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English test 3 (module 5 and 6)-group B

Name ______________________________
1. Use Present simple or present continuous tense:
a. You must wear a coat . It _______________(snow).
b. We ________________(have) a birthday party tomorrow.
c. Jack usually _____________ (get up) at 7.!.
d. "en never _______________ (wear) a hat.
. Use me , you , him , her , it , us , them.
a. $on%t stand in &ront o& __________. I can%t see.
b. We%re in a hurry. 'an you help __________ ( please)
c. I need my book . Where is ___________ )
d. *adie is talking . +ook at ______________.
3. !ill the sentences "ith some o# the prepositions- $N % &' % (N .
a. ,el%s going swimming ____________ the weekend.
b. We%re having a maths test ___________ ,onday.
c. *he always watches -. _________ the evening.
d. ,y lesson starts __________ 7 o%clock.
). *ircle the correct ans"er:
a. Why don%t we go to the /atural 0istory ,useum)
1 2 I%m not thirsty( thanks.
" 2 3ood idea.
b. *hall we go to the skate park)
1 2 Yes ( good idea.
" 2 /othing.
c. +et%s make a party tomorrow.
1 2 -hank you.
" 2 Why not)
5. Use "as % "ere % "asn+t % "eren+t.
a. ____________ 5ablo 5icasso a &amous scientist)
/o ( he ___________. 0e _________ a painter.
b. _____________ you at home last night)
/o( I _____________.I ___________ at the library.
c. Where ___________ your &riends yesterday)
-hey __________ at school.
(6 pts)
6. ,rite the correct "ord under each picture:
789:7;< =
>?@8: =
AB7? C7?D =
E?F>?B =
:;GF; =
H8I =
(=7) you need to work harder(you need additional lessons.
(6=4) you have to work on your mistakes ( you need additional lessons.
(#=KL) good( but you make some mistakes and you have to work on certain points
(K=K#) you are good ( you have to work on certain points
(K!=KM)you are eNcellent

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