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Executive Principal Mr David Millar

East Site: Minster Road, Minster-on-Sea, ME12 3JQ

West Site: Marine Parade, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2BE
Tel. 01!" #3 "!1
$asis %&ade'( )sle o* She++e( is s+onsored ,( $asis -o''.nit( /earnin0 111.oasis&o''.nit(learnin0.or0 2 +art o* $asis 3K.
$asis -o''.nit( /earnin0 is a -o'+an( /i'ited ,( 4.arantee re0istered in
En0land 5 Wales 6o "3!#"2!. Re0istered $**i&e: " West'inster Brid0e Road, /ondon SE1 7S
S.nda(, 10 2018
9ear Parent, -arer 5 St.dent
Re: Summer !"# Examination Results
E:a'ination res.lts *ro' S.''er 2018 1ill ,e iss.ed on the *ollo1in0 dates:
$%E &'s and '( and )evel * +,E% - Th.rsda( 18
th 2018 in the Re*e&tor(,
West Site, *ro' 10:30a' 2 12+'.
$%SE and )evel +,E% Th.rsda( 21
st 2018 in the S+orts 7all, East Site,
*ro' 10:30a' 2 12+'.
Please note that there 1ill ,e ,.ildin0 1or;s ta;in0 +la&e aro.nd the s&hool d.rin0 the
s.''er holida(s. St.dents &olle&tin0 4-SE res.lts '.st +ar; in the ,otto' &ar +ar; on the
East site and 1al; to the s+orts hall <ia the ,a&; +ath1a( and entran&e. 6o a&&ess 1ill ,e
+er'itted thro.0h the *ront o* the s&hool.
)* (o. are .na,le to &olle&t (o.r res.lts another +erson &an &olle&t the' on (o.r ,ehal*,
+ro<idin0 the( &an +rod.&e a si0ned letter *ro' (o. 0i<in0 the' +er'ission. .e cannot
accept any forms of permission other than a signed letter.
%ll res.lts that are not &olle&ted 1ill ,e sent ,( se&ond &lass +ost to the addresses that are
&.rrentl( on o.r s(ste'. )* (o. ha<e 'o<ed or 1o.ld li;e the' to ,e sent to another address
+lease &onta&t $asis %&ade'( as soon as +ossi,le.
-erti*i&ates 1ill ,e iss.ed in 9e&e',er 2018. /etters 1ill ,e sent to (o. in d.e &o.rse.
)* (o. ha<e an( =.estions +lease do not hesitate to &onta&t the E:a'inations $**i&e <ia the
'ain s1it&h,oard !"/01 2/*10" or 'i&helle.ra(*ield>oasisisleo*she++e(.or0
? *aith*.ll(
Miss M Ra(*ield
Examinations 3fficer

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