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English II and Practical English II

Mrs. Cowgill
636-745-7500 ext 7584

Course description: This course builds on the genre study established in
English I and applies those literary understandings globally. Students will
continue to critically read and analyze literature. A variety of texts will be
studied, from ancient to modern, with an emphasis on non-fiction writing.
Writing skills will be honed through numerous writing exercises, assignments
and projects. Oral communication is also a component of this class, as
students will be expected to verbally present various assignments.

Essential Learning Outcomes:
Students will apply reading strategies before, during, and after reading
grade-level text in order to deepen comprehension.
Students will be able to identify, analyze, and evaluate the use of literary
techniques in grade-level fiction and non-fiction text.
Students will be able to acquire and develop vocabulary through reading.
Students will be able to analyze and evaluate authors use of text
features in grade-level fiction and non-fiction text.
Students will be able to identify and analyze elements of fiction in grade-
level text.
Students will be able to determine main idea, explain importance of
supporting details, and authors purpose in grade-level text.
Students will analyze and evaluate elements of persuasive texts and
learn to respond to them and make informed decisions based upon their
Students will be able to independently use the writing process to
compose grade-level written work in a variety of styles.
Students will be able to compose written work showing a strong
controlling idea or theme and development and detail that supports that

Parallel Reading; Students will read the following longer works. (Short stories,
non-fiction, and poetry are not listed here.) Additional approved titles may be
added to this list at the teachers discretion. Parent signature indicates
permission for student to read these assigned novels from Wright Citys
approved parallel reading list: Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare,
The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, The Things
They Carried by Tim OBrien, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, and The
Lord of the Flies by William Golding. All texts will be provided for the students;
however, students may bring personal copies if they desire.

Standards Based Grading: All assignments will be given points commensurate
with their relative importance in the appropriate category below. The grading
policy is as follows:
Final exam 15%
Listening/Speaking/Viewing (presentation components of projects/class
activities) 5%
Literature formative assessments (homework/class work) 10%
Writing formative assessments (homework/class work) 10%
Vocabulary summative assessments (quizzes/tests) 10%
Literature summative assessments (projects/tests) 20%
Writing summative assessments (essays/projects) 30%

Technology: As you know, our school is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). This
means that you are allowed to carry and use cell phones, ipods, and tablet
devices within the school and classrooms. I think this is a great opportunity
for us to use technology productively and effectively in the classroom.
However, I ask that you are smart with using your device. While you are in
my classroom, you are only to use the device for educational purposes.
You will be expected to put your device away until we need it for the
class, or I give you permission to use it for some other means (i.e. listening
to your ipod as you write your paper). If you choose not to follow these rules,
you will be written up so be smart!

Plagiarism and Cheating: Please review the following information carefully.
You will sign that you have read and understand its meaning.
Plagiarism is the act of using another persons ideas and expressions in
your writing without acknowledging the source. Repeating anothers
words, phrases or sentences without quotation marks and proper
citation is one form of plagiarism. Restating anothers apt phrase,
argument or idea without proper citation is also plagiarism as it indicates
the work is your own rather than that of the original source (MLA
Handbook). Plagiarism is not limited to an amount of material that needs
citation. It may be seen as a lack of citation for ONE sentence, one
paragraph and/or an entire paper.

Consequences for plagiarism include receiving an F (0 points) on the
assignment and a disciplinary referral to the administrators for disciplinary
action. According to the student handbook, plagiarism is, copying of another
persons words or the expression of an idea and representing it as ones own.
Cheating and plagiarism includes, but is not limited, tests, quizzes, reports,
homework, term paper and thesis writing. All assignments given in this class
are individual assignments unless otherwise explicitly stated in writing.
Collaboration with peers on individual assignments is considered
Extra Help: I am available before school between 6:45-7:10 and after school by
appointment only. You may schedule make up work or get extra help for
assignments during this time. Please feel free to ask for help; thats why Im

Supplies needed for class: pens or pencils, paper, and a highlighter (any

Class Rules:
1. Please keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
2. Please follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Please have respect for yourself and others (no foul language, putting
others down, etc.).
4. Please be prepared for class.

Consequences for choosing to violate the rules:
1. You will be given a warning.
2. Conference with me (before or after school, seminar, or other agreed
upon time)
3. Call home to parent(s)/ guardian
4. Office referral

Rewards for choosing to follow the rules:
1. Your grades will reflect your effort
2. Praise and encouragement
3. Random call home to tell your parent(s)/ guardian how amazing you are

Procedures are a part of all of our lives and are necessary to keep order. We
follow procedures when we look up something on the internet, drive a car,
board a plane, attend a wedding, or go to work. Procedures help us to function
in an efficient and acceptable manner. They are a part of classroom life and our
lives outside of school.
I have made a list of some procedures that will help all of us function more
effectively in the classroom. This is not necessarily a complete list of everything
that we will encounter, but it will help you to know what I expect.

Please be in your seat when the bell rings. We have many things to
accomplish each day, so I appreciate your cooperation with this.
Begin the opening exercise immediately. The assignment will be clearly
I dont yell over student voices. If I need your attention, I will give a
verbal prompt, then hold up my hand until I have everyones attention.
If you finish an assignment early and there is not another assignment
posted, you may work on an ongoing project for this class, homework for
this class, or you may read a book. You may bring in books from home or
you may borrow one of mine.
If you borrow a book, please let me know what you have checked out.
Please return the book in a timely manner.
If you are working on something for another class during instructional
time, I will politely take it from you. I will return it to you at the end of
the class period.
Please dont bring anything to class that will be a distraction. And please
dont use electronic devices unless it is for something that we are doing
in class.
Cheating will not be tolerated. Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero
for the assignment. Much of what we do in class will be in teams, so this
should rarely be an issue.
I expect that you will turn in assignments on time, but I know that we do
not all have perfect lives that revolve around English class. If you are
having a problem, let me know and I can be flexible. Chronic late work
will result in lower scores.
Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class period
unless otherwise stated.
Please dont talk while I am talking; nobody likes that.
If you are absent, please be sure to get the assignments for the classes
you missed. I will try to keep up with Edmodo (which I am still learning,
so be patient). You may also email me for any information about missed
Please be sure that your name and class period is on all items that you
turn in to me.
I expect that the work you turn in will be neat. Have respect for your job
well done.
Please dont place assignments on my desk. It is too easy for them to get
misplaced that way. If you are taking your time to do your best work, I
dont want to lose it! Make sure you hand assignments directly to me.
Please dont ask to leave the classroom unless it is necessary. I trust that
you will use your best judgment with this.
All school rules and procedures will be enforced in this classroom.
Appropriate behavior is expected at all times.
Please do not try to line up at the door before the bell rings.
When you are dismissed, please be sure that you have not left any trash
or personal belongings behind. I cant be responsible for lost items.
Please dont leave any food or drink trash in the classroom or you could
lose the privilege.
Come to class ready to work.
Always do your best.
Keep an open mind. This is going to be a fun year for us!

I am looking forward to a wonderful year. I expect that you will always do your
best and you can expect the same from me. I am committed to providing you
with an excellent education, and I will work diligently to be sure that each of
you is learning and growing as a student. I hope that if you have any questions
or concerns about our class, you will not hesitate to talk to me. My goal for the
year is to not allow a single failure (help me out here). There is a mailbox on
the table near the door should you have any questions or comments that you
do not feel comfortable approaching me with. You may drop a note, question,
or comment at any time into the box and I will check it daily. You dont have to
write your name, but please let me know what class period you are in. We are
going to have an incredible year!



Please sign and return the bottom portion of this page by Monday, August 18
2014. This will count as a 10 point assignment.

I have read the ruled, policies, and procedures for Mrs. Cowgills class.

Student signature________________________________________________________

Students printed name___________________________________________________

Guardian signature_______________________________________________________

Guardians printed name___________________________________________________

Guardians phone # and email address_______________________________________

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