Essay Reqs and Tips

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Essay Requirements and Tips

Your essay has to be:

1) Strictly 1,200 (100) words (excluding title page, abstract and bibliography).

2) Written in good academic English
a) Check your spelling and grammar.
b) Keep the language simple, but serious.
c) Prefer shorter sentences and paragraphs than longer.
d) Use appropriate punctuation.
e) Leave time for editing.

3) Formatted in a proper academic style.
a) Structure: introduction, main body, conclusion (does not have to include sub-titles and
headlines as the essay is short) (see unit 3 presentation for details).
b) Abstract (100-150 words) and title page included (see unit 3 presentation for details).
c) Follow the standard recommendations: 1.5-2 spaced justified text on A4 pages, 12pt.
Times New Roman (or similar), no bright colours, include page numbers, word count,
etc. (see unit 3 presentation for details).
d) Make it easy for the reader to navigate.
e) Do not use too many bullet-points. It is OK, when you have a list, but bullet points should
not separate paragraphs.

4) Content
a) Structure arguments in a logical way.
i) You can check it by asking a friend, who is not familiar with the topic, to read it
b) Impartial present both arguments and counterarguments.
c) Be ethical.
d) Dont forget to include a literature overview.

5) Sources
a) Sources should be credible and used properly (see session 2A for more)
b) You have to use both book/s and article/s.
c) Citation (see units 3-4 for details)
i) Use one style for citations they have to be consistent.
ii) Follow the style you have chosen (or created) with precision.
iii) Bibliography should consist of at least 5-10 sources (can be more: remember, you
should cite everything you use/quote).

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