The Ielts General Training Writing Test Task 1

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The !"TS #eneral Training $riting Test Tas% & is' feel' the part of #T test that people
can prepare most for. (eca)se the scope of the tas% is fairl* limited' *o) can practise
e+tremel* similar tas%s' ,hich ,ill greatl* prepare *o) for the e+am.
-ractice is the magic ,ord tho)gh. !.en good !nglish )sers need practice for the !"TS
e+am and it co)ld mean all the difference /et,een pass and fail. There is limited practice
a.aila/le and it0s 1)ite e+pensi.e. That0s ,h* ,e ,o)ld recommend *o) do,nload o)r
practice material. 2o) ,ill get more practice for less mone*. #o to the 3ome -age to find
more information a/o)t o)r -ractice Tests and other -ractice Tests a.aila/le.
The IELTS General Training Task 1 Writing Test
The !"TS #eneral Training $riting Test lasts for & ho)r and incl)des 2 tas%s. Tas% & is a
letter and *o) m)st ,rite at least &40 ,ords. 2o) sho)ld spend a/o)t 20 min)tes o)t of
the ho)r for tas% &. Tas% 2 is an essa* and *o) m)st ,rite at least 240 ,ords. 2o) sho)ld
spend a/o)t 40 min)tes for Tas% 2.
The Task for the IELTS General Training Task 1
The !"TS #eneral Training $riting Tas% & as%s *o) to ,rite a letter of a minim)m of
&40 ,ords in response to some sit)ation or pro/lem. The tas% ,ill pro/a/l* as% *o) to
complain a/o)t something' to re1)est information' as% for help' to ma%e arrangements
and/or e+plain a sit)ation. 5ll these are fairl* similar tas%s.
Marking for the IELTS General Training Task 1
2o)r tas% ,ill /e mar%ed in three areas. 2o) ,ill get a mar% from & to 9 on Tas%
6)lfilment' 7oherence 8 7ohesion and 9oca/)lar* and Sentence Str)ct)re. 2o)r final
/and for Tas% & ,ill /e effecti.el* an a.erage of the three mar%s a,arded in these areas.
Tas% & ,riting is less important than Tas% 2 and to calc)late the final ,riting mar%' more
,eight is assigned to the Tas% 2 mar% than to Tas% &0s mar%. To get a good o.erall mar%
tho)gh' /oth tas%s ha.e to /e ,ell ans,ered so don0t hold /ac% on Tas% & or gi.e *o)rself
too little time to ans,er it properl*.
Tas% 6)lfilment This ,here *o) can reall* ma%e a difference thro)gh caref)l preparation.
This mar% grades *o) on /asicall* ha.e *o) ans,ered the 1)estion:
7ohesion and 7oherence These t,o are interrelated ,hich is ,h* the* are done together.
7ohesion is ho, *o)r ,riting fits together. ;oes *o)r ,riting ,ith its ideas and content
flo, logicall*: 7oherence is ho, *o) are ma%ing *o)rself )nderstood and ,hether the
reader of *o)r ,riting )nderstands ,hat *o) are sa*ing. 5n e+ample of /ad coherence
and cohesion ,o)ld /e as follo,s:
& $e ,ent to the /each /eca)se it ,as raining.
-ro/a/l* the ,riter of this sentence does not mean </eca)se< as people don0t )s)all* go
to the /each ,hen it is raining. The ,riter sho)ld ha.e ,ritten:
2 $e ,ent to the /each altho)gh it ,as raining.
Sentence & has made a cohesion and coherence error (as ,ell as a .oca/)lar* one).
<(eca)se< does not =oin the ideas of the sentence together correctl* and' as a res)lt' the
reader does not )nderstand ,hat the ,riter ,ants to sa*. This is an e+aggerated e+ample
/)t it sho,s ,hat mean.
9oca/)lar* and Sentence Str)ct)re This area loo%s at the *o)r grammar and choice of
,ords. The mar%er ,ill loo% ,hether the right grammar and ,ords are )sed and ,hether
the* are )sed at the right time in the right place and in the right ,a*. >ost people are
predominantl* ,orried a/o)t their grammar /)t' as *o) can see' grammar is onl* half of
one section of three )sed to grade *o)r ,riting. !"TS is m)ch more interested in
comm)nication rather than grammatical acc)rac*.
Paragraphing for the IELTS General Training Task 1
This is a .er* eas* thing to do /)t it can ha.e an enormo)s effect on the clarit* of *o)r
,riting. 9er* often people )se no paragraphing and the e+aminer is faced ,ith a <sea< of
,riting ,ith no /rea%s from start to finish. 6or me' the /est ,ritings are those ,here there
are paragraphs separated /* an empt* line and also indented. n this ,a* *o)r ideas are
separated clearl*. t sho,s and organi?ation to *o)r ,riting and ma%es it more
6or a longer section on paragraphing and ho, )sef)l it can /e' see #T $riting Tas% 2
5reas to -repare
5s said earlier' Tas% & is the /est for preparation. (elo, are some areas for *o) to
1 Answering the question.
5s said a/o.e' tas% f)lfilment (ans,ering the 1)estion) is one third of *o)r total mar%
and it is an area in ,hich*one sho)ld do ,ell. This is often' ho,' not the case.
$hat *o) m)st do is to ,rite a letter' ,hich ,o)ld f)ll* ans,er the needs of the pro/lem
in a real life sit)ation. !.en if *o) ha.e co.ered all that the 1)estion itself as%s' ha.e *o)
incl)ded*thing in the letter needed to realisticall* perform its f)nction. 6or e+ample'
a 1)estion ha.e seen some,here the candidate the follo,ing tas%:
You hae so!e li"rar# "ooks that #ou are una"le to return as a !e!"er of #our
fa!il# in another $it# has fallen si$k an% #ou hae ha% to go an% look after the!.
$rite a letter to the li/rar* e+plaining the sit)ation. 5pologi?e for the incon.enience
called and sa* ,hat *o) are going to do.
2o) sho)ld ,rite at least &40 ,ords.
This seems a fairl* t*pical !"TS #eneral Training Tas% & ,riting 1)estion. 5ns,ering
the 1)estion in a ,a* that ,ill get *o) a good Tas% 6)lfilment grade needs a n)m/er of
things for *o) to do.
1& Write at least 1'( wor%s.
$riting less does not ans,er the 1)estion' ,hich tells *o) to ,rite at least &40 ,ords. f
*o) ,rite less than &40 ,ords' the e+aminer mar%ing *o)r paper ,ill gi.e *o) a
ma+im)m of 4 for Tas% 6)lfilment or e.en less.
)& *ull# %o all the things that the question asks #ou.
n this case it as%s *o) to do 3 main things:
&. e+plain the sit)ation
2. apologi?e for the incon.enience
3. sa* ,hat *o) are going to do
The important part is to f)ll* do these things. ;on0t ta%e & line to e+plain a/o)t *o)r
relati.e @ people ,ho do this often don0t ma%e the &40 ,ord limit. !nlarge on ,hat the
1)estion tells *o). Ase *o)r imagination. t m)st /e something fairl* serio)s to ma%e *o)
lea.e to,n and *o) m)st /e the onl* one possi/le to loo% after the relati.e so go into
these things. (e realistic as ,ell.
2o)0re ,riting to a li/rar* and *o) ,on0t ma%e it too personal. 5pologi?ing ,on0t ta%e )p
m)ch space /)t *o) can still de.ote a co)ple of sentences to it. Sa*ing ,hat *o) are
going to do sho)ld /e a f)ll e+planation as ,ell.
+& Make #our letter realisti$ so it woul% fun$tion in a real life situation.
This adding other things to the letter' ,hich it ma* not as% *o) for' /)t ,itho)t
,hich *o)r letter ,o)ld not perform its f)nction. 6or this 1)estion' it ,o)ld mean
introd)cing *o)rself /* name' *o)r li/rar* card mem/ership n)m/er' telling the
li/rar* the titles of the /oo%s that *o) ha.e /orro,ed' the names of their a)thors' their
li/rar* reference n)m/ers' ,hen *o) /orro,ed them and ,hen the* ,ere d)e /ac%.
6inall*' in this 1)estion' the sit)ation might in.ol.e *o) getting a fine for the late /oo%s
so *o) co)ld as% politel* for that to /e cancelled d)e to the circ)mstances. $itho)t this
information' the letter ,o)ldn0t help the li/rar* m)ch in real life and' e.en tho)gh the
1)estion doesn0t as% *o) specificall* to incl)de it' the e+aminer reading *o)r ,or% ,ill /e
loo%ing for s)ch things. These are things that are needed to get a 9 for tas% f)lfilment and'
theoreticall*' an*one' , their le.el of !nglish' sho)ld /e a/le to get a good mar%
) The ,pening Greeting of the Letter
2o)r letter ,ill pro/a/l* need to /e a reasona/l* informal letter to a friend or a semi@
formal letter. The opening of *o)r letter sho)ld reflect ,hich one *o) are ,riting.
5 friendl* letter ,ill open ,ith ;ear follo,ed /* a name ,hich sho)ld then /e follo,ed
/* a comma' eg:
;ear Bohn'
5 semi@formal letter ,ill also open ,ith ;ear and then /e follo,ed /* a name' (if *o)
decide that in the sit)ation *o) ,o)ld %no, the name) or /* Sir (if it0s a man)' >adam (if
it0s a ,oman) or Sir/>adam if *o) don0t %no,' eg:
;ear >r. -hillips'
;ear >rs. -hillips'
;ear Sir'
;ear >adam'
;ear Sir/>adam'
The 1)estion also might specif* ho, *o) are to /egin so follo, ,hat it sa*s.
+ The ,pening Paragraph of the Letter
n a semi@formal letter' feel it is important to state the reason for the letter straight a,a*.
2o) co)ld )se the follo,ing to help *o):
am ,riting to as%/ tell//inform *o) that...
am ,riting to as%/in1)ire...
am ,riting ,ith regard to...
am ,riting ,ith reference to...
am ,riting in connection ,ith...
am ,riting in response to...
n repl* to *o)r letter' am ,riting to... (if the 1)estion indicates that *o)
ha.e had a letter)
f the letter is a less formal one to a friend then *o) sho)ld open the letter in a friendlier
,a*. !#:
;ear Bohn'
3i thereC t0s /een so long since 0.e heard from *o). hope *o) are doing ,ell and hope
all *o) famil* are doing fine. 0m prett* good in spite of ,or%ing hard. 5n*,a*' the
reason 0m ,riting is...
- The Su"stan$e of the Letter
0.e alread* gone into detail a/o)t ans,ering the 1)estion f)ll* and )sing *o)r
imagination to prod)ce a realistic letter f)lfilling all f)nctions so ,on0t repeat that.
Thro)gh great e+perience ,ith !"TS' can sa* that 1)estions tend to as% *o) to do
certain things. 3ere ,ill gi.e *o) some ideas a/o)t some lang)age to )se in the
s)/stance of the letter ,hich ,ill help *o) to ans,er the tas% ,ell.
Asking for .elp
,o)ld li%e *o) to...
,o)ld /e gratef)l if *o) co)ld...
need to as% *o)r a/o)t...
0d li%e to as% for information a/o)t...
$hat 0m loo%ing for is...
0m ,riting to e+press m* dissatisfaction/anno*ance/ a/o)t...
0m ,riting to e+press m* anger at...
am not happ* a/o)t...
... is not ,hat e+pected/,as e+pecting.
,ant to %no, ,hat *o) are going to do a/o)t this sit)ation.
D( $hen complaining' don0t get too angr*. 0.e had st)dents ,ho reall* /ecame too
heated in their complaints. n a polite semi@formal letter' this sho)ld not happen. 5lso' do
not f it0s a reasona/l* small and )nderstanda/le pro/lem' do sa* that
*o)0re not satisfied /)t sho, that *o) )nderstand and sta* calm in *o)r e+pressions.
0m .er* gratef)l for...
0d li%e to than% *o) .er* m)ch for...
.er* m)ch appreciated...
0m .er* sorr* that/a/o)t...
-lease forgi.e me for...
0d li%e to apologi?e a/o)t...
-lease accept m* apologies
' En%ing #our Letter
6irst of all' in !nglish ,e often end letters /efore the sign off ,ith certain phrases. These
can /e incl)ded in most letters and ,ill ma%e *o)r letter seem realistic and polished. 6or
a formal letter' *o) co)ld )se:
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanking
you in advance for your help, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
6or a more informal letter *o) co)ld )se:
If you need to know anything else, just get in touch with me as soon as you can. Thanks a
lot for your help and I hope to hear from you soon.
(e caref)l tho)ghC !"TS e+aminers 1)ite rightl* loo% for ,riting that has /een
memorised and =)st repeated so' if *o) )se e+pressions li%e the ones a/o.e' ma%e s)re
that the* fit in ,ith the rest of *o)r letter.
6inall* *o)0ll need to sign off *o)r letter. 6or a formal letter )se:
2o)rs faithf)ll*' EF
2o)rs sincerel*'
Femem/er the commas (it ma%es a good impression on the e+aminer if *o) )se good
p)nct)ation) and spell <sincerel*< correctl* (a lot of people don0tC).
6or an informal letter' lo.e is not al,a*s appropriate tho)gh !nglish spea%ers )se it a lot.
(etter ,o)ld /e to )se:
(est ,ishes'
,ther .ints for the IELTS General Training Task 1
;ED0T cop* an* part of the 1)estion in *o)r ans,er. This is not *o)r o,n ,or% and
therefore ,ill /e disregarded /* the e+aminer and ded)cted from the ,ord co)nt. 2o) can
)se ,ords /)t /e caref)l of )sing <ch)n%s< of the 1)estion te+t.
;on0t repeat *o)rself or the same ideas. This a /ad impression and the e+aminer
realises that it isn0t adding to the content of *o)r letter.
f *o) are ,ea% at !nglish grammar' tr* to )se short sentences. This allo,s *o) to control
the grammar and the meaning of *o)r ,riting m)ch more easil* and contri/)tes to a
/etter cohesion and coherence mar%. t0s m)ch easier to ma%e things clear in a foreign
lang)age if *o) %eep *o)r sentences shortC
Thin% a/o)t the tenses of *o)r .er/s. f *o)0re ,riting a/o)t something that happened in
the past' *o)r .er/s ,ill need to /e in the past tenses. f *o)0re arranging something in the
f)t)re' *o) ,ill need to )se the f)t)re tenses. f it0s a ha/it)al action' *o)0ll need the
present simple tense and so on. f *o) ha.e time' a 1)ic% chec% of *o)r .er/s at the end
of the e+am can help *o) find errors.
5s =)st said' if *o) ha.e finished the e+am ,ith time to spare' ;ED0T =)st sit thereCC
7hec% ,hat *o) ha.e done. f *o) ha.e time after the chec%' chec% again. 5nd so on....
;on0t /e irrele.ant. 5ltho)gh *o) can )se *o)r imagination to e+pand on *o)r ans,er' if
an* part of *o)r letter is totall* )nrelated to the 1)estion and p)t in to =)st p)t )p the
,ord co)nt' then the e+aminer ,ill not ta%e it into acco)nt and ded)ct it from the ,ord
f *o) ,ant to impro.e' there0s no secret. -ractice. -ractice. -ractice. 2o) ,on0t get /etter
sitting and doing nothing. !.en good !nglish )sers need practice for the !"TS e+am. t
co)ld ma%e all the difference /et,een *o)r getting the /and that *o) need' and getting
half a /and less than *o) need and to ,ait 3 months to do the e+am again.
6inall*' there are no correct ans,ers or methods. 3ere 0.e gi.en *o) some ideas to g)ide
*o) and hopef)ll* to help *o) /)t the 1)estions can /e ans,ered ,ell in different ,a*s.
#ood l)c%C
Writing an Informal Letter
#etting st)dents to )nderstand the differences /et,een formal and informal letters is an
important step to,ards helping them master differences in register re1)ired for ,riting in
!nglish. These e+ercises foc)s on helping them impro.e their )nderstanding of the t*pe
of lang)age that is )sed in an informal letter.
Ai!/ Anderstanding proper st*le for and ,riting of informal letters
A$tiit#/ Anderstanding the difference /et,een formal and informal letters' .oca/)lar*
practice' ,riting practice
Leel/ Apper intermediate
5s% st)dents ,hich sit)ations call for a formal letter and ,hich sit)ations call for
an informal letter.
3a.e st)dents /rainstorm on the differences /et,een formal and informal letters
,ritten in their nati.e lang)age.
Ence *o) ha.e disc)ssed the .ario)s differences /et,een the t,o st*les'
introd)ce the topic of differences in !nglish letter ,riting /* them the
,or%sheet as%ing st)dents to decide on the differences /et,een formal and
informal phrases )sed in letter ,riting.
7orrect e+ercise as a class disc)ssing an* 1)estions that ma* occ)r.
5s% the st)dents to do the second e+ercise ,hich foc)ses on appropriate form)las
for ,riting informal letters.
;isc)ss the differences in la*o)t and lang)age /et,een informal and informal
letters. (indentation' the )se of contracted .er/ forms' the )se of phrasal .er/s and
idiomatic lang)age' etc.)
3a.e st)dents ,rite an informal letter choosing one of the s)ggested topics.
Informal Letters
Whi$h phrase or t#pe of language woul% #ou fin% in a for!al letter0 Whi$h phrase
or t#pe of language woul% #ou fin% in an infor!al letter0 Put the letter 1*1 ne2t to
those phrases or language t#pes that are use% in for!al letters an% 1I1 ne2t to those
use% in infor!al letters.
I am sorry to inform you that...
phrasal verbs
I am very grateful for...
Why don't we...
I will not be able to attend the...
idioms and slang
contracted verb forms like we've,
I'm, etc.
Give my regards to...
I look forward to hearing from
Let me know as soon as...
short sentences
Dear Tom
Dear !s "mithers
#est wishes
$ours faithfully
I'm really sorry I...
%nfortunately we will have to
We had a little bit of luck...
&ur computers are used for a
I use my pencil sharper for...
polite phrases
fewer passive verb forms
Look at the phrases 1311 an% !at$h the! with a purpose A34
'. That reminds me...
(. Why don't we...
). I'd better get going...
*. Thanks for your letter...
+. ,lease let me know...
-. I'm really sorry...
.. Love
/. 0ould you do something for me1
2. Write soon...
3. to finish the letter
#. to apologi4e
0. to thank the person for writing
D. to begin the letter
5. to change the sub6ect
7. to ask a favor
G. before signing the letter
8. to suggest or invite
I. to ask for a reply
'9. Did you know that..
''. I'm happy to hear that...
:. to ask for a response
;. to share some information
5hoose one of the three su"6e$ts an% write a letter to a frien% or fa!il# !e!"er
&. $rite a letter to a friend *o) ha.en0t seen or spo%en to in a long time. Tell him /
her a/o)t ,hat *o) ha.e /een doing and as% them ho, the* are and ,hat the*
ha.e /een )p to recentl*.
2. $rite a letter to a co)sin and in.ite them to *o)r ,edding. #i.e them some
details a/o)t *o)r f)t)re h)s/and / ,ife.
3. $rite a letter to a friend *o) %no, has /een some pro/lems. 5s% him / her
ho, she / he is doing and if *o) can help.
You recently took a part-time job working for a local company. After a few weeks you
realised there were some problems with the job.
Write a letter to the manager of the company. In your letter
- explain why you took the job
- describe the problems that you experienced
- suggest what could be done about them.
This task was taken from the book Insight into IELT E!tra, with "nswers# The
$ambridge IELT $ourse %orkbook &$ambridge 'ooks for $ambridge E!ams( by
)anessa *akeman, $lare +c,owell
;ear >r. Thompson'
am a part@time call@centre operator at *o)r compan*' started ,or%ing a/o)t 4 ,ee%s
ago. am ,riting to indicate the pro/lem enco)ntered d)ring m* ,or%.
5ct)all*' decided to too% the position of a telesales specialist /eca)se consider m*self
a/le to de.elop a career in sales d)e to m* s%ill of esta/lishing good contact ,ith people
and ma%e them tr)st me. 3o,' realised there are some o/stacles on a ,a* to
The pro/lems started 3 ,ee%s ago then the s*stem administrator )pdated m* soft,are. 5t
the time of a call ,as 1)er*ing a c)stomer for his personal data then s)ddenl* m*
comp)ter reloaded and this personGs profile ,as lost. This sit)ation repeated in the f)t)re
for se.eral times. as%ed the s*stem administrator to sol.e this pro/lem' /)t he told me
this is solel* m* fa)lt and m* comp)ter s%ills are /elo, re1)ired to )se this program.
am ass)red the complete sit)ation ma%es compan* profits lo,er. /elie.e that soft,are
managing specialist co)ld fi+ the pro/lem if the initiati.e ,o)ld /e ta%en /* a senior
manager of *o)r ran%.
Sincerel* *o)rs'
5nna 6ran%
17) wor%s
E2pe$te% IELTS 8an% 3 9
-osted /* >ac* at 9:&3 5> & comments
"a/els: !"TS letter (#eneral Training Tas% &)
Mon%a#: ;une )+: )((<
IELTS letter/ =a!age% suit$ase
You travelled by long distance bus recently and your suitcase was damaged.
Write a letter to the bus company. In your letter
- inform the bus company of when and to where you travelled
- describe your suitcase and what happened to it
- explain why the company should pay for a new suitcase
This task was taken from the book IELT on Track# Test -ractice .eneral Training.
;ear Sir or >adam'
am ,riting to re1)ire a compensation for the propert* damage' ta%en place at the time
of the tra.elling /* the /)s of *o)r compan*.
tra.elled from $ashington' ;.7. to (oston /* the /)s H30& on 6e/r)ar* 2&' 2007.
(efore the trip passed m* l)ggage to the' ,ho helped me to place m* s)itcase in
the l)ggage compartment of the /)s. 5fter the opened this /ac%
compartment and the first thing sa, ,as that m* ne, and /rand@name s)itcase ,as
smashed )nder the press)re of the ,eight of the otherGs l)ggage.
>* s)itcase ,as 1)ite firm and .er* /ea)tif)l in its red colo)r and modern design.
3o, it o/.io)sl* hasnGt /een designed to resist s)ch a ,eight on it. am .er*
depressed /eca)se can not )se an*more m* /ro%en s)itcase' its handle ,as /ended and
t,o ,heels o)t of 4 ,ere detached.
Since damage stated a/o.e ,as ca)sed /* the careless actions of *o)r emplo*ee' ,o)ld
li%e to re1)ire a compensation of I200' ,hich ,as the original price of m* s)itcase.
-lease' a che1)e to the address' ,ritten a/o.e.
6aithf)ll* *o)rs'
5nna 6ran%
179 wor%s
E2pe$te% IELTS 8an% 3 >.'39
-osted /* >ac* at J:4K -> 0 comments
"a/els: !"TS letter (#eneral Training Tas% &)
Sun%a#: ;une 1': )((<
IELTS Letter/ 8a% seri$e at a shop
You recently had your computer fixed at the local computer store however you are not
pleased with the service you received.
Write a letter to the store manager. In the letter
- describe the situation
- explain why you are dissatisfied
- say what you want the manager to do
Write at least !" words.
You do #$% need to write your own address.
&egin your letter as follows'
(ear )ir or *adam+
This task was taken from the cott/s English uccess web0site.
;ear Sir or >adam'
am ,riting to e+press m* dissatisfaction ,ith the recei.ed at *o)r
5ct)all*' the comp)ter ha.e /o)ght at *o)r store on the late Ban)ar* ,as 1)ite good'
ho, after =)st half a *ear things got ,rong. Some programs ,ere getting fro?en
fre1)entl*. $hen too% m* comp)ter to *o)r specialist and tried to e+plain the pro/lem
to the technician >ichaels' he ref)sed to ta%e m* comp)ter into /eca)se the
pro/lem did not appear that time. ,as tr*ing to con.ince him to spend more time to
identif* the reason it is getting st)c%' /)t he ,as r)de and impatient e+plaining this is the
end of his shift. En the ne+t da* another technician listened to me caref)ll* and fi+ed m*
comp)ter in &0 min)tes.
s)ppose *o)r emplo*ee >ichaels is not s)ita/le for his position /eca)se of his
)nprofessionalism. s)ggest *o) to emplo* someone more s%illed and ,ith /etter
personalit* in order not to ca)se *o)r c)stomers to loose their time li%e me.
6aithf)ll* *o)rs'
5nna 6ran%
199 wor%s
E2pe$te% IELTS 8an% 3 >3>.'
-osted /* >ac* at 4:40 5> & comments
"a/els: !"TS letter (#eneral Training Tas% &)
Satur%a#: ;une 1-: )((<
IELTS Letter/ .o!esta# in a ?ew @ealan% fa!il#
You are going to visit #ew ,ealand for an -.nglish and /omestay- program. You have
just received details of your homestay host family.
Write your first letter to the family. In your letter
- introduce yourself
- ask the family some 0uestions to get information that is important to you
- tell the family about your arrival date and time.
This task was taken from the book IELT on Track# Test -ractice .eneral Training.
;ear >r Bones'
ha.e =)st recei.ed details of m* f)t)re homesta* at *o)r famil* and ,riting to introd)ce
m*self and as% for some f)rther information.
>* name is 5nna 6ran%' am 2& and li.e ,ith m* famil* in "*on' 6rance' ,hich is m*
hometo,n. >* nati.e lang)age is 6rench and am loo%ing for,ard to m*
!nglish d)ring the trip to De, Lealand.
,o)ld /e gratef)l if *o) co)ld pro.ide more information a/o)t *o)r famil* and its
lifest*le. To /egin ,ith' ,o)ld li%e to as% *o) a/o)t *o)r )s)al diet. t is .er* important
to me since am a .egetarian. Secondl*' ,o)ld li%e to learn more a/o)t *o)r famil*Gs
da* ro)tines' li%e games *o) )sed to pla* together' in order to get familiar ,ith these
acti.ities ,hile am here. This co)ld help me to participate in all *o)r ro)tines li%e a
am .er* eager to meet *o) in personC (* the ,a*' ha.e alread* /o)ght the plane tic%et
and ,o)ld /e happ* if *o) co)ld meet me at the airport /eca)se this ,ill /e m* first time
a/road. ,ill arri.e on Septem/er &3' at &0 am' $ellington time.
am loo%ing for,ard to hearing from *o) soon.
Sincerel* *o)rs'
5nna 6ran%.
)1+ wor%s
E2pe$te% IELTS 8an% 3 9
-osted /* >ac* at 4:&0 5> & comments
"a/els: !"TS letter (#eneral Training Tas% &)
*ri%a#: ;une >: )((<
IELTS Letter/ Ana"le to atten% a $ourse
You are employed full-time and also doing a part time evening course. You are not able
to continue the course.
Write a letter to the course lecturer. In the letter
- explain why you cannot continue the course
- describe the situation
- say what you will be doing
Write at least !" words.
You do #$% need to write your own address.
&egin your letter as follows'
(ear 11111.+
This task was taken from the cott/s English uccess web0site.
;ear ;r. Bones'
am ,riting to inform *o) that no longer ha.e a possi/ilit* to attend *o)r e.ening
lect)res on treating emergencies.
5s told *o) earlier' recei.ed a position of a n)rse at the Thompson 3ospital. >* shift
ends at 4 pm and since ha.e got a lot of o.ertime =o/ recentl*' fo)nd m*self )na/le to
/e on time at *o)r lect)res' ,hich start at 4.30 pm. This disappoints me a lot since .al)e
and respect *o)r co)rse and *o)r e+perience.
,o)ld /e gratef)l if *o) co)ld consider letting me to st)d* *o)r co)rse m*self. (eca)se
of m* =o/ is closel* related to the accidents treatment' feel a/le to learn* point of
the co)rse in practice. n addition' ha.e alread* read almost* /oo% *o)
recommended as the s)pplementar* reading for *o)r lect)res.
hope to get *o)r on this matter soon. am loo%ing for,ard to *o)r
Sincerel* *o)rs'
5nna 6ran%
1>> wor%s
E2pe$te% IELTS 8an% 3 >3>.'
-osted /* >ac* at J:3& -> 0 comments
"a/els: !"TS letter (#eneral Training Tas% &)
IELTS Letter/ Lo$al $lu" !e!"ership $an$ellation
2or the past year you have been a member of a local club. #ow you want to
discontinue your membership.
Write a letter to the club secretary. In your letter
- state what type of membership you have and how you have paid for this3
- give details of how you have benefited from the club3
- explain why you want to leave.
This task was taken from the book Insight into IELT E!tra, with "nswers# The
$ambridge IELT $ourse %orkbook &$ambridge 'ooks for $ambridge E!ams( by
)anessa *akeman, $lare +c,owell
;ear >r. Bones'
regret to inform *o) that ha.e to discontin)e m* mem/ership at *o)r #olden 3oo%
6ishing 7l)/.
=oined the 7l)/ & *ear ago and the /enefits from the participation e+ceeded the fee.
Fo)nd ta/les and lect)res of famo)s fishermen ,ere a/sol)tel* /rilliant. >'
disco)nts on the e1)ipment in sports gear shops helped me to sa.e mone*. The last /)t
not the least' *o)r monthl* ill)strated maga?ine ,as a precio)s treat to me.
Anfort)natel* ha.e to mo.e to another co)ntr* /eca)se m* father' in 6rance' is in
a desperate health condition. m)st ac%no,ledge that contin)ing the mem/ership in *o)r
7l)/ is no longer an option to me.
ha.e paid the last *ear fee /* m* credit card and its details are in *o)r data/ase.
(eca)se of stated a/o.e ,o)ld li%e to as% *o) not to charge me for the follo,ing *ear.
hope that in the f)t)re ,ill ha.e an opport)nit* to recommence ad.antages of
participation in *o)r 7l)/.
Sincerel* *o)rs'
5nna 6ran%
19- wor%s
E2pe$te% IELTS 8an% 3 9
-osted /* >ac* at K:3& -> & comments
"a/els: !"TS letter (#eneral Training Tas% &)
Tues%a#: Mar$h -: )((<
IELTS letter/ ApologiBing for the noise
Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your
Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter
explain the reasons for the noise
describe what action you will take
;ear >r Bones'
am ,riting in response to *o)r letter' complaining a/o)t the so)nds m* m)sical
instr)ment is prod)cing. feel that ha.e to e+plain m*self and h)m/l* as% for *o)r
5ct)all*' am a st)dent of the Dorth 7arolina 5rts 7ollege and as a part of m* end of
term e+ams ha.e to perform 4 pla*s /* fl)te. Therefore ha.e to reherse* da*
/eca)se am eager to ma%e a good impression to m* teachers. To achie.e m* goal am
s)pposed to pla* a/o)t 3 ho)rs a da*.
m)st apologi?e for pla*ing in inappropriate ho)rs. t ,as all m* fa)lt since did not
/other reading the r)les of o)r ho)se o,ner' prohi/iting pla*ing m)sical instr)ments.
ha.e cons)lted ,ith m* class teacher and he s)ggested me to )se one of the rooms of
the college to reherse for a small fee. ass)re *o) /* no means ,ill /e dist)r/ed again
,ith the noise from m* appartment.
/eg for *o)r )nderstanding and forgi.eness. -lease' accept this /o+ of chocolate as a
to%en of m* appreciation for not this pro/lem a legal action.
2o)rs sincerel*'
5nna 6ran%
%his letter has been checked and graded by the real I.4%) teacher. )ee bellow the
teacher-s comments'
%his is a great letter. It is written according to all the guidelines and will probably get
&and 5 at least. 6ay more attention to grammar though.
2or the whole list of teacher-s comments click here.
-osted /* >ac* at 4:&J -> 4 comments
"a/els: !"TS letter (#eneral Training Tas% &)
Satur%a#: ;anuar# 17: )((<
IELTS letter/ 8a% !eal in a restaurant
You took your family to a near-by restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and
wish to complain to the manager.
Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In the letter
- explain why you were at the restaurant
- describe the problems
- write about the action you want the manager to take
Write at least !" words.
You do #$% need to write your own address.
&egin your letter as follows'
(ear )ir or *adam+
;ear Sir or >adam'
En B)l* &4th m* famil* and .isited *o)r esta/lishment to ha.e a traditional cele/ration
of m* sisterGs /irthda*. Since she in 6rance ,e ann)all* go to this resta)rant'
/eca)se ,e al,a*s considered it as the most class* 6rench c)isine place. the
onion so)p there is also o)r famil* tradition /eca)se m* sister lo.ed it .er* m)ch /efore
her to 6rance. s)ppose' *o) can imagine o)r disappointment ,hen ,e fo)nd the
onion so)p a/sol)tel* inedi/le last time. 6irstl*' it ,as cold. Secondl*' it seemed *o)r
chef did not stir it ,ell ,hile coo%ing' so there ,ere some clogs of flo)r. The last /)t not
the least' its taste made )s to s)ggest that the coo% )sed artificial instant so)p /ase. $e
as%ed o)r ,aitress a/o)t the reasons so)p is so a,f)l and she told the coo% of c)rrent
shift has changed and this is the .ision of the so)p of the ne, one.
t is highl* )nli%el* this ne, chef ,ith his .ision is s)ita/le for s)ch famo)s resta)rant as
*o)rs. recommend changing or sending him to training in order *o)r c)stomers co)ld
f)rther en=o* gen)ine 6rench c)isine.
6aithf)ll* *o)rs'
5nna 6ran%
5o!!on Phrases for 8usiness Letters
Cequest for infor!ation
am ,riting to in1)ire a/o)t . . .
am ,riting in reference to . . .
read/heard . . . and ,o)ld li%e to %no, . . .
7o)ld *o) please send me . . .
at the address /elo,/a/o.e
Than% *o) for *o)r assistance.
loo% for,ard to hearing from *o).
Cesponse to request
Than% *o) for *o)r interest/in1)ir*
!nclosed is the information *o) re1)ested.
2o) can learn more a/o)t this at . . .
f *o) ha.e f)rther 1)estions'
f *o) re1)ire assistance' please contact:
f can /e of more help' please feel free to contact me at . . .
Sa!ple Senten$es/ Cequests
7o)ld *o) please send me *o)r most recent /roch)re:
7o)ld *o) fa+ me the res)lts of the mar%et s)r.e*:
,o)ld li%e to order ten copies of the /oo%' Touchy ituations.
,o)ld /e .er* gratef)l if *o) co)ld send me this information.
-lease ret)rn the enclosed en.elope ,ith *o)r pa*ment.
Sa!ple Senten$es/ Goo%will
Than% *o) for *o)r hospitalit*.
en=o*ed l)nch ,ith *o) last ,ee% ,hile ,as in De, 2or%.
7ongrat)lations on *o)r promotion to #eneral >anager.
,ant(ed) to congrat)late *o) on *o)r ne, position.
,as happ* to hear that contract negotiations ,ent ,ell.
Sa!ple Senten$es/ Intro%u$tion of Pro%u$tDSeri$e.
am ,riting to tell *o) a/o)t . . .
(E)r ne, prod)ct) is coming o)t ne+t month.
This prod)ct/ is designed to (help *o)) . . .
Sa!ple Senten$es/ Ceferen$e
am ,riting in regard to . . .
am ,riting in reference to . . .
-lease refer to the enclosed in.oice//roch)re.
hope *o) ha.e had a chance to loo% the materials ,e sent.
Sa!ple Senten$es/ 5onfir!ation
am ,riting to confirm . . .
,o)ld li%e to confirm ,hat ,e disc)ssed last 6rida*.
,o)ld =)st li%e to confirm the main points ,e disc)ssed . . .
Sa!ple Senten$es/ ?otifi$ation
am ,riting to let *o) %no, that . . .
-lease /e a,are/informed that . . .
,o)ld li%e to inform *o) of a recent polic* change. am happ* to inform
*o) that . . .
2o)r re1)est for f)nding has /een appro.ed.
Sa!ple Senten$es/ ,ffering Assistan$e
$e ,o)ld /e happ* to . . .
f ,e can /e of assistance' please don0t hesitate to as%.
Sa!ple Senten$es/ 5olle$tion
5ccording to o)r records . . .
E)r records sho, that . . .
2o)r monthl* installment is past d)e.
-lease send pa*ment as soon as possi/le.

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