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conscientious (k n sh - n sh s)
1. Guided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscience; principled: a conscientiousdeci
sion to speak out about injustice.
2. Thorough and assiduous: a conscientious worker; a conscientious effort to comply with ther

alienation (eljnen; el-)
1. a turning away; estrangement
2. the state of being an outsider or the feeling of being isolated, as from society
3. (Psychiatry) psychiatry a state in which a person's feelings are inhibited so that eventuallyb
oth the self and the external world seem unreal
4. (Law) law
a. the transfer of property, as by conveyance or will, into the ownership of another
b. the right of an owner to dispose of his property

workshy (wka)
1. not inclined to work

uninterested ( n- n tr -st d, -t r- -st d, -t -r s t d)
a. Without an interest: uninterested parties.
b. Not having a financial interest.
2. Marked by or exhibiting a lack of interest. See Usage Note at disinterested.

idealist ( -d -l st) (what form is this) N
1. One whose conduct is influenced by ideals that often conflict with practical considerations.
2. One who is unrealistic and impractical; a visionary.
3. An artist or writer whose work is imbued with idealism.
4. An adherent of any system of philosophical idealism.

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