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- To be: Present simple (negative)

Full Form Short Form Spanish

I am not I'm not Yo no soy / estoy
You are not You're not T no eres / ests
He / she is not He's / she's not El (ella) no es / est
It is not It's not El no es / est
We are not We're not Nosotros no somos / estamos
You are not You're not Vosotros no sois /estis
They are not They're not

C.- To have: Present Simple (affirmative)
Full Form Short Form Spanish

I have I've Yo tengo
You have You've T tienes
He / she has He's / she's El (ella) tiene
It has It's El tiene
We have We've Nosotros(as) tenemos
You have You've Vosotros(as) tenis
They have They've Ellos(as) tienen
.D.- To have: Present Simple (negative)
Full Form Short Form Spanish

I have not I haven't Yo no tengo
You have not You haven't T no tienes
He / she has not He's / she hasn't El (ella) no tiene
It has not It hasn't El no tiene
We have not We haven't Nosotros(as) no tenemos
You have not You haven't Vosotros(as) no tenis
They have not They haven't

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