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Title: A Pledge

When I glance at the clouds above

Embracing the bright blue skies so beautifully
And the sun is showering its blissful ray
Onto this blissful land
My thought starts to ponder
How much I have done for her?
or this beloved motherland of mine
How much? Oh! how much?
or every pieces of memories that shattered
Along this e"tensive #ourney of time
$o imagine how the late %ghters struggle from the clutches of colonialism
&ust to let today's generation live in respect and honour
In their own beloved motherland
(ome on friends! come on all Malaysians
)et's stand together side by side
*ather our heart so close! so tight
+o matter how much di,erent we are
+o matter what faith we believe in our heart
As we share the same colour of blood
or the sake of our country
It should be right
-ush away all the black shadows of yesterday's sorrow
)et everything become .awless and pure
)et's pray together and let the bravery grow
Hoping this this prosperity will never get low
We stay united as one big family
$o protect this country from any dirty hand
Malaysia you are the /ueen of our heart
It will be miserable to see you be torn apart
We pledge to defend you from those snakes in the grass
And we promise you to never let them get pass
or we could not imagine how will it last
(ome on friends! come on all Malaysians
0et our mind
0et our goal
1eep up the spirit of loving this honoured land
or we are the pillars of Malaysia's strength2

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