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Initial Steps Stage 2 Starting Searches

Section A
. 1 Go to the website on high mountains suggested by your
. 2 Use this website to answer these questions. (a) What are
the three highest mountains in the world? 1 2 3 (b) What
is the height in metres of the highest mountain in the
world? (c) What are two ways to get back to the home
page of this website? 1 2

3 Use the Search facility on this website or a search engine to
answer these questions.
. (a) Enter the keyword ACONAGUA. Where is this mountain?
. __________________________________________________
. (b) Enter the keywords SEVEN SUMMITS. What is the
highest mountain in Antarctica?
. __________________________________________________
4 How do you use the ? Provide an Example for searching
5 Search the following topic on your favourite search engines
the 40th result from this search

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