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1st Semester


Time: Three hours Full Marks: 100

Answer any five questions.

1. a) Design a 2-tape Turing Machine which given a number

in unary on one tape will write a 0 or 1 on the other
tape according as the given number is divisible by 2
or not.

b) Design a Turing Machine which will print the binary

representation of a number given in unary 8+12

2. a) Consider a Turing Machine with a 2-way infinite tape

which contains the symbol ‘a’ in exactly one of its tape
cell, all other cells containing blanks only. The R/W
head of the Turing Machine may be on any arbitrary
cell of its tape at the beginning.

Construct a nondeterministic Turing Machine which will

halt with its R/w head resting on the cell containing
the symbol ‘a’.

b) Construct a deterministic Turing Machine for the same

problem. 10+10

[ Turn Over]

3. a) Prove that every type 1 language is recursive.

b) Prove that every language that may be described by a
grammar, is also accepted by a Turing Machine.

4. a) Prove that a language L is recursive if and only if L and
its complement L are both recursively enumerable.

b) Prove that the union of two recursive languages is

also recursive. 10+10

5. a) Prove that for each Turing Machine with 1-way infinite

tape, there exists an equivalent one which never

b) Prove that each recursively enumerable language may

be described by a grammar. 6+14

6. a) Prove that for each k-tape Turing Machine, there exists

an equivalent one with single tape.

b) Calculate the time complexity of the equivalent single

tape Turing Machine in terms of those of the k-tape
machine. 14+6

7. a) Prove that for each nondeterministic Turing Machine,

there exists an equivalent deterministic one.

b) Explain how it may be ensured that if the

nondeterministic machine rejects a string always
without infinite looping, the equivalent deterministic
machine will also reject this string by getting blocked.

8. a) Explain the construction of a Universal Turing Machine

and its importance.

b) Explain how it is detected if a number represents a

deterministic Turing Machine.
c) Explain how symbol replacements are made during the
simulation of a move, accommodating the difference in
the length of encoded symbols. 8+8+4

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