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Writing Assignment #2



You have been assigned to one of the following Civil Rights Movement Groups:
American Indian Movement
Chicano/a Movement
Martin Luther King and Nonviolence
Malcolm X and Black Power
Sexual Revolution/Second Wave Feminism


Please log into Canvas and look for your materials under Modules. Once you locate your
group you should 1) Watch the video and 2) Read through the readings (you can skim as
you feel is necessary). I also encourage you to conduct your own research and use (and
cite) any outside sources that you find helpful.

In 2-3 pages, double-spaced, please answer the following questions:
What were the goals/aims of the movement you studied? What did they hope to
accomplish or change?
Were there leaders? If so, who were they? If not, why not?
What role did women play? (For Sexual Revolution/Second Wave Feminism group,
what role did men play?)
What methods/tactics did the movement use to achieve its goals/aims?
Was the movement successful or not? Explain why.

**Each question above is worth 10 points, for a total of 50 points**


Please be sure to cite your information using footnotes to indicate where you summarized
or took your information for. Please feel free to copy and paste the URL into your footnote
to indicate that you have used a website so for example:
1 American Indian Movement,

Class on Wednesday July 23

Please come to class Wednesday prepared to share with the class your findings from your
research. If there are pictures/images that you found helpful, please feel free to bring the
URL and we can use them to talk about the movement.

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