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Mechanical B Section

ME1202 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Time: 2hrs Max Marks: 50
Part A 5X2=10
1. Draw the curves for various types of fluis usin! "ewton#s secon law of
2. Mention the avanta!es of $ano$eter.
%. &hat is a "ewtonian flui'
(. )ive the pressure P = 250 *!f+c$
in ter$s of $$ of $ercury
5. Define *ine$atic viscosity.
Part B
,. Derive the e-pression for surface tension in a spherical roplet an li.ui /et.
2. Derive the e-pression for capillary rise an fall of a li.ui. 051
3. 4he yna$ic viscosity of oil5 use for lu6rication 6etween a shaft an sleeve is
3 poise. 4he shaft is of ia$eter 0.3$ an rotates at 250 r.p.$. 7alculate the
power lost in the 6earin! for a sleeve len!th of 100 $$. 4he thic*ness of the
oil fil$ is 2 $$.0101
8. A plate5 0.025 $$ istant fro$ a fi-e plate5 $oves at 50 c$+s an re.uires a
force of 1.(21 "+$
to $aintain this spee. Deter$ine the flui viscosity
6etween the plates in poise.051
10. An inverte 9:tu6e $ano$eter is connecte to two hori;ontal pipes A an B
throu!h which water is flowin!. 4he vertical istance 6etween the a-es of
these pipes is %0 c$. &hen an oil of specific !ravity 0.3 is use as a !au!e
flui5 the vertical hei!hts of water colu$ns in the two li$6s of the inverte
$ano$eter.0when $easure fro$ the respective centre line of the pipes1 are
foun to 6e sa$e an e.ual to %5 c$. Deter$ine the ifference of pressure
6etween the pipes.0101
11. &hat o you $ean 6y vacuu$ pressure' Derive an e-pression for si$ple 9:
tu6e $ano$eter for $easurin! ne!ative pressure.051

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