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Last update of this section: October 25, 08
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Cir&'it S&hemati&s with little intro( and how I ended 'p in the )edini Cir&'it*
ost folks !ho ha"e little e#perience in electronics aren$t able to read schematics
let alone soldering components onto a circuit board to get a !orking gadget% & am
one of them% & am a S!iss 'ool and (ie aker, ha"e therefor little kno!ledge in
electronics% Looking at a schematic, it is e"ident that appl)ing the proper
mechanical and practical techni*ue one can$t possibl) !ork it correctl) !ithout
e#perience and proper schooling% Soldering components through a board did not
!ork for me% & remember +ohn$s comment, the closer e"er)thing is soldered
together, the better it !orks% ,ot until & omitted the board did it finall) !ork% Once &
figured out b) trial and error, ho! to solder up the +ohn -edini Circuit, & made
dra!ings for eas) " of the different soldering /oints and component
arrangements% &mage 0 and 1 are such dra!ings% Click on them, select all, cop)
and paste into 2ord, if )ou do not ha"e 2indo!s 3icture 'ool in )our bro!ser, go
to 2indo!s 4ie! menu, tool bar, check off picture tool bar, click on te#t !rapping,
click through, on the main tool bar reduce page si.e on )our main bar from 5006
to 256 go back to picture tool bar and click format picture 7paint pail8 si.e tab,
scale from !006 to 806, go to rotate left 90 degrees on the same tool bar, click to
neutrali.e ::::::; print% 2hat is a dra!ing good for if )ou can$t read it< & kno! there
are people !ho do not kno! ho! to e#tract and cop) readable dra!ings out of a
computer! & !as one of them /ust a fe! months ago 7(ec% 20058%
& hadn$t kno!n the difference bet!een a resistor and a capacitor or !hat the
function of a transistor !as% So !hen & stumbled into the pes!iki%com=inde# site &
found the follo!ing -edini forum in +anuar) 05:
& could not help noticing the "er) negati"e, sl) and decepti"e beha"ior of some
people in these forums ob"iousl) !ith second agendas !ho are taught to meddle
in, falsif) (ada and discourage progress !hile doing a lot of misleading=decepti"e
talking getting )ou no!here or being +ery ,'sy not showing yo' enything )ou
can trul) learn from% 2ith other !ords@ if yo' n'llify in yo'r mind any negati+e
and none prod'&ti+e &omment concerning the -edini technolog) or an) sub/ect
for that matter and gather all positi"e threats, then )ou$ll get some !here% & learned
not to open up an) closed files 7if )ou do, keep track of it8 from those groups or
answering indi+id'als pri+ately after & ended up !ith three 'ro/an horses and a &:
2orm=-agle in m) A4? "irus "ault%
Bere is an e#ample of !hat happens if people trust others in a forum% Se"eral
people of the forum had rotors machined b) a certain machinist onl) to be
disappointed and ended up complaining of poor !orkmanship and Cick e"en
complained of the poor attitude the machinist had to!ards the forum list% & don$t
kno! about )ou , but I smell a rat here% & !orked as a machinist for a number of
)ears and can$t fathom scrapping a simple rotor !ork peace on a di"iding head
inde#, ne"er mind a !hole bunch of them, unless done purposel)!!
(on$t be surprised if )our local machine shop either refuses to machine )our rotor
or runes it, because man) o!ners ha"e been bought b) the elite% &t happened to
me t!ice in different shops of -C, e"en in the same to!n!!! Dmone) talksD% -est is
to bu) )our o!n e*uipment% &t !ill be !ell !orth it%
Cemember this one, but no offense* -nly a fool tr'sts people whom he does
not know personally. Selfishness and a lack of lo"e for the neighbor is the reason
people can$t be trusted% All negati"it) stems of the opponent and e+erything
positi+e is of God o'r Creator(
& find it interesting that the ma/orit) of folks are being led do!n the garden path
because the) are more !illing to belie"e something out of the blue )onder, then
!hat is !ritten do!n and collected pertaining to truth% -) kno!ing and stri"ing for
truth, the result of fraud becomes e"ident *uite *uickl)!
'hese are Cick$s groups:
So, !hen Cick Eriedrich started his -edini onopole ?roup on Eebruar) 2F : 05, &
!as all Dgong hoD and /oined in% essage 55 !as m) first post% Cick is doing a fine
/ob b) the !a)%
& ha"e to admit that & !as one of the man) !ho asked +ohn -edini per email )ears
ago ho! to build a coil and !here to get the material needed, to !hich of course &
too, ne"er got an ans!er% & suspect this !as part of the reason !h) +- is
encouraging the group efforts% & !as on the lookout a number of )ears, ho! to get
into the -edini Circuit and finall) found it% 2hile reading all those messages of
!hich most of it !as a !aste of m) time, & reali.ed that upgrading !as m) onl)
chance to get an)!here% & bought m)self the book D3ractical Glectronics for
&n"entorsD b) 3aul Scher., c?ra!:Bill, ,o% 0505 for H09%95 IS
http:==!!!%lindsa)bks%com= 855 905 5050 fa# 905 51JJ 7ask for catalog8 and a!a)
& !ent% 'his book is for hands on electronics and !orth e"er) dollar, a must for the
beginner% & e#pect of )ou to go the same route% Kou need to ha"e at least
kno!ledge about the function of the indi"idual electronic components, in order to
succeed, since step b) step instructions for free are hard to come b)@ although
better no! !ith the &nternet%
Other sources for the book:
/ohn )edini's SG North0Pole 1otor2 a gift of him to the people and their
for learning2 testing and self preser+ation(
Image 3 4SSG5
3a 4see Image 33 and 365
Image 6 4SSG5
Image 7 4SSG5 This is what yo' start o't with if yo' are new to the
Te&hnology% At the same time & am pointing out to )ou a mistake & made out of
slo! comprehension% Since the 2,0055 tophat transistors ha"e onl) t!o terminals
DbaseD and DemmiterD the mounting base Dpo!er inD is also the collector terminal, &
got into the habit b) placing the coil po!er: strands to the heat sink !hich is the
collector and case of the 2,0005% Conse*uentl) !hen & mo"ed on to the -(210C &
connected to the heatsink instead the proper transistor collector terminal%
&nterestingl) & ha"en$t noticed much difference e"en !hen it comes to soldering the
strand to the proper transistor terminal, &mage F -edini=Cole circuit! &mage 8 is a
different stor), this is the SS? icehouse set up% Ba"ing F strands in m) SS?$s coils,
& took the coil !ire return off of the heat sink 7collector plate8 and took 5 of the
indi"idual strands 7see Christmas bulbs in m) replication 2 page8 and soldered
them behind the 5,100J at the collector terminal of the +L25591$s !hich
impro"ed the pressure into the batteries but not necessaril) the charging rate% 'o
blo! out of the !ater !hat i /ust said, m) latest tests !ith m) ne!est SS? re"ealed
better performance b) mounting all si# !ire strands to the heat sink% 3ulsing caps
is ob"iousl) the ans!er% &n m) !a) )ou are not restricted to an e*ual number of
transistors used per coil strands% Cather the more branches )ou create 7more
transistors in parallel8 the more aether radiant energ) is being captured, but
independentl) of the strands, sucked up b) each transistor mounting plate from the
heat sink% ,eedless to sa) b) using transistor pads and grease )ou are restricting
the aether radiant accumulating process potential%
a $ook'p of simple motor2Image 3 4SSG5
, $ook'p of simple motor II2 Image 3a 4SSG5
& SG North0Pole 1otor2 Image 6 4SSG5
d /)0Cir&'it2 Image 72 )asi& Cir&'it
e Cir&'it parts list
f SSG Image 8
g SG North0Pole01otor II )atts2 Image 9
h N0Pole 1otor 3:;82 Image <aa
i )=C N0Pole 1otor2 Image <a
> )=C N0Pole 1otor 'pdate2 Image <
k N0Pole 1otor <,2 Image ?
l SC$0Ill'str( 60&oil 8@2 Image ;( Swit&hing
the @)ig Six or Eight@
m Simple 1onopole 1a&hine2 Image ;a
n The )ig Crash2 Image :
o I&eho's SCR2 Image 33
oo 1onopole magneto 33a
p Steering Cam2 Image 36
A 1y latest SSG
r )la&k Sand
s Neo 1agnet "&ryli& Shoot2 Image 37a
t )edini=1'ller Com,ination
' Spark is&harge2 Image 38
+ 1onopole 1otor with E(R( Trans&ei+er
w Tesla Cone and Gray t',e2 Image 38a
ww The /ohn )ediniSG interr'pter &ir&'it
x Self0R'nning 1agnetos2 Image 37
xx P'lse &ontroller for Self0R'nning 1otor
xxx )edini0Tesla0Gray homepower
y Window 1otor2 Image 39
B C=) Permt( 1agnet C 1otor 'pdate
BB Relay Swit&h Controller
BBB )edini Swit&hing S&hemati&
aa The Pattern2 Image 3<
,, C=) P1C 1otor sket&h2 Image 3<a
&& The three &oil winding >ig2 Image 3?
ee Tesla's "C0C=C0C 1otor0ynamo
ff "C0C 1-T-R0%N"1-2 Image 3;
3ass it on@ it !ill be for the !ellbeing of )our o!n soul%

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