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What is Copyright?
Copyright maybe defined a a form of inte!!e"t#a! property $hi"h prote"t the right of a#thor
and "reator of !iterary and artiti" $or%& It refer to the main a"t in $hi"h' in repe"t of !iterary
and artiti" "reation' may be made on!y by the a#thor or $ith hi a#thori(ation& )or% are
prote"ted by the o!e fa"t of their "reation' irrepe"ti*e of their mode or form of e+preion' a
$e!! a their "ontent' ,#a!ity and p#rpoe&
What Types of Rights does Copyright Provide?
a& -"onomi" Right. refer to the right of the a#thor or "opyright o$ner to deri*e finan"ia! re$ard
from the #e of hi $or% by other&
b& Mora! Right. refer to the right of the a#thor to "!aim a#thorhip of the $or% /Right of Paternity0
and the right to retrain the #e of hi name $ith repe"t to any $or% not of hi o$n "reation or a
ditorted *erion of hi $or%&
What is Covered by Copyright?
Copyright "o*er !iterary and artiti" $or%' $hi"h i #ndertood to in"!#de e*ery origina! $or% of
a#thorhip regard!e of artiti" or !iterary merit&
)or% "o*ered by "opyright in"!#de b#t are not !imited to !iterary $or% #"h a no*e!' poem
and p!ay1 ne$paper arti"!e1 fi!m and te!e*iion program1 !etter1 artiti" $or% in"!#ding
painting' "#!pt#re' dra$ing and photograph1 ar"hite"t#re1 "omp#ter program1 and
ad*ertiement' map and te"hni"a! dra$ing&
How Long Does Copyright Subsist?
In genera!' the term of prote"tion of $or% #nder "opyright "o*er the !ifetime of the a#thor and
fifty /230 year after hi death&

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