Chris Resume 8-9-2014

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Christopher McGinnis
Completed corporate communications internship with Clear Channel Media & Entertainment
Cum Laude graduate with BA in Mass Communication and a minor in Business
Proficient with MS Ecel! MS PowerPoint! MS "ord! Ado#e Audition! Ado#e Premiere! $M%L! Apple
products! "indows &P! and internet use
Eperienced operating studio cameras! technical switch#oard! and audio #oard
Ecellent ver#al and written communication s'ills
"ell(developed s'ills in prioriti)ing! organi)ation! decision(ma'ing and time management
Effective communicator with a#ilit* to interact with diverse people and groups at various levels of
management to ensure organi)ational success
+ocused! dependa#le! multi(tas' oriented! a#le to adapt effectivel* to challenging situations
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication
Savannah State ,niversit* - Savannah! .A /010 ( /012
%he Sun 3ews! M*rtle Beach! SC /014 to present
Advertising / Interactive Traffic Coordinator
Assisting account eecutives with fulfilling online contracts
%raffic'ing online ads for the various platforms of media
Su#mitting information for the creation of ads
Providing various reports to managers and reps when needed
Providing advertiser5s a lin' to view proofs of their ads
Clear Channel Media &Entertainment! Savannah! .A /012
Student Internship
Performed on(air drops several times during the wee' on the afternoon program
Edited audio clips for podcast segments to #e aired online
,pdated and received increased feed#ac' on social media sites6 +ace#oo'! 7nstagram! and %witter
Assisted the Promotion 8irector with promotional events
Provided assistance in preparation for events6 concerts! appearances! contests! etc.
olunteer Activities
Mass Communication Student Association 9/01/(/012:
Big Brother Big Sister of the Coastal Empire; Student mentor 9/01/ and /012:
Blac'shear Communit* Center; <eading and "riting Coach 9/011:
SA+E Shelter; <eorgani)ation 9/01/:

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