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Nomor : 001/MMP-SPK/VII/2014

This is certify that :
Dengan ini menerangkan bahwa

N a m e : Tri Darmanto Karangan

Project & Location : Mibitri Mutu Prima PT,
Proyek & Lokasi PT. Bukit Makmur Project

Beginning Classification : Operator Excavator SK - 480
Jabatan Permulaan

Final Classification : Operator Excavator SK - 480
Jabatan Terakhir

Priod of Service : June 12, 2013 to July 10, 2014
Masa Kerja

Reason Of Leaving : Resigned by Own Requested
Alasan Berhenti

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for past efforts and contributions to
PT. Mibitri Mutu Prima in PT. Bukit Makmur Project, and the achieved performance may be
maintained to the highest professional standarts and wish you every success in the future

Kami mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas usaha dan jasa yang telah saudara berikan kepada
PT. Mibitri Mutu Prima in PT. Bukit Makmur Project, dan prestasi yang telah dicapai bisa
dipelihara dan lebih ditingkatkan, semoga keberhasilan menyertai saudara di masa mendatang.

Samarinda, 10 July 2014

Nurul Asikin

CC :

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