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The Daily Awrd (Spiritual Practices)

The Awrd of the Initiate (Mubtad')

a) Shahdah three times [Ash-hadu an l ilha ill-Allh wa ash-hadu anna Muammadan
abduhu wa rasluh];
b) "astaghfirullh" 25 times;
c) Fati one time with the intention of participating in the blessings sent down with it
when it was revealed in Makkah.
d) Inshir (Surat 94) 7 times;
e) Ikhl (Surat 112) 11 times;
f) Falaq (Surat 113) 1 time;
g) Ns (Surat 114) 1 time;
h) l ilha ill-Allh 10 times, the last time completing it with Muhammadun Rasulullah.
i) alawt ash-sharfah 10 times [Allhumma alli al Muammadin wa al li Muammadin
wa sallim.];
j) "ihd'," that is, presenting the reward of the above recitation to the Prophet (s) and to
the Shaykhs of the Naqshbandi Tariqat:
Allhumma balligh thawba m qarnh wa nra m talawnh hadyyatan wilatan minn
ila ri Nabyyn Sayyidin wa Mawln Muammadin alla-llh alayhi wa sallam. Wa il
arwi ikhwnihi min al-anbiyi wa l-mursaln wa khudami sharihim wa ila arwi l-
aimmati l-arbaah wa ila arwi mashyikhin fi -arqati n-naqshbandyyati l-aliyyah
khatan ila ri Immi -arqati wa ghawthi l-khalqati Khwj Bauddn an-Naqshband
Muammad al-Uwais l-Bukhr wa aarati Mawlan Sulnu l-awly ash-Shaykh Abd
Allh al-Fiz ad-Dghestan wa sayyidun ash-Shaykh Muammad Nim al-aqqn
Muayyad ad-dn wa sairi sdtin wa-iddiqna:
k) wrapping it up with Fati, with the intention of sharing in the Divine Graces and
tajalli which were sent down when it was revealed in Madinah the second time.
l) Dhikr of the Glorious Name 'Allah, Allah' 1500 times;
m) alawt [same as (i)] 100 times; 300 times on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
n) one-thirtieth (juz') of the Qur'an, or instead Ikhl 100 times;
o) one chapter of Dal'il al-Khayrt or instead alawt 100 times.

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