Class Handbook 2014

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Class Handbook

Mrs. Proehls Class


Welcome to Room 147! I am thrilled to have your child in my classroom
and cannot wait to become your partner in education. I am passionate
about teaching and love third grade. This year, your child will learn
important content and skills. We will also work on becoming more
independent and to be accountable for our learning.
Contact Information
I can be reached by phone or email during school hours. The school
phone number is 316-722-0427 and my email address is I check my email and phone messages several
times daily and will respond as quickly as possible. Should you have any
questions or concerns, please contact me. If you email me in the evening, I
may not respond until the next morning. If you send a time sensitive email
regarding transportation, please CC one of our secretaries in case I am
gone or do not get the email in time.
School Hours
Our school day begins at 8:45 a.m. and school is dismissed at 4:00 p.m.
On Wednesdays, students will be dismissed at 3:23 p.m. to accommodate
Professional Learning Communities. The morning is a very busy and
important time in your childs school day. It is important he/she is at school
and ready to learn when school begins.

Classroom Expectations
I have high expectations for student behavior. During the first several
weeks of school, I will teach students my expectations and procedures and
we will discuss and practice them. This helps our day run smoothly and
allows all students to be successful. Students will be expected to follow
these rules:
1. Be Safe
2. Be Kind
3. Work Hard
4. Be Respectful
I do not expect many behavior disruptions, but they do occasionally occur.
These disruptions will be dealt with fairly and as privately as possible.
Students who do not follow a class rule will discuss the incident with me
and may need to choose a consequence. These consequences can
include, but are not limited to: missing recess, writing an apology note,
creating a behavior plan, parent contact, conference with the teacher
and/or principal, practice the rule, any other logical/fair consequence
determined by the teacher and/or student. Consequences are used as
learning opportunities and emphasis is placed on making sure the behavior
is not repeated.
Make Up Work Policy
Regular attendance at school is critical for success. However, the
occasional absence is unavoidable. Absent students will be required to
complete all missing work upon return. One day per day absent will be
permitted for late work. If you know that your child will be absent in
advance, or if your child has an extended absence, I will happily gather
work to send home with the student. This can make the return to school
less overwhelming.
Late/Missing Work Policy
Assignments are given to reinforce concepts and to allow me to assess
student learning. It is important that work be turned in on time so I can tell
which students may need extra help or enrichment in a certain area. If a
regular assignment or part of a project is not finished at the end of the
school day, it is to be taken home to be completed and returned the
following morning. Students with missing work will complete missing work
during recess or other fun activities. Full credit will be given and
assignments will be accepted until the end of each grading period.
Correction Policy
I want each student to be successful and to understand that mistakes are
learning opportunities. Each student will be expected to correct any
assignment with a score below 75%. Students will receive half credit for
any corrected answers. All students will be given the opportunity to correct
chapter tests in math and reading, regardless of the initial grade.
Homework Policy
After we finish our multiplication unit, students will have ten minutes of
multiplication fact practice each evening. Once a student has passed all of
his/her multiplication fact tests, that student will be excused from
multiplication homework. Students may have occasional homework, or
unfinished homework to complete. Throughout the school year, we may
also have projects that need to be completed at home. I highly encourage
students to read for twenty minutes each evening. This will not be an
official assignment, but will greatly improve reading ability and create a
lifelong love of learning.
Weekly Newsletter/Classroom Website
Each Monday you will receive a newsletter either by email or paper copy.
This newsletter lets you know what we are working on, spelling words to
study, and upcoming events. This information and more can also be found
Water Bottles/Snacks
The brain needs hydration to properly function. Students are encouraged
to bring a water bottle to drink from throughout the day. Water bottles must
have lids and water is the only drink allowed. Please remind your child to
bring his/her water bottle home regularly to be washed. Students may also
send in snacks to share with the class. Periodically, I will request a refill of
our snack tub. Donations are greatly appreciated! All students will receive
the same snack each day and will not be able to choose due to time
constraints. We will have a snack in the afternoon. Please send in healthy,
non-messy, easy to distribute snacks. Third grade brains do not work well
when they are thinking about food! Thank you in advance!

Volunteer Opportunities
There are lots of volunteering opportunities in our classroom for parents
with varying schedules. Please return a volunteer information sheet during
the first week of school. Opportunities include: sending in supplies for the
classroom, helping at class parties, reading with students, practicing math
with students, working on classroom projects, taking projects home to work
on. We appreciate any help we get!

Classroom Procedures
Restroom/Drinks- Students may use the restroom and water fountain
during independent work time and must ask permission before leaving. I
suggest bringing a water bottle to limit time out of the classroom for drinks.
Pencils- Pencil sharpeners can be distracting to students trying to work. I
will keep a container of sharpened pencils for students to use. They may
trade a dull pencil for a sharp one. This may be done during independent
work time or with the teachers permission.
Hallway Behavior- Students will walk in a straight line, in number order,
silently on the right side of the hallway. We will respect other students and
teachers and not cause a disruption.
No Name Papers- Students must put their name on their paper in order to
receive a grade. If I cannot figure out who a missing name paper belongs
to, that student may have to redo the assignment.
***This is not an exhaustive list of classroom routines and procedures. We
will spend the first few weeks of school learning classroom procedures to
ensure success for all students. Third graders are expected to know my
procedures and will be held accountable for knowing these after we have
perfected them.
Morning Procedure- Students are to enter the classroom quietly and
prepared to work. Lunch count will be done quickly and quietly, and
students will immediately get to work on morning work.
Grading Scale
A 100%-93%
A- 92%-90%
B+ 89%-88%
B 87%-83%
B- 82%-80%
C+ 79%-78%
C 77%-73%
C- 72%-70%
D+ 69%-68%
D 67%-63%
D- 62%-60%
F Below 60%
Spelling Test
Students will take a weekly pretest on Monday and a final test on Friday.
Students who score 100% on the pretest are excused from the weeks
spelling assignments and final test. This is a new policy and may be
revised according to student needs.

***This handbook may be revised and additions to our classroom policies
will be sent as the year progresses. Thank you for being flexible!

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