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Curriculum Vitae of


Room No: 510, Kabi Jasimuddin Hall, University of Dhaka, Dhaka1000!
"onta#t No: 01$1150%0$0, 01&'$()()(5
*mail: mahadi!misdu+,mail!#om
-eb: ---!mahadimisdu!-eebly!#om*du#ational Qualifcations
Career Objective
To strive in a dynamic robust career where I will be able to contribute vibrantly
by demonstrating my potentialities and exploiting my skills in such a diversifed
way that I can serve organizations goal as well as develop myself as a human
Educational Qualifcation
.a/or : .ana,ement 0nformation 1ystems 2.013!
4ield of 1tudy : 5usiness 1tudies!
University : University of Dhaka!
6raduation 7ear : '01'
"689 : %!&)
Higher Secondary Level -
4ield of 1tudy : 5usiness 1tudies!
0nstitute : 95"D "olle,e, "ho-,a#ha, Jessore!
689 : 5!00!
6raduation 7ear : '00&!
Secondary Level -
4ield of 1tudy : 5usiness 1tudies!
0nstitute : 9ndulia Hi,h 1#hool, "ho-,a#ha, Jessore!
689 : 5!00!
6raduation 7ear : '005
Afliation with Organizations
9sso#iated -ith different #ultural and so#ial or,ani:ations, su#h as
8resident of BADHAN 29 ;oluntary 5lood Donors< =r,ani:ation3 Dhaka University >one'01%!
4ounder Dire#tor of .*R0? 8@U1 29 University 9dmission "oa#hin, "entre3!
.ember of ;oi#e of 5usiness 2;=5329 .a,a:ine A =r,ani:ation of 451, DU3!
.ember of Dhaka University "areer "lub 2DU""3!
.ember of Dhaka University ?ourist 1o#iety 2DU?13!
.ember of 0nternational Relations "lub 20R", JU3!
4ounder .ember of University 4riends 6rouB 2U463!
.ember of .01 "lub 29n =r,ani:ation of .01 1tudents<3!
.ember of .01 C*5 29n =r,ani:ation of .01 1tudents< of Kabi Jasimuddin Hall3!
.ember of Dhaka University 1tudents< 9sso#iation of "ho-,a#ha 2DU19"3!
4ounder of 6rouB Nine 29sso#iation of nine students of Dhaka University3!
Part of Organizing Team
"onvener of 1)
9nniversary of BADHAN Central Committee.
"onvener of 1%
9nniversary A Donors< Re#eBtion of Kabi Jasimuddin Hall Unit '011!
9rran,in, and 9n#horin, 9nnual 4est A "ultural 8ro,ram of 95"D "olle,e '00)!
"onvener of 0ftar Barty of BADHAN A .01 C*5!
Camu! Career "e!tival, 9n event of Bd#o$!.com! 9rran,ed in JU D '00(!
"onvener of 8ahela 5aishakh 4ree blood ,rouB testin, Bro,ram in ?1" arran,ed by Badhan
Dhaka University >one!
"o#onvener of 4ree blood ,rouB testin, Bro,ram in 5usiness 4a#ulty arran,ed by Badhan
Dhaka University >one
1ta,in, Drama in 96.'01' of BADHAN. EDrama name: 1uBer 1avin,F
5oard 26eneral3 1#holarshiB, 4or 11" result 2'00)'00&3!
5oard 2?alent Bool3 1#holarshiB, 4or H1" result 2'00('0113!
Ha:i .ohammad .ohasin 4und 1#holarshiB, 4or 6raduate level 2'00$3!
Distri#t "ontroller 1#holarshiB, 4or 11" result 2'00)3!
Distri#t "ontroller 1#holarshiB, 4or H1" result 2'00(3!
9-ard for 11" A H1" result ,iven by "ho-,a#ha UBo:ila 9dministration, "ho-,a#ha
=ffi#ers< "lub and ?he Daily 8rothom 9lo!
9#hievin, 4irst 8ri:e, 4or 6eneral Kno-led,e "omBetition arran,ed by 5an,abadhu 1heik
.u/ibur Rahman Hall, Jahan,irna,ar University 2'00(3!
Cinner of *kusay 2 '1 4ebruary3 *ssay "omBetition arran,ed by 4uture 6rouB!
9-ardin, 5est Debater A .ember of Cinnin, ?eam, 4or 0nter 6rouB Debate "omBetition
arran,ed by 95"D "olle,e 2'00)3!
9-ardin, 1e#ond Bri:e, 4or 0nstant 1Bee#h "omBetition arran,ed by "ho-,a#ha 1enior
.adrasha 2'00)3!
Personal !nformation
o 4ather<s Name : .d! Canur Rahaman
o .other<s Name : 1hakar 5anu
o Date of 5irth : '(
o 6ender : .ale
o Reli,ion : .uslim
o .arital 1tatus : 1in,le
o Nationality : 5an,ladeshi 2 5y birth3!
Personal !nformation
o ;illa,e : 9ndulia
o 8ost offi#e : 1hukBukuria
o 8oli#e station : "ho-,a#ha
o Distri#t : Jessore
o Division : Khulna!
"or# !nformation
%. *mBloyer : Agrani Ban& 'ecruitment (ro#ect
8osition : Database 9ssistant
Duration : January D 4ebruary '010
Des#riBtion : Corkin, as reBresentative of 5usiness fa#ulty!
). *mBloyer : (angeri (u$lication Ltd.
8osition : Criter A *ditor 28arttimer3
Duration : .ar#h '00$ Bresent
Des#riBtion : Critin, A *ditin, 5usiness 1tudies 5ooks
*. *mBloyer : +a,al Brother! Ltd.
8osition : Criter A *ditor 28arttimer3
Duration : January '010 Bresent
Des#riBtion : Critin, A *ditin, 5usiness 1tudies 5ooks!
-. *mBloyer : Merit (lu! .niver!ity Admi!!ion Coaching.
8osition : ?ea#her
Duration : .ay '00$ D November '011
Des#riBtion : *n,lish, 9##ountin,!
/. *mBloyer : 'adiu! Coaching.
8osition : ?ea#her
Duration : June '011 D 1eBtember '011
Des#riBtion : 9##ountin,, 0ntrodu#tion to 5usiness *ntreBreneurshiB!
Com$uter %iterac&
0ffice Alication1 .G1 Cord, *H#el, 9##ess, 8o-er Boint 2'000'00& versions3!
"aBable of oBeratin, offi#e soft-are and 0nternet Ba#ka,e!
Data$a!e1 4undamentals of .G1 9##ess, =ra#le 10,!
Ado$e (hoto!ho.
Ado$e Illu!trator.
2e$ De!ign 3H?.@, Dream-eaver, .i#rosoft front 8a,e4!
(rofe!!or Dr. A.A.M.S Arefin Sidd5ue
Desi,nation : ;i#e"han#ellor
University of Dhaka,Dhaka1000!
"ell: I((01&115J$%)1
*mail : v#offi#e+du!a#!bd
Md. 'ea, .ddin
Desi,nation : 8ro,ramme Head .i#rofinan#e!
5R9" "entre, &5 .ohakhali, Dhaka 1'1'
"ell: I((01&11(0$%1'
*mail : rea:!u+bra#!net
0 #ertify that all information stated in this resume is true and #omBleted to the best of my

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