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Exercise 10 3: Contingency tables

1. A number of drivers were asked about the number of motor vehicle accidents
they were involved in over the last 10 years. Part of the data collected is shown
in the table below.
2 accidents > 2 accidents Total
Female 210 90
Total 350 150 500
a) What are the variables investigated here and what is the purpose of the
b) Complete the table.
c) Determine whether gender and number of accidents are independent using
a calculation.
2. Researchers conducted a study to test how effective a certain inoculation is at
preventing malaria. Part of their data is shown below:
Malaria No malaria Total
Male a b 216
Female c d 648
Total 108 756 864
a) Calculate the probability that a randomly selected study participant will be
b) Calculate the probability that a randomly selected study participant will
have malaria.
c) If being female and having malaria are independent events, calculate the
value c.
d) Using the value of c, ll in the missing values on the table.
3. The reaction time of 400 drivers during an emergency stop was tested. Within
the study cohort (the group of people being studied), the probability that a driver
chosen at random was 40 years old or younger is 0,3 and the probability of a
reaction time less than 1,5 seconds is 0,7.
a) Calculate the number of drivers who are 40 years old or younger.
b) Calculate the number of drivers who have a reaction time of less than
1,5 seconds.
c) If age and reaction time are independent events, calculate the number
of drivers 40 years old and younger with a reaction time of less than
1,5 seconds.
d) Complete the table below.
Reaction time < 1,5 s Reaction time > 1,5 s Total
40 years
> 40 years
Total 400
423 Chapter 10. Probability

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