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Does Working Hard Equal Success?

I was reading something interesting here and I thought Id share with everybody on Six
Minutes. The executive who works from 8 AM to 8 PM every day will be both very
successful and remembered by his widows next husband. (Bob laughed) I thought
that was pretty good.

Do you know, I think most of us were raised with the idea that you have to work really
hard and long hours and maybe six, seven days a week to make it. Well of course thats
not true and thats probably because of conditioning we received from people that
really felt they had to work that way. You see Napoleon Hill said, Remember, no more
effort is required in order to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity than
is required to accept misery and poverty.

I want you to spend the next four or five minutes asking yourself, How can I maybe
double my productivity with less effort? How could I double my income, less effort? How
could I double my income in half the time? Now the very fact that I can think of that
question means theres an answer to it. You cannot have a question without an answer.
All things are possible. You have a marvelous mind, we live in an orderly universe. You
live in harmony with the Law, you put your mind to work and some great things will

Spend four or five minutes thinking of that. How can I do maybe twice as much in half
the time with half the effort? Now that sounds like a contradiction. Its really not. Its a
very creative, productive, out-of-the box way to think and look at life. This is Bob Proctor
and thank you.

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