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Language Arts and Advanced Language Arts

Mrs. Carson
Phone: 253-7380/ Email:
Welcome back I hoe you had a res!"ul and "un summer# I am lookin$ "or%ard !o &ein$
your !eacher !his year and $e!!in$ !o kno% you.
Class Requirements
'!uden!s mus! kee an uda!ed &inder reminder. (lass%ork) home%ork) and due da!es are
os!ed daily on !he &oard.
Cornell Notes ome$ork
*here %ill &e readin$/no!e!akin$ home%ork assi$ned "rom !he +an$ua$e o" +i!era!ure
!e,!&ook ever% $eek. *akin$ no!es is a -ery imor!an! skill !ha! s!uden!s need !o de-elo !o
do %ell in school !his year and &e ready "or hi$h school and colle$e. Incom&lete notes are
not acce&ted. I" !his home%ork is &ein$ marked incomle!e) lease con!ac! me !o see %ha!
!he ro&lem is.
'tudents $ill be qui((ed on t)is reading assignment eac) *rida% and ma% use t)eir notes
on t)e qui(. 'tudents ma% not make u& reading qui((es+ unless t)e% $ere not )ere
*rida% because o, an e-cused absence. In addition+ t)ese readings $ill be t)e basis ,or
$riting assignments as &art o, eac) $eek.s unit o, stud%.
/ocabular% ome$ork
'!uden!s %ill ha-e -oca&ulary assi$ned $eekl% and %ill &e .ui//ed on 0riday.
Accelerated Reader 0AR1 ome$ork# '!uden!s are re.uired !o read &ooks indeenden!ly a!
home "or 12 oin!s. '!uden!s earn oin!s &y assin$ .ui//es on !he &ooks. 12 oin!s are
a&ou! a ,ull letter grade) so &e sure !o check 3ui!er 4rades "re.uen!ly !o &e sure 12
re.uiremen!s are me!. 1d-anced +an$ua$e 1r!s s!uden!s need 100 12 oin!s each semes!er
and +an$ua$e 1r!s s!uden!s need 50 12 oin!s each semes!er. 2arents+ students s)ould be
reading t)eir book o, c)oice ,or about 34 minutes a da% at )ome to meet t)is
requirement. 'ince I onl% u&date t)ese &oints in t)e gradebook about ever% 5 $eeks+ it
is im&ortant to be sure %our c)ild is doing t)is reading at )ome. '!uden!s should also
&rin$ !his &ook !o school "or 5E12. 0eel "ree !o email me i" you %an! an uda!e on 12 oin!s.
Writing ome$ork#
'ome!imes essays are assi$ned as home%ork. I !yically %ill no! assi$n !he usual %eekly
home%ork i" I assi$n an essay "or home%ork.
Incom&lete )ome$ork is not acce&ted. '!uden!s %ill ha-e !o do i! o-er "or a la!e or /ero
Book Re&orts
'!uden!s %ill do u !o !%o &ook reor!s each semes!er. Ins!ruc!ions and due da!es %ill &e
$i-en !o you.
DEAR 6!7RNAL8*he "irs! !en minu!es o" each class eriod is sen! on 5ro E-ery!hin$ and
2ead and on a 6ournal re"lec!ion o" !he readin$. *he 6ournal coun!s as ar! o" !he s!uden!7s
$rade. Please &e sure !o &rin$ a &ook !o school e-ery day85E12 is a school%ide re.uiremen!.
2lagiarism# 9ork !ha! is la$iari/ed :includin$ coyin$ "rom ano!her s!uden!; %ill recei-e a
/ero $rade. '!uden!s %ill no! ha-e !he oor!uni!y !o make u !he assi$nmen!. I %ill also
no!i"y aren!s and issue a de!en!ion and/or re"erral.
<0-100=1- !o 1> 80?-8<?=@- !o @> 70?-7<?=(- !o (> A0? !o A<?=5- !o 5> 5<? or less = 0
6u&iter 9rades: Please check 3ui!er 4rades re$ularly. Email me i" you ha-e any .ues!ions.
Late Work# 0Late $ork must be turned in $it)in one $eek1.
+a!e %ork is %or!h B credi!. :15 min. +unch!ime 5e!en!ion may &e assi$ned i" home%ork is no!
&ein$ done;. Cou ha-e dou&le !he num&er o" days missed !o !urn in %ork "rom an e,cused
a&sence "or "ull credi!. +on$ !erm ro6ec!s or reor!s %ill &e marked do%n a $rade "or each
day la!e. I" you kno% you %ill &e ou! "or se-eral days) $e! !he %ork in ad-ance. I" you miss a
!es! or a .ui/) i! is your resonsi&ili!y !o make i! u %i!hin one %eek.
Work t)at is incom&lete is not acce&ted.
Work t)at is mess% or illegible also is not acce&ted.
CLA''R!!M R7LE'#
@e in !he room and sea!ed .uie!ly &e"ore !he 2
&ell rin$s.
*rea! o!hers %i!h resec!.
Do "ood or drinks :e,ce! %a!er;.
5o no! $e! ou! o" your sea! %i!hou! askin$ "or ermission.
9hen a&sen!) !he s!uden! is resonsi&le "or "indin$ ou! %ha! %ork or !es!s need !o &e made u. :Email
me) "ind ou! "rom s!udy &uddy) or check a$enda on &oard uon re!urn;
1. 9arnin$
2. 'end !o ano!her !eacher !o 2e"ocus and lunch de!en!ion.
3. Paren! no!i"ica!ion or con"erence and de!en!ion 2arent ma% be asked to accom&an% student to class.
E. 2e"erral
'evere disru&tions;violations $ill automaticall% be sent to t)e o,,ice.
Binder Requirements and Class 'u&&lies
<)ree=ring binder#
Cou %ill need E di-iders "or !his class. Please la&el and arran$e !hem in !he "ollo%in$ order.
+1 Do!es
+1 (lass%ork
+1 Fome%ork
+1 Gisc.
Plen!y o" lined aer
Pens: &lack or &lue "or reor!s
5ic!ionary/*hesaurus "or a! home8an online dic!ionary/!hesaurus is HI !oo.
@inder 2eminder and Iden!i"ica!ion (ard
Fi$hli$h!ers :yello%) ink) &lue) $reen;89e use !hese !o color code elemen!s in %ri!in$.
(olored encils and %asha&le markers8!o use "or ro6ec!s. Cou can kee !hese a! home.
2ed or $reen en
Inde, cards "or -oca&ulary home%ork and "or research ro6ec!s
2lease sign and return t)e bottom &ortion onl%
'!uden!s in 1d-anced +an$ua$e 1r!s mus! main!ain a ( or &e!!er !o remain in !he class.
I ha-e read !he J(lass 2e.uiremen!s and E,ec!a!ionsK and clari"ied all in"orma!ion %i!h Grs.
Please do no! hesi!a!e !o call or email me i" you ha-e any .ues!ions or concerns.

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