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Libraries have more locations than McDonalds

Librarians hold a Masters Degree in Library & Information Science

noun \l-brer-, -bre-r; British usually & US sometimes -brr-; US sometimes -br, -ber-, -be-r\
: a place where books, magazines, and other materials (such as videos and musical recordings) are
available for people to use or borrow
: a room in a person's house where books are kept
: a collection of similar things (such as books or recordings)
Facts about Public Libraries
Libraries are busier than ever.
The current economic climate has made libraries an even more vital part of their communities. Its a
national phenomenon reflected in our local library system.
68 percent of Americans have a library card
75 percent of library card holders used their library cards in 2008. (Source)
Americans check out more than 2 billion items each year from their public libraries; the average
user takes out more than seven books a year
Patrons also go to their libraries to learn new computer skills, conduct job searches and
participate in the activities of local community organizations
Average cost to the taxpayer for these services is $31 a year
Source for last three: 2008 State of Americas Libraries report)
There are more public libraries than McDonalds in the US - a total of 16,541 including branches
Americans spend more than twice as much on candy as they do on public libraries. [Source
Americans check out an average of more than seven books a year. They spend $33.56 a year for
the public library about the average cost of one hardcover book. [Source (PDF)]
Public libraries are the number one point of online access for people without internet
connections at home, school, or work. [Source (PDF)]
98.7% of public libraries provide public access to the internet. [Source (PDF)]
8 Mga kasanayan ng akademikong pagbasa?
1. pag uuri-uri ng mga ideya o detalye
2. pagtukoy sa layunin ng teksto
3. pagtiyak sa damdamin, tono at pananaw ng teksto
4. pagkilala sa pagkakaiba ng opinyon at katotohanan
5. pagsuri kung valid o Hindi ang ideya
6. paghinuha at paggunita sa teksto
7. pagbuo ng lagom at konklusyon
8. pagbigay ng interpretasyon sa mapa, chart at talahanayan

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