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Bordesley Green Ward

Crime figures and detail

Date range: 4
August 10 August
Recorded Crime
We would like you to follow us on Twitter
If you have any information about crime or ASB in
your area contact us on: 101 ext or call
Crimestoppers on 0&00 '''111(
ou can email us on: bordesley!reen"west#
A really !ood week for the team # crime has dropped
by half over the last two weeks$ There have been
three thefts from &otor 'ehicles$ These include Theft
of (umber )lates that were not secured to the vehicle
properly$ If you live or work in the Bordesley *reen
area we have Anti Theft Screws available that can be
fitted free by an officer # preventin! you from
becomin! a victim$ )lease contact us if you are
interested in havin! these fitted on your vehicle$
There has been one Theft of &otor vehicle+ a black
B&W stolen from ,eather -oad+ Small ,eath$ This
was stolen between .
and /
Au!ust 012.$ 3id you
see anythin! or anyone actin! in a suspicious
manner4 Call 212 or Crimestoppers$
There have been no Bur!laries this week+ and
hopefully the leaflets that were delivered around
Bur!lary hot spots offerin! advice have played a bi!
part in helpin! prevent offences occurrin!$ We are
strivin! to keep all offences down each week and we
thank you for your co#operation in heedin! the advice
we offer$
)ther *nformation
Contact +s
)CS5 6ames 6erome has been excellent this week
in workin! with the youth at The )od outh Centre+
*eranium *rove #Takin! them on a mountain bike
trip to Cannock Chase on 7riday the 8
where fun was had by all involved+ future day trips
are currently bein! arran!ed$
)C -ussell Sutheran has been liaisin! with all our
(ei!hbourhood Watch Co#ordinators+ and updatin!
them with team news and recruitin! new members$
Are you interested in bein! a (ei!hbourhood watch
Co#ordinator or member for your -oad4 9mail us at
the below address$
A number of off -oad bikes have been sei:ed from
Batchelors 7arm recreation !round for no
insurance and causin! Anti Social behaviour$

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