Books Recommended For Reading by Students Coming To Cambridge To Read Architecture

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Books recommended for reading by students coming to

Cambridge to read Architecture

It is expected that you will have read the following:
Curtis, W. Modern Architecture Since 1900, Phaidon, 198
!o"#rich, $. The Story of Art, Phaidon, 19%%
&ostoff, '. A History of Architecture, Settings and Rituals, ()P, 199*
'u""erson, +. The Classical Language of Architecture, ,,C Pu#. 19%-
As further reading, these books may also be useful:
.c/er"an Palladio, Penguin ,oo/s
.c/er"an Michaelangelo, Penguin ,oo/s
,acherlard The Poetics of Space, ,eacon Press, ,oston, 19%9
,anha" Theory and esign in the !irst Machine Age, .rchitectural Press, 19%0
Clifton12aylor The Pattern of "nglish #uilding, 3a#er, 194
$liade The Sacred and The Profane, 5arvest ,oo/s, 19*9
3ord The etails of Modern Architecture 6 vols7, 8I2, 1990, 199%
3ra"pton Modern Architecture, A Critical History, 2ha"es 9 5udson, 1981
!iedon, '. Space, Ti$e and Architecture, 5arvard )niversity Presss, 194-
!o"#rich Art and %llusion, Phaidon, 194
!ordon Structures & or 'hy things on(t !all o)n, Penguin, 1948
5arries, &. The Meaning of Modern Art, A Philosophical %nterpretation, :orthwestern
)niversity Press, 199
;e Cor#usier To)ards a *e) Architecture, .rchitectural Press, 19<%
=as"ussen London, The +ni,ue City, +onathan Cape, 19-4
=as"ussen "-periencing Architecture, Chap"an 9 5all, 19*9
=ay, :. Ca$.ridge Architecture, A Concise /uide, C)P, 199<
'pector The "thical Architect, Princeton .rchitectural Press, 001
'u""erson Hea0enly Mansions and 1ther "ssays on Architecture, Cresset Press
19<9 6reprinted 1987
2wo"#ley !ran2 Lloyd 'right & His Life and Architecture, Wiley, 1949
>on 8oos Le Cor.usier & "le$ents of a Synthesis, 8I2, 1949
Weston Al0ar Aalto, Phaidon, 199*
Witt/ower, =. Architectural Principles in the Age of Hu$anis$, .cade"y
Wolfe, 2. !ro$ #auhaus to our House, 3arier 'traus !iroux, 1981
Wright, 3.;. An Auto.iograpahy, 3a#er 9 3a#er, 19<*
6'o"e of these #oo/s "ay #e out of print #ut should #e availa#le in local li#raries7
+uly 00*

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