Carlos.: @spainbuca

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MUST SEE FOR LOOKING. from a privileged position, T! "ir
Traffi# !ontrol$ %orispol, &'()*+,-)./ *0+,1,+2 3,+.41'56
"ae.inf#arlos 7 8a9oo.#om.:a$
Kiev. Ukraine
Joined August 2010
187 Photos and videos

Carlos. @spainbua ! 2"

#he "i$itar% report& piks up 'here the "issi$e 'as $aunhed& sa%ing
that no one kno's is (a$se
Carlos. @spainbua ! )"
*ur response 'as& these radars do not o$$et $aunhing "issi$es& the
"i$itar% i( there 'ere no doubts

Carlos. @spainbua ! +"

,uh is the de$ine that ao"panied the "i$itar% (oreigners 'ho a"e
-rst a"e to us asking us to te$$ %our version

Carlos. @spainbua ! ."

#he (ae o( the so$diers 'ho a"e $ater sa%ing but %ou have ast& /
keep doubts
Carlos. @spainbua ! 8"
0o' to take the ontro$ to'er "inutes a(ter kno'ing a$$ the detai$s&
(ast "ade us think that the% 'ere

Carlos. @spainbua ! 1"

290 dead innocent people. 2hat a use$ess 'ar& 'here
patriotis" is bought 'ith "one%

Carlos. @spainbua ! 10"

/( "i$itar% o""anders and other superiors kne' not&

Carlos. @spainbua ! 11"

Military commanders here (ATC) control tower, conrm that the
missile is the army o! u"raine,

Carlos. @spainbua ! 38"

#he so$diers under the orders o( /nterior 4inister kne' at a$$ ti"es 'hat
Carlos. @spainbua ! 31"
5or those 'ho do not kno'& sa% so& there are "i$itar% orders o( the
de(ense "inister and "i$itar% orders o( /nterior 4inister

Carlos. @spainbua ! )1"

#he "i$itar% high o""and did not order the re$ease o( the "issi$e& he
'as so"eone6s hand on beha$( o( ukraine

Carlos. @spainbua ! )3"

4i$itar% radar data o$$eted i( "issi$e $aunhed the p$ane& no ivi$ian

Carlos. @spainbua ! +1"

#he report indiates 'here the "issi$e $e(t open& and is specied is
not o! the sel! in rebel areas

Carlos. @spainbua ! +)"

#he o7ia$ report signed b% the "i$itar% authorities in Kiev a$read%
ontro$ the govern"ent has&&&& do'ned

Ret;eeted <8 8ar$os.

#n $panish %T @ Atua$idad9# ! +1"
LST TIME =river ir> T9e %oeing ??? @Aolos es#orted <8 t;o UBrainian
Cg9ters@ <efore disappearing D MH17 9ttp>EEes.rt.#omE8F?

Carlos. @spainbua ! 3h
8$oses airspae
Carlos. @spainbua ! 3h
Airspae is $osed over de"o$ition (or (ear

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