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We aie a single-section thiiu giaue classioom of 16 stuuents
locateu in iuial Aplington, Iowa about 1uu miles noitheast of
Bes Noines.
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This yeai, we woulu like to incoipoiate a stuuy of the Bioauway
musical The Lion King into many subjects incluuing wiiting,
liteiacy, social stuuies, anu math. As a culminating activity, we
woulu attenu a matinee peifoimance of The Lion King at the Bes
Noines Civic Centei anu meet a cast membei foi a talkback.
This is an extension of oui awaiu winning thiiu giaue Pen Pal in
Aits Piogiam cieateu in 2uu7 wheie Bioauway actoi Bayley
Pouschun has geneiously given hei time to teach the stuuents
about living in New Yoik City anu woiking in the fine aits. To
see moie about oui Pen Pal in Aits piogiam, please go to:
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We aie seaiching foi businesses oi inuiviuuals who believe
integiating the fine aits is a piioiity anu woulu like to sponsoi a
stuuent by uonating $6u. We can uo this!
In ietuin, youi sponsoieu stuuent will keep you upuateu about
what we aie leaining with at least two peisonal letteis
thioughout the school yeai anu a note of thanks at the
conclusion of the school yeai.
If you woulu like to sponsoi a stuuent, please fill out the oiuei
foim anu senu it to oui school auuiess listeu on the foim. In
oiuei to ensuie ticket availability, we will be accepting
uonations thiough Novembei 8
Thank you foi consiueiing suppoit of oui aits in euucation
leaining pioject!
Ni. Sammons anu the thiiu giaue class
I would like to sponsor ___ student(s) x $60 = _______.
Checks can be made out to A-P Schools
Do we have your permission to post your name on our
website and in a newspaper article? Yes/No
Do you have a specic student in mind you would like to
sponsor, or should Mr. Sammons choose?
What name and address can we send your personal
updates to?
Please send donations to:
Third Grade
c/o Aplington Elementary
215 10th Street
Box 607
Aplington IA 50604

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