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“We believe that every child should have

access to the same education no matter

where they live…”
-Erin James
(Republican )

“…we want to create a classroom for the

21st Century for every child, as well as
community colleges and public universities.”
- President Barack Obama
(Democrat )
“We will continue to endorse projects
that look into alternative energy sources
such as Nuclear and Solar Power.”
-Erin James
(Republican )

“I challenge our nation to commit to

producing… renewable energy and clean
carbon-free sources within 10 years.”

-Former VP Al Gore
(Democrat )
“We need to start a slow pull out of
American troops over seas and brings
them home.”
-Erin James
(Republican )

“That is why we will…remove combat

troops from Iraqi cities by July,
and…remove all of our troops from
Iraq by 2012.”
- President Barack Obama
(Democrat )
“…we fully support stem cell
research and the promises it shows
in curing a plethora of diseases.”
-Erin James
(Republican )

“…we will lift the ban on federal

funding for promising embryonic stem
cell research.”
- President Barack Obama
(Democrat )
We all want the same
But who has shown the greatest strides
A message from
The Feminist Majority

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