Decd Personal Statement 2015

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Kev Kelly Personal Statement

Professional Knowledge

Professional knowledge is the first of three pillars
upon which my personal philosophy of teaching is
based. A deep appreciation for and knowledge of
pedagogical and development theory coupled, with
expert content knowledge are essential for positive
student outcomes. This process begins with a sincere
desire to learn about and respect each individual, not
in spite of but because of the unique attributes that
define them. In turn, this informs me which
pedagogical strategies and resources will best obtain
positive outcomes for each and every individual.
Exceptional content knowledge is created by the
constant enhancement of my knowledge base. This is
manifested through my life long attitude to learning
and sincere passion for my content areas. This passion,
coupled with innovative and appropriate pedagogies
inspires my students to develop a similar interest in the
content while enhancing the development of their
skills. As a Humanities teacher, I am in the unique
position of being able to develop an array of cross-
disciplinary skills. More than the memorization of facts,
it is essential that students are provided with the
opportunity and tools to develop the broad learning
skills required of them throughout their education.
For example, The Research Project is an ongoing
compulsory SACE topic with which many students
have difficulty. In response, I developed a number of
highly scaffolded tasks, and observed the way in which
they demystified research processes. I also modified
these for and utilised them with, middle school classes.
Through these tasks and subsequent assessment, I
have seen the development of basic research and
notation skills, as well as an understanding of and
ability to create coherent, written work consistently in
anticipation of the challenges they will face
throughout their studies.

Professional Practice

My professional practice is founded upon the
creation of positive learning environments and an
adherence to the principles of the teaching cycle. The
creation of a classroom which fosters an atmosphere
of safety and inquiry is based upon respect; respect for
the individual, respect for each other and respect for
property. An emphasis on respect ensures my students
engage with each other and myself in a manner
conducive to learning. The establishment of a calm
and productive classroom then facilitates the effective
implementation of planned learning programs and
assessment tasks concluded with prompt and effective
feedback. Analysis of student achievement,
consultation, peer review and self-reflection then
guide the evaluation and refinement of my practice.
I do this through the establishment of clear
expectations, underpinned by fair and equitable
consequences. This clarity forms the basis for the
creation and maintenance of a supportive and safe
learning environment. This initially high level of
structure, allows progression to and promotion of
student self-direction and inquiry. My classroom
environment is characterised by intent, intrinsically
motivated students, efficiency, emotional
encouragement and high levels of awareness. The use
of pop-sticks as a random selection tool is a highly
effective way to ensure meaningful engagement and
the promotion of a respectful environment in the
middle years. It ensures a high level of attention for
tasks and an effective way to develop class interactive
norms. Finally, I utilise Edmodo as an online
classroom portal. For senior secondary classes
especially, this encourages engagement in a mature
and safe mode whilst also engaging them through
tertiary like study conditions. Finally, the use of Edmodo
recognises the unique situations Stage Two students
may have, and allows them to communicate regularly
with me around any extracurricular, VET or personal
responsibilities they may have.

Professional Engagement

The most effective way to improve outcomes for my
students is for me to recognise deficient areas of my
practice through constant reflection and a willingness
to engage the professional development resources
available to me. These resources include formal
seminars, individual study, site development sessions,
weekly staff meetings and the fostering of collegial
relationships with my peers. This learning includes
professional knowledge and legislative, administrative
and organisational requirements. Development of
these areas permits me to engage professionally with
colleagues, parents and caregivers.
A current membership with the History Teachers
Association of SA allows me to constantly update my
knowledge amongst my peers. I also maintain
professional relationships with a host of current
teachers whom I often collaborate and share
resources and information with. I frequently attend
professional development sessions including those run
by third parties including Global Education, the Natural
Resource Management Board, and SACE. These
contacts, and my ability to engage with my peers in a
professional manner, greatly assisted me in my
preparation for teaching Stage 2 Geography and the
Research Project during my final placement.
Recognising the need to up skill my content
knowledge in both these topics, I was able to develop
effective programs with meaningful tasks and a set of
resources the school can continue to use in the future.

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