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Sleeping Trees Present

The Sleeping Trees Treelogy

The Magic Faraway Tree, Treasure Island and The Odyssey

Three Stories. Three Men. Three Shows.
One Fringe.

Perfect comic timing, razor sharp writing and the most dynamic
and talented performers I have ever seen Broadway Baby

Sleeping Trees bring three shows, and 135 characters, to the
Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Sleeping Trees return to the fringe this year with not one but three shows,
otherwise known as their Treelogy! The company have taken well-known
stories they loved as children and attempted to recreate them for the stage
without bothering to re-read them. The result is three very different versions of
Enid Blytons The Magic Farway Tree, Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure
Island and Homers The Odyssey. Each tale has been lovingly disembowled
by the company and retold by three actors or a bare stage without the use of
props, sound or set.

Earlier versions of the shows have been presented at the Fringe over the past
three years but the 2014 Edinburgh Fringe will see the three shows performed
for the first time as a complete treelogy, with a different title performed each
Each show can be enjoyed separately but for those that see all three there
are hidden jokes and moments that will provide them with extra enjoyment.

Warning: These stories will probably bear little or no resemblance to the
originals and may offend genuine fans of literature!

To book review tickets for this show please contact the Pleasance Press Office
0131 556 6557

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