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Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh

Surah al Ikhlas [Sincerety]

Miracle Dream Tafseer - Nouman Ali Khan

This Surahs connection with the !re"ious surah #$ahab%&
1 - Similar Style [ saj ] - the syllables by which the wor's en' are the
same ( a similar rhymin) *attern continues+

#i+e+ Tabat ya-'aa abee $ahabin wa Tab+
,hymes with- .ul huwa Allahuw ahad+%
This similar rhymin) *attern continues for the aayaat of the rest of the surah+

2 - Shift of /ocus in Attention
This surah has a relation to the *re"ious surah $ahab because Abu
$ahab was continuously on the focus of Allahs Messen)er 'ue to his
acts of insults an' abuse+
0ut Allah tol' in the *re"ious surah that 1e woul' )ra'ually 'estroy [tabb]
Abu $ahab an' his e2orts a)ainst the messa)e+
Now that Allah will 'eal with Abu $ahab3 now you #4 Muhamma'% shoul'
focus on Allahs 4neness alone3 an' the con"eyin) of it to others+

5hen *eo*le ha"e a lon) con6ict3 *eo*le for)et the a)en'a of the con6ict+
So we come back to the main messa)e which cause' these 'is*utes
between 'isbelie"ers an' belie"ers - it is the le)acy of Ibraheem -
the Tawhee' #4neness of Allah%+


Allahs Messen)er woul' *air many surahs to)ether in salaah3 i+e+ It
was his sunnah #e7am*le% to *ray surah al Ala an' 8hashiyah to)ether3
or surah al /ala9 an' an-Naas+ An' this is why these surahs are - by
Allahs will - *lace' ne7t to each other in the mus-haf #co*ies of the
1e woul' recite one in one rakaah3 an' the other in the ne7t rakaah+

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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
It was also the *ractise of Allahs Messen)er to recite surah Ka=roon
an' surah al Ikhlas in the *rayers in 1a>> an' ?mrah time+
So there is somethin) uni9ue about this because these surahs are not
*aire' in the Mus-haf #co*ies of the .uran%+

This 'eser"es attention&

5hat is the ,elationshi* between surah al Ikhlas3 an' surah al Ka=roon&

1 - At the en' of surah Ka=roon3 it is clear that the 'isbelie"ers
ha"e their own reli)ion3 an' Allahs Messen)er has his own reli)ion+
No com*romises+

-@"en thou)h they worshi* at the same *lace of worshi* - the Kaba+
-@"en thou)h they all belie"e Allah is the Areator of e"erythin)

and surely if you ask them who created the skies and the earth - they will say
Allah... -
[Surah $u9man B:&<C]
So it seems they are similar in beliefs an' *ractise3 howe"er - by the en' of surah Ka=roon
it becomes clear that this is not the case+

That 'istinction is e7*laine' in surah Ka=roon [:DE]3 it is further
su**orte' in surah Nasr [::D] when Allah shows that 1is "ictory will come
an' 'efeat the reli)ion of Abu $ahab #surah $ahab [:::]%+

2 - Surah Ka=roon be)ins with Qul [SayF]3 an' surah Ikhlas be)ins with .ul #say%+
The surahs in between these two surahs 'o not3 so it shows these surahs ha"e a relation+

3 - Same Nicknames-
The com*anions of Allahs Messen)er woul' )i"e nicknames to surahs
they like' an' recite' alot+ I+e+ They called surah al Ikhlas many
nicknames3 it has o"er <D+

4ne of those names is- al ukashkish - that !hich remo"es diseases.
Taksheesh al Maree' - remo"in) the illness of the ill so he is totally cure'+

Ironically3 this is the e7act same name )i"en to al Ka=roon too+

0ecause both surahs are 'efeatin) Shirk #association of *artners - with Allah%+
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]

A few other nicknames of surah al Ikhlas&

< - surah at-Ta#reed - Fard [In'i"i'ual] - the surah that Allah is
?ni9ue3 with none is like 1im+

B - surah at-Ta$reed - the surah which remo"es all false
misconce*tions about Allah+

G - surah at-Ta%heed - the surah which ?ni=es #wahha'a% all of
Allahs attributes+ Allah is the 4ne+

C - surah al a&ri#ah - meanin)3 to know3 reco)nise an' be well
ac9uainte' with someone;thin)+ So if you 'o not know this surah3 you
'o not really reco)nise Allah+

H - surah as-Samad - this wor' #an' its root% is e7clusi"ely use' in
this surah in the .uran+ An' none other+ So it is calle' as-Sama'+

I - surah al 'ssaas - the @ssence;Aore+ The core mission of Allahs
Messen)er is this surah - the Tawhee' of Allah+

ussisat as-samaawaat as-sab'u wal arddoona sab' 'ala qul huwwa
Allahu ahad
The hea"ens an' earth are foun'e' u*on Qul Huwwa Allahu ahad - Say3 1e is Allah3 4ne+
- the 4neness of Allah%+

Tafseer;sharh of the 1a'eeth& As lon) as there are *eo*le on this @arth who are 'eclarin)
Allah allows the hea"ens an' @arth to continue+

- Allah says in the .uran that the hea"ens;skies woul' tear3 the
mountains colla*se #surah maryam% - when the *eo*le say lies about
Allah i+e+ that 1e has a son etc+


The hea"ens are all but rent apart and the earth split asunder and the mountains
crashing do!n. #Maryam :E& ED%
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]

Kaada is use' to e7*ress that the "erb it 9uali=es was on the brink of
ha**enin) but 'i'nt+
5e realise from the ha'ith 9uote' abo"e that the reason why this 'oes not occur is 'ue to
bein) followers of Tawhee' #4neness of Allah% on the @arth who ensla"e themsel"es to Allah

5hen we stu'y the @n' Times3 one of the si)ns is that anyone who belie"es in-
Laa illaha illAllah, Muhammadun RasoolAllah #there is no )o' but Allah3 Muhamma' is the
Messen)er of Allah% -
they 'ie when a soft win' comes an' takes their souls away+
Then only 'isbelie"ers remain on the @arth3 an' it is u*on them that the 'estruction of the
@arth occurs before Ju')ment Day+

This is because there are no belie"ers of Tawhee' at that time+

If there were Multi*le )o's&

If there were therein )o's besi'e Allah3 then "erily both #the hea"ens an' the earth% ha'
'isor'ere'+ 8lori=e' be Allah3 the $or' of the Throne3 from all that
they ascribe #unto 1im%+ [Anbiya <:&<<]
If there ha' been amon) them )o's e7ce*t Allah3 surely there woul' be corru*tion+

ultiple gods - brings corruption and disruption. Since two e9uals in *ower - com*ete
for that *ower+ An' there are many Mytholo)ical stories amon)st 1in'u
an' 8reek an' other !olytheistic scri*tures which show their )o's
=)htin) with each other for *ower+

Surah an-Noor <G&BC -
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]


" # $

Allah is the $i)ht of the hea"ens an' the earth+++

fa huwwa al-munawwir lis-samaawaati wal ardd wa sooratu tunnawir qalbak
#so 1e is the li)ht of the 1ea"ens an' the @arth3 an' this surah ali)htens your heart%

ha'ith <&
inna 'ala kuli shay'in noor , wa noor-ul Qur'ani Qul huwwa Allahu ahad!
#surely3 for e"ery thin) is li)ht3 an' the li)ht of the .uran is- Say3 1e is Allah3 the 4ne [surah
al Ikhlas]%+

Allahs Messen)er sai' about surah al 0a9arah-
li kulli shay'in sanaam, wa sanaam al Qur'an al "aqarah -
for e"erythin) there is a *eak3 an' the *eak of the .uran is surah al 0a9arah+

This is amaKin) )ift because this surah of the .uran is one of the shortest surahs3 yet it is
the $i)ht of the .uran+ An' we can easily memoriKe it+

1istorical Aonte7t&

The scholars 'is*ute' whether it was a Makki3 or Ma'ani surah+ 0oth ha' stron) le)itimate
*roofs for their o*inions+

The *olytheist arabs woul' use the wor' Allah for 8o'3 but what they associate' with 1im
was not correct+

So when Allahs Messen)er came with the correct teachin)s on who Allah was3 the
*olytheists woul' be confuse'+ #$ b$li$%$ in Allah, and you b$li$%$ in Allah, so why do w$

(si)annaa *abbak( - d$s(rib$ for us th$ Attribut$s )sifaat* of your
Lord!' They woul' say+

A min dhahab, a min +ddah #is 1e ma'e of )ol'3 is he ma'e of sil"erL%
- they ha' these thou)hts because they belie"e' these metals were
*recious an' e7*ensi"e - so their )o's were a source of com*etition of *ri'e i+e+ our ,od is
mad$ of ,old!
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
They boaste'+

'nsib hu+ - whats his linea)e;family 'escen'enceL

1a'ith& A *olytheist once came to Allahs Messen)er an' sai'-
@"erythin) was create' by Allah3 fa man khalaqAllah' - then !ho created 'llah+

Allahs Messen)er became e7tremely an)ry3 so An)el Jibreel calme' him
'own an' Allah re"eale' this surah+

The Sahabas& ,o"e #or Surah al Ikhlas and it&s -irtues-
Al-0ukhari re*orte' from MAmrah bint MAb'ur-,ahman3 who use' to stay in
the a*artment of MAishah3 the wife of the !ro*het 3 that MAishah sai'3 NThe
!ro*het sent a man as the comman'er of a war e7*e'ition an' he use' to
lea' his com*anions in *rayer with recitation #of the .uran%+ An' he woul'
com*lete his recitation with the recitation of MSay& 1e is Allah3 4ne+ So when
they returne' they mentione' that to the !ro*het an' he sai'3

#Ask him why 'oes he 'o that+% So they aske' him an' he sai'3 M0ecause it is
the 'escri*tion of Ar-,ahman an' I lo"e to recite it+ So the !ro*het sai'3

" #

$% &

#Inform him that Allah the Most 1i)h lo"es him+% This is how Al-0ukhari
recor'e' this 1a'ith in his 0ook of Tawhi'+ Muslim an' An-Nasai also
recor'e' it+ In his 0ook of Salah3 Al-0ukhari recor'e' that Anas sai'3 NA man
from the Ansar use' to lea' the *eo*le in *rayer in the Mas>i' of .uba+
5hene"er he be)an a Surah in the recitation of the *rayer that he was
lea'in) them3 he woul' start by recitin) MSay& 1e is Allah3 4ne until he
com*lete' the entire Surah+ Then he woul' recite another Surah alon) with it
#after it%+ An' use' to 'o this in e"ery ,akMah+ So his com*anions s*oke to
him about this sayin)- MOerily3 you be)in the *rayer with this Surah+ Then
you think that it is not suPcient for you unless you recite another Surah as
well+ So you shoul' either recite it or lea"e it an' recite another Surah
instea'+ The man re*lie'3 MI will not lea"e it o2+ If you want me to continue
lea'in) you #in *rayer%3 I will 'o this- an' if you all 'o not like it3 I will lea"e
you #i+e+3 I will sto* lea'in) you%+ They use' to consi'er him to be of the best
of them to lea' them in *rayer an' they 'i' not want anyone else to lea'
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
them other than him+ So3 when the !ro*het came they informe' him of this
information an' he sai'3
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#4 so-an'-soF 5hat *re"ents you from 'oin) what your com*anions are
comman'in) you to 'o3 an' what makes you a'here to the recitation of this
Surah in e"ery ,akMah% The man sai'3 MOerily3 I lo"e it+ The !ro*het re*lie'3

(5 $: $@

#Qour lo"e of it will cause you to enter !ara'ise+% This was recor'e' by Al-
' .adith that mentions this Surah is e/ui"alent to a Third o# the
Al-0ukhari recor'e' from Abu SaMi' that a man hear' another man recitin)

D : !

" EF5

#Say& N1e is Allah3 4ne+% an' he was re*eatin) o"er an' o"er+ So when
mornin) came3 the man went to the !ro*het an' mentione' that to him3 an'
it was as thou)h he was belittlin) it+ The !ro*het sai'3

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#0y 1e in 5hose 1an' is my soul3 "erily it is e9ui"alent to a thir' of the
.uran+% Abu Dawu' an' An-Nasai also recor'e' it+ Another 1a'ith Al-
0ukhari recor'e' from Abu SaMi'3 may Allah be *lease' with him3 that the
Messen)er of Allah sai' to his Aom*anions3
8 B

> E5


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#Is one of you not able to recite a thir' of the .uran in a sin)le ni)ht% This
was somethin) that was 'iPcult for them an' they sai'3 N5hich of us is able
to 'o that3 4 Messen)er of Allah So he re*lie'3

" E5 "

" E. " L


#NAllah is the 4ne3 As-Sama' is a thir' of the .uran+% Al-0ukhari was alone
in recor'in) this 1a'ith+
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
'nother .adith that its *ecitation necessitates 'dmission into
Imam Malik bin Anas recor'e' from M?bay' bin 1unayn that he hear' Abu
1urayrah sayin)3 NI went out with the !ro*het an' he hear' a man recitin)
MSay& 1e is Allah3 the 4ne+ So the Messen)er of Allah sai'3
#It is obli)atory+% I aske'3 M5hat is obli)atory 1e re*lie'3

#!ara'ise+% At-Tirmi'hi an' An-Nasai also recor'e' it by way of Malik3 an'
At-Tirmi'hi sai'3 N1asan Sahih 8harib+ 5e 'o not know of it e7ce*t as a
narration of Malik+ The 1a'ith in which the !ro*het sai'3

(5 $: $@

#Qour lo"e of it will cause you to enter !ara'ise+% has alrea'y been
' .adith about repeating this Surah
MAb'ullah bin Imam Ahma' recor'e' from MuMa'h bin MAb'ullah bin
Khubayb3 who re*orte' that his father sai'3 N5e became thirsty an' it ha'
become 'ark while we were waitin) for the Messen)er of Allah to lea' us in
*rayer+ Then3 when he came out he took me by my han' an' sai'3

#Say+% Then he was silent+ Then he sai' a)ain3


#Say+% So I sai'3 M5hat shoul' I say 1e sai'3


D : !

" EF5


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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
#Say& N1e is Allah3 4ne3 an' the two Surahs of ,efu)e #Al-/ala9 an' An-Nas%
when you enter u*on the e"enin) an' the mornin) three times #each%+ They
will be suPcient for you two times e"ery 'ay+% This 1a'ith was also recor'e'
by Abu Dawu'3 At-Tirmi'hi an' An-Nasai+ At-Tirmi'hi sai'3 N1asan Sahih
8harib+ An-Nasai also recor'e' throu)h another chain of narrators with the

0 W /


#They will suPce you a)ainst e"erythin)+%

Tafsir ibn Katheer - Surah al Ikhlas-

,inguistic 1e2nitions&


A - Ishti/aa/ wor's #Mushtaq% -
%ords !hich ha"e an origin #rom another !ord.

0 - Asmaa al-3amida - wor's which are
original !ords !ithout being deri"ed #rom other !ords+ ?ni9ue by

A - The ushta/ 4pinion - that the wor' Allah comes from other wor's-

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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
'llah comes from * Illaah.

Al + T Illaah * #hamKa3 lam3 ha% ['ue to Hadhf - the hamKa is remo"e'] ( Allaah+

'laha/ya&lahu - to !orship.
Illaah - one who is worshi**e'+

Aliha , - this wor' is use' when a chil' is thirsty an' 'es*erately
seekin) his mother for milk+

So Illaah 5 one !ho is !orshipped6 obeyed and !ho people desperately
turn to 7ilha8.

This is the ori)in of Illaah+ There is none to turn to e9cept .e.

: - 3amid "ie! - the wor' Allah is an 4ri)inal 5or' without a ,oot wor'&

1 - 4ther scholars say Allah is the ;ni"ersal !ord #or 'llah #without
comin) from the root wor' Illah%3 in e"ery lan)ua)e+ So e"ery Messen)er sent by Allah sai'
that Allah is 8o'3
no matter what lan)ua)e they s*oke the messa)e in+
I+e+ @"en in Aramaic3 an' 1ebrew - the wor' @loah [in 1ebrew] an' @llah [in Aramaic]
were use' for 8o'+ Similarly3 Elohim is use' like we say Allahumma [4h Allah] in arabic+

2 - It woul' be $in)uistically Incorrect to say -a Allah. )/ Allah.*
Al T Illaah ( Allah+
when you call someone3 you *lace a Qaa before that+

I+e+ -a Rah$$m #4 @s*ecially Merciful #one%%

1owe"er3 you can ne"er *lace a A$ before it+ I+e+ <a ', *aheem - since
that is linguistically incorrect.

It can either be- AL Rah$$m, or -A Rah$$m!

So they ar)ue that if Allah is ma'e u* of the wor' Al T Illah3 then it
'oes not make lin)uistic sense to say 0-a Al 1llah2Allah.0
No Arab woul' say this 'ue to wron) )rammar3 so it is possible that
'llah is not made up o# the !ordings= 'l > Illaah.
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]

3 - 'llah is uni/ue in the !ay it is pronounced.

Normally when Alif an' $am are *lace' to)ether3 they make a li)ht
soun'+ I+e+ 'li# and ,am woul' be *ronounce' as A-llaa.

1owe"er3 the wor' 'llah is *ronounce' with a hea"ier soun'+ Ie+ as Al-laa.

This is against normal arabic grammatic speech and pronunciation. So
it is *ossible this wor' is ?ni"ersal3 an' not of an arabic ori)in+

/inal Aomment&

mamnooa min al Sarf - 5hen a wor' comes from another lan)ua)e an'
enters into the Arabic lan)ua)e3 you cannot *lace a- /at-ha [Kabar;A]3
Damma [*eysh;?]3 or Kasra [Keyr;I] on it+

1owe"er3 Allah 'oes *lace a Kasra on 1is Name in the ayah-

wa man as'a9u minAllahI 9eela - an' who is truer in s*eech than AllahL
- surah an-Nisa+

So how can this ha"e a Kasra [Keyr;I soun'] on it3 while not bein) an
Arabic wor'L

The scholars re*ly that Allah is reco)nise' in e"ery culture an'
nation+ So 1e is reco)nise'3 an' this is why the wor' has become
reco)nise' as an Arabic wor' #murab%+

Ayah :&



Qul huwwa Allahu Ahad
Say3 N1e is Allah 3 [who is] 4ne3

Qul - Say.

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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
Aomman' to the Messen)er to-

: - $earn for himself+
< - Teach it to others+

Messa)e of Tawhee'3 is connecte' to Dawah #in"itin) to Islam%+

.u!!a - .e.

This was not re9uire' in the ayah because Allah coul' say- Qul Allahu
ahad - say Allah is 4ne+

1owe"er3 A *ronoun is use' when you know who is bein) s*oken about
#this is calle' 3ha'n %+

Allah is so )reat3 1e is alrea'y known by the *eo*le #as the
4ri)inator3 Areator3 Desi)ner etc+%
So .e& is an implication that you kno! this ?od already6 it is not a ne! ?od.

2 - It is also a re*ly to the *eo*le who aske' Allahs Messen)er who
his )o' wasL
Man Huwwa, Maa huwwa - who is h$, what is h$' These are the 9uestions
the *olytheists aske' Allahs Messen)er about Allah+

So 'llah is ans!ering that .e is 'llah6 the 4ne.

3 - Say3 1e is Allah3 Say 1e is 4ne+
Two sentences ha"e been fuse' into one ayah+
Say3 1e is Allah3 4ne+

'had - 4ne

The di@erence between %ahid and 'had:

1 -
'had is use' e7clusi"ely in the Ne)ati"e sense only+

%ahid is use' in the !ositi"e sense only+
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
i+e+ Laysa ahad mawjoodan f$$ al masjid - there is not 4ne *erson in the Mos9ue [it is
Laysa wahid mawjoodan f$$ al masjid - there is not 4ne in the Mos9ue [but there are alot
#more than one%
*eo*le in the Mos9ue]+

! 3 &4 5

56 7. +

!!wa la yushriku bi 'ibadatih$$ Ahada -
an' no-4ne shoul' associate *artners with 1im in worshi*+ [al Kahf :R&::D]

1owe"er3 5e notice that Allah uses the wor' Ahad in ayah : of surah al Ikhlas3 to 'escribe
This is stran)e3 because Aha' is usually only use' in the ne)ati"e+ This Aha' is use' to show
that there is a
uni9ueness of the usea)e of this wor' when 'escribin) Allah - now in the *ositi"e sense
instea' of the ne)ati"e+

0y Allah usin) Aha'3 1e is im*lyin) aArmation to .is 4neness6 and there being none
similar to .im in that 4neness.
AmaKin)& There is no Arabic literature which e"er uses the wor' Aha' by itself in a *ositi"e
way - e7ce*t for surah al Ikhlas+

2 - The other form of Aha' is use' in I''aafa form i+e+ '/n$ of!!' Ahad al Muslim$$n #one of
the Muslims% etc+
So this Aha' can only be use' in a *ositi"e way if another set of wor's are attache' to it+

'had comes from - 5ah';5aha'a+

%ahd #waw3 ha3 'aal% - one who is in'i"i'ual by himself3 his tribe;linea)e;ori)in is
not known+

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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
Allah 'i' not use that wor' for 1imself because 1e 'oes not want to
make 1imself similar to humans in attributes+

,a)hib al Isfahani in Mufradaat al Qur'an&
'had is a se*arate wor' which im*lies- That 4ne cannot ha"e any comparison6
a sole uni/ue entity who 'oes not ha"e an e/ual or competitor in any !ay. .e does
not ha"e a 2nd or aAliate.

So Aha' is 'i2erent to 5ahi'+

The *eo*le of other reli)ions belie"e in 8o' as 4ne #this is Wahid%3 but they always make
the mistake of )i"in) 1im
Attributes of the creation+ It is only when you 'isassociate Allahs attributes from similarity to
the creation that you can belie"e Allah is Aha' #?ni9ue in 1is 4neness%+

A stron) Theme in this surah is that B"erything about 'llah is ;ni/ue in .is 4neness.
This is why all the attributes of Allah in this surah are ?ni9ue for Allah 1imself+
#i+e+ Allah3 aha'3 as-Sama'3 lam ya$i'3 lam yu5la'%+

3 -
Allah has some attributes which humans mi)ht also call themsel"es+
I+e+ ,aheem #es*ecially merciful%3 ,aoof #com*assionate%3 0aseer [seein)] etc+

If we use one of Allahs attributes3 i+e+ Allah is Aleem - the Knowin)+

The Di2erence between our knowle')e an' Allahs knowle')e is that-
1 - 'llah&s kno!ledge is in2nite6 ours is not.
2 - 'llah&s kno!ledge has no limit6 ours is.
3 - 4ur kno!ledge and attributes are gi"en to us6 'llah&s attributes -
.e o!ns them6 they are .is.

?se these B ste*s for any of Allahs attributes3 an' we see how Allah is uni9ue in 1is
attributes of !erfection+
8- 9

( ; <# $


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# A
Laysa ka mithlih$$ shay' wa huwwa as-sam$$'ul bas$$r -
:G htt*&;;literarymiracle+wor'*ress+com -- -
Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
there is no similarity to 1im3 an' 1e is the hearer3 the Seer+ [ash-Shura G<&::]

Aha'uN #taNween - letter Noon at the en'% - this is use' to *ut an e7clamation
mark3 stron)
em*hasis - 1e is Allah3 4neFF

The tanween is also use' in a Khabr;information - to answer a 9uestion+ The
9uestion *ose' was - who;what 'o you worshi*L This news;khabr is
informin) an' answerin) the *eo*le - that our Master is Aha' - the
?ni9ue 4ne+

This is what 0ilal bin ,abbah )ot torture' for3 an' he woul'
continuously say 0Ahadun Ahad0!

Dr+ ,afeeu''een from !akistan - Allah create' the human with
knowle')e of 1imself+ The )reatest honor the human can ha"e is to be
the *erfect sla"e of 1im+

0ut if you 'o not stri"e to achie"e that )oal3 you will still be
hun)ry+ If you 'o not ful=ll that hun)er with obe'ience to Allah3 you
will ful=ll that hun)er throu)h somethin) else+ @"en if that foo' of
'isobe'ience is 'is)ustin) an' harmful to your bo'y+

So you are either a sla"e to Allah3 or a sla"e to the worthless creation+

Qou mi)ht know 1e is 4ne3 but is 1e the 4ne you 'e'icate your life toL
Do you worry that 1e mi)ht not talk to you on Ju')ment Day out of
'is*leasureL Do you 'o action so that 1e will be *lease' with youL

'llamah I/bal *oetry on Allahs 4neness;Tawhee'&
#hat us$d to b$ som$thin, that burn$d insid$ th$ h$arts of m$n, has now turn$d into
som$thin, of abstra(t,
&hiloso&hi(al d$bat$!

Tawhee' has now become theolo)ical 'ebates3 whereas there were *eo*le
before us who woul' ha"e a stron)3 *ractical connection with Allah+
1o*in) that 1e will ha"e Mercy on them+ So they stru))le' for 1is
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
4 Allah3 make us the true *eo*le of Tawhee'3 an' who im*lement it with
their wealth3 an' li"es3 an' 'ie in a state that you are *lease' with+

Ayah <&

Allahu as-3amad
Allah is .e on 5hom all 'e*en'+

as-Samad - the one !ho is enough3 whene"er they turn to 1im3
.e #ul2lls and ans!ers all their needs an' 9uestions in times of nee'+

5hen you use the wor' Sama' as a "erb - it im*lies that you turn to
them to ask them to ful=ll a nee'+

Masmood - the one to whom *eo*le turn to in times of nee'+

2 - 5hen you make someone your goal6 to attain them6 to !in them6 the
;ltimate ?oal.

This is one of the reasons this surah is calle' surah al Ikhlas - we
are seekin) the *leasure of Allah+

3 - The 4ne !ho is not in need o# anyone else6 and he is al!ays abo"e
them3 none can o"er*ower him or be abo"e him in status or any

G - The 4ne !ho is #ree #rom blemishes or #aults.

C - /rom the !eo*le are those who cannot be o"ercome in battle3 or
elo9uence3 or business etc+ They are calle' as-Sama'+

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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
H - 1e is incredible and great in .is glory. B"erlasting. The 4ne who
*eo*le turn to in times of nee'+

C - Sama' is use' as an a'>ecti"e - somethin) that is solid !ith no
holes or emptiness inside.

Somethin) 'bsolute !ithout any )a!s.

This shows that 'llah&s Dames are not lacking or empty6 rather - .e
has per#ect Dames6 and these Dames and 'ttributes are #ul2lled

I+e+ Someone mi)ht be calle' Jameel;0eautiful3 but they mi)ht not be beautiful+
1owe"er3 'llah is 0er#ect in .is Dames and #ul2lls them properly - !ithout
anything missing in their per#ection.

'llah is as-Samad6 and .e #ul2lls that role per#ectly.

Allah the Absolute is the 4nly 4ne+ This ayah em*hasises what has been
mentione' in ayah :+

The reason why these wor's are mentione' is because the *olytheists
woul' 'escribe Allah as the Areator3 an' the Merciful3 but they woul'
not say 1e is Aha'3 or as-Sama'+

A$ sama' - The A$ + si)ni=es 'bsoluteness.

as-Sama' - the one who e"eryone nee's an' 1e nee's none 1imself+

al 0icai& Surah $ahab s*oke about someone #'bu ,ahab% who thought he
did not need anyone3 an' that he had none e/ual in !ealth and riches.

So Allah is tellin) us no! that 'llah has destroyed him3 then you
should kno! that the only 4ne !ho truly needs no-one else is 'llah3
an' that .e alone is rich and #ree o# need #8haniy%+

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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]

Ayah B&

Lam yaLid wa Lam yu#lad
1e 'i' not )i"e birth3 nor was 1e fathere'+

,am - past tense negation - forces a "erb to become *ast tense+

$an - future tense Ne)ation+

,am is use' - !ast tense remo"es all #orms o# birth associated to 'llah in the past6
an' all these i'eas of Allah ha"in) 'au)hters who are an)els #as the
*olytheists sai'%3 or that 1e has sons [Jesus3 or ?Kayr;@Kra] #as
christians an' some >ewish sects in Me'inah sai'% - remo"es their
false claims+

,emo"al of *ast tense 'oubts remo"es all 'oubts - because the *resent
'oubts we ha"e to'ay ha"e been re*eate' throu)hout history3 so e"en if someone
claims Allah has a son to'ay - this ha' alrea'y been sai' in the *ast+
So Allah has refute' such a claim by sayin) that it has ne"er happened
- .e has ne"er had a son.

1a"in) a son im*lies you will ha"e an e9ual3 an' that is not *ossible for Allah+

Allah says-
[1e is] 4ri)inator of the hea"ens an' the earth+ 1ow coul' 1e ha"e a son
when 1e 'oes not ha"e a companion 7sahibah8 an' 1e create' all thin)sL An' 1e
of all thin)s3 Knowin)+
[al Anam H&:D:]
1ow can Allah ha"e a son when 1e 'oes not ha"e a Sahiba #wife3 S*ouse3 Associate%L
4ne wor' for wife is Sahibah3 an' another wor' is Kufuw+ An' this wor'
is mentione' in ayah G of this surah+

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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
Allah 'oes not share attributes with 1is creation+
I# you are born - you had a beginning. %hich mean&s you are not eternal6 so you
are not 1i"ine/?od.

,easons why *eo*le commit Shirk [association of !artners with Allah]
'rgument& @"en if a >u')ement 'i' occur3 we ha"e intercessors #an)els3 saints etc%
to hi'e behin' between us an' Allah+
This is the *sycholo)y of Shirk #associatin) *artners [with Allah]%
because a *erson may 'o whate"er he wants of 'isobe'ience to Allah3 but
then he wants to hi'e behin' someone close to Allah to *rotect him from
Allahs an)er+ This *erson will e"en try to *lease an' o"er*raise that
intercessor3 so that the intercessor will interce'e in fa"our of his
case in the court of Allah+ $ittle 'o these *eo*le know that Allah will
for)i"e who 1e wills on that Day3 an' this is the sin that Allah 'oes
not for)i"e #of shirk%+

The 4ne who e"eryone turns to3 as-Sama'+ So you 'o not nee' to *lace a
son or i'ol between you an' Allah+
Turn to .im alone6 because .e is as-Samad - the absolute 4ne to be turned to.

This remo"es *eo*les nee' to turn to anyone else besi'es 1im+

Ayah G&



wa Lam yakun lahu kufuwwan ahad
An' Nor was there to 1im any e9ui"alent+N

Eu#u! - your *artner3 it can also be your e9ual o**osition in battle+

Someone who is e9ual to you in rank3 com*atible with you3 similar in
your le"el+ This is why it is use' for marria)e *artners+

So Allah is sayin) 1e ha' no Kufuw - e9ual in 1is Aha' #?ni9ueness%+

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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]
In Normal Arabic 8rammar Sentence- -
wa lam ya kun ahadun kufuwwan lahu )and th$r$ is not any $qui%al$nt to Him*+
This is the )rammatically normal se9uence+

aha' is at the en'
$ahu is in the be)innin)+
Kufuw is in the mi''le+

The normal )rammatical sentence woul' ha"e *lace' Allah in the en'+

0ut Allah switches the normal *hrase3 an' instea' mentions 1imself =rst+

,ahu - #or .im 7'llah83 this is 4aqd$$m - *lace' earlier in the sentence3
showin) s*eci=cness+ There is none $a 1u #/or 1im% an e9ual
com*etitor #kufuw% aha' - any4ne+

'had is a!!al - the 4ne #or !hom there is no 2nd. An' the 4ne who is /irst+
1e has no counter*art3 there is none hi)her than 1im+ Qet e"erythin)
of the creation has an e9ual com*etitor or one better than him3 but
there is none com*etin) with Allah in 1is ?ni9ueness+

:ene2ts o# this Surah:

/akhru'-'een ar-,aKi& The =rst *art of the surah shows 'llah&s 4neness.

The secon' *art of surah shows 'llah&s grace and ercy upon us -
because 1e turns to us to hel* us+

The Br' ayah shows that 'llah is #ree #rom !eakness. 0ecause ha"in)
chil'ren can be a si)n of weakness because you want your name to li"e
on+ #@"en if you 'ont feel this now3 you mi)ht at the a)e of GD
because you won'er what you ha"e left behin' in this worl'%+

The honorin) of humans is them ha"in) chil'ren3 because they will re9uire them for stren)th
in ol' a)e+
The honorin) of Allah is that 1e has no chil'ren3 because 1e is always free of nee'+

This surah in conclusion is *robably the most im*ortant surah for our
chil'ren to internalise+ 5hat 'oes it mean that 1e is- Ahad, as-3amad'
Lam yaLid, wa lam yu#lad, wa lam ya kun Lahu kufuwan Ahad!

5e learn that Allah hel*s us in all times because 1e has no com*etitor
#kufuw% in *re"entin) 1im from hel*in) us an' answerin) our *rayers+
Surah an-Na>aat - it *escues you from- sadness and hardships6 and
hell2re6 an' this is why the com*anions of Allahs Messen)er lo"e' it
so much+
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Surah al Ikhlas Sincerety [::<]

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