e!cy e:ac"atio! proced"res& Test
e%er)e!cy li)hts o! a re)"lar basis&
The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to %a$e s"re that 'actory aisles a!d e7its are $ept clear+
are #ell %ar$ed+ a!d allo# #or$ers to E"ic$ly a!d sa'ely e7it the 'actory i! a!
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Aile and Safet0
Deter%i!e !"%ber o' #or$ers a!d hei)ht a!d type o' 'actory b"ildi!) or
str"ct"re& Establish a pla! to %eet reE"ire%e!ts 'or proper !"%ber a!d locatio! o'
Establish proced"res a!d ide!ti'y respo!sible perso!s to %a$e s"re 'actory
%eets all TOE reE"ire%e!ts 'or aisles a!d e7its&
(, ACT
Ma$e cha!)es to proced"res i' TOE reE"ire%e!ts ?e&)&+ $eepi!) aisles clear@
are !ot %et&
Mai!tai! 'ire alar% syste% a!dKor i%pro:e e:ac"atio! proced"res+ as
Add e7its+ i' !ecessary& Modi'y aisles a!d e7it doors+ i' !ecessary to %eet
TOE reE"ire%e!ts&
E!s"re that 'actory 'ire alar% syste% %eets TOE reE"ire%e!ts&
Mar$ e:ac"atio! ro"tes o! 'actory 'loors a!d assi)! a! asse%bly area
o"tside the 'actory #here #or$ers %eet a'ter e7iti!) the b"ildi!)&
*e:ie# a!y cha!)es to b"ildi!) desi)! to %a$e s"re they %eet the Aisles
a!d E7its TOE *eE"ire%e!ts&
I!spect b"ildi!) areas each %o!th to %a$e s"re they %eet reE"ire%e!ts&
Periodically test 'ire alar% syste% a!d e:ac"atio! proced"res to :eri'y they
are i! #or$i!) order&

Poor li)hti!)+ or a co%plete lac$ o' li)hti!) ?i! the e:e!t o' a po#er 'ail"re@+
%ay pre:e!t #or$ers 'ro% seei!) possible ha8ards& The p"rpose o' this sectio!
is to describe reE"ire%e!ts 'or #or$place a!d e%er)e!cy li)hti!) to help
pro:ide a sa'e #or$i!) e!:iro!%e!t 'or all 'actory #or$ers&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Li$!tin$
I' 'actory has !i)ht shi'ts a!dKor lo# !at"ral li)hti!) le:els+ create a pla!
'or e%er)e!cy li)hti!) that co!siders the :ario"s #or$i!) co!ditio!s
thro")ho"t the 'actory ?e&)&+ o''ices+ 'actory 'loors+ %achi!e operators+
etc&@&Assi)! respo!sibility 'or %ai!tai!i!) proper li)hti!)&
E:al"ate all 'actory areas a!d #or$i!) co!ditio!s to %a$e s"re they %eet
TOE *eE"ire%e!ts&
Modi'y the e%er)e!cy li)hti!) pla!+ i' !ecessary based o! res"lts o' tests
a!d e:al"atio!s+ a!d i' 'actory co!ditio!s cha!)e.
Act i%%ediately to correct a!y li)hti!) co!ditio!s that do !ot %eet the
TOE *eE"ire%e!ts&
Mai!tai! li)hti!) i! )ood #or$i!) order.
Test e%er)e!cy li)hti!) e:ery /0 days&
O!ce each year+ practice+ b"ildi!) e:ac"atio! "si!) o!ly e%er)e!cy
Test battery-po#ered e%er)e!cy li)hti!) o!ce each year&
Periodically e:al"ate all 'actory areas to %a$e s"re they %eet TOE
5ood ho"se$eepi!) is a! i%porta!t 'actor i! pre:e!ti!) i!j"ries+ ill!esses+ a!d
property da%a)e that %ay res"lt 'ro% ha8ards s"ch as trips+ slips a!d 'alls+
'alli!) objects+ 'ires+ a!d pest i!'estatio!& E7a%ples o' accide!ts ca"sed by
poor ho"se$eepi!) i!cl"de,
T trippi!) o:er loose objects o! 'loors+ stairs a!d plat'or%s
T bei!) hit by 'alli!) objects
T slippi!) o! )reasy+ #et or dirty s"r'aces
T stri$i!) a)ai!st poorly stac$ed ite%s or %isplaced
%aterial projecti!) i!to aisles
T c"tti!)+ p"!ct"ri!)+ or teari!) the s$i! o' ha!ds or other parts
o' the body o! projecti!) !ails+ #ire or steel strappi!)
The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to pro%ote )ood ho"se$eepi!) to protect
#or$ers a!d 'actory property&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for 'oue-ee6in$
Create a ho"se$eepi!) i!spectio! chec$list to %a$e s"re TOE
are bei!) %et&
Establish proced"res 'or clea!i!) "p #astes& Assi)! respo!sibilities 'or
clea!-"p tas$s a!d 'or ho"se$eepi!) i!spectio!s&
Ma$e s"re 'actory has proper tools a!d eE"ip%e!t 'or clea!i!) "p
I%pro:e clea!i!) proced"res+ b"ildi!) a!d eE"ip%e!ts+ %ai!te!a!ce
proced"res+ a!dKor cha!)e #or$ area desi)! to i%pro:e ho"se$eepi!) i'
i!spectio!s sho# it is !ecessary&
Properly clea! a!d %ai!tai! #or$+ areas+ b"ildi!)s ?i!cl"di!) roo's@ a!d
Properly store #aste %aterials& Clea! "p spills i%%ediately&
I!spect 'actory areas o! a re)"larly basis to %a$e s"re they %eet the
*eE"ire%e!ts 'or ho"se$eepi!)&
Accide!tal co!tact #ith electric c"rre!t %ay res"lt i! electric shoc$s+ co!tact
b"r!s a!d e:e! death+ i' proper protecti:e %eas"res are !ot ta$e!&;iri!) a!d
electrical syste%s s"ch as soc$ets+ pa!els+ %otors+ '"se bo7es+ a!d tra!s'or%ers
that are !ot #ell %ai!tai!ed ca! o:erheat a!d beco%e a 'ire ha8ard& The
p"rpose o' this sectio! is to help red"ce threats to #or$ers+ eE"ip%e!t+ a!d
b"ildi!)s 'ro% electrical shoc$ or electrical 'ires&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Electrical Safet0
Create a! electrical sa'ety pla! that ide!ti'ies #iri!) a!d eE"ip%e!t that
%"st be %ai!tai!ed i! )ood #or$i!) order a!d ide!ti'ies #or$ers #ho
be e7posed to electrical ha8ards&
The pla! sho"ld also ide!ti'y eE"ip%e!t that %ay pose a! electrical or
%echa!ical ha8ard to %ai!te!a!ce #or$ers&
Ide!ti'y b"ildi!) areas #here 5ro"!d <a"lt Circ"it I!terr"pters sho"ld be
Modi'y the electrical sa'ety pla! or a!y o' its proced"res as !ecessary+
o! re)"lar i!spectio!s o' eE"ip%e!t a!d electrical i!stallatio!s a!d
re:ie#s o' the pla!&
Mai!te!a!ce #or$ers %"st be trai!ed o! electrical sa'ety ha8ards a!d
#or$ proced"res #he! hired a!d each year a'ter that&
Those #or$ers #ho #or$ #ith hi)h te!sio!+ li:e electricity %"st be
o! its ha8ards a!d o! sa'e #or$ proced"res&
Ma$e certai! electrical eE"ip%e!t is properly )ro"!ded+ a!d that
a!d statio!ary eE"ip%e!t has o!ly hard#ired electrical co!!ectio!s&
Ma$e s"re each piece o' eE"ip%e!t that !eeds o!e has a loc$o"tKta)o"t
I!stall 5ro"!d <a"lt Circ"it I!terr"pters #here !eeded&
Ma$e s"re electrical pa!els are properly labeled a!d easy to access&
I!spect portable eE"ip%e!t a!d #iri!) 'or ob:io"s de'ects&
Ma$e s"re a!y e7te!sio! cords are "sed sa'ely&
Per'or% re)"lar i!spectio!s o' eE"ip%e!t a!d electrical i!stallatio!s to
%a$e s"re they are i! )ood #or$i!) co!ditio! a!d do !ot prese!t electric
shoc$ or 'ire ha8ards& Periodically re:ie# the electrical sa'ety pla! to
deter%i!e i' it is
#or$i!) e''ecti:ely&
Co!trol o' ha8ardo"s e!er)y re'ers to the practices a!d proced"res that are
!eeded to disable %achi!ery or eE"ip%e!t to pre:e!t it 'ro% "!e7pectedly
re-e!er)i8i!) or starti!) "p #hile #or$ers per'or% ser:ici!) a!d %ai!te!a!ce
acti:ities o! it& These types o' co!trols ?typically re'erred to as Loc$-O"tKTa)-
O"t@ pre:e!t %a!y deaths a!d i!j"ries each year& The p"rpose o' this sectio!
is to describe reE"ire%e!ts 'or co!trol o' ha8ardo"s e!er)y that #ill help %a$e
s"re ser:ici!) a!d %ai!te!a!ce acti:ities are sa'ely per'or%ed&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Control of 'aDardou Ener$0
Ide!ti'y the types o' acti:ities a!d the %achi!es a!d eE"ip%e!t that
loc$-o"tKta)-o"t o' ha8ardo"s e!er)y so"rces&
Establish loc$-o"tKta)-o"t proced"res speci'ic 'or each piece o'
eE"ip%e!t that reE"ires ser:ice or %ai!te!a!ce&
I' !ecessary based o! the a!!"al e:al"atio!+ %odi'y loc$-o"tKta)o"t
proced"res to i%pro:e the%&
I' a"thori8ed #or$ers are !ot per'or%i!) loc$-o"tKta)-o"t tas$s
adeE"ately+ re-trai! the% or re%o:e their a"thori8atio! to do the #or$&
Ma$e s"re %ai!te!a!ce #or$ers are trai!ed a!d a"thori8ed to per'or%
loc$o"tK ta)-o"t o' eE"ip%e!t they %ai!tai! or ser:ice& Ma$e s"re those
#ho #or$ #ith or aro"!d this eE"ip%e!t are trai!ed to $!o# #hat loc$-
o"tKta)-o"t proced"res are 'or&
Pro:ide a"thori8ed #or$ers #ith sta!dardi8ed loc$-o"tKta)-o"t de:ices&
Ma$e s"re !e# or %odi'ied eE"ip%e!t is capable o' ha:i!) all e!er)y
so"rces loc$ed o"t ?rather tha! si%ply ta))ed o"t@&
E:al"ate the loc$-o"tKta)-o"t pro)ra% each year&
;atch a"thori8ed #or$ers per'or% loc$o"tK ta)-o"t each year a!d
recerti'y the%.
Machi!e )"ards ca! pre:e!t i!j"ries to #or$ers ca"sed by %achi!e ha8ards
s"ch as %o:i!) parts+ hi)h te%perat"res+ a!d lasers& ;or$place i!j"ries that
%ay be ca"sed by %achi!e ha8ards i!cl"de cr"shed 'i!)ers or ha!ds+ a%p"tated
'i!)ers or ha!ds+ b"r!s+ a!d bli!d!ess& The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to e7plai!
the reE"ire%e!ts 'or %achi!e )"ardi!) to help pre:e!t s"ch i!j"ries&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Mac!ine Guardin$
Ma$e s"re that all %achi!es a!d eE"ip%e!t #ith e7posed+ %o:i!)+
%echa!ical parts are eE"ipped #ith sa'ety de:ices a!d that all reE"ired
protecti:e )"ards are i! place&
Ma$e a!d $eep a list o' eE"ip%e!t #ith %achi!e )"ards a!d e:al"ate
#hether )"ards are e''ecti:e or i' additio!al )"ards sho"ld be added to
co!trol ha8ards&
Modi'y %achi!es or eE"ip%e!t i' e:al"atio!s sho# they reE"ire
*etrai! a!dKor discipli!e #or$ers #ho ha:e disabled %achi!e )"ards&
Chec$ a!y !e# eE"ip%e!t to %a$e s"re it has the ri)ht %achi!e )"ards&
Ma$e s"re that #or$ers are trai!ed o! the ha8ards o'+ a!d sa'e operati!)
proced"res 'or+ the %achi!es they operate& This trai!i!) sho"ld co:er
"se o' %achi!e )"ards&
*e)"larly ser:ice %achi!es a!d eE"ip%e!t a!d $eep #ritte! records o'
the ser:ice& >eri'y that protecti:e )"ards are #or$i!) properly&
Periodically i!spect %achi!es a!d eE"ip%e!t to :eri'y they ha:e the
reE"ired %achi!e )"ards& Ma$e s"re that operators are "si!) eE"ip%e!t
properly a!d !ot disabli!) )"ards&
Po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s ca! ca"se serio"s i!j"ry to operators a!d co#or$ers
i' they are !ot properly %ai!tai!ed or i' operators are !ot properly
trai!ed& EE"ip%e!t collisio!s ca! also da%a)e property a!d i!terr"pt
The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to help %a$e s"re that #or$ers are
properly trai!ed a!d E"ali'ied to operate po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s&
Po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s i!cl"de the 'ollo#i!),
C, <or$li'ts
D, Material pic$ers
E, T"rret tr"c$s
+, 5ol' carts
G, Lo#boys
', 9i)hboys
I, Po#ered ha!d tr"c$s
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Po%ered Indutrial Truc- Safet0
Ide!ti'y #or$ers reE"ired to "se+ adj"st+ or %ai!tai! po#ered i!d"strial
tr"c$s as art o' their job& Create a proced"re to %a$e s"re these #or$ers
trai!ed a!d re-E"ali'ied each year&
Create proced"res 'or i!specti!)+ operati!)+ ser:ici!)+ a!d %ai!tai!i!)
po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s&
*e-trai! operators #ho do !ot pass the a!!"al re-E"ali'icatio! test& Do
!ot allo# #or$ers to operate po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s "!til they ha:e
'or%ally re-E"ali'ied&
Discipli!e #or$ers #ho do !ot i!spect po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s+ as
reE"ired+ or #ho 'ail to co%ply #ith sa'e operati!) proced"res&
Modi'y proced"res+ as !ecessary to i%pro:e the pro)ra%+ based o!
Ma$e s"re #or$ers #ho "se+ adj"st+ or %ai!tai!ed po#ered i!d"strial
are trai!ed a!d re-E"ali'i ed each year& Trai! #or$ers %ore 'reE"e!tly i'
are assi)!ed to dri:e di''ere!t eE"ip%e!t& I!'or% co!tractors+ :e!dors+
:isitors o' reE"ire%e!ts 'or operati!) po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s at the
Ma$e s"re #or$ers i!spect each po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$ at the
be)i!!i!) o' each shi't&
Ma$e s"re po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s are re)"larly ser:iced a!d
*e-E"ali'y po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$ operators each year&
Periodically e:al"ate the pro)ra% to %a$e s"re #or$ers are i!specti!)+
ser:ici!)+ a!d %ai!tai!i!) po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s+ as reE"ired&
Per%a!e!t heari!) loss %ay be ca"sed by a !"%ber o' thi!)s+ i!cl"di!)
disease+ a)i!)+ s"dde! lo"d !oise or lo!)-ter% e7pos"re to lo"d !oise& The
p"rpose o' this sectio! is to describe reE"ire%e!ts to %a!a)e #or$place !oise
le:els to help pre:e!t #or$ers 'ro% e7perie!ci!) #or$-related heari!) loss&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Noie Mana$ement
E:al"ate !oise le:els thro")ho"t the 'actory to ide!ti'y a!y areas #here
!oise le:els e7ceed FA decibels&
Ide!ti'y #or$ers #ho #or$ i! areas #ith !oise le:els hi)her tha! FA
Create proced"res 'or trai!i!) these #or$ers a!d r"les reE"iri!) the% to
#ear heari!) protectio!& De:elop a pla! to %eet a!y le)al reE"ire%e!ts to
test #or$ersD heari!)&
Create proced"res to e:al"ate !oise le:els a!d to "se e!)i!eered co!trols
to red"ce !oise o! !e# eE"ip%e!t a!d i! areas #ith !oise le:els hi)her
FA decibels&
*e-trai! a!dKor discipli!e #or$ers #ho do!Dt #ear reE"ired heari!)
Modi'y proced"res+ or establish !e# reE"ire%e!ts 'or e!)i!eered
!oise co!trols+ i' re:ie#s ?o' !oise %o!itori!) res"lts+ heari!) test
res"lts@ i!dicate this is !ecessary.
Post #ar!i!) si)!s i! areas #ith !oise le:els )reater tha! FA decibels&
Pro:ide #or$ers i! these areas #ith heari!) protectio! ?ear %"''s+ ear
that has a !oise red"ctio! ratio o' 40&
Trai! these #or$ers o! !oise ha8ards a!d o! ho# to "se heari!)
*eE"ire the% to #ear heari!) protectio!& Ma$e s"re they recei:e heari!)
tests+ i' reE"ired&
Use e!)i!eered co!trols a!d proper eE"ip%e!t %ai!te!a!ce to red"ce
le:els i! areas #here !oise le:els are )reater tha! FA decibels a!d o! !e#
Mo!itor !oise le:els #ithi! the 'actory each year&
Periodically chec$ to %a$e s"re #or$ers are #eari!) reE"ired heari!)
*e:ie# res"lts o' a!y heari!) tests to deter%i!e #hether #or$ers are
e7perie!ci!) heari!) loss&
Perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t ?e&)&+ sa'ety )lasses+ ear pl")s+ sa'ety shoes@ is
#or! by #or$ers to pre:e!t or %i!i%i8e e7pos"re to #or$place ha8ards&
Perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t %"st o!ly be co!sidered as a ha8ard co!trol
%eas"re a'ter all practical e!)i!eeri!) co!trols ?e&)& e!closi!) eE"ip%e!t to
%a$e it E"ieter+ i!stalli!) :e!tilatio! eE"ip%e!t to re%o:e air co!ta%i!a!ts+
etc&@ a!d ad%i!istrati:e co!trols ?e&)&+ li%iti!) the a%o"!t o' ti%e #or$ers %ay
do a tas$@ ha:e bee! "sed a!d there still re%ai!s a !eed 'or additio!al
protectio!& The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to describe the reE"ire%e!ts 'or proper
"se o' perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t.
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Peronal Protecti/e EHui6ment
*e:ie# a!d assess the #or$place to ide!ti'y ha8ards that reE"ire the "se
o' perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t& ?See the *is$ Assess%e!t sectio!&@
Create proced"res to co%ply #ith TOE *eE"ire%e!ts 'or s"pplyi!)
#or$ers #ith perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t+ trai!i!) the% o! it+ a!d
reE"iri!) the% to "se it&
Modi'y proced"res+ as !ecessary+ to i%pro:e the pro)ra%Ds e''ecti:e!ess&
*e-trai! a!dKor discipli!e #or$ers #ho do !ot "se the reE"ired perso!al
protecti:e eE"ip%e!t&
Assi)! i!di:id"als #ith respo!sibility 'or creati!) a!d i%ple%e!ti!)
I!'or% all #or$ers+ co!tractors+ :e!dors+ a!d :isitors o' the 'actoryDs
reE"ire%e!ts 'or perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t&
*e)"larly chec$ to :eri'y that #or$ers are "si!) reE"ired perso!al
Periodically e:al"ate the pro)ra% to :eri'y that perso!al protecti:e
eE"ip%e!t is e''ecti:e i! protecti!) #or$ers 'ro% health a!d sa'ety
The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to %a$e s"re that :e!tilatio! is "sed properly
to re%o:e air co!ta%i!a!ts 'ro% the #or$place to protect #or$ersD health&
Certai! che%icals %"st !ot be %i7ed or stored #ith other che%icals beca"se
they co"ld react+ creati!) a :olatile or to7ic reactio! prod"ct& ?<or e7a%ple+
co!tact bet#ee! a co!ce!trated o7idi8i!) acid a!d a 'l a%%able sol:e!t
#o"ld li$ely res"lt i! a 'i re or e7plosio!&@ Proper stora)e o' che%icals ca!
help %i!i%i8e the ris$ o' accide!tally %i7i!) i!co%patible che%icals& The
p"rpose o' this sectio! is to describe the reE"ire%e!ts 'or proper stora)e
o' che%icals to help protect #or$er health a!d sa'ety+ as #ell as 'actory
eE"ip%e!t a!d b"ildi!) str"ct"res&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for C!emical Stora$e
Establish proced"res 'or co%plyi!) #ith le)al reE"ire%e!ts to !oti'y
local a)e!cies abo"t che%icals "sed or stored o! site&
Establish proced"res to e!s"re che%icals are properly a!d sa'ely labeled+
co!tai!ed+ a!d stored& Trai! #or$ers o! these proced"res a!d o! the
ha8ards o' the che%icals i! their #or$ areas&
Establish a proced"re to %a$e s"re that MSDSs 'or all che%icals stored
a!d "sed at the 'actory are $ept o! site a!d a:ailable to #or$ers&
Create or %odi'y proced"res+ i' !ecessary to i%pro:e che%ical stora)e+
based o! re)"lar i!spectio!s&
Assi)! i!di:id"als #ith respo!sibility 'or creati!) a!d i%ple%e!ti!) the
<ollo# che%ical stora)e co%patibility )"ideli!es to a:oid co!tact
bet#ee! i!co%patible che%icals&
Ma$e s"re #or$ers ha:e i%%ediate access to eye#ashKsho#er statio!s&
Trai! #or$ers abo"t the ha8ards o' the che%icals they #or$ #ith a!d o!
Proper stora)e a!d "se practices&
Ma$e s"re che%icals are properly labeled+ a!d that those stored i! lar)e
E"a!tities ha:e seco!dary co!tai!%e!t&
Ma$e s"re che%ical stora)e areas are #ell :e!tilated a!d eE"ipped #ith
e7plosio!-proo' li)hts a!d s#itches&
*e)"larly i!spect che%ical stora)e areas to :eri'y che%icals are labeled+
properly co!tai!ed+ $ept closed+ a!d that co!tai!ers are !ot lea$i!)& Ma$e
s"re i!co%patible che%icals are !ot stored to)ether& E!s"re that che%ical
stora)e %eets the TOE reE"ire%e!ts&
U!der e7tre%e co!ditio!s o' te%perat"re+ h"%idity+ air'lo#+ a!d #or$load+
#or$ers %ay e7perie!ce heat or cold stress+ #hich is the bodyDs atte%pt to
%ai!tai! a !or%al body te%perat"re& <actory co!ditio!s that are :ery hot
or :ery cold %ay ca"se #or$ers to s"''er 'ro% a :ariety o' heat or cold stress
sy%pto%s+ i!cl"di!) heat cra%ps+ heat e7ha"stio!+ heat rash+ heat stro$e+
'rostbite a!d hypother%ia& 9eat stro$e ?'ro% e7tre%e heat@ a!d hypother%ia
?'ro% e7tre%e cold@ are both co!ditio!s that %ay lead to death+ i' !ot treated
i%%ediately& The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to describe the reE"ire%e!ts 'or
sa'ely #or$i!) i! e7tre%ely hot or cold te%perat"re co!ditio!s&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for *or-in$ Safel0 in E.treme Tem6erature
Ide!ti'y areas o' the 'actory or co!ditio!s i! #hich #or$ers %ay be
e7posed to e7tre%e heat or cold&
Establish proced"res 'or e!s"ri!) that #or$ers are 'i t 'or #or$ i!
e7tre%ely hot or cold te%perat"res a!d 'or per'or%i!) s"ch #or$ sa'ely&
Modi'y proced"res+ as !ecessary+ based o! periodic e:al"atio!s&

Assi)! i!di:id"als #ith respo!sibility 'or creati!) a!d i%ple%e!ti!)
Ma$e s"re #or$ers are trai!ed to reco)!i8e the sy%pto%s o' heat or cold
stress a!d that capable #or$ers are trai!ed to pro:ide 'i rst aid to #or$ers
sho#i!) these sy%pto%s&
Properly %ai!tai! eE"ip%e!t that %o!itors or co!trols hi)h or
lo# te%perat"res&
Pro:ide #or$ers #ith perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t s"itable 'or
e7tre%ely hot or cold te%perat"res.
Periodically e:al"ate the pro)ra% deter%i!e #hether itDs e''ecti:e i!
pre:e!ti!) heat or cold stress i! #or$ers.
Asbestos is a !at"rally-occ"rri!) %i!eral that has bee! %i!ed a!d "sed i!
!"%ero"s #ays beca"se it is 'ire resista!t+ che%ical resista!t+ a!d a )ood
i!s"lator& Asbestos has bee! "sed i! b"ildi!) %aterials s"ch as 'loor a!d
ceili!) tiles+ pipe i!s"latio!+ sprayed 'ireproo'i!)+ roo'i!) prod"cts+ seala!ts+
%astics+ a!d )as$ets& Asbestos 'ibers %ay be released i!to the air i' the
asbestos-co!tai!i!) %aterial a)es a!d starts to 'all apart or i' it is dist"rbed
by sa!di!)+ sa#i!)+ or other acti:ity& So%e types o' asbestos 'ibers+ i' they
are released i!to the air+ %ay e!ter the l"!)s a!d ca"se serio"s ill!ess+
i!cl"di!) ca!cer& E7pos"re to asbestos 'ibers is especially ha8ardo"s 'or
s%o$ers& The p"rpose o' this doc"%e!t is to pro:ide )"ida!ce to red"ce or
a:oid #or$er e7pos"re to asbestos 'ibers i! the air&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for A3eto
De:elop a! asbestos %a!a)e%e!t pla! that i!cl"des proced"res 'or
trai!i!) #or$ers+ i!specti!) b"ildi!) areas 'or asbestos-co!tai!i!)
%aterials+ pre:e!ti!) releases o' asbestos 'ibers i!to the air+ a!d properly
disposi!) o' asbestos- co!tai!i!) %aterials&
I' asbestos-co!tai!i!) %aterial ha:e deteriorated+ #or$ #ith a E"ali'ied
co!tractor to deter%i!e proper actio! to ta$e&
Modi'y the asbestos %a!a)e%e!t pla! or a!y o' its proced"res as
!ecessary+ based o! periodic i!spectio!s&
Trai! %ai!te!a!ce #or$ers to reco)!i8e %aterials that %ay co!tai!
I!spect b"ildi!) areasQ properly label all asbestos-co!tai!i!) %aterials&
Create a list o' asbestos co!tai!i!) %aterials&
Use a E"ali'ied co!tractor to :eri'y asbestos co!te!t a!d co!ditio! a!d to
deter%i!e proper actio!&
Establish proced"res 'or #or$i!) sa'ely aro"!d asbestos-co!tai!i!)
Dispose o' asbestos-co!tai!i!) %aterials accordi!) to local la#s a!d
*e:ie# p"rchases o' !e# b"ildi!) %aterials to %a$e s"re they do!Dt
co!tai! asbestos&
Periodically i!spect b"ildi!) areas to %a$e s"re asbestos-co!tai!i!)
%aterials are i! )ood co!ditio! a!d !o !e# asbestos co!tai!i!)
%aterials ha:e bee! i!stalled&
<i!ishi!) 5"ideli!es
<i!ishi!) i!:ol:es a :ariety o' physical a!d che%ical processes that )i:e
a desired appeara!ce ?e&)&+ 'aded or ti!ted@ or E"ality ?e&)&+ #ri!$le 'ree or stai!
resista!t@& The 'ollo#i!) processes are co:ered i! this sectio!,
9a!d ;or$ is the "se o' a ha!d-held sa!di!) tool to abrade 'abric or
)ar%e!ts& 9a!d #or$ i!cl"des, sa!di!)+ scrapi!)+ #his$ers+ "se o'
Dre%el tools+ etc&
9a!d Pai!ti!) is the "se o' a ha!d-held br"sh to apply pai!ts+ ti!ts or dye
to 'abric or )ar%e!ts&
Laser Etchi!) "ses lasers to 'ade dyes+ )i:i!) )ar%e!ts a #or! a!d
abraded appeara!ce& This tech!iE"e %ay also be "sed to create 'aded
i%a)es or letters&
The *esi!KC"ri!) process applies a che%ical resi! sol"tio! to a )ar%e!t+
"si!) a liE"id bath or spray& A'ter applyi!) the resi!+ )ar%e!ts are c"red
i! either a batch or co!ti!"o"s o:e!+ res"lti!) i! a coati!) o! the
)ar%e!t that i%parts a desired e''ect or property ?i&e&+ #ater repelle!ce@&
C"ri!) is the process o' heati!) )ar%e!ts i! a! o:e! 'or a preset period
o' ti%e at a de'i!ed te%perat"re& C"ri!) allo#s resi!s to bi!d #ith the
'abric+ )i:i!) it
the desired per'or%a!ce properties&
Sa!d (lasti!) "ses press"ri8ed air to spray solid particles ?al"%i!"%
o7ide+ silica sa!d+ or others@ a)ai!st )ar%e!ts to abrade the 'abric a!d
achie:e a #or! a!d 'aded loo$&
Scree! Pri!t "ses a hot press+ or si%ilar type o' eE"ip%e!t to apply a
desi)! or lo)o o!to a )ar%e!t&
Sprayi!) "ses press"ri8ed air to apply bleachi!) or ti!ti!) a)e!ts to
The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to e!s"re that 'actories ha:e ha8ard co!trols i!
place to protect #or$ers 'ro% e7pos"re to che%icals+ hi)h !oise le:els+ airbor!e
silica+ hi)h te%perat"res+ a!d %achi!e ha8ards associated #ith 'i !ishi!)
C,'AND *O&9
9a!d #or$ is a!y %a!"al abrasio! o' 'abric or )ar%e!ts by ha!d+ #ith a ha!d
held sa!di!) tool+ or
%a!"al applicatio! o' pai!t to a )ar%e!t& 9a!d #or$ i!cl"des, sa!di!)+
scrapi!)+ #his$ers+ "se o'
Dre%el tools+ etc&
'and *or-
Primar0 Safet0 C!ec-6oint
Operatio! sho"ld opti%i8e er)o!o%ic practices+ a:oid electrical ha8ards+ a!d
$eep airbor!e d"st to a %i!i%"%&
'and Paintin$
9a!d pai!ti!) is the %a!"al applicatio! o' pai!ts+ ti!ts or dye+ "si!) a ha!d-
held br"sh&
Primar0 Safet0 C!ec-6oint
Operatio! sho"ld opti%i8e er)o!o%ic practices+ a:oid s$i! or eye co!tact+
i!halatio!+ or s#allo#i!) o'
pai!ts a!d che%icals&
This process i!:ol:es the "se o' lasers to 'ade dyes+ )i:i!) )ar%e!ts a #or! a!d
abraded appeara!ce&
This tech!iE"e %ay also be "sed to create 'aded i%a)es or letters&
Laer Etc!in$
Primar0 Safet0 C!ec-6oint
D"ri!) operatio!+ ad%i!istrati:e a!d e!)i!eeri!) syste%s sho"ld be i! place
to pre:e!t physical co!tact #ith the laser bea%& Ad%i!istrati:e a!d
e!)i!eeri!) co!trols sho"ld be i! place to pre:e!t bei!) str"c$ by %o:i!)
%achi!ery d"ri!) operatio!& A:oid i!halatio! o' s%o$e '"%es res"lti!) 'ro%
%achi!e operatio!&
This 'i!ishi!) process i!:ol:es the applicatio! o' a che%ical resi! sol"tio! to
a )ar%e!t+ "si!) a liE"id bath r spray& A'ter applicatio! o' the resi!+ )ar%e!ts
are c"red i! either a batch or co!ti!"o"s o:e!+ res"lti!) i! a coati!) o! the
)ar%e!t that i%parts a desired a''ect or property ?i&e& #ater repelle!ce@&
*esi! is a che%ical sol"tio! applied to a )ar%e!t either i! a bath or by spray&
*esi! che%icals %ay be poly"retha!e+ polyacrylate+ 'or%aldehyde+ 'l
"oroche%icals+ e7te!ders+ crossli!$ers+ etc.
Primar0 Safet0 C!ec-6oint )e No TOE &atin$
*esi! does !ot co!tact the s$i! or eyesQ it is !ot i!haled or s#allo#ed&
C"ri!) is the process o' heati!) )ar%e!ts i! a! o:e! 'or a preset period o'
ti%e at a de'i !ed te%perat"re&
C"ri!) allo#s resi!s to bi!d #ith the 'abric+ )i:i!) the desired per'or%a!ce
Primar0 Safet0 C!ec-6oint
A:oid s$i! co!tact #ith hot objects a!d e!s"re adeE"ate :e!tilatio!&
Sa!d blasti!) i!:ol:es "si!) press"ri8ed air to spray solid particles ?al"%i!"%
o7ide+ silica sa!d+ or others@
a)ai!st )ar%e!ts to abrade the 'abric a!d achie:e a #or! a!d 'aded loo$&
Sand (latin$
Primar0 Safet0 C!ec-6oint
A:oid e7pos"re to e7cessi:e !oise+ i!halatio! o' airbor!e d"st particles+ a!d
s#allo#i!) o' d"st&
Scree! pri!t is the applicatio! o' a desi)! or lo)o o!to )ar%e!ts "si!) a hot
press+ or si%ilar type o' eE"ip%e!t&
Screen Print
Primar0 Safet0 C!ec-6oint
S$i! does !ot co%e i! co!tact #ith hot objects a!d :e!tilatio! is adeE"ate&
Sprayi!) i!:ol:es the "se o' press"ri8ed air to apply bleachi!) or ti!ti!) a)e!ts
to )ar%e!ts&
Potaium 6erman$anate =9MnOF? ometime referred to a PP>
Potassi"% per%a!)a!ate is a liE"id sol"tio! "sed as a bleachi!) a)e!t to 'ade
dye colors& This res"lts i! a yello# a!d #or! appeara!ce to the 'i!ished 'abric&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for +ini!in$ Procee
Establish proced"res a!d ide!ti'y respo!sible perso!s to ro"ti!ely i!spect
process areas a!d %a$e s"re the 'actory %eets all TOE reE"ire%e!ts i! the
'i!ishi!) process chec$lists&
Ma$e cha!)es to proced"res a!d e!)i!eeri!) syste%s i' !ecessary+ based
o! i!spectio!s or i!d"strial hy)ie!e assess%e!ts&
*e-trai! a!dKor discipli!e #or$ers i' sa'e #or$ practices are !ot bei!)
Use 'i!ishi!) process chec$lists to i!spect process areas each %o!th&
<ollo# "p a!d correct a!y co!ditio!s or #or$ practices that do !ot %eet
*e:ie# co%pleted chec$lists to %a$e s"re i!spectio!s ha:e bee!
co!d"cted a!d a!y !ecessary correcti:e actio!s ha:e bee! co%pleted i! a
ti%ely %a!!er&
Periodically co!d"ct i!d"strial hy)ie!e assess%e!ts to %a$e s"re #or$er
e7pos"re to airbor!e che%icals is belo# acceptable le:els&
Health Guidelines
<irst aid is the care )i:e! to a! i!j"red #or$er be'ore pro'essio!al %edical help
arri:es& <irst aid %ay %ea! the di''ere!ce bet#ee! li'e a!d death& The p"rpose
o' this sectio! is to preser:e li'e+ pre:e!t a!y i!j"ries 'ro% )etti!) #orse+ a!d to
help i!j"red #or$ers reco:er&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for +irt4Aid
Create a 'actory 'irst-aid pro)ra% that ide!ti'ies locatio!s o' 'irst-aid $its
a!d i!cl"des #ritte! proced"res 'or treati!) #or$ers #ho reE"ire 'irst-aid&
Ide!ti'y ho# %a!y #or$ers %"st be trai!ed as 'i rst-aid respo!ders&
Establish a proced"re 'or recordi!) i!j"ries&
Locate e%er)e!cy eye#ash a!d sho#er statio!s thro")ho"t the 'actory so
#or$ers ca! )et to the% i%%ediately.
Ma$e cha!)es to the 'irst aid pro)ra% a!d a!y o' its proced"res+
depe!di!) "po! the o"tco%e o' the a!!"al re:ie#+ or as other#ise
Trai! a!d certi'y #or$ers selected to be 'irst-aid respo!ders& *e-trai!
the% each year&
O''er 'irst-aid respo!ders a co!s"ltatio! #ith a %edical pro'essio!al a!d
9epatitis :acci!atio! #ithi! 10 days o' the trai!i!)&
Mai!tai! #ritte! record o' i!cide!ts reE"iri!) 'irst-aid treat%e!t&
Periodically i!spect 'irst-aid $its to %a$e s"re they are :isible ?si)!s
i!dicate their locatio!@+ properly labeled+ a!d are '"lly stoc$ed #ith the
s"pplies listed i! the TOE *eE"ire%e!ts&
*e:ie# the 'irst-aid pro)ra% each year to %a$e s"re reE"ire%e!ts are
bei!) %et& *ecord this re:ie# i! #riti!).
A co%%"!icable disease is o!e that %ay be spread 'ro% o!e perso! to a!other
by direct co!tact #ith blood or other body 'l"ids& It %ay also be spread by
direct co!tact #ith diseased a!i%als+ or by ta$i!) i! co!ta%i!ated 'ood+ #ater+
or air& 9"%a! I%%"!ode'icie!cy >ir"s ?9I>@ a!d 9epatitis ( >ir"s ?9(>@ are
e7a%ples o' co%%"!icable diseases& The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to e7plai!
the reE"ire%e!ts 'or pre:e!ti!) the spread o' co%%"!icable diseases a%o!)
'actory #or$ers&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Pre/entin$ Communica3le Dieae
Ide!ti'y the possible so"rces 'or co%%"!icable disease tra!s%issio! at
the 'actory+ i!cl"di!) dri!$i!) #ater a!d e7pos"re to blood or body
De:elop a! E7pos"re Co!trol Pla! that i!cl"des r"les a!d proced"res
to %i!i%i8e the pote!tial 'or #or$ers to co!tact blood or other body
Modi'y the E7pos"re Co!trol Pla! + as !ecessary+ based o! periodic
Assi)! i!di:id"als #ith respo!sibility 'or de:elopi!) a!d i%ple%e!ti!)
the E7pos"re Co!trol Pla! thro")ho"t all 'actory areas&
Ta$e actio! to i%pro:e the E"ality o' dri!$i!) #ater s"pplied to the
'actory i' tests sho# it is "!healthy&
S"pply #or$ers #ith sharps co!tai!ers to dispose o' sharp objects&
Stoc$ s"pplies o' protecti:e )lo:es+ disi!'ecta!t+ sharps co!tai!ers+
a!d sharps-ha!dli!) de:ices 'or #or$ersD "se&
O''er a %edical co!s"ltatio! a!d the 9epatitis ( :acci!atio! to #or$ers
#hose tas$s ?i!cl"di!) 'irst-aid respo!se@ %ay e7pose the% to blood or
body 'l"ids&
Periodically e:al"ate the pro)ra% a!d the E7pos"re Co!trol Pla! a!d
deter%i!e #hether itDs e''ecti:e i! pre:e!ti!) tra!s%issio! o'
co%%"!icable disease&
E!:iro!%e!t 5"ideli!es
Do%estic se#a)e ?#aste#ater co!tai!i!) h"%a! "ri!e a!d 'eces 'ro% the
'actory pop"latio!@ ca! ca"se #ater poll"tio!+ create a ris$ to co%%"!ity
health+ a!d beco%e a !"isa!ce 'or !ei)hbori!) co%%"!ities i' it is !ot treated&
(iosolids arese#a)e sl"d)e that has bee! treated to re%o:e poll"ta!ts a!d
disease-ca"si!) or)a!is%sQ this %aterial ca! be recycled+ typically as a soil
a%e!d%e!t+ beca"se o' the pla!t !"trie!ts it co!tai!s& The p"rpose o' this
sectio! is to e7plai! the reE"ire%e!ts 'or treati!) do%estic se#a)e+ a!d 'or
%a!a)i!) the res"lti!) biosolids+ i! order to co!trol e!:iro!%e!tal a!d health
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Mana$in$ Dometic Se%a$e and (ioolid
Ide!ti'y %ethod to %eet reE"ire%e!t 'or biolo)ical treat%e!t o' do%estic
Prepare proced"re 'or treati!) do%estic se#a)e a!d disposi!) o'
res"lti!) biosolids ?i' se#a)e is treated o! site@& Trai! #or$ers i!:ol:ed
i! se#a)e treat%e!t or disposal&
Cha!)e the do%estic se#a)e a!d biosolids %a!a)e%e!t proced"re+
i' !eeded&
;or$ #ith treat%e!t 'acility or biosolids disposal 'acility to %a$e
!ecessary cha!)es to co%ply #ith reE"ire%e!ts&
Ide!ti'y alter!ati:e se#a)e treat%e!t or biosolids disposal optio!s+ i'
I' treati!) o'' site+ E"ali'y a #aste#ater treat%e!t 'acility&
I' shippi!) se#a)e to o''-site 'acility+ ide!ti'y or create holdi!) ta!$s
Ide!ti'y biosolids disposal %ethod a!d 'acility& >eri'y proper per%it&
=eep #ritte! records abo"t biosolids disposal %ethods+
i!cl"di!) per%it :eri'icatio!&
Periodically+ a"dit #aste#ater treat%e!t 'acility a!d biosolids disposal
'acility to deter%i!e they are %a!a)i!) se#a)e a!d biosolids properly&
I' they are !ot pac$a)ed a!d tra!sported sa'ely+ ha8ardo"s %aterials %ay
lea$ or spill a!d %ay ca"se har% to 'actory a!d tra!sportatio! #or$ers
a!d to co%%"!ities a!d the e!:iro!%e!t& The p"rpose o' this sectio! is
to describe the reE"ire%e!ts 'or %a$i!) s"re that ha8ardo"s %aterials are
tra!sported sa'ely to a!d 'ro% the 'actory.
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Tran6ortin$ 'aDardou Material
Create proced"res 'or sa'ely recei:i!) ha8ardo"s %aterials i!to the
'actory a!d shippi!) ha8ardo"s %aterials a#ay 'ro% the 'actory&
Ide!ti'y #or$ers #hose tas$s i!cl"de shippi!) a!d recei:i!) ha8ardo"s
%aterialsQ they #ill !eed to be trai!ed o! the abo:e proced"res&
Create or %odi'y proced"res to i%pro:e the pro)ra% 'or tra!sporti!)
ha8ardo"s %aterials+ based o! a"dits o' tra!sporters or other 'actors
?e&)&+ i!cide!t reports@&
Ma$e s"re #or$ers #hose tas$s i!cl"de shippi!) a!d recei:i!)
ha8ardo"s %aterials are trai!ed o! sa'e #or$ proced"res&
Choose E"ali'ied tra!sporters that ca! de%o!strate they ha:e )ood
sa'ety per'or%a!ce&
Pro:ide tra!sporters #ith adeE"ate i!'or%atio! abo"t the ha8ardo"s
%aterials they #ill be tra!sporti!) a#ay 'ro% the 'actory&
Ma$e s"re that tra!sporters are re)"larly a"dited o! their sa'ety
9a8ardo"s #astes that are disposed o' i%properly ca! poll"te the air+ la!d+
)ro"!d#ater+ a!d #ater#aysQ har%i!) the e!:iro!%e!t a!d threate!i!)
co%%"!ity health& ;hile )ar%e!t 'actories do !ot create lar)e E"a!tities
o' ha8ardo"s #aste+ it is i%porta!t that a!y a%o"!t o' ha8ardo"s #aste be
%a!a)ed properly to a:oid co!ta%i!ati!) the e!:iro!%e!t& The p"rpose o'
this sectio! is to describe ho# 'actories %ay properly %a!a)e ha8ardo"s
Pro$ram Strate$0 for 'aDardou *ate
Ide!ti'y types a!d a%o"!ts o' ha8ardo"s #aste at 'actory&
Prepare a proced"re 'or %a!a)i!) ha8ardo"s #astes at 'actory ?i!cl"de
i!str"ctio!s o! ha!dli!) spills@&
Trai! a!yo!e #ho ha!dles+ labels+ i!spects+ a!d ships ha8ardo"s #astes.
Ma$e cha!)es to the ha8ardo"s #aste %a!a)e%e!t as !ecessary&
DisE"ali'y a ha8ardo"s #aste co!tractor or disposal 'acility i' they do!Dt
co%ply #ith reE"ire%e!ts&
*etrai! or discipli!e #or$ers+ i' they do!Dt 'ollo# the proced"re&
A"dit a!d ide!ti'y E"ali'ied ha8ardo"s #aste disposal 'acilities&
Store ha8ardo"s #astes i! co%patible co!tai!ers #ith proper labels+ i!
assi)!ed areas&
Prepare a!d $eep copies o' ha8ardo"s #aste shippi!) doc"%e!ts+ as
#astes are shipped to disposal 'acilities&
I!spect ha8ardo"s #aste stora)e areas to %a$e s"re the proced"re is
bei!) 'ollo#ed&
Chec$ that #astes se!t to disposal 'acilities are recei:ed by the% a!d
%a!a)ed as reE"ested ?i&e&+ recycled+ treated+ i!ci!erated or disposed
The be!e'its red"ci!) the :ol"%e o' solid #aste )e!erated at a 'actory
i!cl"de a positi:e e''ect o! the e!:iro!%e!t+ a! eco!o%ic ad:a!ta)e to the
'actory+ better co%%"!ity relatio!s+ a!d i%pro:ed #or$er %orale& The
p"rpose o' this sectio! is to describe the reE"ire%e!ts 'or %a!a)i!) a!d
red"ci!) the :ol"%e o' solid #aste )e!erated by 'actories&
Pro$ram Strate$0 for Solid *ate Mana$ement
Establish a pro)ra% #ith speci'ic )oals 'or red"ci!) the a%o"!t o' solid
#aste )e!erated at the 'actory a!d i!creasi!) the a%o"!t o' %aterial that
is recycled&
Establish proced"res 'or red"ci!) solid #aste a!d i!creasi!) recycli!)
thro")ho"t the 'actory&
Create or %odi'y proced"res a!d+ i' !ecessary+ "pdate tech!olo)ies to
i%pro:e solid #aste %a!a)e%e!t+ based o! a!!"al e:al"atio!&
Ma$e s"re #or$ers thro")ho"t the 'actory 'ollo# the solid #aste
%a!a)e%e!t proced"res&
Ma$e s"re #or$ers $!o# that ha8ardo"s #aste %"st be ha!dled
accordi!) to the reE"ire%e!ts o' the 9a8ardo"s ;aste Ma!a)e%e!t topic
E:al"ate the proced"res a!d tech!olo)ies 'or %a!a)i!) solid #aste
each year& E:al"ate pro)ress to#ard solid #aste red"ctio! )oals.
<actory acti:ities s"ch as che%ical stora)e+ eE"ip%e!t ha!dli!)+ etc&+ ca! %i7
poll"ta!ts i!to rai!stor% #ater that 'lo#s o'' the property a!d i!to bodies o'
#ater s"ch as strea%s+ ri:ers+ po!ds+ ocea!s& This ca! har% the e!:iro!%e!t
a!d create co%%"!ity health ha8ards& The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to describe
the reE"ire%e!ts 'or practices that ca! be "sed to %i!i%i8e the a%o"!t o'
poll"ta!ts i! stor% #ater that 'lo#s o'' 'actory property.
Stora)e o' petrole"% prod"cts a!d ha8ardo"s %aterials i! "!der)ro"!d or
abo:e)ro"!d ta!$s prese!ts a ris$ o' spilli!) or lea$i!) the ha8ardo"s %aterials
i!to the e!:iro!%e!t& The p"rpose o' this sectio! is to describe the best
%a!a)e%e!t practices 'or stora)e ta!$s i! order to %i!i%i8e this ris$&
I! 1GG1+ i! li!e #ith o"r co%pa!y :al"es+ Le:i Stra"ss B Co& established a set
o' 5lobal So"rci!) a!d Operati!) 5"ideli!es ?5SO5@& ;e created the 5SO5 to
help "s i%pro:e the li:es o' #or$ers %a!"'act"ri!) o"r prod"cts+ %a$e
respo!sible so"rci!) decisio!s a!d protect o"r co%%ercial i!terests& At the ti%e
they #ere de:eloped o"r 5SO5 #ere co!sidered hi)hly i!!o:ati:e a!d ris$yQ
today+ s"ch codes o' co!d"ct ha:e beco%e a sta!dard 'or respo!sible so"rci!)&
Em6at!0? Ori$inalit0? Inte$rit0? Coura$e
These 'o"r core :al"es are at the heart o' Le:i Stra"ss B Co& They are
'"!da%e!tal to o"r s"ccess& They are the 'o"!datio! o' o"r co%pa!y+ de'i!e
#ho #e are& They "!derlie o"r :isio! o' the '"t"re+ o"r b"si!ess strate)ies a!d
o"r decisio!s+ actio!s a!d beha:iors.
The p"rpose is to assist i!di:id"als+ i!cl"di!) 'actory %a!a)ers+ lice!sees a!d
a)e!ts to i%ple%e!t the TOE i! 'actories prod"ci!) Le:i Stra"ss B Co&
?LSBCO&@ Le:iDsU+ Doc$ersU+ a!d Le:i Stra"ss Si)!at"reV prod"cts&
LSBCO& de:eloped the TOE i! respo!se to reE"ests 'ro% 'actories+ lice!sees+
%o!itors+ N5Os+ TOE assessors+ %a!"'act"ri!) a!d operatio!s sta''+ i!d"stry
collea)"es a!d others 'or %ore speci'ic )"ida!ce o! o"r TOE sta!dards a!d
e7pectatio!s+ as #ell as ho# to correct TOE :iolatio!s&
Ta3le of Content
C, C!ild La3or G
1, Prion La3or@+orced La3or J
E, Dici6linar0 Practice K
F, Le$al &eHuirement CE
G, Et!ical Standard CG
I, *or-in$ 'our CJ
J, *a$e and (enefit CK
L, General La3or Practice 5 +reedom of Aociation 11
K, Dicrimination 1J
C2, Communit0 In/ol/ement 1K
CC, 'ealt! 5 Safet0 E2
C1, En/ironment FF
CE, Dormitorie GE
CF, Permit GL
TOE &atin$ Defined
;ero Tolerance :iolation
Serio"s breach o' Ter%s o' E!)a)e%e!t that res"lts i! se:ere i%pact to
i!di:id"al ri)hts+ li'e sa'ety a!dKor LSBCO&Ds corporate rep"tatio!& Production
cannot 3e 6laced in 6ro6oed u66lier %it! ;T /iolation confirmed 30
more t!an one ource of information, <or e7isti!) s"ppliers #ith a RT
co!'ir%ed by %ore tha! o!e so"rce o' i!'or%atio!+ LSBCO&Ds approach is to
#or$ #ith e7isti!) s"ppliers to re%ediate RT :iolatio!s i%%ediately a!d
e!dea:or to li%it e7it to circ"%sta!ces #he! a s"pplier is "!#illi!) to
re%ediate or does !ot ha:e the capability to re%ediate&
E7a%ples o' RT i!cl"de "!dera)e #or$ers+ 'orced labor+ corporal p"!ish%e!t+
:iolatio! o' ethical sta!dards ?'alsi'icatio! o' records+ "!a"thori8ed
s"bco!tracti!)+ or 'ail"re to pro:ide access to records or #or$ers@+ a!d 'ail"re to
co%plete RT or IA correcti:e actio!s #ithi! the a)reed "po! ti%e'ra%e&
Immediate Action Item
(reach o' Ter%s o' E!)a)e%e!t that res"lts i! !e)ati:e i%pact to i!di:id"al
ri)hts a!d li'e sa'ety a!dKor LSBCO&Ds corporate rep"tatio!& Production cannot
3e 6laced in 6ro6oed u66lier %it! IA /iolation,
<or e7isti!) s"ppliers #ith a! IA+ the :iolatio! %"st be re%ediated '"lly ?e&)&
"!derpaid #a)es %"st be repaid@ a!d #ithi! a %a7i%"% period o' 4 %o!ths+ or
the iss"e beco%es a RT& So%e IA :iolatio!s %ay reE"ire a re%ediatio! period o'
less tha! 4 %o!ths&
E7a%ples o' IA i!cl"de e7cessi:e #or$i!) ho"rs+ !o!-pay%e!t o' o:erti%e
pre%i"%s or co!tracted #a)es+ !o!-pro:isio! o' reE"ired )o:er!%e!t be!e'its+
doc"%e!tatio! o! i%porta!t labor iss"es s"ch as a)e+ ho"rs+ #a)esQ proper
discipli!ary processes+ discri%i!atio!+ i!'ri!)e%e!ts o! 'reedo% o' associatio!+
:iolatio!s o' local la#+ !o!-'"!ctio!i!) #ater treat%e!t 'acility a!d li'e sa'ety
:iolatio!s ?e%er)e!cy e7its+ 'ire pre:e!tio!@&
Continuou Im6ro/ement Item
Labor+ health B sa'ety+ a!d e!:iro!%e!tal iss"es that ca! be i%pro:ed i! the
'actory 'or the #ell bei!) o' #or$ers a!dKor better%e!t o' its rep"tatio! or
%a!a)e%e!t practice& Production can 3e 6laced in 6ro6oed u66lier %it!
CI iue, <or proposed a!d e7isti!) s"ppliers #ith CI iss"es+ a reaso!able
correcti:e actio! pla! ca! be proposed o:er a 1 %o!th period&
E7a%ples o' CI i!cl"de operati!) per%its ?i' co%pa!y has already applied 'or
the%@+ establish%e!t o' co%pa!y policies o! hiri!) practices+ etc&+ records
doc"%e!tatio! a!d health a!d sa'ety iss"es+ s"ch as PPE+ che%ical stora)e+
%achi!e )"ardi!)+ si)!a)e+ etc.
C, C!ild La3or
Use o' child labor is !ot per%issible& ;or$ers ca! be !o less tha! 1A
years o' a)e a!d !ot yo"!)er tha! the co%p"lsory a)e to be i! school&
;e #ill !ot "tili8e part!ers #ho "se child labor i! a!y o' their
'acilities& ;e s"pport the de:elop%e!t o' le)iti%ate #or$place
appre!ticeship pro)ra%s 'or the ed"catio!al be!e'it o' yo"!)er people.
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
Minimum *or-in$ A$e
The 'actory is prohibited 'ro% e%ployi!) a!y #or$er "!der the a)e o' 1A&
;here local la# speci'ies a %i!i%"% #or$i!) a)e hi)her tha! 1A+ all #or$ers
%"st be at or abo:e the le)al %i!i%"% a)e&
;here local la# speci'ies a %a!datory schooli!) a)e+ the 'actory %ay o!ly
e%ploy those perso!s abo:e the %a!datory schooli!) a)e&
<actory sho"ld ha:e hiri!) policy that i!cl"des a %i!i%"% a)e o' 1A+ or older
speci'ied by la#&
+actor0 :iitor
O!ly perso!s at or abo:e the a)e o' 1A %aybe be prese!t i! the #or$ areas&
O!ly i!
the case o' a )"ided to"r+ co!d"cted by a! appropriate 'actory e%ployee+ %ay
perso!s "!der the a)e o' 1A e!ter the #or$ areas&
A$e Documentation
The 'actory %"st ha:e a)e-:eri'icatio! proced"res that are e''ecti:ely
i%ple%e!ted+ so that e:ery perso!!el 'ile co!tai!s copies o' the ide!ti'ied
doc"%e!ts ?s"ch as birth certi'icates+ !atio!al ID cards or school
certi'icates@ s"b%itted by applica!ts&
#u/enile *or-er
;here a co"!tryDs le)al code speci'ies j":e!ile e%ploy%e!t restrictio!s or
reE"ire%e!ts+ the 'actory %"st be i! co%plia!ce #ith the local le)al
4.":e!ile #or$ers are prohibited 'ro% #or$i!) at !i)ht or co!d"cti!)
#or$D+ as de'i!ed by the ILO&
1, +orced La3or
;e #ill !ot "tili8e priso! or 'orced labor i! co!tracti!) relatio!ships i! the
%a!"'act"re a!d 'i!ishi!) o' o"r prod"cts& ;e #ill !ot "tili8e or p"rchase
%aterials 'ro% a business partner utilizing prison or forced labor
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
All 'or%s o' priso! or 'orced labor are prohibited&
A!y s"bco!tracti!) arra!)e%e!t #ith priso!s is prohibited&
A!y restrictio!s 'or #or$ers to :ol"!tarily e!d their e%ploy%e!t+ s"ch as+
e7cessi:e !otice periods or s"bsta!tial 'i!es 'or ter%i!ati!) their e%ploy%e!t
co!tracts+ are prohibited&
Labor co!tracts %"st also %eet le)al reE"ire%e!ts&
'actories %"st )ra!t e%ployees per%issio! to lea:e the 'actory "!der reaso!able
circ"%sta!ces+ s"ch as perso!al or 'a%ily e%er)e!cies+ #itho"t discipli!ary
<actories %"st !e:er physically pre:e!t or delay #or$ers 'ro% lea:i!) the
'acility or its )ro"!ds&
<actories %"st !ot reE"ire or allo# e%ploy%e!t a)e!ts to reE"ire a!y %o!etary
deposits or $eep a!y ori)i!al ide!ti'icatio! doc"%e!ts& The practice o' deposits
?%o!eyKori)i!al ide!ti'icatio!@ %ay pre:e!t #or$ers to 'reely e!d their
e%ploy%e!t ?#ithi! the le)al co!te7t@& This :iolatio! occ"rs %ost #ith a
%i)ra!t labor 'orce&
Sec"rity %"st !ot be allo#ed to i!ti%idate or restrict the %o:e%e!t o' #or$ers&
I' sec"rity is i!side the 'actory they sho"ld !ot be ar%ed&
<actories %"st !ot restrict or li%it i! a!y #ay e%ployee access to reli)io"s
'acilities+ toilets or dri!$i!) #ater&
O:erti%e %"st be strictly :ol"!tary& A!y 'or% o' press"re to per'or% o:erti%e
is prohibited&
E, Dici6linar0 Practice
;e #ill !ot "tili8e b"si!ess part!ers #ho "se corporal p"!ish%e!t or other
'or%s o' %e!tal or physical coercio!&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
<actory %a!a)ersKs"per:isors %"st !e:er threate! the "se o' or practice a!y
'or% o' physical discipli!e or har%'"l physical co!tact+ !o %atter ho# sli)ht&
<actory %a!a)ersKs"per:isors %"st !e:er e!)a)e i! or allo# se7"al harass%e!t&
To"chi!) e%ployees+ especially #o%e!+ i! a!y #ay that co"ld be co!sidered to
ha:e se7"al i%plicatio!sQ se7"al co%%e!ts %ade to #or$ers that creates a!
"!reaso!ably hostile #or$ e!:iro!%e!tQ or reE"iri!) a!y 'or% o' se7"al 'a:or
i! e7cha!)e 'or be!e'icial treat%e!t i! e%ploy%e!t is co!sidered se7"al
harass%e!t& E%ployers shall !ot o''er pre'ere!tial #or$ assi)!%e!ts or other
treat%e!t o' a!y $i!d i! act"al or i%plied e7cha!)e 'or a se7"al relatio!ship+
!or s"bject e%ployees to prej"dicial treat%e!t o' a!y $i!d i! retaliatio! 'or
re'"sed se7"al ad:a!ces&
<actory %a!a)ersKs"per:isors %"st !e:er "se coerci:e beha:ior+ :erbal ab"se or
ab"si:e discipli!ary tactics or proced"res& Threate!i!)+ either e7plicitly or
i%plicitly+ to #ithhold #or$ersD basic ri)hts+ i!cl"di!) #a)es+ be!e'its+ access
to 'ood+ ser:ices+ etc& ca! be co!sidered coerci:e beha:ior&
Access to food, water, toilets, medical car or health clinics or other basic
necessities will not be used as either reward or punishment.
Employers will not unreasonably restrain freedom of movement of workers,
including movement in canteen, during breaks, using toilets, accessing water,
to access necessary medical attention.
Managers should never use intimidation or mentally abuse workers such as
throwing objects at the ground in front of workers.
Employees will not be threatened nor intimidated in any manner nor have the
fear of threats or intimidation. Disciplinary measures must not include
fines. ardiness should be deducted on a pro!rata basis .
Managers should never threaten illegal or undue fines as a means of
Disciplining or influencing behavior. "ecurity personnel must not administer
disciplinary action against employees.
T "ecurity must not have the right to discharge workers.
T he military must not be allowed to participate in disciplinary procedures.
T "ecurity practices must be gender appropriate and non!intrusive.
Ma!a)e%e!t #ill discipli!e ?co"ld i!cl"de co%bi!atio!s o' co"!seli!)+
#ar!i!)s+ de%otio!s+ a!d ter%i!atio!@ a!yo!e ?i!cl"di!) %a!a)ers or 'ello#
#or$ers@ #ho e!)a)es i! a!y physical+ se7"al+ psycholo)ical
or :erbal harass%e!t or ab"se&
<actories %"st ha:e established proced"res 'or discipli!i!) a!d 'iri!) #or$ers
that are applied i! a sta!dardi8ed 'ashio! thro")ho"t the 'acility& The proced"res
%"st i!cl"de a! escalati!) series o' :erbal a!d #ritte! #ar!i!)s prior to
s"spe!sio! or dis%issal&
Discipli!ary %eas"res ta$e! %"st be doc"%e!ted i! the #or$erDs 'ile a!d a
copy o' s"ch #ar!i!)s sho"ld be pro:ided to the #or$er&
<actories %"st ha:e #ritte! )rie:a!ce proced"res i! place that protect
e%ployee pri:acy+ protect a)ai!st possible retrib"tio! a!d per%it #or$ers to
report "!'air treat%e!t to so%eo!e other tha! their s"per:isor&
<actoriesD )rie:a!ce proced"res %"st i!cl"de a syste% 'or resol:i!) disp"tes i!
the #or$place+ e&)&+ disp"te resol"tio! co%%ittee or #or$ersD co"!cil that
recei:es i!:esti)ates a!d resol:es #or$place )rie:a!ces&
T he factory should use a clearly defined and documented system for resolving
disputes in the workplace, whether between co!workers or between workers
and supervisors. #orkers should have the ability to report problems to person
or committee other than a direct supervisor . his system should be
communicated both verbally and in writing to the workers.
T he factory must adopt and communicate a non!retaliation policy that
guarantees that workers who report on problems or abuses do not suffer
negative conse$uences.
<actories %"st ha:e '"!ctio!al a!d e''ecti:e processes i! place s"ch that
#or$ers ca! :oice their co!cer!s& These processes %"st be "sed+ accessed a!d
"!derstood by #or$ers a!d they %"st also i!cl"de a %echa!is% to e!s"re that
)rie:a!ces are respo!ded to&
T A discreet, effective complaint procedure should be in place for all workers. A
trusted person, such as an appointed counselor, should be the administrator of
the system.
T. here should be an internal, confidential appeal procedure that workers can
use if management does not ade$uately respond to their complaint.
T here should be an appeal procedures for workers who feel unjustly warned
or disciplined.
T here should be suggestion bo%es in private and secure locations that are
easily accessed by the workers. he facility may also provide a telephone
&hotline' number or post office bo% address for employees to report grievances.
Ma!a)ers a!d S"per:isors sho"ld be trai!ed i! discipli!ary proced"re
co%plia!ce a!d #here possible+ #or$ers sho"ld recei:e i!str"ctio! o! their
ri)hts "!der !atio!al la# a!d co%pa!y e7pectatio!s a!d #here rele:a!t+ best
practices a!d i!ter!atio!al sta!dards&
<actories sho"ld e''ecti:ely co%%"!icate discipli!ary proced"res to e%ployees&
T (olicy and procedures should be present in employee handbooks and manuals.
T )rievance procedures should be included in orientation for new and
temporary hires and in periodic training for e%isting workers, supervisors, and
T he factory should provide cross!cultural training to e%patriate managers,
supervisors, and workers.
F, Le$al &eHuirement
;e e7pect o"r b"si!ess part!ers to be la# abidi!) as i!di:id"als a!d to co%ply
#ith le)al reE"ire%e!ts rele:a!t to the co!d"ct o' all their b"si!esses&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
<actories %"st obser:e a!d be i! co%plia!ce #ith a!y le)al j"d)%e!ts a)ai!st
<actories %"st obser:e a!d be i! co%plia!ce #ith *"les o' Ori)i! la#s a!d
<actories %"st "!dersta!d Co"!try o' Ori)i! reE"ire%e!ts to e!s"re they are i!
G, Et!ical Standard
;e #ill see$ to ide!ti'y a!d "tili8e b"si!ess part!ers #ho aspire as i!di:id"als
a!d i! the co!d"ct o' all their b"si!esses to a set o' ethical sta!dards !ot
i!co%patible #ith o"r o#!&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
<actories %"st pro:ide access to #or$ers+ records a!d 'actory #or$ areas+ a!d
they %"st be cooperati:e a!d tra!spare!t d"ri!) TOE assess%e!t process&
<actories %"st !ot e!)a)e i! corr"pt or "!ethical practices+ s"ch as payi!)
bribes i! e7cha!)e 'or jobs+ pre'ere!tial treat%e!t+ etc&
U!a"thori8ed s"bco!tracti!) is prohibited&
<actories %"st %ai!tai! o!ly o!e set o' co%plete a!d acc"rate #or$i!)-ho"r
a!d payroll doc"%e!ts a!d records that represe!t tr"e #or$ co!ditio!s&
<actories %"st !e:er prese!t or reE"ire #or$ers #ith bla!$ papersKresi)!atio!
letters to si)!&
<actories %"st !ot e!)a)e i! practices+ s"ch as a!!"ally 'iri!) a!d re-hiri!)
#or$ers or "!reaso!ably desi)!ati!) #or$ers as probatio!ary+ desi)!ed to
circ"%:e!t !atio!al or local #a)e+ be!e'it or other labor la#s&
I, *or-in$ 'our
;hile per%itti!) 'le7ibility i! sched"li!)+ #e #ill ide!ti'y local le)al li%its o!
#or$ ho"rs a!d see$ b"si!ess part!ers #ho do !ot e7ceed the% e7cept 'or
appropriately co%pe!sated o:erti%e& ;hile #e 'a:or part!ers #ho "tili8e less
tha! si7ty-ho"r #or$ #ee$s+ #e #ill !ot "se co!tractors #ho+ o! a re)"lar basis+
reE"ire i! e7cess o' a si7ty-ho"r #ee$& E%ployees sho"ld be allo#ed at least
o!e day o'' i! se:e!&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
;or$i!) ho"rs %"st !ot e7ceed 10 ho"rs per #ee$+ %ore tha! F ?!ot
co!ti!"o"s@ #ee$s per year& 9o#e:er+ the TOE pre'er #or$i!) ho"rs be "!der
10 ho"rs each #ee$+ #ith a %a7i%"% o' 3F ho"rs o' re)"lar #or$+ pl"s 14
ho"rs o' o:erti%e& Or #here a co"!tryDs le)al code reE"ire%e!ts are %ore
stri!)e!t o! o:erti%e ho"rs+ the le)al reE"ire%e!ts %"st be %et&
;here a co"!tryDs le)al code speci'ies the re)"lar #or$day+ #or$#ee$+ rest
days a!dKor holidays+ 'actoryDs sched"les %"st be i! co%plia!ce #ith the la#&
E%ployees %"st ha:e o!e day o'' i! se:e!Q they %ay #or$ o! their rest day b"t
!o %ore tha! o!ce i! e:ery t#o #ee$s a!d !o %ore tha! F co!sec"ti:e #ee$s
per year&
TOE pre'ers that e%ployees !ot #or$ o! their rest days&
Ti%e records 'or all #or$ers %"st be a:ailable 'or re:ie#& E%ployees %"st
%ai!tai! their o#! ti%e records+ i&e&+ p"!ch i! a!d o"t the%sel:es&
<actories %"st record all e%ployee #or$i!) ho"rs co%pletely a!d acc"rately&
<actories sho"ld ha:e a #or$i!) ti%e cloc$ that e%ployees "se to record their
ho"rs+ both re)"lar a!d o:erti%e&
J, *a$e and (enefit
;e #ill o!ly do b"si!ess #ith part!ers #ho pro:ide #a)es a!d be!e'its that
co%ply #ith a!y applicable la# a!d %atch the pre:aili!) local %a!"'act"ri!)
or 'i!ishi!) i!d"stry practices&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
;here a co"!tryDs le)al code speci'ies le)al %i!i%"% #a)es a!d allo#a!ces+
'actories %"st be i! co%plia!ce #ith the la# #ith respect to all #or$ers+
i!cl"di!) e%ployees paid o! piece rate&
;here the i!d"stry pre:aili!) #a)e is )reater tha! the %i!i%"% #a)e+ the
pre:aili!) #a)e sho"ld be paid&
;here a co"!tryDs le)al code speci'ies a! o:erti%e rate or a! o:erti%e
pre%i"%+ 'actories %"st be i! co%plia!ce #ith the la#&
;or$ers %"st be paid the le)al rate 'or all o:erti%e ho"rs #or$ed&
;here a co"!tryDs le)al code speci'ies that #or$ers %"st recei:e certai!
be!e'its ?s"ch as retire%e!t be!e'its+ health i!s"ra!ce+ #or$%a!Ds
co%pe!satio!+ etc&@+ 'actories %"st be i! co%plia!ce #ith the la#&
;here a co"!tryDs le)al code speci'ies the ti%e a!dKor %a!!er o' #a)e
pay%e!ts+ 'actories %"st be i! co%plia!ce #ith the la#
a!d 'ollo# a!y le)al reE"ire%e!ts i! cases o' #a)e delay ?i&e& i!terest+ etc&@&
Payroll records 'or all #or$ers %"st be a:ailable 'or re:ie#&
<actories %"st %eet the le)al reE"ire%e!t o! #a)e pay%e!ts&
<actories %"st pro:ide all be!e'its a!d o!"ses i! accorda!ce #ith the la#&
<actories %"st !ot ded"ct %ore 'ro% #or$ersD #a)es tha! is le)ally per%itted&
<actories %"st !ot ded"ct #a)es 'or tardi!ess that e7ceed the act"al %a!-ho"r
<actories %"st !ot ded"ct recr"it%e!t a)e!cy 'ees 'ro% #or$ersD #a)es&
;or$ per'or%ed %"st be o! the basis o' reco)!i8ed e%ploy%e!t relatio!ships
#ith !o "se o' labor o!ly co!tracti!) or s"bco!tracti!) to a:oid pay%e!t o'
be!e'its to #or$ers or other obli)atio!s "!der labor or social sec"rity la#s&
<actories sho"ld pro:ide #or$ers #ith pay slips that sho# re)"lar a!d o:erti%e
ho"rs #or$ed+ re)"lar a!d o:erti%e rates a!d #a)es+ bo!"ses a!d ded"ctio!s&
Pay slips sho"ld be i! la!)"a)e #or$ers "!dersta!d&
;or$ers sho"ld be a#are o' their be!e'itsa!d "!dersta!d ho# their #a)es are
Calc"lated &
L, General La3or Practice and +reedom of Aociation
;e respect #or$ersD ri)hts to 'or% a!d joi! or)a!i8atio!s o' their choice a!d to
bar)ai! collecti:ely& ;e e7pect o"r s"ppliers to respect the ri)ht to 'ree
associatio! a!d the ri)ht to or)a!i8e a!d bar)ai! collecti:ely #itho"t "!la#'"l
i!ter'ere!ce& ("si!ess part!ers sho"ld e!s"re that #or$ers #ho %a$e s"ch
decisio!s or participate i! s"ch or)a!i8atio!s are !ot the object o'
discri%i!atio! or p"!iti:e discipli!ary actio!s a!d that the represe!tati:es o'
s"ch or)a!i8atio!s ha:e access to their %e%bers "!der co!ditio!s established
either by local la#s or %"t"al a)ree%e!t bet#ee! the e%ployer a!d the #or$er
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
<actories %"st respect e%ployee ri)hts to 'reedo% o' associatio!Q they %"st !ot
i%pose a!y p"!iti:e actio!s a)ai!st #or$ers i!s"pporti!) "!io! s"ch as
threate!i!)+ 'i!i!)+ s"spe!di!) or 'iri!) #or$ers e7ercisi!) those ri)hts& A!y
actio! that s"ppresses 'reedo% o' associatio! is prohibited+ a!d %ay be a! act
dee%ed ille)al i! so%e co"!triesD labor codes& La#s i! di''ere!t co"!tries :ary
s"bsta!tially re)ardi!) 'reedo% o' associatio!& Most co"!tries %ai!tai!
proced"ral re)"latio!s o! the actio!s o' #or$ers a!d e%ployers& So%e co"!tries
place s"bsta!tial restrictio!s o! #or$ersD ri)hts o' associatio!& The TOE
pro:isio! o! 'ree associatio! !either per%its+ !or reE"ires LSBCO& or its
b"si!ess part!ers to e!)a)e i! "!la#'"l acti:ities to protect the ri)hts o'
associatio!& Ne:ertheless+ #here the ri)ht to 'reedo% o' associatio! a!d
collecti:e bar)ai!i!) is restricted "!der la#+ the s"pplier sho"ld !ot hi!der the
de:elop%e!t o' la#'"l parallel %ea!s 'or i!depe!de!t 'ree ssociatio! a!d
T Employers will not use intimidation, unreasonable searches, police or military
force to obstruct workers' right to freedom of association.
T #orkers' organi*ations have the right to conduct their activities and elect their
representatives without employer interference such as the presence of factory
management or factory designees at organi*ing meetings.
T #orkers are free to meet and discuss workplace issues in the factory during
their breaks and before and after work. hey may communicate their concerns
about factory practices to management, choose representatives to organi*e
workers, inspect working conditions, engage in dialogue with factory
management, and carry out other organi*ing activities that do not disrupt
factory production.
T he employer will not interfere with the right to freedom of association by
controlling workers' organi*ations or favoring one workers' organi*ation over
T Employers are not re$uired to take an active role in supporting workers'
efforts to associate or organi*e, but employers must assure that workers can
e%ercise their right to organi*e in a climate free of violence, pressure, fear
and threats
<actories sho"ld !ot prohibit or i%pede i!di:id"al "!io!s a''iliatio! #ith lar)er
re)io!al+ !atio!al or i!ter!atio!al "!io!s or 'ederatio!s&
T #orkers' organi*ations have the right to establish and join federations and
confederations, which must also enjoy the same rights.
T +n cases where a single union represents workers, the employer will not
interfere in any way with workers' ability to form other organi*ations that
represent workers.
Ma!a)ers a!d s"per:isors sho"ld be trai!ed i! <reedo% o' Associatio!
co%plia!ce a!d #he! possible+ #or$ers sho"ld recei:e i!str"ctio! o! their
ri)hts "!der !atio!al la# a!d co%pa!y sta!dards&
Collecti/e (ar$ainin$
The 'actory #ill ho!or the ri)ht o' #or$ers to bar)ai! collecti:ely&
T Employers should bargain and negotiate with representatives freely chosen by
the workers.
T he employer will not interfere with workers' efforts regarding registration
and formation of workers' organi*ations.
T Employers will negotiate in good faith with any union,workers representatives
that has been recogni*ed as a bargaining agent for some or all of its
T Employers and employees will honor in good faith for the term of the
agreement the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement -./A0 they
T he provisions of collective bargaining agreements can be more favorable
owards workers than those of laws and regulations. 1owever, we do not
recogni*e provisions of collective bargaining agreements that may be less
favorable than applicable laws.
T Employees should be able to raise issues regarding ./A compliance by the
employer without retaliation.
T rade unions not recogni*ed as the bargaining agent of some or all of the
workers in a facility should have the means for defending the occupational
interests of their members, including making representations on their behalf
and representing them in cases of individual grievances, within limits
established by applicable law. #orkers' representatives should have the
facilities necessary for the proper e%ercise of their functions, including access
to workplaces.
Term of Em6lo0ment
<actories %"st be i! co%plia!ce #ith the la# i! all ter%s o' e%ploy%e!t&
T he employer will not interfere, to the detriment of worker's organi*ations,
with government registration re$uirements regarding the formation of workers'
I! the abse!ce o' le)al allo#a!ce o' <reedo% o' Associatio!+ parallel %ea!s to
allo# i!depe!de!t a!d 'ree associatio! a!d collecti:e bar)ai!i!) sho"ld be
applied+ s"ch as 9ealth a!d Sa'ety co%%ittees+ or other #or$er )ro"ps&
T Employers will comply with applicable laws and regulations concerning
collective bargaining and free association. #here conflicts are known to e%ist,
employers will use the standard that provides the greatest protection for
The 'actory #ill e!s"re all o' its hiri!)+ pro%otio! a!d e%ploy%e!t practices
#ill !ot circ"%:e!t its )oals a!d practices aro"!d 'reedo% o' associatio! or
collecti:e bar)ai!i!)&
T he factory does not refuse employment to otherwise $ualified workers
because of membership in a union or other legal association.
T he right to freedom of association begins at the time that a worker seeks
employment, and continues through the course of employment.
T 2actories cannot transfer, demote, promote, outsource or re!assign workers
as a means to discourage unioni*ation.
T 2actory management will not impede workers' right to peaceful organi*ation
by outsourcing work performed by union members. "hifting production from
one site to another for the purpose of retaliating against workers who have
formed3or are attempting to form3a union is not acceptable.
T Employers should not offer or use severance pay as a means of discouraging
union activities. 4nscheduled wage or benefit increases should be avoided
while a union organi*ing campaign is in progress.
Trai!ees %"st ha:e the sa%e #a)es+ be!e'its a!d other co!ditio!s o'
e%ploy%e!t as per%a!e!t e%ployees a'ter three %o!ths o' e%ploy%e!t+ or
earlier+ as per la#&
Te%porary #or$ers %"st ha:e the sa%e #a)es+ be!e'its a!d other co!ditio!s o'
e%ploy%e!t as per%a!e!t e%ployees a'ter !i!e %o!ths+ or earlier+ as per la#&
<i7ed ter% co!tracts or appre!ticeship sche%es #here there is !o real i!te!t to
i%part s$ills or trai! 'or re)"lar e%ploy%e!t+ sho"ld !ot be "sed to a:oid
pay%e!t o' be!e'its to #or$ers or other obli)atio!s "!der labor or social
sec"rity la#s&
;here le)ally reE"ired+ 'actories %"st ha:e #ritte! e%ploy%e!t co!tract #ith
e:ery e%ployee a!d %"st pro:ide e:ery e%ployee #ith a si)!ed copy o' their
E%ploy%e!t co!tracts %"st be i! a la!)"a)e that #or$ers "!dersta!d a!d %"st
co!tai! a! acc"rate a!d co%plete s"%%ary o' the ter%s o' e%ploy%e!t& I'
#or$ers are illiterate+ s"pplier %"st e7plai! ter%s to #or$ers prior to si)!i!)
<actories sho"ld %ai!tai! a perso!!el 'ile 'or each e%ployee+ #hether direct or
i!direct+ that co!tai!s appropriate e%ployee records s"ch as si)!ed a)e-
:eri'icatio! doc"%e!ts+ e%ploy%e!t a)ree%e!ts+ discipli!ary !otices+ a!d lea:e
a!d be!e'it records&
<actories sho"ld retai! 'iles o' dis%issed e%ployees o!site 'or three years or
lo!)er i' le)ally reE"ired& <iles sho"ld i!cl"de reaso! 'or dis%issal&
General La3or Practice
Strip searches or pat-do#!s are prohibited&
<actories are respo!sible 'or pro:idi!) #or$ers #ith all #or$ tools+ %aterials+
bad)es+ etc&
The "se o' "!a"thori8ed ho%e#or$ i! the prod"ctio! o' a!y LSBCO& prod"ct is
The TOE Code o' Co!d"ct poster sho"ld be displayed i! the la!)"a)e spo$e!
by #or$ers so #or$ers ca! see a!d read it& I! additio!+ 'actories sho"ld
e''ecti:ely co%%"!icate the Code o' Co!d"ctDs co!te!ts to illiterate #or$ers&
<actories sho"ld ha:e acc"rate+ co%plete a!d reaso!able i!ter!al r"les a!d
re)"latio!s+ #ritte! i! a la!)"a)e that #or$ers "!dersta!d a!d posted i! a
:isibleKaccessible locatio!&
*e)"latio!s sho"ld i!cl"de, the %i!i%"% #or$i!) a)e+ 'acility a)e:eri'icatio!
proced"res+ j":e!ile e%ploy%e!t restrictio!s ?i' a!y@+ #a)es+ re)"lar a!d
o:erti%e ho"rs a!d rates+ be!e'its a!d ded"ctio!s+ :acatio! a!d sic$ lea:e
?i!cl"di!) the circ"%sta!cesWs"ch as 'a%ily e%er)e!ciesW"!der #hich
e%ployees %ay be )ra!ted per%issio! to lea:e the 'actory #itho"t discipli!ary
pe!alty@+ discipli!e a!d ter%i!atio! proced"res+ )rie:a!ce proced"res+
a!d harass%e!tKab"se policies&
<actories sho"ld e''ecti:ely co%%"!icate i!ter!al r"les a!d re)"latio!s to
<actories sho"ld post !atio!al or local labor la#s+ #ritte! i! la!)"a)e #or$ers
"!dersta!d+ i! a :isible a!d accessible locatio! #here #or$ers ca! read the%&
Posted la#s sho"ld co:er the %i!i%"% #or$i!) a)e+ %i!i%"% #a)e a!d le)al
o:erti%e rates+ be!e'its+ #or$ ho"rs+ 'reedo% o' associatio! a!d
K, Dicrimination
;hile #e reco)!i8e a!d respect c"lt"ral di''ere!ces+ #e belie:e that #or$ers
sho"ld be e%ployed o! the basis o' their ability to do the job+ rather tha! o! the
basis o' perso!al characteristics or belie's& ;e #ill 'a:or b"si!ess part!ers #ho
share this :al"e&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
<actoriesD hiri!)+ co%pe!satio!+ pro%otio! ter%i!atio! a!d retire%e!t practices
a!d access to trai!i!) sho"ld be based o! a perso!Ds ability to per'or% the job
e''ecti:ely+ a!d !ot o! a perso!Ds i!di:id"al characteristics&
Practices that "se reli)io!+ se7+ eth!icity or !atio!al ori)i!+ disability+ political
a''iliatio!+ social stat"s+ se7"al orie!tatio!+ act"al or percei:ed 9I> stat"s or
le)al %i)ra!t #or$er stat"s as a basis 'or the abo:e is prohibited&
Discri%i!atio! i! a!y 'or% is prohibited&
<actories that are !ot le)ally reE"ired to do so+ %"st !ot reE"ire 'e%ale
applica!ts+ co!tract #or$ers or e%ployees to be tested 'or pre)!a!cy& Pre)!a!cy
testi!) sho"ld be :ol"!tary !ot %a!datory& Ma!datory pre)!a!cy testi!) ?i' !ot
a le)al reE"ire%e!t@ is prohibited&
It is prohibited 'or 'actories to as$ 'e%ale applica!ts abo"t their pre)!a!cy
stat"s a!d %"st !ot discri%i!ate i! their hiri!)+ salary+ be!e'its+ ad:a!ce%e!t+
discipli!e+ ter%i!atio! or retire%e!t practices&
*estricti!) or li%iti!) reprod"cti:e ri)hts is prohibited&
<actories %"st %eet a!y le)al co!ditio!s o! #or$i!) e!:iro!%e!t 'or #o%e!
a!d pre)!a!t+ post-part"% a!d lactati!) #o%e!&
;o%e! ret"r!i!) 'ro% %ater!ity lea:e %"st be )i:e! a! eE"i:ale!t positio!
a!d eE"al pay& <actories %"st %a$e reaso!able acco%%odatio!s i! job
co!ditio!s 'or pre)!a!t #o%e! ?s"ch as job reassi)!%e!ts to !o!-ha8ardo"s or
li)hter #or$+ pro:isio! o' seati!)+ e7te!ded brea$s+ etc&@&
C2, Communit0 In/ol/ement
;e #ill 'a:or b"si!ess part!ers #ho share o"r co%%it%e!t to i%pro:i!)
co%%"!ity co!ditio!s&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
The TOE e!co"ra)e 'actories to co!trib"te to the better%e!t o' the co%%"!ity
i! #hich they are operati!)&
CC, 'ealt! 5 Safet0
;e #ill o!ly "tili8e b"si!ess part!ers #ho pro:ide #or$ers #ith a sa'e a!d
healthy #or$ e!:iro!%e!t&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
;e ha:e prepared Le:i Stra"ss B Co&Ds 9ealth a!d Sa'ety reE"ire%e!ts+ b"t #e
do !ot herei! ide!ti'y all circ"%sta!ces #hich %i)ht co!stit"te 'i!di!)s i! a
TOE Assess%e!t& *ather+ #e address the broader topics #hich are o' partic"lar
i%porta!ce& Each b"si!ess part!er %"st %a$e a care'"l assess%e!t o' each
o' its #or$places i! order to deter%i!e #hat %eas"res it !eeds to p"t i! place to
%eet o"r reE"ire%e!ts+ a!d+ o' co"rse+ the reE"ire%e!ts o' the co"!tries #here
it operates&
Safet0 Committee
<actories sho"ld ha:e acti:e sa'ety co%%ittees&
Sa'ety co%%ittees sho"ld %eet at least o!ce per %o!th+ a!d %ore o'te! i'
Sa'ety co%%ittees sho"ld i!cl"de %a!a)e%e!t represe!tati:es+ #or$ers 'ro%
:ario"s 'actory operatio!s+ a!d "!io! represe!tati:es ?i' the 'actory has a
A #ritte! record o' the sa'ety co%%ittee %eeti!)s sho"ld be a)reed "po! by the
co%%ittee leaders+ posted i! a #or$place locatio! 'or 'actory #or$ers to read+
a!d $ept o! 'ile 'or a %i!i%"% o' 'i:e ?A@ years&
&i- Aement
<actories sho"ld ha:e a proced"re 'or ide!ti'yi!) #or$place ha8ards a!d
assessi!) their ris$s&
Emer$enc0 Pre6aredne
A se!ior 'actory %a!a)er %"st be assi)!ed respo!sibility 'or %a$i!) s"re that
the 'actory has proced"res i! place to prepare 'or+ a!d respo!d to+ e%er)e!cy
<actories %"st ha:e proced"res to prepare 'or possible e%er)e!cies s"ch as 'ire+
earthE"a$es+ h"rrica!es+ a!d che%ical spills&
These proced"res %"st be #ritte! i! a la!)"a)e that all #or$ers "!dersta!d&
<actories %"st ha:e a! e%er)e!cy e:ac"atio! pla!+ a!d e:ac"atio! ro"tes %"st
be posted i! each #or$ area&
<actories sho"ld ha:e assi)!ed locatio!s that ca! shelter the e!tire #or$er
pop"latio! i! case o' a se:ere #eather e:e!t&
<actories sho"ld hold e%er)e!cy e:ac"atio! drills o'te! e!o")h that #or$ers
$!o# the drill proced"re a!d co!sider it ro"ti!e&
<actories sho"ld ha:e a 'ire pre:e!tio! pla!&
Aile and
<actories %"st ha:e e!o")h e7its to sa'ely ser:e the !"%ber o' #or$ers a!d the
hei)ht a!d type o' b"ildi!) or str"ct"re,
T 2actory floors with 567 or fewer workers must have at least 8 -non!elevator0
e%its . 2actory floors with more than 567 workers must have at least 9
-nonelevator0 e%its. E%its must lead to a safe location outside the building and
must be within :5 meters -877 feet0 of every workstation.
T /uildings with 5777 or more workers must have at least ; e%its.
T Additional e%its must be provided in every section of a building where si*e,
worker population, and work area arrangement would endanger workers
trying to use a single e%it that is blocked by fire or smoke.
Aisles a!d e7its %"st be $ept clear a!d "!bloc$ed at all ti%es& E7its %"st be
"!loc$ed at all ti%es d"ri!) #or$i!) ho"rs&
E7it doors %"st ope! o"t#ard ?i! the directio! o' the #ay o"t o' the b"ildi!)@&
They %"st reE"ire !o special operatio!&
E7it doors+ ro"tes+ a!d aisles %"st be #ide e!o")h to sa'ely e:ac"ate #or$ers i!
T 2actory floors with 567 or fewer workers must have at least 8 -non!elevator0
e%its. 2actory floors with more than 567 workers must have at least 9 -non!
elevator0 e%its . E%its must lead to a safe location outside the building and
must be within :5 meters -877 feet0 of every workstation.
T /uildings with 5777 or more workers must have at least ; e%its.
T Additional e%its must be provided in every section of a building where si*e,
worker population, and work area arrangement would endanger workers
trying to use a single e%it that is blocked by fire or smoke.
<actories %"st ha:e a 'ire alar% syste% that #ill !oti'y occ"pa!ts thro")ho"t
the e!tire b"ildi!)& This alar% %"st be di''ere!t 'ro% other b"ildi!) alar%s+
%"st be "sed 'or 'ire a!d e:ac"atio! o!ly+ a!d %"st be capable o' bei!) heard
thro")ho"t the e!tire b"ildi!)& It %"st ta$e priority o:er all other alar%s+ a!d be
%o!itored at a! o"tside locatio! that is co!sta!tly atte!ded+ s"ch as the local
'ire a!dKor police depart%e!t or alar% co%pa!y&
E7it doors a!d e7it ro"tes sho"ld be %ar$ed so that they are clearly :isible to
'actory #or$ers thro")ho"t the 'actory,
T E%its should be marked with signs that are visible from 97 m -577 ft0.
T All signs and markings should be in a language-s0 that can be understood by
all workers. <ettering should be at least 56 cm -: in0 high, brightly colored,
contrasting with surrounding surfaces, illuminated to make them more visible.
T Any door, aisle, or stairway that is => an e%it or does => lead to an e%it
and may be mistaken for an e%it shall be posted with a sign that reads ?=>
A! asse%bly area sho"ld be assi)!ed o"tside the 'actory so that e:ac"ated
#or$ers ca! be acco"!ted 'or i! a! e%er)e!cy&
A!y cha!)es to b"ildi!) desi)! sho"ld be re:ie#ed to %a$e s"re that they %eet
the reE"ire%e!ts o' this topic be'ore they are i%ple%e!ted&
<actories that ha:e !i)ht shi'ts or lo# !at"ral li)hti!) le:els sho"ld pro:ide
e%er)e!cy li)hti!) i! case o' a po#er 'ail"re&
Li)hti!) sho"ld %eet the 'ollo#i!) reE"ired l"7 le:els i! the #or$place,
<la%%able a!d co%b"stible che%icals a!d %aterials %"st be properly stored&
Drips a!d spills %"st be clea!ed "p i%%ediately&
Li!t traps i! dryers %"st be ro"ti!ely clea!ed a!d the li!t is re%o:ed a!d
<actories sho"ld $eep stairs+ aisles a!d e7its clea! ?See Aisles a!d E7its 'or
'"rther reE"ire%e!ts@& Materials %"st be $ept !eat a!d orderly Scrap %aterials
sho"ld be clea!ed "p daily or o'te! e!o")h to pre:e!t the% 'ro% collecti!) !
'loors+ tabletops+ i! aisle #ays+ or other areas&
Litter sho"ld be stored i! !o!-co%b"stible co!tai!ers #ith lids&
("ildi!) roo's a!d roo' drai!s sho"ld be $ept clea! a!d "!clo))ed&
O"tside stora)e sho"ld be at least 2&A %eters ?4A 'eet@ a#ay 'ro% b"ildi!)
9eati!)+ :e!tilatio! a!d air co!ditio!i!) syste%s sho"ld be clea!ed a!d
%ai!tai!ed re)"larly&
Electrical Safet0
<actories sho"ld %ai!tai! #iri!) a!d electrical syste%s i! sa'e co!ditio!&
All #or$ers #ho #or$ #ith hi)h-te!sio!+ li:e electricity sho"ld be trai!ed o! its
ha8ards a!d the co!trol %eas"res that %"st be ta$e!&
;ritte! records sho"ld be $ept o' this trai!i!)&
All electrical eE"ip%e!t sho"ld be properly )ro"!ded&
Per%a!e!t a!d statio!ary eE"ip%e!t sho"ld ha:e hard-#ired electrical
co!!ectio!s o!ly&
Control of 'aDardou Ener$0@Loc-4out Ta$4out
<actories %"st ha:e #ritte! loc$-o"tKta)-o"t a!d %ai!te!a!ce proced"res to
$eep %ai!te!a!ce perso!!el a!d eE"ip%e!t operators sa'e d"ri!) operatio!s
s"ch as %ai!te!a!ce+ "!-ja%%i!) o' %achi!es+ !eedle cha!)es+ or cha!)i!) o'
dies or %achi!e parts&
Each piece o' %achi!ery or eE"ip%e!t %"st ha:e its o#! electrical+ p!e"%atic+
or hydra"lic disco!!ect s#itch or :al:e so that the i!di:id"al %achi!e or piece
o' eE"ip%e!t ca! be isolated 'ro% the others&
(e'ore a #or$er %ay be a"thori8ed to loc$ o"t a!d ta) o"t eE"ip%e!t+ heKshe
sho"ld be trai!ed i! loc$-o"t a!d ta)-o"t tech!iE"es a!d proced"res by
e7perie!ced perso!!el&
Mac!ine Guardin$
All %achi!ery #ith e7posed+ %o:i!)+ %echa!ical parts %"st be eE"ipped #ith
sa'ety de:icesQ all reE"ired protecti:e )"ards %"st be i! place&
;or$ers sho"ld be )i:e! sa'ety trai!i!) o! the %achi!es they operate&
<actories sho"ld assess the ha8ards o' !e# a!d e7isti!) eE"ip%e!t to deter%i!e
#hether e7isti!) )"ards are e''ecti:e i! protecti!) #or$ers+ or i' other %achi!e
)"ards sho"ld be added to co!trol ha8ards&
<actories sho"ld ro"ti!ely i!spect eE"ip%e!t to %a$e s"re eE"ip%e!t )"ards are
i! place a!d #or$i!) properly&
Po%ered Indutrial Truc-
O!ly E"ali'ied #or$ers+ #ho ha:e bee! properly trai!ed a!d e:al"ated+ %ay
operate or %ai!tai! po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s&
Each po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$ sho"ld be i!spected at the be)i!!i!) o' e:ery
shi't to %a$e s"re it,
functions properly and safely, and
does not create ha*ards
All #or$ers #ho "se+ adj"st+ or %ai!tai! po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s sho"ld be
trai!ed to per'or% these jobs sa'ely&
All i!d"strial tr"c$ operators sho"ld co%plete the reE"ire%e!ts 'or re-
E"ali'icatio! periodically& OperatorsD sa'ety per'or%a!ce sho"ld be e:al"ated
I!d"strial tr"c$ operators sho"ld be retrai!ed a!d discipli!ed i' the operator has
observed to operate the e$uipment in an unsafe manner or
involved in an accident or near!miss incident
I!d"strial tr"c$ operators shall be re-trai!ed i'+ at a!y ti%e+ they are assi)!ed to
dri:e a di''ere!t type o' eE"ip%e!t+ or there are cha!)es i! the #or$place that
a''ect the sa'e operatio! o' the eE"ip%e!t&
<actories sho"ld %a$e s"re that all co!tractors+ :e!dors a!d :isitors that %ay
"se po#ered i!d"strial tr"c$s "!dersta!d that they %"st beco%e E"ali'ied to "se
this eE"ip%e!t a!d ho# to %eet the E"ali'icatio! reE"ire%e!ts
Noie Mana$ement
<actories %"st ide!ti'y #or$ers #ho #or$ i! areas #ith !oise le:els that are
hi)her tha! FA decibels& These #or$ers %"st #ear heari!) protectio! a!d be
trai!ed o! the proper "se o' heari!) protectio! a!d the health a!d sa'ety ris$s o'
!ot #eari!) heari!) protectio!&
<actories %"st s"pply #or$ers #ith the !ecessary heari!) protectio! ?ear pl")s+
ear %"''s@& <actories %"st $eep #ritte! records that sho# this trai!i!) has bee!
<actories %"st %eet le)al reE"ire%e!ts to test #or$ersD heari!) to deter%i!e
#hether they ha:e e7perie!ced a!y heari!) loss&
<actories sho"ld co!d"ct !oise ha8ard e:al"atio!s each year to ide!ti'y a!y
areas #here !oise le:els e7ceed FA decibels&
<actories sho"ld 'irst atte%pt to red"ce !oise le:els that are hi)her tha! FA
decibels thro")h proper %ai!te!a!ce o' eE"ip%e!t a!d e!)i!eered !oise
Peronal Protecti/e EHui6ment
<actories %"st s"pply c"tti!) roo% #or$ers #ith %etal %esh )lo:es+ trai!
#or$ers to "se the% properly+ a!d reE"ire that they be #or!&
;or$ers sho"ld #ear shoes or boots that #ill protect a)ai!st 'oot i!j"ry&
<actories sho"ld pro:ide #or$ers #ith protecti:e eye#ear to )"ard a)ai!st
'lyi!) objects+ )lare ?e&)& 'ro% laser "sa)e@+ liE"ids+ d"st+ etc& Prescriptio!
le!ses typically do !ot pro:ide e!o")h protectio!& Eye#ear %"st %eet the
applicable sta!dard 'or i%pact resista!ce ?see+ 'or e7a%ple+ ANSI RF2&1 - 1GFG@
a!d %"st !ot dist"rb the proper positio!i!) o' prescriptio! le!ses&
Se#i!) 'actories sho"ld pro:ide 'i!)er )"ards 'or se#i!) #or$ers to protect
a)ai!st !eedle p"!ct"res&
<actories sho"ld s"pply #or$ers #ho do pote!tially ha8ardo"s #or$ ?e&)&+
drilli!)+ sa!di!)+ )ri!di!)+ co!str"ctio!+ loadi!) or %aterials ha!dli!)@ #ith
s"itable perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t& <actories sho"ld trai! these #or$ers to
"se protecti:e eE"ip%e!t properly+ a!d reE"ire that it be #or!&
<actories sho"ld i!'or% #or$ers abo"t the health a!d sa'ety ris$s o' !ot #eari!)
reE"ired perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t&
Typical PPE i!cl"des ,
Eye protectio! s"ch as sa'ety )lassesK)o))les to )"ard a)ai!st 'lyi!)
objects a!d d"stQ
9eari!) protectio! s"ch as ear %"''s a!d ear pl")s 'or !oise le:els that e7ceed
FA decibelsQ
*espirators s"ch as %as$s to protect a)ai!st d"st a!d p"ri'iers to protect
a)ai!st che%ical d"st or :aporsQ
<ace shields to protect a)ai!st che%ical or hot %etal splashesQ
5lo:es to protect a)ai!st c"ts+ br"ises+ b"r!s or che%ical absorptio!Q
Apro!s to protect a)ai!st che%ical splashesQ
<oot protectio! s"ch as sa'ety shoes #ith toe )"ards to protect a)ai!st i%pact+
cr"shi!) i!j"ries a!d p"!ct"reQ
9ard hats to protect a)ai!st 'alli!)K'lyi!) objects+ partic"larly i! co!str"ctio!
Che%ical %i7i!) %"st ta$e place i! a #ell :e!tilated or ope! area+ "si!)
appropriate perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t&
<actories sho"ld "se :e!tilatio! that directs air 'lo# a#ay 'ro% #or$ers 'or
tas$s s"ch as #eldi!)+ or ha!dli!) or %i7i!) che%icals&
C!emical Stora$e
Che%icals %"st be stored i! a! or)a!i8ed #ay+ 'ollo#i!) )"ideli!es 'or
reco%%e!ded stora)e co%patibilities+ i! order to a:oid co!tact bet#ee!
i!co%patible che%icals&
;or$ers ha!dli!) che%icals %"st ha:e i%%ediate access ?#ithi! 10 seco!ds@ to
a! eye#ashKsho#er that ca! be easily operated&
<actories sho"ld %eet le)al reE"ire%e!ts to !oti'y )o:er!%e!t or other local
a)e!cies ?s"ch as 'ire depart%e!ts@ abo"t che%icals "sed or stored o!site&
All che%icals sho"ld be properly labeled i! the la!)"a)e?s@ spo$e! by #or$ers&
Che%icals sho"ld be stored a!d "sed i! desi)!ated areas #hich are #ell
Material Sa'ety Data Sheets sho"ld be $ept o! site a!d %"st be a:ailable 'or
re:ie# by #or$ers+ i! the la!)"a)e?s@ spo$e! by #or$ers&
E.treme Tem6erature
<actories sho"ld ha:e satis'actory te%perat"re co!trols a!d %"st pro:ide a
#or$i!) e!:iro!%e!t that does !ot ro"ti!ely e7pose #or$ers to e7cessi:e heat
or cold&
Ple!ty o' #ater sho"ld be a:ailable 'or #or$ers #ho #or$ i! areas #ith hi)h
te%perat"res ?!ear o:e!s+ dryers+ etc&@&
Proper perso!al protecti:e eE"ip%e!t sho"ld be pro:ided to #or$ers #ho #or$
i! co!ditio!s i!:ol:i!) e7tre%e heat or cold&
A3eto Mana$ement
All 'actories %"st assess their b"ildi!)s a!d %a$e a list o' areas that are $!o#!
to ha:e+ or %ay ha:e+ s"spected asbestos-co!tai!i!) %aterials& I' a 'actory
deter%i!es it has s"spected asbestos-co!tai!i!) %aterials+ it %"st co%ply #ith
TOE reE"ire%e!ts !"%bered / thro")h F belo#+ as #ell&
<actories %"st ha:e a! asbestos %a!a)e%e!t pro)ra% a!d %"st #or$ closely
#ith a E"ali'ied co!tractor to,
train workers,
inspect building areas for asbestos containing materials, and
create safe work practices, clean!up procedures, and a plan to prevent the
release of asbestos into the air.
<actories %"st re:ie# a!d co%ply #ith applicable asbestos la#s a!d
All 'actories sho"ld re:ie# p"rchases o' !e# b"ildi!) %aterials to %a$e s"re
they do !ot co!tai! asbestos&
Mai!te!a!ce #or$ers sho"ld be trai!ed to reco)!i8e %aterials that %ay co!tai!
Da%a)ed b"ildi!) %aterials that %ay co!tai! asbestos sho"ld be sa%pled a!d
tested by E"ali'ied co!s"lta!ts a!d laboratories to deter%i!e #hether they
co!tai! asbestos a!d #hat additio!al actio! is !eeded&
Asbestos-co!tai!i!) %aterials sho"ld be properly %ar$ed& I' a E"ali'ied
co!tractor decides that it is !ot !ecessary to re%o:e these %aterials+ the 'actory
sho"ld ha:e a proced"re to i!spect the%+ periodically+ to %a$e s"re these
%aterials re%ai! i! )ood co!ditio!&
I' a E"ali'ied co!tractor 'i!ds that the asbestos-co!tai!i!) %aterial co!tai!s
'riable asbestosQ a E"ali'ied co!tractor sho"ld repair+ e!close+ or re%o:e the
%aterial accordi!) to applicable la#s a!d re)"latio!s&
+irt Aid
<actories sho"ld pro:ide at least o!e 'irst-aid $it per 100 #or$ers& The $its
sho"ld be located o! the 'actory 'loor to )i:e #or$ers i%%ediate access& There
sho"ld be a si)! board that clearly displays their locatio!+ a!d e:ery si7 %o!ths+
each #or$er sho"ld be told o' this locatio!& The $its sho"ld !ot be "!der loc$
a!d $ey&
The !"%ber o' #or$ers #ho sho"ld be trai!ed to )i:e 'irst aid depe!ds "po! the
o:erall #or$er pop"latio! a!d the dista!ce 'ro% the 'actory to the !earest
%edical 'acility& <or all 'actories #ith 'e#er tha! A00 #or$ers+ at least 1I o' the
#or$'orce sho"ld be trai!ed i! 'irst aid a!d 4 #or$ers per shi't %"st be trai!ed
i! Cardiop"l%o!ary *es"scitatio! ?CP*@ tech!iE"es listed i! the 9a8ard
Co!trol sectio! belo#& <actories #ith A00 or %ore #or$ers a!d all 'actories
#here %edical 'acilities are %ore tha! A %i!"tes a#ay sho"ld ha:e a '"ll-ti%e
%edical pro'essio!al o! site d"ri!) all ho"rs #or$ers are i! the 'actory&
<irst-aid $its sho"ld be '"lly stoc$ed #ith the ite%s listed i! the table belo#,
<actories sho"ld %ai!tai! "p-to-date #ritte! records o' i!j"ries+ i!cl"di!)
%i!or i!j"ries& These records sho"ld i!cl"de a descriptio! o'
circ"%sta!ces+ i!j"ries a!d treat%e!t& I! additio!+ i!j"ry records sho"ld
be sorted by depart%e!t a!d by #or$er& <actories sho"ld ha:e #ritte!
proced"res to treat #or$ers !eedi!) 'irst aid&
E%er)e!cy eye#ash a!d sho#er statio!s sho"ld be located so that
#or$ers #ho ha!dle che%icals ca! )et to the% i%%ediately ?#ithi! 10
seco!ds@& O!ce acti:ated+ these statio!s sho"ld co!ti!"e to operate
#itho"t reE"iri!) the "se o' a #or$erDs ha!ds ?the #or$er %"st be able to
"se both ha!ds to hold their eyes ope! #hile 'l"shi!) the% #ith #ater@&
Pre/entin$ Communica3le Dieae
The 'actory %"st pro:ide toilets that are clea! a!d i! )ood #or$i!)
co!ditio! 'or #or$ersD "se&
The 'actory %"st pro:ide sa'e dri!$i!) #ater that %eets the local
dri!$i!) #ater E"ality sta!dards& Sa'e dri!$i!) #ater %"st be
a:ailable+ at !o cost+ to all #or$ers at all ti%es&
The 'actory %"st ha:e a! E7pos"re Co!trol Pla! to pre:e!t #or$ers
'ro% co!tacti!) blood or other body 'l"ids that %ay co!tai! har%'"l
or)a!is%s+ s"ch as 9I> or 9(>&
=itche!s sho"ld be clea! a!d or)a!i8ed 'or sa'e 'ood preparatio!&
The di!i!) halls or other eati!) areas sho"ld be $ept clea! a!d
separate 'ro% the %ai! #or$ area&
The 'actory sho"ld $eep a #ritte! record o' a!y i!j"ries ca"sed by !eedle stic$s
or c"ts&
C1, En/ironment
;e #ill o!ly do b"si!ess #ith part!ers #ho share o"r co%%it%e!t to the
e!:iro!%e!t a!d #ho co!d"ct their b"si!ess i! a #ay that is co!siste!t #ith
Le:i Stra"ss B Co&Ds E!:iro!%e!tal Philosophy a!d 5"idi!) Pri!ciples&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
Dometic Se%a$e and (ioolid Mana$ement
All 'actories %"st %eet the LSBCO& 5lobal E''l"e!t 5"ideli!es+ #hich reE"ire
?a@ o!-site biolo)ical treat%e!t o' do%estic se#a)e+ or
?b@ o''-site %"!icipal #aste#ater treat%e!t +or
?c@ a septic ta!$ syste%&
I' the 'actory has e7isti!) biolo)ical treat%e!t 'or their i!d"strial #aste #ater+
this syste% ca! also be "sed to treat do%estic se#a)e&
(iosolids sho"ld be re"sed or disposed o' at a 'acility #ith :alid per%its+ #hich
%"st be chec$ed by 'actory perso!!el&
Tran6ortin$ 'aDardou Material
<actories sho"ld ha:e proced"res to sa'ely recei:e ha8ardo"s %aterials
tra!sported to the%&
<actories sho"ld pro:ide i!'or%atio! to tra!sporters abo"t the physical+
che%ical+ a!d e!:iro!%e!tal ha8ards o' %aterials to e!able tra!sporters to
sa'ely a!d le)ally tra!sport the %aterials a#ay 'ro% the 'actories&
<actories sho"ld )i:e special i!str"ctio!s to tra!sporters abo"t ro"ti!)+ par$i!)+
a!d deli:ery o' ha8ardo"s %aterials+ a!d %"st %a$e s"re that these are
'aDardou *ate
<actories %"st deter%i!e the types a!d a%o"!ts o' ha8ardo"s #astes res"lti!)
'ro% prod"ctio! a!d b"si!ess acti:ities&
<actories sho"ld treat+ recycle+ or dispose o' all ha8ardo"s #astes they %a$e by
"si!) a E"ali'ied ha8ardo"s #aste co!tractor+ #he!e:er 'easible&
9a8ardo"s #aste %a!i'ests or other+ eE"i:ale!t+ shippi!) doc"%e!ts sho"ld
be "sed #ith e:ery ha8ardo"s #aste ship%e!t to a! o''-site locatio!& Shippi!)
doc"%e!ts "sed 'or ha8ardo"s #astes sho"ld co!tai!+ at a %i!i%"%+ the
'ollo#i!) i!'or%atio!,
2actory name and address
=ame, address, and phone number of transporter and,or destination facility
Description of each waste stream transported off!site for disposal
Shippi!) doc"%e!ts sho"ld be si)!ed be 'actory perso!!el #ho ha:e bee!
trai!ed o! the ha8ardo"s #aste shippi!) a!d doc"%e!tatio! reE"ire%e!ts&
<actory perso!!el sho"ld trac$ #aste ship%e!ts to %a$e certai! the ship%e!ts
#ere recei:ed by the proper 'acility&
;aste disposal records sho"ld be $ept by the 'actory 'or at least / years ?or
lo!)er+ i' reE"ired by local a"thorities@&
<actories sho"ld ta$e steps to red"ce ha8ardo"s #aste ?e&)&+ by "si!) !o!
ha8ardo"s %aterials s"ch as citr"s-based sol:e!ts a!d !o!-to7ic clea!ers@&
<actories sho"ld #or$ to i%pro:e c"rre!t proced"res a!d tech!olo)ies 'or
ha8ardo"s #aste red"ctio!+ treat%e!t+ recycli!)+ a!d disposal&
All ha8ardo"s #astes ?i!cl"di!) %edical #aste a!d "sed oil@ sho"ld be ha!dled
i! a #ay that %i!i%i8es the possibility o'e7posi!) #or$ers a!d co!ta%i!ati!)
the e!:iro!%e!t ?air+ la!d or #ater@&
Electrical eE"ip%e!t that %ay co!tai! polychlori!ated biphe!yls ?PC(s@+ s"ch
as tra!s'or%ers+ re)"lators+ capacitors+ etc&+ sho"ld be labeled a!d %a!a)ed as
PC( co!ta%i!ated eE"ip%e!t&
Solid *ate Mana$ement
The 'actory sho"ld create a! o!)oi!) pro)ra% 'or solid #aste red"ctio!+ #hich
i!cl"des setti!) #aste red"ctio! )oals&
The pro)ra% sho"ld red"ce the a%o"!t o' #aste created at the 'actory+ i!crease
recycli!)+ a!d e!co"ra)e the proper %a!a)e%e!t+ stora)e+ a!d disposal o' all
The 'actoryDs proced"res a!d tech!olo)ies 'or %a!a)i!) solid #aste sho"ld be
e:al"ated each year a!d "pdated+ #he! !ecessary+ to i%pro:e the pro)ra%
a!dKor achie:e )oals&
All ha8ardo"s #astes ?i!cl"di!) %edical #aste a!d "sed oil@ sho"ld %eet the
reE"ire%e!ts o' the 9a8ardo"s ;aste sectio! a!d %"st !e:er be %i7ed #ith
)e!eral #aste&
Pre/entin$ Storm *ater Pollution
<actories sho"ld re)"larly i!spect the e7terior o' b"ildi!)s a!d s"rro"!di!)
par$i!) areas+ )ro"!ds+ eE"ip%e!t+ etc& to e!s"re that best %a!a)e%e!t
practices are "sed at the 'actory a!d are e''ecti:e i! co!trolli!) stor% #ater
poll"tio!& ;ritte! records o' these i!spectio!s sho"ld be $ept by the 'actories&
;or$ers #hose acti:ities %ay ca"se poll"ta!ts to be %i7ed i!to stor% #ater
sho"ld be trai!ed o! the s"bject o' stor% #ater poll"tio!Q this trai!i!) sho"ld
e%phasi8e the i%porta!ce o' "si!) the best %a!a)e%e!t practices&
A3o/e Ground@Under$round Stora$e
<actories that operate abo:e)ro"!d or "!der)ro"!d stora)e ta!$ syste%s that
co!tai! petrole"% prod"cts or ha8ardo"s %aterials sho"ld ha:e a #ritte! pla!
'or pre:e!ti!) spills or lea$s to the e!:iro!%e!t&
This pla! sho"ld be $ept o! site a!d "pdated or i%pro:ed #he!e:er there is a
cha!)e i! 'actory operatio!s+ or i' there has bee! a spill or lea$ o' %aterial to
the e!:iro!%e!t& The pla! sho"ld i!cl"de at least the 'ollo#i!),
a current list of all aboveground and underground tanks that contain
petroleum products and ha*ardous materialsB
procedures to prevent spills or leaks, including while doing routine tasks, such
as transferring small amounts of material to smaller containersB
procedures for monitoring aboveground or underground storage tank systems
for leaksB
testing of secondary containment systems for aboveground or underground
storage tank systems, if presentB
an emergency response plan for an incident involving a spill or leak from a
storage tankB
inspection formsB and
re$uirements for training workers.
<actory #or$ers #ho ha:e respo!sibility 'or the operatio! a!dKor %ai!te!a!ce
o' ta!$ syste%s sho"ld be trai!ed o! best %a!a)e%e!t practices 'or stora)e
ta!$s& This trai!i!) sho"ld be pro:ided #ithi! /0 days o' hire+ a!d a)ai! each
year a'ter& A #ritte! record sho"ld be $ept to sho# this trai!i!) #as co%pleted&
*o"ti!e i!spectio!s sho"ld be co!d"cted o! stora)e ta!$ syste%s+ i!cl"di!)
site-o#!ed+ oil-'illed po#er tra!s'or%ers&
A report 'or% sho"ld be co%pleted i' a spill or lea$ occ"rs& This allo#s the
'actory to $eep a #ritte! record o' spillsKlea$s a!d o' the correcti:e actio!s
ta$e! to pre:e!t '"t"re spills or lea$s&
CE, Dormitorie
("si!ess part!ers #ho pro:ide reside!tial 'acilities 'or their #or$ers %"st
pro:ide sa'e a!d healthy 'acilities&
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
Dor%itory reside!ts %"st !ot be restricted i! their %o:e%e!ts beyo!d #hat
they a)ree is reaso!able )i:e! le)iti%ate co!cer!s 'or their sa'ety or
co!sideratio! 'or the pri:acy o' other reside!ts& There %"st be !o "!reaso!able
restrictio!s+ s"ch as deposits&
Dor%itories %"st be i! co%plia!ce #ith all ho"si!) la#s a!d re)"latio!s+
occ"pa!cy reE"ire%e!ts+ a!d health a!d sa'ety la#s& Dor%itories %"st ha:e at
least 4 "!obstr"cted e%er)e!cy e7its per 'loor that lead to a sa'e locatio!&
E7its %"st be %ar$ed by si)!s that are i!ter!ally ill"%i!ated a!d bac$ed "p by
E7it doors %"st ope! i! the directio! o' e)ress ?o"t#ards@+ be "!loc$ed 'ro%
the i!side a!d %"st reE"ire !o special operatio!&
Dor%itories %"st ha:e a! a"dible 'ire alar% that ca! be heard i! all parts o' the
There %"st be s%o$e detectors o! each 'loor o' a dor%itory&
A 'ire e7ti!)"isher %"st be located #ithi! 4/ % ?2A 'eet@ o' e:ery bed&
<ireKe%er)e!cy e:ac"atio! drills %"st be practiced at least o!ce a year so that
reside!ts are 'a%iliar #ith e:ac"atio! proced"res&
There %"st be /&2 sE"are %eters per #or$er& I! additio!+ ceili!)s i! the roo%
%"st be 4&4 %eters ?2 'eet@ hi)h&
Toilets %"st be clea! ?reco%%e!ded is /7 per day@+ '"!ctio!i!)+ #ell-lit+ #ell-
:e!tilated+ a!d stoc$ed #ith toilet paper a!d soap& I! additio!+ there %"st be at
least o!e toilet+ separated a!d %ar$ed by )e!der+ 'or e:ery 1A occ"pa!ts #hose
"!its do !ot ha:e pri:ate toilets& Toilets %"st be co!!ected to a p"blic
se#er syste% or septic ta!$&
All hall#ays a!d e7its sho"ld be clear a!d "!obstr"cted at all ti%es&
Dor%itories sho"ld be sa'e+ #ell-lit+ #ell %ai!tai!ed+ clea!+ a!d adeE"ately
heated a!d cooled& Dor%itories sho"ld ha:e e%er)e!cy li)hti!) i!stalled i!
e7its+ hall#ays a!d stair#ells&
A 'irst aid $it sho"ld be pro:ided i! a :isible+ accessible locatio!& I! additio!+
trai!ed 'irst aid perso!!el %"st be readily accessible a!d there %"st be adeE"ate
%ea!s 'or reporti!) e%er)e!cies ?s"ch as sec"rity perso!!el #ith pho!es@&
A loc$able space s"''icie!t 'or all #or$ a!d !o!-#or$ ite%s #ith at least 1&2
sE"are %eters stora)e per #or$er sho"ld be pro:ided&
At least o!e sho#er #ith both hot a!d cold #ater sho"ld be pro:ided 'or e:ery
10 occ"pa!ts& I! additio!+ sho#ers sho"ld be separated a!d %ar$ed by )e!der&
Sho#er drai!s sho"ld be co!!ected to a p"blic se#er syste% or septic ta!$&
At least o!e si!$ #ith both hot a!d cold #ater sho"ld be pro:ided 'or e:ery
si7 occ"pa!ts& Si!$s a!d drai!s sho"ld be co!!ected to a p"blic se#er syste% or
septic ta!$&
The li:i!) E"arters sho"ld be clea!& Ca'eterias a!d $itche!s sho"ld be clea!+
eE"ipped #ith coo$i!) sto:es+ %echa!ical re'ri)eratio!+ adeE"ate co"!ter space
'or 'ood preparatio!+ di!i!) table a!d seats+ si!$s #ith hot a!d cold r"!!i!)
#ater+ a!d proper li)hti!) a!d :e!tilatio!& <ood stora)e a!d preparatio! sho"ld
be sa!itary& Also+ ca'eteria $itche!s sho"ld co!tai! a 'ire e7ti!)"isher a!d a 'ire
Potable #ater 'or dri!$i!) sho"ld be a:ailable o! each 'loor&
<loors i! the li:i!) E"arters sho"ld be dry&
All eE"ip%e!t a!d 'i7t"res sho"ld be #ell %ai!tai!ed a!d eE"ipped #ith
appropriate sa'ety de:ices&
*e'"se co!tai!ers sho"ld be located a#ay 'ro% li:i!) acco%%odatio!s+ $ept i!
a sa!itary %a!!er ?a t#ice per #ee$ clea!i!) is reco%%e!ded@ a!d sho"ld be
adeE"ate 'or occ"pa!tsD !eeds&
At least o!e #ashi!) %achi!e per e:ery A0 occ"pa!ts or o!e la"!dry trayKt"b
per /0 occ"pa!ts sho"ld be pro:ided& A dryi!) area #ith adeE"ate :e!tilatio!
sho"ld also be pro:ided&
CF, Permit
*!at are t!e TOE &eHuirementM
Per%its %"st be a:ailable 'or re:ie#& <actories %"st ha:e all c"rre!t per%its as
reE"ired by la# ?i!cl"di!) b"si!ess a!d operati!) per%its+ 'ire-sa'ety a!d
electrical certi'icates+ per%its 'or eE"ip%e!t s"ch as boilers+ )e!erators+
ele:ators+ '"el a!d che%ical stora)e ta!$s+ etc& a!d b"ildi!)+ e%issio!s a!d
#aste-disposal per%its@&
Le/i Strau 5 Co,
&etricted Su3tance Lit
Source Com6liance A$reement =A$reement>
;e "!dersta!d that LSBCO&Ds *estricted S"bsta!ces List pro)ra% is a!
i%porta!t 'eat"re o' LSBCO&Ds b"si!ess a!d adds si)!i'ica!t :al"e to
LSBCO&Ds bra!ds& Accordi!)ly+ #e hereby declare a!d a)ree that,
X ;e ha:e recei:ed+ read+ '"lly "!dersta!d a!d #ill $eep '"lly apprised o'
LSBCO&Ds *estricted S"bsta!ces List+ i!cl"di!) its prohibitio!s+ li%itatio!s a!d
reE"ire%e!ts+ as p"blished i! ."ly 400F a!d as it %ay be a%e!ded 'ro% ti%e to
ti%e+ herea'ter ?the *SL@Q
X ;e "!dersta!d that the *SL pro)ra% o!ly #or$s i' each a!d e:ery so"rce o'
%aterials+ parts+ che%icals a!d other )oods+ i!corporated i! LSBCO& apparel+
accessories a!d other prod"cts co%plies #ith the pro)ra%Q
X Co%plia!ce #ith the *SL is a co!ditio! to a!d i!corporated i! each a!d
e:ery order placed by LSBCO&Q each ship%e!t co!stit"tes o"r #arra!ty that the
%aterials+ parts+ che%icals a!d other )oods+ shipped '"lly co%ply #ith the *SLQ
X ;e "!dersta!d a!d a)ree that e:ery order LSBCO& )i:es "s is i! relia!ce o!
this a)ree%e!tQ
X LSBCO& re)"larly "pdates the *SL a!d #e #ill "se best e''orts to $eep
i!'or%ed o' these "pdates as they occ"rQ
X ;e certi'y that each c"rre!t a!d '"t"re %aterial+ part+ che%ical a!d other
)ood+ that #e s"pply or other#ise deli:er to LSBCO& %eets+ a!d #ill co!ti!"e
to %eet+ each prohibitio!+ li%itatio! a!d other reE"ire%e!t o' the *SL Sectio!
X ;e #ill "se best b"si!ess practices to e!s"re that each %aterial+ part+
che%ical a!d other )ood that #e s"pply to LSBCO& %eets+ a!d #ill co!ti!"e to
%eet+ each prohibitio!+ li%itatio!+ a!d other reE"ire%e!t o' the *SL Sectio! 4Q
X LSBCO& reser:es the ri)ht+ b"t !ot the obli)atio!+ to test+ by the *SL-
speci'ied %ethod+ or other appropriate %ethod+ a!y ordered %aterial+ part+
che%ical a!d other )ood+ at a!y ti%e or sta)e o' prod"ctio!Q
X ;e a)ree to $eep a:ailable 'or at least te! ?10@ years 'ro% the deli:ery date o'
a!y order to LSBCO&+ all i!'or%atio! co!cer!i!) a!y s"bsta!ce #e "se i!
%a!"'act"ri!) LSBCO&Ds orders&
I!'or%atio! i!cl"des #itho"t li%itatio! a!y preparatio!s a!d %a!"'act"ri!)
recipes "si!) s"bsta!ces+ #hether "sed by "s i! %a!"'act"ri!) LSBCO&Ds
orders or "sed by a!y o' o"r direct or i!direct s"ppliers i! %a!"'act"ri!) the
ra# %aterials #e p"rchased 'ro% the% to %a!"'act"re LSBCO&Ds orders ?*a#
Materials@& I! this co!!ectio! #e "!derta$e to reE"ire all o"r direct a!d
i!direct s"ppliers to $eep a:ailable 'or at least te! ?10@ years 'ro% the
deli:ery date o' the *a# Materials to "s+ all i!'or%atio! ?as de'i!ed abo:e@
co!cer!i!) a!y s"bsta!ce they "sed i! %a!"'act"ri!) the *a# Materials&
Ma!"'act"ri!) a!d %a!"'act"re %ea! J#itho"t li%itatio! a!y process+
proced"re or tech!olo)y "sed to prod"ce the LSBCO& order or ra# %aterial&D
;e #ill pro:ide the i!'or%atio! ?as de'i!ed abo:e@ 'ree-o'-char)e to LSBCO&
or its a''iliates i%%ediately "po! reE"est&
X <ail"re to co%ply #ith the *SL is a %aterial breach o' a!y a)ree%e!t #e
ha:e #ith LSBCO&+ !ot#ithsta!di!) a!y other ter% o' that a)ree%e!tQ
X LSBCO&Ds ri)hts i!cl"de+ #itho"t li%itatio!+ the ri)ht to ca!cel a! order+ or i'
LSBCO& has already recei:ed ship%e!t+ the ri)ht to re:o$e a!y accepta!ce a!d
the ri)ht to ret"r! a!y a!d all %aterials+ parts+ che%icals+ a!d other )oods+
#hich LSBCO& i! its sole discretio! deter%i!es do !ot co%ply #ith a!y
prohibitio!+ li%itatio! or other reE"ire%e!t o' the *SLQ
X ;e do a!d #ill co!ti!"e to hold LSBCO&+ its a)e!ts a!d its e%ployees
har%less a)ai!st+ a!d #ill de'e!d a!d i!de%!i'y LSBCO&+ its a)e!ts a!d its
e%ployees a)ai!st+ a!y a!d all clai%s+ losses+ liabilities+ e7pe!ses+ a!d
da%a)es+ i!cl"di!) reaso!able attor!eys 'ees a!d costs+ ca"sed
by o"r 'ail"re to co%ply #ith a!y prohibitio!+ li%itatio! or other reE"ire%e!t o'
the *SL or this A)ree%e!t&
Nat"re o' So"rce Pri%ary *elatio!ship to LSBCO& Other *elatio!ship to
1& <abric S"pplier
4& La"!dry
/& Prod"ct Lice!see
3& Co"!try Lice!see
A& <"ll Pac$a)e S"pplier
1& C"tKSe# 'acility
2& Pri!ters
F& S"!dries S"pplier
G& Accessories S"pplier
10& .e#elry S"pplier
11& A)e!t K trade ho"se
14& Others ?Please speci'y@ LEAT9E* <OOT;EA*&
Co%pa!y Na%e, DA;A* <OOT;EA* IND&
*esearch %ethodolo)y is a #ay to syste%atically sol:e the proble%& It %ay be
"!derstood has a scie!ce o' st"dyi!) ho# research is do!e scie!ti'ically& I! it
#e st"dy the :ario"s steps that all )e!erally adopted by a researcher i! st"dyi!)
his research proble% alo!) #ith the lo)ic behi!d the%& The scope o' research
%ethodolo)y is #ider tha! that o' research %ethod&
*esearch re'ers to a search 'or $!o#led)e& It is a syste%atic %ethod o'
collecti!) a!d recordi!) the 'acts i! the 'or% o' !"%erical data rele:a!t to the
'or%"lated proble% a!d arri:i!) at certai! co!cl"sio!s o:er the proble%
based o! collected data&
Th"s 'or%"latio! o' the proble% is the 'irst a!d 'ore%ost step i! the research
process 'ollo#ed by the collectio!+ recordi!)+ tab"latio! a!d a!alysis a!d
dra#i!) the co!cl"sio!s& The proble% 'or%"latio! starts #ith de'i!i!) the
proble% or !"%ber o' proble%s i! the '"!ctio!al area& To detect the
'"!ctio!al area a!d locate the e7act proble% is %ost i%porta!t part o' a!y
research as the #hole research is based o! the proble%&
Accordi!) to Cli''ord ;oody research co%prises de'i!i!) a!d rede'i!i!)
proble%s+ 'or%"lati!) hypothesis or s"))ested sol"tio!s, collecti!)+
or)a!i8i!) a!d e:al"ati!) data, %a$i!) ded"ctio!s a!d reachi!) co!cl"sio!s,
a!d at last care'"lly testi!) the co!cl"sio!s to deter%i!e #hether they 'it the
'or%"lati!) hypothesis&
*esearch ca! be de'i!ed as the %a!ip"latio! o' thi!)s+ co!cepts or sy%bols 'or the
p"rpose o'
5e!erali8i!) to e7te!d+ correct or :eri'y $!o#led)e+ #hether that
$!o#led)e aids i! co!str"ctio! o' theory or i! the practice o' a! art
I! short+ the search 'or $!o#led)e thro")h objecti:e a!d syste%atic %ethod
o' 'i!di!) sol"tio! to a proble% is research&
1-Controlled- I! real li'e there are %a!y 'actors that a''ect a! o"tco%e& The
co!cept o' co!trol i%plies that+ i! e7plori!) ca"sality i! relatio! to t#o
:ariables ?'actors@+ yo" set "p yo"r st"dy i! a #ay that %i!i%i8es the e''ects o'
other 'actors a''ecti!) the relatio!ship&
14&i$orou- yo" %"st be scr"p"lo"s i! e!s"ri!) that the proced"res 'ollo#ed
to 'i!d a!s#ers to E"estio!s are relevant, appropriate and justified. A)ai!+ the
de)ree o' ri)or :aries %ar$edly bet#ee! the physical a!d social scie!ces a!d
#ithi! the social scie!ces&
E4S0tematic- this i%plies that the proced"re adopted to "!derta$e a!
i!:esti)atio! 'ollo# a certai! lo)ical seE"e!ce& The di''ere!t steps ca!!ot be
ta$e! i! a hapha8ard #ay& So%e proced"res %"st 'ollo# others&
F4:alid and /erifia3le- this co!cept i%plies that #hate:er yo" co!cl"de o! the
basis o' yo"r 'i!di!)s is correct a!d ca! be :eri'ied by yo" a!d others&
G4Em6irical- this %ea!s that a!y co!cl"sio! dra#! are based "po! hard
e:ide!ce )athered 'ro% i!'or%atio! collected 'ro% real li'e e7perie!ces or
I4Critical- critical scr"ti!y o' the proced"res "sed a!d the %ethods e%ployed
is cr"cial to a research e!E"iry& The process o' i!:esti)atio! %"st be 'oolproo'
a!d 'ree 'ro% dra#bac$s& The process adopted a!d the proced"res "sed %"st be
able to #ith sta!d critical scr"ti!y&
*esearch ca! be classi'ied 'ro% three perspecti:es,
1& application o' research st"dy
4& objectives in undertaking the research
/& in$uiry mode e%ployed
Descriptive research atte%pts to describe syste%atically a sit"atio!+ proble% +
phe!o%e!o!+ ser:ice or pro)ra%%e + or pro:ides i!'or%atio! abo"t + say+ li:i!)
co!ditio! o' a co%%"!ity+ or describes attit"des to#ards a! iss"e&
.orrelational research atte%pts to disco:er or establish the e7iste!ce o' a
relatio!shipK i!terdepe!de!ce bet#ee! t#o or %ore aspects o' a sit"atio!&
E%planatory research atte%pts to clari'y #hy a!d ho# there is a relatio!ship
bet#ee! t#o or %ore aspects o' a sit"atio! or phe!o%e!o!&
E%ploratory research is "!derta$e! to e7plore a! area #here little is $!o#! or
to i!:esti)ate the possibilities o' "!derta$i!) a partic"lar research st"dy
?feasibility study, pilot study0.
Steps i! *esearch Process,
1& <or%"lati!) the *esearch Proble%
4& E7te!si:e Literat"re *e:ie#
/& De:elopi!) the objecti:es
3& Prepari!) the *esearch Desi)! i!cl"di!) Sa%ple Desi)!
A& Collecti!) the Data
1& A!alysis o' Data
2& 5e!eralisatio! a!d I!terpretatio!
F& Preparatio! o' the *eport or Prese!tatio! o' *es"lts-<or%al #rite "ps o'
co!cl"sio!s reached&
This research is e7ploratory i! !at"re& I collected data 'ro% :ario"s
pri%ary a!d seco!dary so"rces& The choice o' sa%ple sche%e #as )"ided by the
'act that a reaso!able a%o"!t o' i!'or%atio! #as a:ailable a!d represe!ti!) tr"e
pict"re o' applicatio! o' i!'or%atio! tech!olo)y i! 9* depart%e!t&
The %ethodolo)y adopted 'or the co%pletio! o' this project #as di:ided
i!to 'o"r sta)es,
The 'irst sta)e i!cl"ded "!dersta!di!) the Co!cept+ Applicatio! a!d
Co!trib"tio! o' IT i! 9*D depart%e!t to per'or% its '"!ctio! e''ecti:ely a!d
e''icie!tly& Seco!dary data 'or this p"rpose #as collected thro")h :ario"s
boo$s+ %a)a8i!es+ jo"r!als a!d :ario"s sites&
Seco!d sta)e i!cl"ded the i!p"t sta)e i! #hich :ario"s types o'
i!'or%atio! data #ere collected related to applicatio! o' IT i! 9*D& The data
#as collected thro")h disc"ssio! a!d i!ter:ie#s #ith the represe!tati:es o' the
I! the third sta)e all the )athered data #ere arra!)ed a!d tab"lated to
arri:e at the !ecessary co!cl"sio!& All the i!'or%atio! #as correlated i!to
tab"latio!+ charts a!d i! 'i)"res to %a$e the preparatio! o' tool li$e
6"estio!!aire to e:al"ate the si)!i'ica!ce o' It i! 9* depart%e!t&
The last sta)e+ i&e& the o"tp"t sta)e i!cl"ded a!aly8i!) o' the processed
i!'or%atio! i! 'i!al 'i!di!)s a!d the! arri:i!) o' 'i!al co!cl"sio!s&
The E"estio!!aire is co!sidered as the %ost i%porta!t thi!) i! a s"r:ey
operatio!& 9e!ce it sho"ld be care'"lly co!str"cted& Str"ct"red E"estio!!aire
co!sist o' o!ly 'i7ed alter!ati:e E"estio!s& S"ch type o' E"estio!!aire is
i!e7pe!si:e to a!alysis a!d easy to ad%i!ister& All E"estio!s are closed
The E"estio!!aire #as 'illed i! the o''ice a!d :ital i!'or%atio! #as collected
#hich #as the! s"bjects to,-
A pilot s"r:ey #as co!d"cted be'ore 'i!ali8i!) the E"estio!!aire&
Data collectio! #as also do!e #ith the help o' perso!al obser:atio!&
A'ter co%pletio! o' s"r:ey the data #as a!aly8ed a!d co!cl"sio! #as
At the e!d all i!'or%atio! #as co%piled to co%plete the project report&
The tas$ o' data collectio! be)i!s a'ter the research proble% has bee!
de'i!ed a!d research desi)! chal$ed o"t& ;hile decidi!) the %ethod o' data
collectio! to be "sed 'or the st"dy+ the researcher sho"ld $eep i! %i!d t#o
types o' data :i8& Pri%ary a!d seco!dary data&
The pri%ary data are those+ #hich are collected a'resh a!d 'or the 'irst ti%e
a!d th"s happe! to be ori)i!al i! character& The pri%ary data #ere collected
thro")h #ell-desi)!ed a!d str"ct"red E"estio!!aires based o! the objecti:es&
The seco!dary data are those+ #hich ha:e already bee! collected by
so%eo!e else a!d passed thro")h statistical process& The seco!dary data
reE"ired o' the research #as collected thro")h :ario"s !e#spapers+ a!d
I!ter!et etc&
A research is the arra!)e%e!t o' the co!ditio!s 'or the collectio!s a!d
a!alysis o' the data i! a %a!!er that ai%s to co%bi!e rele:a!ce to the research
p"rpose #ith eco!o%y i! proced"re& I! 'act+ the research is desi)! is the
co!cept"al str"ct"re #ithi! #hich research is co!d"ctedQ it co!stit"tes the
bl"e pri!t o' the collectio!+ %eas"re%e!t a!d a!alysis o' the data& As search
the desi)! i!cl"des a! o"tli!e o' #hat the researcher #ill do 'ro% #riti!) the
hypothesis a!d its operatio!al i%plicatio! to the 'i!al a!alysis o' data&
The desi)! is s"ch st"dies %"st be ri)id a!d !ot 'le7ible a!d %ost 'oc"s
atte!tio! o! the 'ollo#i!) 4Q
&eearc! Dei$n can 3e cate$oriDed a"

The prese!t st"dy is e7ploratory i! !at"re+ as it see$s to disco:er ideas a!d
i!si)ht to bri) o"t !e# relatio!ship& *esearch desi)! is 'le7ible e!o")h to
pro:ide opport"!ity 'or co!sideri!) di''ere!t aspects o' proble% "!der st"dy& It
helps i! bri!)i!) i!to 'oc"s so%e i!here!t #ea$!ess i! e!terprise re)ardi!)
#hich i! depth st"dy ca! be co!d"cted by %a!a)e%e!t&
A'ter data ha:e bee! collected+ the researcher t"r!s to the tas$ o' a!aly8i!)
the%& The a!alysis o' data reE"ires a !"%ber o' closely related operatio!s
s"ch as establish%e!t o' cate)ories+ the applicatio! o' these cate)ories to ra#
data thro")h tab"latio! a!d dra#i!) statically i!'ere!ces&
Tab"latio! is the part o' tech!ical proced"re #here i! the classi'ied data are
p"t i! the 'or% o' tables&
A'ter a!aly8i!) the data+ the researcher sho"ld ha:e to e7plai! the 'i!di!)s
o! the basis o' so%e theory& It is $!o#! as i!terpretatio!
61& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent +all under t!e Cate$or0
1@ Top M)%!t Y&& 4@ Middle M)%!t Y&& /@ Lo#er M)%!t Y&&
Ma7i%"% *espo!de!ts are 'ro% Middle Ma!a)e%e!t
64& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i on Muter &oll
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
All *espo!de!ts are o! M"ster *olls o' Da#ar&
6/& *!et!er t!e Salar0 i Paid in Accordance To
1@ Desi)!atio!Y&& 4@ E7p& Y&& /@ 5e!der Y&&
Salary is paid to the Ma7i%"% *espo!de!ts i! Accorda!ce to their E7perie!ce
i! Da#ar&
Q4. Whether the Respondent is Satisfied with workplace
1) Yes .. 2) No .. ) !an"t Sa# ..
Ma7i%"% *espo!de!ts o' Da#ar are satis'ied #ith their #or$ place&
6A& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i Satified %it! &ule 5 &e$ulation
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
A lar)e :ol"%e o' *espo!de!ts are satis'ied #ith the *"les a!d *e)"latio!s o'
61& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i Satified %it! t!e #o3 Securit0 6ro/ided 30
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
Ma7i%"% *espo!de!ts are satis'ied #ith the job sec"rity pro:ided by Da#ar
62& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i Satified %it! t!e Salar0 6ro/ided 30
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
A lar)e :ol"%e o' *espo!de!ts are satis'ied #ith the Salary pro:ided by Da#ar
6F, Different Statutor0 *elfare Policie a Ado6ted 30 Da%ar are
1@ <a%ily 5rat"ity Y&& 4@ I!s"ra!ce Y&& /@ Ed"catio!al Tr"st Y&& 3@ <ree
Tra!sportatio! Y&& A@ All Y&&
All *espo!de!ts are ha:i!) all the <ollo#i!) Stat"tory Ser:ices o' Da#ar
6G& Di''ere!t No! Stat"tory ;el'are Policies as Adopted by Da#ar are
1@ Sa'ety EE"ip%e!ts Y&& 4@ Ca!tee! Y&& /@ Li)hti!) Y&
3@ Tea Co"po!s Y&& A@ All Y&&
All *espo!de!ts are 9a:i!) all the <ollo#i!) No! stat"tory Ser:ices o' Da#ar
610& *!at 9ind of (enefit t!e &e6ondent i See-in$ in &e6ecti/e #o3
1@ (o!"s Y&& 4@ I!s"ra!ce Y&& /@ 5rat"ity Y&&
Ma7i%"% *espo!de!ts are see$i!) (o!"s as #ell as I!s"ra!ce i! their job
611& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i Satified %it! t!e Statutor0 +acilitie
6ro/ided 30 Da%ar
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
A Lar)e N"%ber o' *espo!de!ts are Satis'ied #ith Stat"tory <acilities pro:ided
by Da#ar
614& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i Satified %it! t!e Non Statutor0 +acilitie
6ro/ided 30 Da%ar
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
Ma7i%"% N"%ber o' *espo!de!ts are satis'ied #ith No! Stat"tory <acilities
pro:ided by Da#ar
61/& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i Satified %it! t!e &e6ortin$ Structure 5
'ierarc!0 in Da%ar
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
A Lar)e N"%ber o' *espo!de!ts are Satis'ied #ith the *eporti!) Str"ct"re B
9ierarchy i! Da#ar
613& *!at i t!e Pro/iion of +etc!in$ Mediclaim in Da%ar
1@ Desi)!atio!Y&& 4@ E7p& Y&& /@ 5e!der Y&&
All *espo!de!ts o' Da#ar are <etchi!) Mediclai% i! accorda!ce to their
Desi)!atio! &
61A& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i $ettin$
1@ <a%ily 5rat"ity Y&& 4@ I!s"ra!ce Y&& /@ ESI B P< Y&& 3@ (o!"s Y&& A@
All Y&&
All *espo!de!ts are 5etti!) all the Abo:e Me!tio!ed Pro:isio!s
611& ;hether the *espo!de!t is )etti!) a!y <or%al Trai!i!) i! Da#ar
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
Ma7i%"% N"%ber o' *espo!de!ts are 5etti!) <or%al Trai!i!) i! Da#ar
612& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i 6ro/idin$ +eed3ac-
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
A Lar)e N"%ber o' *espo!de!ts are )i:i!) 'eedbac$ to their s"periors i!
61F& *!et!er t!e &e6ondent i Satified %it! t!e O66ortunitie of
Promotion in Da%ar
1@ Oes Y&& 4@ No Y&& /@ Ca!Dt Say Y&&
Ma7i%"% !"%ber o' *espo!de!ts are satis'ied #ith the Opport"!ities o'
)etti!) pro%oted i! 9ierarchy o' Da#ar
<CK& *!at can Da%ar do to increae 0our atifaction a an em6lo0eeM
C> +acilitie N,, 1> Trainin$ N,, E> +rin$e (enefit N,,
Accordi!) to Ma7i%"% !"%ber o' *espo!de!ts Da#ar ca! i%pro:e i! trai!i!)
as #ell as I! <acilities to be Pro:ided to E%ployees&
640& *!at Area are to 3e Im6ro/ed 30 Da%ar
1@ Co%pe!satio! Y&& 4@ Per'or%a!ce Appraisal Y&& /@ ;el'are policies Y&&


A%o!) All o' the Me!tio!ed Areas Co%pe!satio! B ;el'are policies Are to be
I%pro:ed by Da#ar&
I! the or)a!i8atio! %ost o' e%ployees are satis'ied #ith the ti%e speci'ied 'or each operatio!
by co%pa!y& ("t there are so%e e%ployees also #ho are !ot satis'ied #ith the proced"re&
Ma!a)e%e!t sho"ld try to co!:ert "!satis'ied e%ployees i! to satis'ied e%ployees& (eca"se
i' e%ployee is !ot satis'ied tha! the he is !ot able to )i:e his 100I to his #or$ a!d the
prod"cti:ity o' e%ployee decrease& So %a!a)e%e!t sho"ld try to satis'ied his e%ployees
beca"se e%ployees are the assets o' the co%pa!y !ot a liabilities&
T There sho"ld be a definite and fi.ed 6lace 'or all tools a!d %aterials&
T Tools+ %aterials+ a!d co!trols sho"ld be located cloe in a!d directly i! 'ro!t o' the
T Gra/it0 feed 3in a!d co!tai!ers sho"ld be "sed #he!e:er possible&
T Dro6 deli/er sho"ld be "sed #he!e:er possible&
T Materials a!d tools sho"ld be located to per%it the best seE"e!ce o' %otio!s&
T Pro:ide 'or adeE"ate /iual 6erce6tion& 5ood ill"%i!atio! is the 'irst reE"ire%e!t&
T Arra!)e the !ei$!t o' the #or$place a!d chair 'or alter!ate sitti!) a!d sta!di!)+ #he!
Pro:ide a c!air o' the type a!d hei)ht to per%it )ood post"re&
Li%itatio! are as 'ollo#s-
Data collected is based o! E"estio!!aire&
The !"%ber o' e%ployees i! DA;A* <OOT;EA* INDUST*IES is %ore+ so sa%ple
si8e is li%ited by 100&
The i!'or%atio! collected by the obser:atio! %ethod is :ery li%ited&
The res"lt #o"ld be :aryi!) accordi!) to the i!di:id"als as #ell as ti%e&
So%e respo!de!ts hesitated to )i:e the act"al sit"atio!Q they 'eared that %a!a)e%e!t
#o"ld ta$e a!y actio! a)ai!st the%
The 'i!di!)s a!d co!cl"sio!s are based o! $!o#led)e a!d e7perie!ce o' the respo!de!ts
so%eti%e %ay s"bject to bias&
Ash#athapa =&+ 9"%a! *eso"rce Ma!a)e%e!t ?third editio!@+ Tata Mc 5ra# 9ill
P"blicatio! Co%pa!y Ltd&
Chhabra& + T& N& 9"%a! *eso"rce Ma!a)e%e!t+ Dha!pat *ai HCo?P@Ltd& I!dia+ !i!th
=othari C&*&+ *esearch Methodolo)y+ Ne# DelhiQ Ne# A)e I!ter!atio!al
P"blicatio!+ seco!d editio!&
###&da#ar 'oot#ear i!d&co%

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