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I declare that this is my own work except the inspiration and all the summarized
which I explained each sources successfully.

Signature :
Author Name :
Date :


Search and photocopy / print out five most relevant articles about teaching
and learning language skills using video as a teaching aid.
Prepare a summary using a graphic organizer and an essay of the articles
that you have read thoroughly.
Search and download five video clips related to teaching language skills and
evaluate each of them by showing its strength and its weakness.
Prepare a teaching lesson plan to teach an English Language topic using any
video clip to accompany your teaching wherever necessary.
Carry out the teaching using the lesson plan in the classroom and write a
reflection on the strength and weakness of the lesson plan that you have


All along this coursework, I had received many assistance and help from
different people. With the cooperation they gave and the help received, I
manage to finish my assignment nicely.
First of all, I would like to thanks my lecturer, Dr. Abdullah Yusoff that
had guided me all over this assignment. He had helped me and my
classmates to explain all the task patiently. He had gave us a clear direction
and explanation. His help had made this assignment to be easy and
accelerate the proses of doing the assignment.
Besides that, I would like to thanks all my classmate that had gave me
cooperation all along this assignment. We help each other by sharing our
different opinions and suggestion. By discussing and sharing our ideas,
interaction between all of us occurred and become closer to each other.
Last, I would like to thanks the librarian who allowed us to look for
different kind of information needed in the library. I would also like to thanks
the books publisher that had gave me all sorts of information and essay
samples as reference. With all the help received, finally I finished my
assignment without any discourage and be able to hand in in time. Thank you.

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