Diagnosis of Iron-Deficiency Anemia in The Elderly: IL-e - I Clinical Studies

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Diagnosis of Iron-Deficiency Anemia in the Elderly

MARK LEVINE,M.D., IRENETURPIE, M.D., RALPH MEYER, M.D., ffamilt~n,ontari~,Canada

PURPOSE:To determine the value of serum ferri- CONCLUSION: In a general geriatric medical popu-
tin, mean cell volume, transferrin saturation, and lation such as ours, with a prevalence of iron defi-
free erythrocyte protoporphyrin in the diagnosis of ciency of 36%, appropriate use of serum ferritin
iron-deficiency anemia in the elderly. determination would establish or refute a diagnosis
PATIENTS AND METHODS:We prospectively studied of iron deficiency without a bone marrow aspira-
consecutive eligible and consenting anemic patients tion in 70% of the patients.
over the age of 65 years, who underwent blood tests
and bone marrow aspiration. The study consisted
of 259 inpatients and outpatients at two community
hospitals in whom a complete blood count pro-
cessed by the hospital laboratory demonstrated
A nemia is an extremely common problem in the
elderly, and next to anemia of chronic disease,
iron deficiency is the most common cause. Iron-defi-
previously undiagnosed anemia (men: hemoglobin ciency anemia is important to diagnose because appro-
level less than 12 g/dL; women: hemoglobin level priate iron therapy may improve symptoms, inappro-
less than 11.0 g/dL). priate iron therapy may cause clinically important
RESULTS:Thirty-six percent of our patients had side effects, and iron deficiency may be a marker for
no demonstrable marrow iron and were classified occult gastrointestinal pathology.
as being iron-deficient. The serum ferritin was the Although bone marrow aspiration provides a defini-
best test for distinguishing those with iron defi- tive diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia, the value of
ciency from those who were not iron-deficient. No less invasive tests of iron stores in general populations
other test added clinically important information. has been well established [l-9]. Serum ferritin and
The likelihood ratios associated with the serum transferrin saturation are the tests most commonly
ferritin level were as follows: greater than 100 pg/ used. Because bone marrow aspiration can be painful
L, 0.13; greater than 45 H/L but less than or equal and is more expensive than laboratory tests, the proce-
to 100 M/L, 0.46; greater than 18 pg/L but less than dure is often reserved for patients in whom the diagno-
or equal to 45 pg/L, 3.12; and less than or equal to sis remains in doubt after noninvasive test results are
18 pg/L, 41.47. These results indicate that values up available.
to 45 M/L increase the likelihood of iron deficien- Our interest in the investigation of iron deficiency in
cy, whereas values over 45 pg/L decrease the likeli- the elderly was stimulated by a clinical impression
hood of iron deficiency. Seventy-two percent of that application of cutoff points for laboratory tests
those who were not iron-deficient had serum ferri- for the diagnosis of iron deficiency derived from youn-
tin values greater than 100 pg/L, and in popula- ger populations was misleading in a geriatric popula-
tions with a prevalence of iron deficiency of less tion. There are a number of reasons why results found
than 40%, values of greater than 100 pg/L reduce in younger populations may not apply to the elderly.
the probability of iron deficiency to under 10%. The iron-binding capacity decreases with aging
Fifty-five percent of the iron-deficient patients had [ lO,ll], and is affected by factors such as malnutrition
serum ferritin values of less than 18 e/L, and in and chronic disease, which have a higher prevalence in
populations with a prevalence of iron deficiency of the elderly [12]. Serum ferritin levels increase with
greater than 20%, values of less than 18 pg/L in- aging [13], and may be elevated by acute and chronic
crease the probability of iron deficiency to over inflammatory conditions [14,15]. One small study has
95%. suggested that measurements of transferrin satura-
tion and serum ferritin in elderly anemic patients with
and without iron deficiency differ significantly from
those found in younger patients [16]. These problems
From the Department of Medrcrne (GHG, CP. MA, ML, IT. RM). the Depart- have led to varying recommendations regarding the
ment of Clinical Eprdemiology and Brostatistrcs (GHG, ML), and the Depart- interpretation of results of noninvasive tests of iron
ment of Family Practice (JS). McMaster Universrty. HamIlton, Ontarro,
Canada. Thus work was supported rn part by the Ontario Ministry of Health. stores in the elderly [16-H].
Dr. Guyatt IS a Career Scientist of the Ontarro Ministry of Health. Requests There are other reasons why further study of the
forreprrnts should be addressed to Gordon H. Guyatt, M.D., Department of
Clinical Eprdemiology and Biostatistics. McMaster University Health SCI- diagnosis of anemia is warranted. First, investigations
ences Centre, Room 2C12: 1200 Main Street West, HamIlton, Ontario, to date have generally used a single cut-point, and
Canada, L8N 325 Manuscrrpt submitted July 13. 1989, and accepted In
revrsed form November 14, 1989. reported on the sensitivity and specificity of the tests.
Current addresses: Department of Medicrne. Chedoke Hospital, Hamrl- This approach discards valuable information. Use of
ton, Ontarro. Canada (CP); Department of Pathology, St. Joseph’s Hospr- multiple cut-points, with determination of likelihood
tal, HamIlton, Ontario, Canada (MA); Department of Medrcine. St. Joseph’s
Hosprtal, Hamrlton. Ontarro. Canada (IT); Department of Famrly Medictne. ratios associated with each range of results, provides
McMaster Universrty Health Sciences Centre. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada additional information for the clinician [19]. Second,
(JS); and Department of Medicine, Henderson General Hosprtal, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada (ML, RM). statistically reliable determination of the best single
test, and whether additional useful information could

March 1990 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 88 205


TABLE I death,” or “severe dementia” were not established.

Rather, we relied on physician judgment in these
Reasons For Exclusion of Patients Found To Be Anemic on at areas. Similarly, we relied on physicians for the appro-
Least One Hemoglobin Determination priate level of encouragement to patient participation
when obtaining informed consent.
Number of All patients had the following laboratory tests: he-
Reason for Exclusion Patients Excluded moglobin, mean red cell volume (MCV), red cell distri-
Patientjudged too ill, demented, or terminal 212 bution width (RDW), serum iron, iron-binding capaci-
Patient or family refused consent for 200 ty, serum ferritin, and red cell protoporphyrin. The
bone marrow aspiration complete blood count was carried out using a Coulter S
Not anemic on second 200
hemoglobin determination
tIVTM (Coulter Electronics, Miami, Florida). Serum
Recent transfusion 152 iron and iron-binding capacity were measured accord-
Previous bone marrow aspiration 108 ing to the methods of the International Committee for
had revealed diagnosis Standardization in Haematology [20]. Serum ferritin
Miscellaneous 1’0;
was determined using a radioimmunoassay described
in detail previously [21]. Red cell protoporphyrin was
Total 1,075 measured using a previously described micromethod
L [22]. A bone marrow aspiration was undertaken and
the findings were interpreted by a hematologist (M.A.)
r TABLE II who was unaware of the results of the laboratory tests.
The bone marrow slides were air-dried, fixed with
Final Primary Diagnosis of Anemia methanol, and stained with Prussian blue [23]. Results
of the first 65 marrow aspirations were also interpret-
Diagnosis Number of Patients ed by a second hematologist (also unaware of the labo-
ratory test findings), and discrepancies resolved by
Iron-deficiency anemia
Anemia of chronic disease 12 consensus. The results of the aspiration were classified
Megaloblastic anemia 21 as iron absent, reduced, present, or increased. After
Multiple myeloma interpreting the marrow aspiration results, the hema-
Sideroblastic anemia 3” tologist reviewed all relevant clinical information and
Other* 2: made a final decision regarding the cause(s) of the
anemia. Anemia of chronic disease was diagnosed
Total 259 when the iron present in the reticuloendothelial cells
* Includes patients with leukemia, hemolytlc anemia, hypoplastic and aplastic marrow, (fragments) was increased and the number of siderob-
renal failure, and hypothyroidism, and those with inadequate information for definitive lasts (red cells containing iron granules) was de-
dlagnosls. creased. The increase in reticuloendothelial iron was
defined as iron granules covering 50% of all the frag-
be gained from performing a second or third test, has ments observed, and a decrease in sideroblasts was
seldom been investigated. Third, other tests (includ- confirmed when iron granules were present in less
ing the free erythrocyte protoporphyrin) have been than 20% of the red cells.
suggested as being potentially useful in confirming the
diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia, but have not been Statistical Methods
adequately studied. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for
Because of the frequency of anemia in the elderly, each test were generated. The area under the curves
and because of the difficulties in performing bone was compared using the method of Hanley and
marrow aspirations in all anemic patients, we believed McNeil [24]. Since the ROC curves in this study were
it important to determine the accuracy of less invasive all generated from the same cohort of patients, we
laboratory tests commonly used to assess iron stores. used the correction factor, which reflects the correla-
Our criterion or gold standard for the diagnosis of iron tion between the tests [25]. Using the same cut-points,
deficiency was the results of the bone marrow aspira- likelihood ratios for each category were calculated.
tion. To determine the independent contribution of each
test to the diagnosis, and whether a combination of
PATIENTS AND METHODS tests could improve diagnostic accuracy, stepwise lo-
Consecutive patients over the age of 65 years pre- gistic regression procedures were used. The status of
senting to Chedoke Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, iron stores (present or absent) was used as the depen-
between January 1984 and March 1988 with anemia dent variable, and the values of the diagnostic tests
(in men, hemoglobin 12.0 g/dL or less on two consecu- (dichotomized using the cut-point that maximized ac-
tive occasions; in women, 11.0 g/dL or less) were iden- curacy) as the independent variables.
tified through the hospital laboratory. An additional Chance-corrected agreement between the two he-
much smaller group of patients admitted to St. Jo- matologists who interpreted the marrow aspiration re-
seph’s Hospital in Hamilton under one of the co-inves- sults was calculated using a weighted kappa, with qua-
tigators and meeting study criteria were also included. dratic weights.
We excluded institutionalized patients, those with re-
cent blood transfusions or documented acute blood RESULTS
loss, or those whose participation in the study was Aside from providing more precise estimates of the
judged unethical by their attending physician (for rea- likelihood ratios, inclusion of 25 patients from St. Jo-
sons such as impending death or severe dementia). seph’s Hospital had no systematic effect on the results
DetaiIed criteria for definition of “too ill,” “impending of any analysis. Thus, these patients will not be identi-

206 March 1990 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 88


w 0.8 w 0.8

k k
a a
!$ 0.6 5 0.6
ii z
2 0.4 2 0.4

i f

0.04 I I , , , , , , , ,
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 1. ROC curve for serum ferritin. Figure 2. ROC curve for transferrin saturation.

--~- 1
I 1.0 -

0.8 -
5 0.6-
P 0.4 -

’ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
I 0.04,
0.0 0.1
0.3 0.4 0.5
, I I
Figure 3. ROC curve for mean cell volume. Figure 4. ROC curve for free erythrocyte protoporphyrin.

fied separately in the presentation of the results that The final diagnoses of anemia are presented in Table
follows. II. The weighted kappa-quantifying chance-corrected
A total of 1,334 patients over 65 years with anemia agreement for the 65 marrow aspirates that were inter-
was identified. Of these, 259 proved eligible, partici- preted by two hematologists was 0.84.
pated in the study, and underwent bone marrow aspi- Figures 1 to 4 present the ROC curves for serum
ration. Seventy-six participants were outpatients, and ferritin, transferrin saturation, MCV, and red cell pro-
183 were inpatients. Of the 259 bone marrow aspirates toporphyrin. Because, through administrative error
from the patients, 235 were interpretable (the quality and lost samples, all tests were not conducted in all
being too poor in the others). The reasons for exclusion subjects, the number of patients available for each
of anemic patients are presented in Table I. Most of analysis varied, and was sometimes less than 235. Ex-
the patients who recently received transfusions were amination of the ROC curves revealed that serum fer-
postoperative patients, a large proportion of whom (at ritin performed far better than any of the other tests.
a hospital with a very busy orthopedic service) had This was confirmed by the statistical analysis, which
undergone total hip replacement or had a recent hip showed that the area under the ROC curves was 0.91,
fracture. 0.79, 0.78, and 0.72 (respectively), for the four tests.
The mean age (k SD) of the participating patients Although the difference between the serum ferritin
was 79.7 f 7.62 years; 119 (46%) were men. The mean and the other three tests was statistically significant (p
hemoglobin level was 9.61 g/dL (* 1.39); 52.1% of the 10.001 in each case), any differences seen in the other
patients had a hemoglobin level less than 10.0 g/dL. A four curves can easily be explained by chance (p 20.1).
very wide variety of illnesses were not directly related Likelihood ratios for the four tests are presented in
to the anemia. Seventy-two patients had no medical Table III. Consistent with the ROC curves, serum
diagnosis other than anemia (and its cause); 72 had ferritin showed a far greater discriminative power
one other diagnosis; 67 had two other diagnoses; 34 than the other tests.
had three other diagnoses; and 14 had more than three Likelihood ratios for RDW for distinguishing those
other diagnoses. The most common medical diagnoses with iron deficiency from those with anemia of chronic
(aside from anemia), and the number of patients af- disease were examined. The likelihood ratios for RDW
fected, were as follows: early dementia, 25; congestive 0 to 15, 15 to 19, and greater than 19 were 0.39, 1.31,
heart failure, 25; chronic airflow limitation, 17; rheu- and 1.90, respectively. Ferritin proved a far more pow-
matoid arthritis, 17; osteoarthritis, 14; pneumonia, 13. erful predictor for differentiating iron deficiency from

March 1990 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 88 207


anemia of chronic disease, with likelihood ratios rang-

TABLE III ing from 0.05 to infinity. Finally, RDW added little to
Likelihood Ratios the predictive power of serum ferritin.
In the logistic regression model, ferritin was the best
Number Iron- Number Not Likelihood predictor of bone marrow iron stores. The only test
Interval Deficient Iron-Deficient Ratio that explained a statistically significant additional
portion of the variance was the transferrin saturation.
>lOO ; 108 0.13 Using a cutoff of 45 pg/L for ferritin and 0.08 for trans-
>45 I 100 27 0.46 ferrin saturation, likelihood ratios generated by using
>18 5 45 i; 13 3.12 a combination of the tests are presented in Table IV.
518 2 41.47 Little is gained by this model in comparison to serum
Total 85 150
ferritin: likelihood ratios greater than 1 are slightly
Transferrin saturation higher, but the likelihood ratio less than 1 is not as low
>0.21 55 0.28 as the value obtained with a serum ferritin level of
>0.8 5 0.21 2; 70 0.57 greater than 100 wg/L. Of patients with serum ferritin
>0.05 IO.08 :i 17 1.43
SO.05 16.51 values of 18 to 100 pg/L, seven had transferrin satura-
Total 84 14: tion values of less than 0.05. All seven of these patients
proved to be iron-deficient.
Mean cell volume Other studies have reported elevated serum ferritin
>95 0.11
>91- _( 95 : ;z 0.34 levels in patients with liver disease and inflammatory
>85- 191 16 0.64 diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis
iii 1.35 [2,3,5,6,8,14,15]. Of the five patients with liver disease
rg5 i: 8.82
85 15:
who were iron-deficient, three had serum ferritin val-
ues less than 18 pg/L. Of the six iron-deficient subjects
Red cell protoporphyrin with rheumatoid arthritis, five had a serum ferritin
2 0 IO.75 10 0.34 level less than 18 pg/L. Therefore, in our study, pa-
>0.75 5 0.1 8 25; 0.51 tients with liver disease or rheumatoid arthritis ap-
>l - Il.25 9 21 0.77
>1.25 5 2 1.26 peared to behave in a manner similar to that in the rest
>2 i; 2’: 2.98 of the population. However, the numbers of patients
Total 84 150 with these conditions were insufficient to permit
strong inference regarding the issue of differences
among subgroups.

Likelihood Ratios from Logistic Regression Analysis
Previous studies in younger subjects have consis-
tently shown the usefulness of serum ferritin in the
Number Not
Iron- Iron- Likelihood
diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia, and suggested
Interval Deficient Deficient Ratio that serum ferritin is more powerful than other blood
tests [l-9]. Our results are consistent with these find-
Ferritin ings: in elderly patients with anemia, serum ferritin
Ferritin negatwe*t, 13 126 0.18 determination is by far the best test for diagnosis of
transferrin saturation
negative$ iron deficiency. Other tests add only limited informa-
Only ferritin positive z3” 10 5.72 tion in the diagnosis.
Ferritin positive, 1 57.23 The MCV is ordinarily available with the complete
transferrin saturation blood count, and could thus influence the estimate of
Total 79 137 the probability of iron deficiency prior to ordering of
other tests. However, in our population, even MCV
3nly four cases were serum ferritin-negative and transferrln saturation-poshve.
tl ht-point for serum ferritln was 45 pg/L. values of less than 74 were not invariably associated
*I ht-point for transferrin saturation was 0.08. with iron deficiency, and in many of the patients with
iron deficiency the anemia was not microcytic. Only
6% of those with an MCV greater than 95 had iron
deficiency; therefore, a very large MCV can be inter-
TABLE V preted as virtually excluding iron deficiency.
Post-Test Probability of Iron Deficiency Given Varying Pre-Test The likelihood ratios for the possible ranges of re-
Probabilities and Results of Serum Ferritin Determinations sults of serum ferritin determinations are presented in
Table III. Previous studies in uncomplicated anemia
Pm-Test Probability have led to recommended cutoff points between nor-
Study mal and abnormal of 12 to 20 pg/L [l-9]. Using this
Low Intermediate High Population approach, any value above 20 /IgIL would be treated as
(5% - 20%) (40% - 60%) (80% - 95%) (36%) a negative test result and as decreasing the likelihood
Serum ferritin of the patient having iron deficiency. In fact, in our
result &g/L) population, ferritin values between 18 and 45 pg/L
>lOO 0.6-3 8-16 34-7 1 7 reflected an increase in the likelihood of iron deficien-
cy (Table III), and the optimal cutoff in terms of maxi-
18-45 14-44
2-10 24-41
68-82 39-90
93-98 ::
<18 69-9 1 97-98 99-99.9 96 mizing accuracy was 45 wg/L (Figure 1). This result
likely reflects the fact that serum ferritin levels’in-

208 March 1990 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 88


crease with age [13]. It may also reflect the high preva- should be interpreted differently from serum ferritin
lence of chronic disease in the elderly, although only a results in younger patients; and that when the infor-
small proportion of our population had inflammatory mation from the test is optimally utilized (by means of
conditions thought to be associated with increased lev- multi-level likelihood ratios), the test is extremely
els of serum ferritin. powerful in the diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia.
Although these results might lead to the conclusion
that a higher cutoff for serum ferritin should be used ACKNOWLEDGMENT
in the elderly, more information is to be gained by We thank the following rndivrduals for thetr help rn data collection and preparatron
using multiple cut-points. The clinical usefulness of of this manuscrrpt. Dr Anne Benger for help wrth rnterpretatron of bone marrow
the likelihood ratios associated within different re- aspirates; and Sue Halcrow. Sandi Harper, Jenny Whyte. and Debbie Maddockfor
sults of serum ferritin is illustrated in Table V. Table help with data collectron. data processing, and manuscrrpt preparatron.
V examines four different scenarios: patients with low
(5% to 20%), intermediate (40% to 60%), and high (80%
to 95%) pre-test probability or prevalence of iron defi- REFERENCES
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March 1990 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 88 209

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