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1. Characters
The protagonist: the narrator (anonymous) main ro!e
The antagonist: "ohn (the narrator#s $i%e) con&icte' the protagonist
"enie "ohn#s sister in !a$
(enry an' "u!ia cousin to "ohn
+. Characteristics
, -oun' (the narrator* she cou!' .e angry $ith his' she cou!'
.e spoi!e' .ecause she cou!' not s!eep $ithout'#s hug)
, F!at* "ohn (unremitting!y .e patient)
, Li%e,!i/e character (the protagonist)
0. Characteri1ation
, )i2ing metho'
3hen the $riter $rote this short story he use' .oth 'iscursi4e
('irect) an' 'ramatic (in'irect) metho' as in* (a) the narrator
('ramatic) an' (.) "ohn ('iscursi4e).
5. Theme setting an' p!ot
, Feminism
, symbol of the oppression of women in a paternalistic society
, setting: SOCIAL S6TTIN7 (con&ict against' an' herse!% )
8(SYCAL S6TTIN7 ($a!!paper)
, the actua! geographica! !ocation: $a!!paper imprisone' room
, time: morning ('ay!ight) night9mi'night (moon!ight)
, p!ace: co!onia! mansion* ancestra! ha!! (insi'e the co!onia! ha!!)
, p!ot: c!ose' p!ot (en'ing* )
, 62position
The intro'uction o% the house (co!onia! mansion)
Characters o% "ohn
"ohn#s occupation
The narrator ("ohn#s $i%e)
, -ising action: socia! an' psycho!ogica! con&ict
Socia! con&ict (against person* her')* you see he
does not believe I am sick
8erson against herse!%* I dont know why I should write this
8erson against nature* $a!!paper. I suppose John never was
nervous in his life. He laughs at me so about this wall-paper!
8erson against %ate* what a fortunate escape! Why I wouldnt
have a child of mine an impressionable little thing live in
such a room for world.
, C!ima2* I really have discovered something at last.
, Fa!!ing action* hurrah! !his is the last day but it is enough.
, :enouement* "Ive got out at last#
;. 6!ements o% p!ot
, 8ossi.i!ity
, Foresha'o$ing $memancing pembaca%
, <nity
, Suspense
, Surprise

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