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qu sque, up until what point, how long.

abtor, t, -sus sum + abl. to abuse.
patientia, -ae, patience, endurance.
quam di, how long.
furr, -ris m. rage, fury.
iste, ista, istud, that.
ld, -ere, -ls, -lsum, to mock.
effrntus, -a, -um, unbridled, unrestrained.
iact (1) to throw, brandish; flaunt
audcia, -ae, daring, boldness.
nocturnus, -a, -um, nocturnal, by night.
praesidium, -, guard.
vigilia, -ae, standing guard.
timor, -ris m. fear, alarm.
concursus, -s m. assembly
mntus, -a, -um, fortified.
s, ris n. mouth; voice; expression.
vultus, -s m. countenance, face.
pate, -re, -u, to be open, lie exposed.
consilium, , plan, intention.
senti, -re, sens, sensum, to sense,
cnstring, -ere, -strnx, -strictum, to
restrain, control, inhibit.
scientia, -ae, knowledge.
tene, -re, tenu, tentenm, to hold
conirti, -inis f. plot, conspiracy.
proximus, -a, -um, last, nearest, most recent.
ag, -ere, g, actum, to do
convoc (1) to call together.
ignr (1) to not know
arbitror, -r, -tus sum, to judge, think
imm, nay, on the contrary
etiam, even.
particeps, -ipis + gen. taking part in; a
nt (1) to note
dsign (1) to indicate, mark ou
caeds, -is f. slaughter, massacre
satis indecl. noun or adj. enough.
telum, -, missile, weapon
vt (1) to avoid
iussum, -, order, command
consul, -ulis m. consul
iam prdem, long since, long ago.
oportet, -ere + acc. and infinitive, it is right,
it is proper
cnfer, -ferre, -tul, colltum, to bring
together; apply
pestis, petis f. plague, ruin, destruction
iam di: now for a long time.
mchinor, -r, -tus sum, to engineer,
design, contrive.
an, or, or whether
amplus, -a -um, spacious; distinguished.
mediocriter adv. moderately, slightly
labefact (1) to weaken, undermine
status, -s m. postion, state of affairs,
prvtus, , a private individual
interfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, to kill, slay.
orbis terrae, the world
incendium, , fire
vst (1) to devastate, destroy.
perfer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum, to tolerate
nimis, too (much)
antquus, -a, -um, ancient
praetere, -re, -i, -itum, to pass by, pass
novae rs, revolution
stude, -re, -u + dat. to be eager for
occd, -ere, -cd, -csum, to kill.
quondam adv. formerly
acer, acris, acre, harsh, stern
supplicium, , punishment
civis, civis c. fellow-citizen.

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