Eportfolio Self-Assessment

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AlexaRae Strong

Nkenna Onwuzuruoha
English 1010
August 9, 2014
ePortfolio Self-Assessment
For my IEP (Issue Exploration Project) I decided to explore the perspectives of gay
marriage within and out of the gay community. This is a hot topic in todays world, and I
thought it would be interesting to look into the different perspectives of it. I liked that I got to
pick a topic that was of interest me. It helped a lot and was fun to research something which I
wanted to learn more about. I chose to explore this topic inside and outside the gay community
so that there were two defined sides, and then more within the two sides. There are many
different prospectives to this issue. Aside from liking the topic; I practiced researching,
formatting, organizing, and analyzing.
Taking English 1010 has helped me a lot. I never had the confidence before to write, but
now I do. The two big projects I had in this class were very beneficial. The step-by-step process
is what made me successful with my writing. The feedback from my professor and other
students guided me in the right direction. I really enjoyed the constructive critism because I
learned from it. It was also helpful for me to be able to give feedback to other students. I got to
see that there are different forms of writing.
Learning about the rhetorical strategies (ethos, pathos, and logos) helped me keep my
papers on track. I had a lot of practice with them in class, and I will take the information and use
it in the future. Overall, I felt challenged in this class in a positive way. The work we had pushed
me, and I am grateful for it now. I will walk away feeling confident with my writing.

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