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2 A Science Laboratory
1. Scientists can work anywhere, however most scientists conduct their
experiments in a
2. In a science laboratory, there are various apparatus and chemicals. Some
of these chemicals
are danerous and some substances are ha!ardous.
". #herefore, when workin in the laboratory, we must follow the rules and
safety precautions
to avoid accidents.
$. %ere are some laboratory safety rules that you must follow when workin
in laboratory.
&a' (o not enter the laboratory without your teacher)s permission.
&b' (o not play or run in the laboratory.
&c' (o not eat or drink in the laboratory.
&d' *eep the laboratory clean and tidy.
&e' +eport any in,ury or breakae to your teacher.
&f' -ash all the apparatus after use.
.. /ou will know the nature of the substance by lookin at the symbol
displayed on the label.
.. -e use apparatus to do experiment in the laboratory.
0. 1elow are some common laboratory apparatus and their uses.

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