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Morning Procedures:

*After the first day, please say your goodbyes

outside of the classroom. This helps to promote
independence, as well as to ensure that class
proceeds promptly. If you need to speak to me,
please arrange a conference with a note or a phone
call- once the children enter the classroom, my
attention must be given to them to make sure their
day starts off smoothly.

Behavior Expectations:

I have high expectations for all the students in my
room. I expect the students to achieve
academically to their fullest potential. I expect
students to contribute in a positive manner to our
classroom. Disruptions to the learning process will
not be tolerated.


Recess is a privilege that is offered
daily. Failure to meet class
expectations may result in loss of
recess. Please dress your child
appropriately for recess (jackets,
hats, gloves...etc). Your child
WILL NOT have time to
change shoes for recess. If
there is inclement weather,
recess will be indoors.


School starts at 7:40 any child who reports to
class after this time will be considered tardy. If
you are late dropping off your child, you must
escort your child into the building. If your child is
absent, please send a note the next day. Any
undocumented absences are unexcused.


All visitors must sign in at
the front office and
complete the sex offender
background screening.
Volunteers are always
welcome! All volunteers
must meet with the Parent
Liaisons, Mrs. Bowie or Ms. Padilla to attend a
mandatory volunteer training.


Every student was given an agenda on the first day
of school. The agenda is to be checked and signed
by parents EVERY night, and returned each day.
The agenda is my main method of communication.
It is imperative that you sign and return the
agenda daily.

Thursday Communication Folder

This folder will come home on Thursdays and is
returned emptied the next day. This is Palmettos
main form of communication. Please read, sign, and
return any necessary documents


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Please contact me; feel free to email me at, send in a note, or call
me at 770-463-6100. Additionally, please sign up
for Remind 101 using the provided information.

Class Website

Please visit our school website! The link is

Palmetto Elementary

Welcome to 3

Where SMore Learning is just
Around the Corner!

Ms. Willis

About Me

I am originally from Mesa, AZ home of the cacti
and the fabulous Grand Canyon! I received my B.A.
from Spelman College in Early Childhood Education
and my M.Ed. in Reading, Language and Literacy
from Georgia State University. I am entering my,
year of teaching and my 4
year at Palmetto
Elementary! On a more personal note, I LOVE
Mexican food, my favorite colors are purple and
green. I read A LOT! I am very crafty and if I had
to choose another place to live, it would be Target,
Hobby Lobby and JoAnns


Our lunch time is: 12:00-12:35. If your child
brings a lunch, please do not send items that
need to be refrigerated or microwaved. They
will not have access to those items. Lunch Money:
Money/checks are to be brought either in an
envelope, or a sandwich bag, and labeled with your
childs first and last name, as well as his student
ID. Please do not send in loose money.

Our specials time is: 11:10-11:45.

Mondays- Health
Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- P.E.

** Tennis shoes are encouraged for P.E. *


*Homework will be distributed at the end of every
day and must be returned the following day.
Homework is used during class in order to practice
skills. It is imperative that homework is submitted
on time and completed.

*Please make sure the first thing your child does
for homework is to WRITE HIS/HER NAME on
each piece. Homework without names will not be


grade will be working on several projects this
year. Projects are worth 25% of your students
grade. This is a significant part of their grade. It
is VERY important that all projects are completed
and submitted on time. Because of the extended
amount of time given to students to complete their
projects Late Projects Will Not Be Accepted.

Personal Responsibility

Books/Supplies: Your child is responsible for each
of her/his homework books and textbooks. The
homework books can stay at home but the
textbooks must be returned daily. Your child is
expected to have pencil and paper daily. Book
bags/Jackets: Your child is expected to keep up
with all book bags and clothing throughout the day.
Any left behind personal items are turned in to
lost and found. Toys: Your child is NOT to bring
toys, silly bands, or any other distracting item to
school. Cell phones: All cell phones must be off, in
book bags, and never visible. Students are not able
to text or accept phones calls during the school
day. Any items that interfere with the
educational process will be confiscated and must
be picked up by a parent.


If there are any changes to your students
transportation please send a written note in a
sealed envelope or write a note in the agenda. We
are not allowed to change students transportation
by word of mouth.

Get Ready for a Fabulous Year!

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