Exam 2 Review

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Patho Exam 2 Review

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
____ 1. Anaplasia is recognized by loss or organization and a marked increase in nuclear size.
____ 2. A hallmark of cancer cells is their immortality.
____ 3. For the function of tumor suppressor genes to be lost, only one chromosome (allele of the gene must
be inacti!ated.
____ ". #ost cancers must ac$uire mutation in si% distinct areas& gro'th signals, antigro'th signals, e!ading
apoptosis, replicating ability, angiogenesis, and in!asion and metastasis.
____ (. )here is no current e!idence that associates obesity 'ith cancer formation.
____ *. )he term +neoplasm, can refer to a benign tumor.
____ -. )he brain does not re$uire insulin for glucose uptake.
____ .. /omatostatin produced by the hypothalamus inhibits the release of gro'th hormone and thyroid
stimulating hormone.
____ 0. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (A1)2 directly affects melanocyte stimulation.
____ 13. Aldosterone secretion is stimulated by angiotensin 4.
____ 11. Antidiuretic hormone has no direct effect on electrolyte le!els.
____ 12. A person 'ith syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (/4A52 usually cra!es cold drinks.
____ 13. 6ituitary adenomas are malignant tumors.
____ 1". Abnormal immunologic mechanisms producing autoantibodies are responsible for both 7ra!es8
disease and hypothyroidism.
____ 1(. )hyroid carcinoma, although rare, is the most common endocrine malignancy.
____ 1*. )he most common cause of hypoparathyroidism is damage to the glands during surgery.
____ 1-. 4ndi!iduals 'ith type 2 diabetes mellitus ha!e a greater degree of pancreatic changes than
indi!iduals 'ith type 1 diabetes.
____ 1.. /yndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (/4A52 is characterized by increased le!els of
antidiuretic hormone (A52.
____ 10. 7lucose le!els are considerably lo'er in hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketosis syndrome
(229:/ than in diabetic ketoacidosis (5:A.
____ 23. ;hen the myocardium hypertrophies, the capillaries of the heart become more e%tensi!e and
____ 21. <eins are less compliant than arteries.
____ 22. Autoregulation ensures constant coronary blood flo' despite normal shifts in perfusion pressure.
____ 23. #etabolic or hormonal agents produce changes in the heart and circulatory system faster than
autonomic neural transmission.
____ 2". ;hile both produce !asoconstriction, the effects of norepinephrine are $uantitati!ely more
!asoconstricti!e than the effects of epinephrine.
____ 2(. 5ecreasing lo'=density lipoproteins (>5> can cause regression of atherosclerotic lesions and
impro!e endothelial function.
____ 2*. ?nce fatty streaks accumulate, they form foam cells that cause immunologic changes that damage
the endothelium.
____ 2-. @!en though air is lighter than blood, it can form an embolism and cause the occlusion of a blood
____ 2.. Aaynaud disease is characterized by !asospasms of large peripheral arteries.
____ 20. #any people 'ith diabetes mellitus type 2, 'ho 'ere treated 'ith drugs that increased insulin
sensiti!ity, e%perienced a decline in their blood pressure 'ithout taking antihypertensi!e drugs.
____ 33. 1hronic !enous insufficiency can progress to !aricose !eins and !al!ular incompetence.
____ 31. Although cholesterol can be easily obtained !ia dietary intake, most body cells are also capable of
synthesizing cholesterol.
____ 32. 4n high output failure, the heart increases its output, but the body8s metabolic needs are still not met.
____ 33. ;hen fluid collects gradually in a pericardial effusion, the pericardium stretches to accommodate
large $uantities of fluid 'ithout compressing the heart.
____ 3". Acute rheumatic fe!er can de!elop only as a se$uel to pharyngeal infection by group A =
____ 3(. An increase in left !entricular end=diastolic !olume in diastolic heart failure may lead to pulmonary
____ 3*. #any cases of mitral !al!e prolapse are completely asymptomatic.
____ 3-. 1horea or /t. <itus dance is the most definiti!e sign of rheumatic fe!er.
____ 3.. Atrial and brain natriuretic peptides are increased in congesti!e heart failure and may ha!e some
protecti!e effect in decreasing preload.
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 30. ;hich are cancers arising from connecti!e tissue tissuesB
a. ?steogenic sarcoma
b. Casal cell carcinoma
c. #ultiple myeloma
d. Adenocarcinoma
____ "3. 1arcinoma refers to abnormal cell proliferation originating from 'hich tissue originB
a. Clood !essels
b. @pithelium cells
c. 1onnecti!e tissue
d. 7landular tissue
____ "1. ;hat are characteristics of cancer in situB
a. 1ells ha!e broken through the local basement membrane.
b. 1ells ha!e in!aded immediate surrounding tissue.
c. 1ells remain localized in the glandular or s$uamous cells.
d. 1ellular and tissues changes indicate dysplasia.
____ "2. 1ells from a muscle tumor sho' a reduced ability to form ne' muscle and appear highly
disorganized. )his is an e%ample of&
a. dysplasia.
b. hyperplasia.
c. myoplasia.
d. anaplasia.
____ "3. ;hat are tumor cell markersB
a. 2ormones, enzymes, antigens, and antibodies produced by cancer cells
b. Aeceptor sites on tumor cells that can be identified and marked
c. 1ytokines produced against cancer cells
d. 4dentification marks used in administering radiation therapy
____ "". 2o' are tumor cell markers usedB
a. )o pro!ide a definiti!e diagnosis of cancer
b. )o treat certain types of cancer
c. )o predict 'here cancers 'ill de!elop
d. )o screen indi!iduals at high risk for cancer
____ "(. 4ntestinal polyps are benign neoplasms and the first stage in de!elopment of colon cancer. )hese
findings support the notion that&
a. cancers of the colon are more easily diagnosed in the benign form because they can
be !isualized during colonoscopy.
b. an accumulation of mutations in specific genes is re$uired for the de!elopment of
c. tumor in!asion and metastasis progress more slo'ly in the gastrointestinal tract.
d. apoptosis is triggered by di!erse stimuli including e%cessi!e gro'th.
____ "*. ;hat is autocrine stimulationB
a. )he ability of cancer cells to stimulate angiogenesis to create their o'n blood
b. )he ability of cancer cells to stimulate secretions that turn off normal gro'th
c. )he ability of cancer cells to secrete gro'th factors that stimulate their o'n gro'th
d. )he ability of cancer cells to di!ert nutrients a'ay from normal tissue for their
o'n use
____ "-. #any cancers create a mutation of ras. ;hat is rasB
a. A tumor suppressor gene
b. A gro'th promoting gene
c. An intracellular signaling protein that regulates cell gro'th
d. A cell surface receptor that allo's signaling to the nucleus about cell gro'th
____ ".. ;hat are oncogenesB
a. 7enes that ha!e undergone mutation that direct the synthesis of protein to
accelerate the rate of tissue proliferation
b. 7enes that direct synthesis of proteins to regulate gro'th and pro!ide necessary
replacement of tissue
c. 7enes that encode proteins that negati!ely regulate the synthesis of proteins to
sho' or halt replacement of tissue
d. 7enes that ha!e undergone mutation to direct malignant tissue to'ard blood
!essels and lymph nodes for metastasis
____ "0. Curkitt lymphomas designate a chromosome that has a piece of chromosome . fused to a piece of
chromosome 1". )his is an e%ample of 'hich mutation of normal genes to oncogenesB
a. 6oint mutation
b. 1hromosome translocation
c. 7ene amplification
d. 1hromosome fusion
____ (3. 4n chronic myeloid leukemia (1#> a piece of chromosome 0 fuses to a piece of chromosome 22.
)his is an e%ample of 'hich mutation of normal genes to oncogenesB
a. 6oint mutation
b. 1hromosome fusion
c. 7ene amplification
d. 1hromosome translocation
____ (1. ;hat aberrant change causes the abnormal gro'th in retinoblastomaB
a. 6roto=oncogenes are changed to oncogenes.
b. )he tumor suppressor gene is turned off.
c. 7enetic amplification causes the gro'th.
d. 1hromosomes 0 and 21 are fused.
____ (2. ;hy are t'o +hits, re$uired to inacti!ate tumor suppressor genesB
a. Cecause each allele must be altered and each person has t'o copies, or alleles, of
each gene, one from each parent
b. Cecause the first +hit, stops tissue gro'th and the second +hit, is needed to cause
abnormal tissue gro'th
c. Cecause they are larger than proto=oncogenes re$uiring t'o +hits, to effect
d. Cecause the first +hit, is insufficient to cause sufficient damage to cause a
____ (3. Cy 'hat process does the ras gene con!ert from a proto=oncogene to an oncogeneB
a. Cy designating a chromosome that has a piece of one chromosome fused to a piece
of another chromosome
b. Cy duplicating a small piece of a chromosome repeatedly making numerous copies
c. Cy alternating one or more nucleotide base pairs
d. Cy promoting proliferation of gro'th signals by impairing tumor suppressor genes
____ (". ;hat are characteristics of benign tumorsB
a. )hey in!ade local tissues.
b. )hey spread through lymph.
c. )hey cause systemic symptoms.
d. )hey ha!e a lo' mitotic inde%.
____ ((. ;hich of the follo'ing represents the correct nomenclature for benign and malignant tumors of
adipose tissue, respecti!elyB
a. >iposarcoma, lipoma
b. >ipoma, liposarcoma
c. Adisarcoma, adipoma
d. Adipoma, adisarcoma
____ (*. #ost human cancers appear to arise !ia&
a. autosomal recessi!e gene inheritance.
b. spontaneous gene mutations.
c. D=linked recessi!e gene inheritance.
d. autosomal dominant gene inheritance.
____ (-. /moking is associated 'ith cancers of all of the follo'ing e%cept&
a. lung.
b. skin.
c. bladder.
d. kidney.
e. pancreas.
____ (.. )he maEor !irus in!ol!ed in cer!ical cancer is&
a. herpes simple% !irus type *.
b. herpes simple% !irus type 2.
c. human papilloma!irus.
d. human immunodeficiency !irus.
____ (0. )he 6apanicolaou (6ap test is used to screen for 'hich cancerB
a. ?!arian
b. Fterine
c. 1er!ical
d. <aginal
____ *3. ;hich of the !iruses belo' are oncogenic 59A !irusesB
a. 6apo!a!iruses, adeno!iruses, and herpes!iruses
b. Aetro!iruses, papo!a!iruses, and adeno!iruses
c. Adeno!iruses, herpes!iruses, and retro!iruses
d. 2erpes!iruses, retro!iruses, and papo!a!iruses
____ *1. ;hich characteristic among 'omen correlates 'ith a high morbidity of cancer of the colon, li!er,
gallbladder, pancreas, breast, uterus, and kidneyB
a. ;omen o!er "( years
b. ;omen 'ho ne!er had children
c. ;omen 'ho had a high body mass inde%
d. ;oman 'ho smoked for more than 13 years
____ *2. ;hich cancers are associated 'ith chronic inflammationB
a. /kin, lung, and pancreatic
b. 1olon, li!er, and lung
c. Cone, blood cells, and pancreatic
d. Cladder, skin, and kidney
____ *3. 2o' does chronic inflammation cause cancerB
a. Cy !asodilation and increased permeability that alter cellular response to 59A
b. Cy liberating lysosomal enzymes 'hen cells are damaged, 'hich initiates
c. Cy releasing compounds such as reacti!e o%ygen species that promote mutations
d. Cy increasing the abundance of leukotrienes that are associated 'ith some cancers
____ *". 4nherited mutations that predispose to cancer are almost in!ariably 'hat kind of geneB
a. 6roto=oncogenes
b. ?ncogenes
c. )umor suppressor genes
d. 7ro'th promoting genes
____ *(. Aegulation of the release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla is an e%ample of _____ regulation.
a. negati!e=feedback
b. positi!e=feedback
c. neural
d. physiologic
____ **. 2ormones are effecti!e communicators because they&
a. are regularly synthesized in response to cellular and tissue acti!ities.
b. increase their secretion in response to rising hormone le!els.
c. are rapidly degraded once they enter the cell.
d. decrease their secretion in response to rising plasma hormone le!els.
____ *-. ;hich of the follo'ing is a protein hormone that is 'ater solubleB
a. )hyro%ine ()"
b. Aldosterone
c. Follicle=stimulating hormone (F/2
d. 4nsulin
____ *.. 2o' are most protein hormones transported in the bloodstreamB
a. Cound to a lipid=soluble carrier
b. Free in an unbound, 'ater=soluble form
c. Cound to a 'ater=soluble binding protein
d. Free because of their lipid=soluble chemistry
____ *0. ;hich second messenger is stimulated by epinephrine binding to a G=adrenergic receptorB
a. 1alcium
b. 4nositol triphosphate (463
c. 5iacylglycerol (5A7
d. 1yclic adenosine monophosphate (cA#6
____ -3. ;hich of the follo'ing hormones acts on its target cell !ia a second messengerB
a. Angiotensin 44
b. )hyro%ine
c. @strogen
d. )estosterone
e. Aldosterone
____ -1. 1alcium is rigidly controlled 'ithin cells. 4t is highly regulated because it&
a. is controlled by the calcium negati!e=feedback loop.
b. is continuously synthesized.
c. acts as a second messenger.
d. carries lipid=soluble hormones in the bloodstream.
____ -2. Fnder 'hat circumstances does antidiuretic hormone act to cause !asoconstrictionB
a. ;hen urine output is less than 23 ml per hour
b. ;hen serum osmolality is increased
c. ;hen osmotic and oncotic pressures are increased
d. ;hen !asopressin is gi!en pharmacologically
____ -3. ;hat is the target tissue for prolactin=releasing factorB
a. 2ypothalamus
b. Anterior pituitary
c. #ammary glands
d. 6osterior pituitary
____ -". ;here is o%ytocin synthesizedB
a. 2ypothalamus
b. 6ara!entricular nuclei
c. Anterior pituitary
d. 6osterior pituitary
____ -(. 9orepinephrine stimulates the release of 'hich hormoneB
a. )hyro%ine
b. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
c. 7ro'th hormone
d. 4nsulin
____ -*. ;hat effect does hyperphosphatemia ha!e on other electrolytesB
a. 4t increases serum calcium.
b. 4t decreases serum calcium.
c. 4t decreases serum magnesium.
d. 4t increases serum magnesium.
____ --. ;hich electrolyte does insulin transport in the cellB
a. 6otassium
b. 1alcium
c. /odium
d. #agnesium
____ -.. ;hich lab !alue 'ould be e%pected for the patient 'ith hypothyroidismB
a. 4ncreased triiodothyronine ()3
b. 4ncreased thyro%ine ()"
c. 4ncreased thyroid stimulating hormone ()/2
d. 4ncreased calcitonin
____ -0. )arget cells for parathyroid hormone (6)2 are located in the&
a. tubules of nephrons.
b. thyroid gland.
c. glomeruli of nephrons.
d. smooth and skeletal muscles.
____ .3. A surgical patient Eust arri!ed on the unit from the post=anesthesia care unit. )his patient8s
respirations are " per minute and shallo'. As the nurse calls for assistance, the patient suddenly feels
Eittery and breathing $uickens. ;hich of the follo'ing feedback loops is operating for the nurse in
this situationB
a. )he central ner!ous system stimulates hypothalamus=releasing factor, 'hich acts
on the anterior pituitary gland to secrete thyroid=stimulating hormone ()/2 and
stimulates the release of thyro%ine ()" and triiodothyronine ()3.
b. )he central ner!ous system directly stimulates the release of insulin, 'hich reduces
blood glucose le!els.
c. )he central ner!ous system directly stimulates the adrenal medulla to secrete
epinephrine and stimulates hypothalamus=releasing factor, 'hich acts on the
anterior pituitary gland to secrete adrenocorticotropic=stimulating hormone
(A1)2, stimulating the release of cortisol.
d. )he central ner!ous system stimulates the hypothalamus to synthesize o%ytocin
and antidiuretic hormone, 'hich are secreted by the posterior pituitary, acti!ating
uterine contraction and renal absorption of 'ater.
____ .1. ;hat are actions of glucocorticoidsB
a. 6rotein catabolism and li!er gluconeogenesis
b. Fat storage and glucose use
c. 5ecreased blood glucose and fat mobilization
d. Fat, protein, and carbohydrate anabolism
____ .2. ;hat are the effects of high le!els of aldosteroneB
a. 2ypokalemia and alkalosis
b. 2yperkalemia and alkalosis
c. 2yperkalemia and acidosis
d. 2ypokalemia and acidosis
____ .3. ;hat effect does aldosterone ha!e on fluid and electrolyte imbalancesB
a. 4t directly increases magnesium reabsorption.
b. 4t directly increases calcium reabsorption.
c. 4t directly increases sodium reabsorption.
d. 4t directly increases 'ater reabsorption.
____ .". ;hich of the follo'ing is an e%pected change in an older patientB
a. )hyroid stimulating hormone ()/2 secretion belo' normal
b. )riiodothyronine ()3 le!el belo' normal
c. 1ortisol le!el abo!e normal
d. Adrenocorticotropin hormone (A1)2 le!el abo!e normal
____ .(. 1ell surface receptors include all of the follo'ing e%cept&
a. 7=proteinHlinked.
b. ion channel.
c. second messenger.
d. tyrosine=kinase linked.
____ .*. ;hat are the effects of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (/4A52B
a. /olute retention and 'ater retention
b. /olute retention and 'ater loss
c. /olute dilution and 'ater retention
d. /olute dilution and 'ater loss
____ .-. )he nurse is e!aluating a patient 'ith oat cell adenocarcinoma of the lung for syndrome of
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (/4A52. ;hich of the follo'ing laboratory !alues 'ould the
nurse e%pect to find if the patient had /4A52B
a. 2ypernatremia and urine hypo=osmolality
b. /erum :
( and urine hyperosmolality
c. /erum 9a
123 and serum hypo=osmolality
d. 2ypokalemia and serum hyperosmolality
____ ... A patient 'ith a closed head inEury secondary to a motorcycle accident has a urine output of * to .
>Jday and electrolytes are 'ithin normal limits. )he nurse dra's a serum A52 le!el and conducts a
'ater depri!ation test. ;ith no intake for " hours, there is no change in the patient8s polyuria. )he
serum A52 le!el is lo'. )hese are an indication of&
a. neurogenic diabetes insipidus.
b. syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (/4A52.
c. psychogenic polydipsia.
d. osmotically induced diuresis.
____ .0. ;hich is a cause of diabetes insipidus (54B
a. ?rganic lesion of the anterior pituitary
b. ?rganic lesion of the thalamus
c. ?rganic lesion of the posterior pituitary
d. ?rganic lesion of the renal tubules
____ 03. 4f the target cells for A52 do not ha!e receptors, the result is _____ diabetes insipidus (54.
a. neurogenic
b. nephrogenic
c. psychogenic
d. ischemic
____ 01. ;hich laboratory !alue is consistent 'ith diabetes insipidus (54B
a. Frine specific gra!ity is lo'.
b. /erum sodium is lo'.
c. Frine protein is lo'.
d. /erum total protein is lo'.
____ 02. )he type of diabetes insipidus that is most likely to be treatable 'ith e%ogenous A52 is&
a. neurogenic.
b. psychogenic
c. nephrogenic.
d. ischemic.
____ 03. 2yperpituitarism is generally caused by&
a. a pituitary adenoma.
b. hypothalamic hyposecretion.
c. autoimmune disorder of the pituitary.
d. a neurohypophysial tumor.
____ 0". ;hat is the term used to describe a patient 'ho e%periences cortisol deficiency from lack of
adrenocorticotropic hormone (A1)2, thyroid deficiency from lack of thyroid stimulating hormone
()/2, and gonadal failure 'ith loss of secondary se% characteristics from the absence of follicle
stimulating hormone (F/2 and luteinizing hormone (>2B
a. 6anhypopituitarism
b. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (A1)2 deficiency
c. 2ypopituitarism
d. Anterior pituitary failure
____ 0(. 2o' does a primary adenoma cause thyroid and adrenal hypofunctionB
a. )he tumor metastasizes to the thyroid and adrenal glands through the lymphatic
system causing reduce secretion of necessary hormones.
b. )he tumor has a parado%ical effect on adEacent cells, 'hich results in
hyposecretion of other anterior pituitary hormones.
c. )he tumor in!ades the hypothalamus adEacent to it and causes a reduction in the
amount of hormones produced.
d. )he tumor releases tumor markers that occupy the hormone receptor sites of other
endocrine organs.
____ 0*. ;hich disorder is caused by hypersecretion of the gro'th hormone in adultsB
a. 1ushing syndrome
b. Acromegaly
c. 7igantism
d. #y%edema
____ 0-. ;hat tumor causes amenorrhea, galactorrhea, hirsutism, and osteopeniaB
a. 6osterior pituitary adenoma
b. )hymoma
c. 6rolactinoma
d. 7ro'th hormone adenoma
____ 0.. 2o' does 7ra!es8 disease de!elopB
a. A !iral infection of the thyroid gland that causes o!erproduction of thyroid
b. A chronic autoimmune process in 'hich thyroid tissue is replaced by lymphocytes
and fibrous tissue
c. A de!elopment of thyroid=stimulating immunoglobulins that causes
o!erproduction of thyroid hormones
d. An ingestion of goitrogens or foods that inhibits synthesis of the thyroid hormones,
causing a goiter
____ 00. ;hat are signs of thyroid crisis from 7ra!es8 diseaseB
a. ;eight gain to 1(( lb 'ith height of (K.L
b. 2eart rate 03 beatsJmin and respiratory rate 1* breathsJmin
c. 2ot and moist skin 'ith protrusion of eyeballs
d. 1onstipation and amenorrhea
____ 133. ;hat pathologic changes occur in 7ra!es8 diseaseB
a. 2igh le!els of circulating thyroid=stimulating immunoglobulins
b. /timulation by thyrotropin=releasing hormone ()A2
c. /timulation by thyroid=stimulating hormone ()/2
d. /timulation of thyroid=binding globulin
____ 131. )he le!el of )/2 in 7ra!es8 disease is usually&
a. high.
b. lo'.
c. normal.
____ 132. Fpon palpation of the neck of a patient 'ith 7ra!es8 disease, 'hat 'ould the nurse e%pect to findB
a. 9ormal=sized thyroid
b. /mall discrete thyroid nodule
c. #ultiple discrete thyroid nodules
d. 5iffuse thyroid enlargement
____ 133. ;hat are clinical manifestations of hypothyroidismB
a. 4ntolerance to heat, tachycardia, and 'eight loss
b. ?ligomenorrhea, fatigue, and 'arm skin
c. Aestlessness, increased appetite, and metrorrhagia
d. 1onstipation, decreased heat rate, and lethargy
____ 13". 5iagnosing thyroid carcinoma is best done 'ith&
a. measurement of serum thyroid le!els.
b. radioisotope scanning.
c. ultrasonography.
d. fine=needle aspiration biopsy.
____ 13(. Aenal failure is the most common cause of _____ hyperparathyroidism.
a. primary
b. secondary
c. e%ogenous
d. inflammatory
____ 13*. ;hat is the most common cause of hypoparathyroidismB
a. 6ituitary hyposecretion
b. 6arathyroid adenoma
c. 6arathyroid gland damage
d. Autoimmune parathyroid disease
____ 13-. An adult female had a thyroidectomy this morning. /he de!elops muscle spasms, increased deep
tendon refle%es, and laryngeal spasm. ;hat is the most common cause of these findingsB
a. 1alcium deficit due to reduced parathormone
b. ?!eruse of radioacti!e iodine gi!en pre=operati!ely
c. A history of insufficient dietary intake of iodine
d. An increase in serum phosphorous caused by reduced calcitonin
____ 13.. ;hat is the most probable cause of lo' serum calcium follo'ing thyroidectomyB
a. 2yperparathyroidism secondary to 7ra!es8 disease
b. #y%edema secondary to surgery
c. 2ypoparathyroidism caused by surgical inEury
d. 2ypothyroidism caused by lack of thyroid replacement
____ 130. A male patient 'ith diabetic ketoacidosis (5:A has the follo'ing laboratory !alues& arterial p2
-.23M serum glucose (33 mgJdlM urine glucose and ketones positi!eM serum :
2 m@$J>M serum 9a

133 m@$J>. 2e reports that he has been sick 'ith the +flu, for 1 'eek. ;hat relationship do these
!alues ha!e to his insulin deficiencyB
a. 4ncreased glucose use causes the shift of fluid from the intra!ascular to the
intracellular space.
b. 5ecreased glucose use causes fatty acid use, ketogenesis, metabolic acidosis, and
osmotic diuresis.
c. 4ncreased glucose and fatty acids stimulate renal diuresis, electrolyte loss, and
metabolic alkalosis.
d. 5ecreased glucose use results in protein catabolism, tissue 'asting, respiratory
acidosis, and electrolyte loss.
____ 113. ;hat is a description of diabetes mellitus type 2B
a. )here is a resistance to insulin by insulin=sensiti!e tissues.
b. )he patient uses lispro instead of regular insulin.
c. )here is an increased glucagon secretion from =cells of the pancreas.
d. )here are insulin autoantibodies that destroy G=cells in the pancreas.
____ 111. A patient 'ith diabetes mellitus type 1 e%periences hunger, lightheadedness, tachycardia, pallor,
headache, and confusion. ;hat is the most probable cause of these symptomsB
a. 2yperglycemia caused by incorrect insulin administration
b. 5a'n phenomenon from eating a snack before bed time
c. 2ypoglycemia caused by increased e%ercise
d. /omogyi effect from insulin sensiti!ity
____ 112. ;hich clinical finding occurs first in metabolic acidosis of the patient 'ith type 1 diabetes mellitusB
a. :etones in the urine
b. 6alpitations, an%iety, and confusion
c. 2yperlipidemia
d. :ussmaul respirations
____ 113. ;hy does hyperkalemia de!elop in diabetic ketoacidosisB
a. Cecause sodium is lo', 'hich stimulates aldosterone to retain sodium and
b. Cecause hydrogen shifts into the cell in e%change for potassium to compensate for
metabolic acidosis
c. Cecause phosphorus shifts into the cell in e%change for potassium due to the lack
of insulin
d. Cecause the blood is concentrated due to the loss of 'ater from polyuria
____ 11". ;hat is a difference in clinical manifestations bet'een diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemic,
hyperosmolar non=ketosis syndromeB
a. Fluid loss
b. 7lycosuria
c. 4ncreased serum glucose
d. :ussmaul respirations
____ 11(. 2ypoglycemia follo'ed by rebound hyperglycemia is seen in&
a. the /omogyi effect.
b. the da'n phenomenon.
c. diabetic ketoacidosis (5:A.
d. hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketosis syndrome (229:/.
____ 11*. ;hat is the first lab test that indicates a patient 'ith type 1 diabetes is de!eloping nephropathyB
a. 5ipstick test for urine ketones
b. 4ncrease in serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (CF9
c. 6rotein in the urinalysis
d. 1loudy urine on the urinalysis
____ 11-. ;hy do patients 'ith diabetes mellitus de!elop hyperlipidemiaB
a. Cecause they ha!e increases in lo' density lipoproteins (>5> and triglycerides
b. Cecause they ha!e decreased lo' density lipoproteins (>5> and increased
triglycerides ()7
c. Cecause they ha!e decreased lo' density lipoproteins (>5> and increased high
density lipoproteins (25>
d. Cecause they ha!e increased high density lipoproteins (25> and decreased
triglycerides ()7
____ 11.. ;hat causes the micro!ascular complications of clients 'ith diabetes mellitusB
a. )he capillaries contain pla$ues of lipids that obstruct blood flo'.
b. )here is increased pressure 'ithin capillaries as a result of the ele!ated glucose
attracting 'ater.
c. )he capillary basement membranes thicken and there is endothelial cell
d. Fibrous pla$ues form from the proliferation of subendothelial smooth muscle of
____ 110. ;hat causes the macro!ascular complications of clients 'ith diabetes mellitusB
a. )he capillaries contain pla$ues of lipids that obstruct blood flo'.
b. )here is increased pressure 'ithin capillaries caused by the ele!ated glucose
attracting 'ater.
c. )he capillary basement membranes thicken and there is endothelial cell
d. Fibrous pla$ues form from the proliferation of subendothelial smooth muscle of
____ 123. ;hich chronic complication of diabetes mellitus is caused by micro!ascular complicationsB
a. 9ephropathy
b. 1oronary artery disease
c. 9europathy
d. 6eripheral !ascular disease
____ 121. ;hy does retinopathy de!elop in patients 'ith type 2 diabetesB
a. Cecause there are pla$ues of lipids 'ithin the retinal !essels
b. Cecause of an increased pressure 'ithin the retinal !essels from the increased
osmotic pressure
c. Cecause ketones cause microaneurysms 'ithin the retinal !essels
d. Cecause of increased retinal capillary permeability and microaneurysm formation
____ 122. A patient has acne, easy bruising, thin e%tremities, and truncal obesity. )hese clinical manifestations
are indicati!e of 'hich endocrine disorderB
a. 2yperthyroidism
b. 2ypoaldosteronism
c. 5iabetes insipidus (54
d. 1ushing disease
____ 123. ;hich statement about the pericardium is falseB
a. 4t is a double='alled membranous sac that encloses the heart.
b. 4t is composed of connecti!e tissue and a layer of s$uamous cells.
c. 4t protects the heart against infection and inflammation from the lungs and pleural
d. 4t contains pain and mechanoreceptors that can elicit refle% changes in blood
pressure and heart rate.
____ 12". 5uring the cardiac cycle, 'hat makes the mitral and tricuspid !al!es close after the !entricles are
filled 'ith bloodB
a. )he chordae tendineae rela%, 'hich allo's the !al!es to close.
b. )he increased pressure in the !entricles pushes the !alues to close.
c. )he trabeculae carneae contract, 'hich pulls the !al!es closed.
d. )he reduced pressure in the atria creates a negati!e pressure that pulls the !al!es
____ 12(. ;hat is the significance of the +atrial kick,B
a. 4t is the contraction of the right atria that is necessary to open the tricuspid !al!e.
b. 4t is the contraction of the right atria that is necessary to increase the blood !olume
from the !enae ca!ae.
c. 4t is the contraction of the left atria that increases the blood !olume into the
d. 4t is the contraction of the left atria that is necessary to open the mitral !al!e.
____ 12*. ?cclusion of the left anterior descending artery during a myocardial infarction 'ould interrupt blood
supply to 'hich part of the heartB
a. )o portions of the left and right !entricles and much of the inter!entricular septum
b. )o the left atrium and the lateral 'all of the left !entricle
c. )o the upper right !entricle, right marginal branch, and right !entricle to the ape%
d. )o the posterior inter!entricular sulcus and smaller branches of both !entricles
____ 12-. ?cclusion of the circumfle% artery during a myocardial infarction 'ould interrupt blood supply to
'hich part of the heartB
a. )o portions of the left and right !entricles and much of the inter!entricular septum
b. )o the posterior inter!entricular sulcus and smaller branches of both !entricles
c. )o the upper right !entricle, right marginal branch, and right !entricle to the ape%
d. )o the left atrium and the lateral 'all of the left !entricle
____ 12.. ;here are the coronary ostia locatedB
a. >eft !entricle
b. #edial to the aortic !al!e
c. 1oronary sinus
d. Aorta
____ 120. )he coronary sinus empties into the&
a. right atrium.
b. left atrium.
c. superior !ena ca!a.
d. aorta.
____ 133. ;hich statement about de!elopment of collateral arteries in the heart is falseB
a. )he incidence of aneurysm formation after a myocardial infarction is reduced in
indi!iduals 'ho de!elop significant collateral circulation.
b. )he incidence of myocardial regeneration after a myocardial infarction increases in
indi!iduals 'ho de!elop significant collateral circulation.
c. )he risk of dysrhythmias after a myocardial infarction is reduced in indi!iduals
'ith 'ell=de!eloped collateral circulation.
d. 1ollateral circulation may e%tend the +'indo' of time, to benefit reperfusion
therapy after a myocardial infarction, resulting in greater impro!ement in cardiac
____ 131. ;hat is the ratio of coronary capillaries to cardiac muscle cellsB
a. 1&1 (1 capillary per 1 muscle cell
b. 1&2 (1 capillary per 2 muscle cells
c. 1&" (1 capillary per " muscle cells
d. 1&13 (1 capillary per 13 muscle cells
____ 132. ;hat is the function of 6 cells found in the sinoatrial node and 6urkinEe fibersB
a. )hey are receptors for pain stimuli, such as the pain that occurs during infarction.
b. )hey prolong the refractory period before the ne%t contraction.
c. )hey are assumed to be the site of impulse formation.
d. )hey initiate repolarization of the myocardium.
____ 133. 5epolarization of a cardiac muscle cell occurs as the result of a&
a. decrease in the permeability of the cell membrane to potassium.
b. rapid mo!ement of sodium into the cell.
c. rapid mo!ement of calcium into the cell.
d. slo' mo!ement of sodium out of the cell.
e. slo' mo!ement of calcium out of the cell.
____ 13". ;hat occurs during phase 1 of the normal myocardial cell depolarization and repolarizationB
a. Aepolarization 'hen potassium mo!es out of the cells
b. Aepolarization 'hen sodium rapidly enters into cells
c. @arly repolarization 'hen sodium slo'ly enters cells
d. @arly repolarization 'hen calcium slo'ly enters cells
____ 13(. 6hase 3 of the normal myocardial cell depolarization and repolarization correlates 'ith 'hich part of
the electrocardiogram (@:7B
a. NA/ comple%
b. 6=A inter!al
c. N=) inter!al
d. F 'a!e
____ 13*. ;hich phase of the normal myocardial cell depolarization and repolarization correlates 'ith
a. 6hase 3
b. 6hase 1
c. 6hase 2
d. 6hase 3
e. 6hase "
____ 13-. _____ ner!es can shorten the conduction time of action potential through the atrio!entricular (A<
a. 6arasympathetic
b. /ympathetic
c. <agal
d. 7lossopharyngeal
____ 13.. 4f the sinoatrial (/A node fails, at 'hat rate can the atrio!entricular (A< node polarizeB
a. *3 to -3 per minute
b. "3 to *3 per minute
c. 33 to "3 per minute
d. 13 to 23 per minute
____ 130. ;hat, if any, is the effect of epinephrine on 2=receptors of the heartB
a. 9one, 1=receptors are the only =receptors in the heart.
b. 5ilate coronary arterioles
c. 4ncrease the strength of myocardial contraction
d. 4ncrease the heart rate
____ 1"3. ;here are the receptors for neurotransmitters located in the heartB
a. /emilunar and atrio!entricular !al!es
b. @ndocardium and sinoatrial node
c. #yocardium and coronary !essels
d. @picardium and atrio!entricular node
____ 1"1. ;ithin a physiologic range, an increase in left !entricular end=diastolic !olume (preload leads to
a. increased force of contraction.
b. decrease in refractory time.
c. increase in afterload.
d. increase in repolarization.
____ 1"2. 1ontinuous increases in left !entricular filing pressures results in 'hich disorderB
a. #itral regurgitation
b. #itral stenosis
c. 6ulmonary edema
d. Ougular !ein distention
____ 1"3. )he Cainbridge refle% is thought to be initiated by sensory neurons in the&
a. atria.
b. aorta.
c. atrio!entricular node.
d. !entricles.
____ 1"". ;hat is the correct se$uence of e!ents that occur after the baroreceptor refle% is stimulatedB
a. From the carotid artery to the !agus ner!e to the medulla to increase
parasympathetic acti!ity and decrease sympathetic acti!ity
b. From the carotid artery to glossopharyngeal cranial ner!e through the !agus ner!e
to the medulla to increase sympathetic acti!ity and decrease parasympathetic
c. From the carotid artery to glossopharyngeal cranial ner!e through the !agus ner!e
to the medulla to increase parasympathetic acti!ity and decrease sympathetic
d. From the carotid artery to glossopharyngeal cranial ner!e through the !agus ner!e
to the hypothalamus to increase parasympathetic acti!ity and decrease sympathetic
____ 1"(. Aefle% control of total cardiac output and total peripheral resistance is controlled by&
a. parasympathetic stimulation of heart, arterioles, and !eins.
b. sympathetic stimulation of heart, arterioles, and !eins.
c. autonomic control of the heart only.
d. somatic control of the heart, arterioles, and !eins.
____ 1"*. #yogenic regulation of blood !essel diameter and subse$uent blood flo' through a !essel is an
e%ample of _____ of blood !essels.
a. autonomic regulation
b. somatic regulation
c. autoregulation
d. metabolic regulation
____ 1"-. 4n assessing for allergies before coronary angiography, the nurse 'ill be particularly concerned if the
patient he has an allergy to&
a. technetium.
b. iodine.
c. penicillin.
d. 'arfarin sodium (1oumadin.
____ 1".. ;hat is an e%pected change in the cardio!ascular system that occurs 'ith agingB
a. Arterial stiffening
b. 5ecreased left !entricular 'all tension
c. 5ecreased aortic 'all thickness
d. Arteriosclerosis
____ 1"0. ;hich statement is false about the 'ay in 'hich substances pass from capillaries and the interstitial
a. /ubstances pass through Eunctions bet'een endothelial cells.
b. /ubstances pass through pores or o!al 'indo's.
c. /ubstances pass through !esicles by acti!e transport across the endothelial cell
d. /ubstances pass through by osmosis across the endothelial cell membrane.
____ 1(3. ;hich natriuretic peptide inhibits antidiuretic hormone by increasing urine sodium lossB
a. Frodilatin
b. Crain natriuretic peptide (C96
c. Atrial natriuretic peptide (A96
d. 1=type natriuretic peptide (196
____ 1(1. ;hich natriuretic peptide complements nitric o%ide to mediate !asodilationB
a. Frodilatin
b. Crain natriuretic peptide (C96
c. Atrial natriuretic peptide (A96
d. 1=type natriuretic peptide (196
____ 1(2. ;hich natriuretic peptide is proposed to be a biochemical marker to screen for left !entricular
a. Frodilatin
b. Crain natriuretic peptide (C96
c. Atrial natriuretic peptide (A96
d. 1=type natriuretic peptide (196
____ 1(3. ;hat is the primary mechanism of atherogenesisB
a. )he release of the inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha ()9F= ,
interferon gamma (4F9= , and interleukin 1 (4l=1
b. )he release of the gro'th factor granulocyte=macrophage colony=stimulating factor
c. )he release of to%ic o%ygen radicals that o%idize lo'=density lipoproteins (>5>
d. )he release of the inflammatory cytokines interferon beta (4F9=G, interleukin *
(4l=*, and granulocyte colony=stimulating factor (7=1/F
____ 1(". ;hat is the effect of o%idized lo'=density lipoproteins (>5> in atherosclerosisB
a. 4t causes smooth muscle proliferation.
b. 4t causes regression of atherosclerotic pla$ues.
c. 4t increases le!els of inflammatory cytokines.
d. 4t directs macrophages to the site 'ithin the endothelium.
____ 1((. ;hich inflammatory cytokines are released 'hen endothelial cells are inEuredB
a. 7ranulocyte=macrophage colony=stimulating factor (7#=1/F
b. Ceta=interferon (G=4F9, interleukin * (4l=*, and granulocyte colony=stimulating
factor (7=1/F.
c. )umor necrosis factor alpha ()9F= , gamma interferon ( =4F9, and interleukin 1
d. 4nterferon alpha (4F9= , interleukin 12 (4l=12, and macrophage colony=
stimulating factor (#=1/F
____ 1(*. ;hat are the !asoconstricting factors regulated by endotheliumB
a. )hrombo%ane A and endothelin
b. 9orepinephrine and acetylcholine
c. Cradykinin and leukotriene
d. /erotonin and prostacyclin
____ 1(-. ;hat alteration occurs in inEured endothelial cells that contributes to atherosclerosisB
a. )hey release to%ic o%ygen radicals that o%idize lo'=density lipoproteins (>5>.
b. )hey are unable to make the normal amount of !asodilating cytokines.
c. )hey produce an increased amount of antithrombic cytokines.
d. )hey de!elop a hypersensiti!ity to homocystine and lipids.
____ 1(.. ;hat factor is responsible for the hypertrophy of the myocardium associated 'ith hypertensionB
a. 4ncreased norepinephrine
b. Adducin
c. Angiotensin 44
d. 4nsulin resistance
____ 1(0. ;hat pathologic change occurs in kidneys of people 'ith hypertension that leads to dysfunction of
the glomeruliB
a. 1ompression of the renal tubules
b. 4schemia of the tubule
c. 4ncreased pressure from 'ithin the tubule
d. ?bstruction of the renal tubule
____ 1*3. 1erebral aneurysms fre$uently occur in the&
a. !ertebral arteries.
b. basilar artery.
c. circle of ;illis.
d. carotid arteries.
____ 1*1. 2o' does atherosclerosis cause aneurysmsB
a. A reduction in o%ygen causes ischemia of the intima.
b. An increase in endothelin increases nitric o%ide.
c. 6la$ue formation erodes the !essel 'all.
d. )he !essel is obstructed by pla$ues and thrombus formation.
____ 1*2. ;hat are the differences in arterial 'alls !ersus !s. 'alls that promote clot formationB
a. )here is inflammation of the endothelium of the artery and roughing of the
endothelium of the !ein.
b. )here is !asoconstriction of the endothelium of the artery and hypertrophy of the
endothelium of the !ein.
c. )here is e%cessi!e clot formation of the endothelium of the artery and lipid
accumulation of the endothelium of the !ein.
d. )here is roughening of the endothelium of the artery and inflammation of the
endothelium of the !ein.
____ 1*3. ;hat is the usual source of pulmonary emboliB
a. 5eep !ein thrombosis
b. @ndocarditis
c. <al!ular disease
d. >eft heart failure
____ 1*". ;hich source of emboli introduces antigens, cells, and protein aggregates that trigger an immune
response 'ithin the bloodstreamB
a. Amniotic fluid
b. Fat
c. Cacteria
d. Air
____ 1*(. ;hich is a description of thromboangiitis obliterans (Cuerger diseaseB
a. An inflammatory disorder of small= and medium=sized arteries in the feet and
sometimes in the hands
b. A !asospastic disorder of the small arteries and arterioles of the fingers, and less
commonly the toes
c. An autoimmune disorder of the large arteries and !eins of the upper and lo'er
d. A neoplastic disorder of the lining of the arteries and !eins of the upper e%tremities
____ 1**. ;hich is a description of Aaynaud phenomenon and diseaseB
a. An inflammatory disorder of small= and medium=sized arteries in the feet and
sometimes in the hands.
b. A neoplastic disorder of the lining of the arteries and !eins of the upper
c. A !asospastic disorder of the small arteries and arterioles of the fingers, and less
commonly the toes.
d. An autoimmune disorder of the large arteries and !eins of the upper and lo'er
____ 1*-. ;hat changes in !eins occur to create !aricose !einsB
a. An increase in osmotic pressure
b. 5amage to the !al!es 'ith !eins
c. 5amage to the !enous endothelium
d. An increase in hydrostatic pressure
____ 1*.. /uperior !ena ca!a syndrome is a progressi!e _____ of the superior !ena ca!a that leads to !enous
distention of the upper e%tremities and head.
a. inflammation
b. occlusion
c. distention
d. sclerosis
____ 1*0. 1oronary artery disease can diminish the myocardial blood supply until depri!ation impairs
myocardial metabolism enough to cause _____, a local state in 'hich the cells are temporarily
depri!ed of blood supply.
a. infarction
b. ischemia
c. necrosis
d. inflammation
____ 1-3. ?f the follo'ing risk factors for coronary artery disease, 'hich is responsible for a t'ofold to
threefold increase in riskB
a. 5iabetes mellitus
b. 2ypertension
c. ?besity
d. 2igh alcohol consumption
____ 1-1. ;hich of the follo'ing risk factors is associated 'ith a t'ofold increase in the risk for coronary
artery disease death and up to a si%fold risk for strokeB
a. 5iabetes mellitus
b. 2ypertension
c. ?besity
d. 2igh alcohol consumption
____ 1-2. 2o' does nicotine increase atherosclerosisB
a. Cy the release of histamine
b. Cy decreasing nitric o%ide
c. Cy the release of angiotensin 44
d. Cy the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine
____ 1-3. _____ are manufactured by the li!er and primarily contains cholesterol and protein.
a. <ery=lo'=density lipoproteins (<>5>
b. >o'=density lipoproteins (>5>
c. 2igh=density lipoproteins (25>
d. )riglycerides ()7
____ 1-". ;hich !alue may be protecti!e for the de!elopment of atherosclerosisB
a. 2igh !alues of !ery=lo'=density lipoproteins (<>5>
b. 2igh !alues of lo'=density lipoproteins (>5>
c. 2igh !alues of high=density lipoproteins (25>
d. 2igh !alues of triglycerides ()7
____ 1-(. ;hich lab test is an indirect measure of atherosclerotic pla$ueB
a. 2omocysteine
b. >o'=density lipoproteins (>5>
c. @rythrocyte sedimentation rate (@/A
d. 1 reacti!e protein (16A
____ 1-*. 1ardiac cells can 'ithstand ischemic conditions and still return to a !iable state for _____ minutes.
a. 13
b. 1(
c. 23
d. 2(
____ 1--. _____ angina occurs because of !asospasms of one or more coronary arteries and often during sleep.
a. Fnstable
b. /table
c. /ilent
d. 6rinzmetal
____ 1-.. ;hen scar tissue replaces the myocardium after a myocardial infarction (#4, the forming scar tissue
is !ery mushy and !ulnerable to inEury at about day _____ after #4.
a. ( to 0
b. 13 to 1"
c. 1( to 23
d. 23 to 33
____ 1-0. An indi!idual is demonstrating ele!ated le!els of troponin, creatine kinase (1:, and lactic
dehydrogenase (>52. )hese ele!ated le!els indicate&
a. myocardial ischemia.
b. hypertension.
c. myocardial infarction.
d. coronary artery disease.
____ 1.3. ;hat is the e%pected electrocardiogram pattern for a patient 'hen a thrombus in a coronary artery
lodges permanently in the !essel and the infarction e%tends through the myocardium from the
endocardium to the epicardiumB
a. 6rolonged N=) inter!al
b. /) ele!ation (/)@#4
c. /) depression (/)5#4
d. 9on=/) ele!ation (non=/)@#4
____ 1.1. 2o' does angiotensin 44 increase the 'orkload of the heart after a myocardial infarctionB
a. Cy increasing the peripheral !ascular resistance
b. Cy causing dysrhythmias as a result of hyperkalemia
c. Cy reducing the contractility of the myocardium
d. Cy stimulating the sympathetic ner!ous system
____ 1.2. ;hat is the significance of pulsus parado%us that occurs in a pericardial effusionB
a. 4t reflects impairment of the diastolic filling pressures of the right !entricle and
reduction of blood !olume in both !entricles.
b. 4t reflects impairment of the blood eEected from the right atria and reduction of
blood !olume in the right !entricle.
c. 4t reflects impairment of the blood eEected from the left atria and reduction of
blood !olume in the left !entricle.
d. 4t reflects impairment of the diastolic filling pressures of the left !entricle and
reduction of blood !olume in all four heart chambers.
____ 1.3. A patient complains of sudden onset of se!ere chest pain that radiates to the back and 'orsens 'ith
respiratory mo!ement and 'hen lying do'n. ;hat is causing these clinical manifestationsB
a. #yocardial infarction
b. 6ericardial effusion
c. Aestricti!e pericarditis
d. Acute pericarditis
____ 1.". Ci!entricular dilation is the result of _____ cardiomyopathy.
a. hypertrophic
b. restricti!e
c. congesti!e
d. inflammatory
____ 1.(. _____ cardiomyopathy is characterized by !entricular dilation and grossly impaired systolic
function, leading to dilated heart failure.
a. 5ilated
b. 2ypertrophic
c. /eptal
d. 5ystrophic
____ 1.*. )he hallmark of _____ cardiomyopathy is a disproportionate thickening of the inter!entricular
a. dystrophic
b. hypertrophic
c. septal
d. dilated
____ 1.-. _____ cardiomyopathy is usually caused by an infiltrati!e disease of the myocardium, such as
amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, or glycogen storage disease.
a. 4nfiltrati!e
b. Aestricti!e
c. /eptal
d. 2ypertrophic
____ 1... ;hat are clinical manifestations of aortic stenosisB
a. Ougular !ein distension
b. Counding pulses
c. 6eripheral edema
d. 5yspnea on e%ertion
____ 1.0. Aortic and mitral regurgitation and mitral stenosis are all caused by 'hich of the follo'ingB
a. 1ongenital malformation
b. 1ardiac failure
c. Aheumatic fe!er
d. 1oronary artery disease
____ 103. ;hich !al!ular disorder is thought to ha!e an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, to be
associated 'ith connecti!e tissue disease that tends to be most pre!alent in young 'omenB
a. #itral !al!e prolapse
b. )ricuspid stenosis
c. )ricuspid !al!e prolapse
d. Aortic insufficiency
____ 101. ;hich disorder causes a transitory truncal rash that is nonpruritic and pink 'ith erythematous
macules that may fade in the center, making them appear as a ring'ormB
a. Fat emboli
b. Aheumatic fe!er
c. Cacterial endocarditis
d. #yocarditis of ac$uired immunodeficiency syndrome
____ 102. 4nfecti!e endocarditis is most often caused by&
a. a !irus.
b. a fungus.
c. a bacteria.
d. rickettsiae.
____ 103. For 'hich disorder are the risk factors genitourinary instrumentation, dental procedure,
hemodialysis, and intra!enous drug useB
a. Aheumatic fe!er
b. 4nfecti!e endocarditis
c. #itral regurgitation
d. Aortic regurgitation
____ 10". ;hat is the most common cardiac disorder associated 'ith ac$uired immunodeficiency syndrome
(A45/ resulting from myocarditis and infecti!e endocarditisB
a. 4nflammatory cardiomyopathy
b. 2ypertrophic cardiomyopathy
c. 5ilated cardiomyopathy
d. Aestricti!e cardiomyopathy
____ 10(. A patient is diagnosed 'ith pulmonary disease and ele!ated pulmonary !ascular resistance. ;hich of
the follo'ing heart failures may result from this conditionB
a. Aight heart failure
b. >eft heart failure
c. >o'=output failure
d. 2igh=output failure
____ 10*. <entricular remodeling is a result of&
a. left !entricular hypertrophy.
b. right !entricular failure.
c. myocardial ischemia.
d. contractile dysfunction.
____ 10-. 4n systolic heart failure, 'hat effect does angiotensin 44 ha!e on stroke !olumeB
a. 4ncreases preload and decreases afterload
b. 4ncreases preload and increases afterload
c. 5ecreases preload and increases afterload
d. 5ecreases preload and decreases afterload
Match the description with its corresponding term.
a. >oss of differentiation
b. 1ancer cells secrete gro'th factor for their o'n gro'th
c. 1ells that !ary in size and shape
d. Fnaltered normal allele
e. Aesponsible for maintenance of genomic integrity
____ 10.. 6roto=oncogene
____ 100. 6leomorphic
____ 233. Anaplasia
____ 231. 1aretaker gene
____ 232. Autocrine stimulation
Match the intracardiac pressures with their description.
a. a 'a!e
b. ! 'a!e
c. c 'a!e
d. % descent
e. y descent
____ 233. An early diastole peak caused by filling of the atrium from peripheral !eins
____ 23". Aeflects rapid flo' of blood from the great !eins and right atrium into the right !entricle
____ 23(. 7enerated by the atrial contraction
____ 23*. 6roduced because of descent of the tricuspid !al!e ring and by eEection of blood from both !entricles
____ 23-. #ay represent bulging of the mitral !al!e into the left atrium during early systole
Match the description with the corresponding terms.
a. Aelationship among blood flo', pressure, and resistance
b. 4ncreased heart rate from increased !olume
c. Aelationship of 'all tension intra!entricular pressure, internal radius, and 'all
d. 1ycles of attachment, mo!ement, and dissociation of thin filaments during the
attachments of actin to myosin
e. >ength=tension relationship of cardiac muscle
____ 23.. 6oiseuille8s formula
____ 230. 1ross=bridge theory
____ 213. Frank=/tarling la'
____ 211. >aplace8s la'
____ 212. Cainbridge refle%
Match the descriptions with the corresponding terms.
a. 4mpairs flo' from left atrium to left !entricle
b. 4mpairs flo' from the left !entricle
c. Cackflo' into left atrium
d. Cackflo' into right atrium
e. Cackflo' into left !entricle
____ 213. Aortic stenosis
____ 21". Aortic regurgitation
____ 21(. #itral stenosis
____ 21*. )ricuspid regurgitation
____ 21-. #itral regurgitation
Match the descriptions with the corresponding terms.
a. Aestricti!e cardiomyopathy
b. 2ypertrophic cardiomyopathy
c. 5ilated cardiomyopathy
____ 21.. Fsually caused by infiltrati!e disease, such as amyloidosis
____ 210. Fsually caused by ischemic or !al!ular heart disease
____ 223. Aesults in muscular subaortic stenosis
____ 221. #ay be an autosomal dominant disorder
____ 222. /een in alcoholics
Patho Exam 2 Review
Answer Section
1. A9/& ) A@F& p. 33-
2. A9/& ) A@F& p. 3"2
3. A9/& F A@F& p. 3""
". A9/& ) A@F& p. 3"1
(. A9/& F A@F& p. 3*1M p. 3*2
*. A9/& ) A@F& p. 333
-. A9/& ) A@F& p. *-3
.. A9/& ) A@F& p. *-1
0. A9/& ) A@F& p. **(
13. A9/& F A@F& p. *-"
11. A9/& ) A@F& p. **(
12. A9/& ) A@F& p. *.*
13. A9/& F A@F& p. *.0
1". A9/& ) A@F& p. *03
1(. A9/& ) A@F& p. *0-
1*. A9/& ) A@F& p. *00
1-. A9/& F A@F& p. -33M p. -3.
1.. A9/& ) A@F& p. *.(
10. A9/& F A@F& p. -1"
23. A9/& F A@F& p. 133*
21. A9/& F A@F& p. 13*1
22. A9/& ) A@F& p. 13*-
23. A9/& F A@F& p. 13"1
2". A9/& ) A@F& p. 13*2
2(. A9/& ) A@F& p. 13.2
2*. A9/& F A@F& p. 13.2
2-. A9/& ) A@F& p. 130-
2.. A9/& F A@F& p. 130.
20. A9/& ) A@F& p. 13.0
33. A9/& F A@F& p. 1300
31. A9/& ) A@F& p. 1131
32. A9/& ) A@F& p. 1133
33. A9/& ) A@F& p. 111*
3". A9/& ) A@F& p. 112"
3(. A9/& ) A@F& p. 1132
3*. A9/& ) A@F& p. 1123
3-. A9/& F A@F& p. 112(
3.. A9/& ) A@F& p. 1120
30. A9/& A A@F& p. 33*
"3. A9/& C A@F& p. 33*
"1. A9/& 1 A@F& p. 33*
"2. A9/& 5 A@F& p. 33-
"3. A9/& A A@F& p. 33.M p. 330
"". A9/& 5 A@F& p. 330
"(. A9/& C A@F& p. 3"3
"*. A9/& 1 A@F& p. 3"1
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221. A9/& C A@F& p. 1110
222. A9/& 1 A@F& p. 111.

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