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Out of the Box Reflection

Name: Christy Christensen

Write about a time when you were in the box:
A time when I was in the box was when I dropped out of High School. Although I had what I
thought were good reasons (or excuses) at the time, I now realize my contribution to my failing
to graduate with my class. I was not engaged in my school work and I blamed circumstances. I
was hanging with the wrong crowd and blamed my situation. I lacked motivation, was
unappreciative and difficult to be around or deal with. I did not communicate well with my
parents or teachers. I took on an attitude of being victim, and I contributed it to childhood
neglect. Instead of accepting my role in my reality, I justified my behaviors due to my history and
convinced myself that I was doing the best I could considering my hard knock life.

Tell how you could have changed your attitude to be out of the box at that time:
I could have had open communication with parents and teachers to help me with any challenges
I was facing. I could have owned my faults and capitalized on my strengths to endure. I could
have changed my victim attitude and accepted responsibility. I could have looked in the mirror
instead of pointing blame. I could have focused on others and less on myself. If I had changed my
selfish perspective to one of seeing others for the good in them, I can see how I would have
overcome the temptation to jump in the box in the first place.

Tell how you can be out of the box more in the future:
I will need to see my faults and recognize that seeing myself in reality will keep me grounded. I
will need to reflect often to prevent re-joining in the thinking errors of the past. Ultimately if I do
not betray myself, I can remain out of the box. Fortunately my in the box moment was short lived
in this case. As soon as I did change my attitude, I did return to school to graduate. I am grateful
that I had the sense to finally recognize my errors. Simply remembering this experience, how I
ended up where I did and how it felt, will help me be out of the box more in the future.

Out-of-the-Box Evaluation Rubric
Points Possible Points Awarded
Acceptable Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation
& Sentence Structure

Were the responses to the prompts
thoughtful, sensible and complete?

Total 15

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