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Mrs. Parker Ms. Shovald Ms.

Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to 4
Grade at Banning Lewis Ranch Academy! We are
very ecited to s!end the year "uilding relationshi!s with all o#
you, your student and serving as a guide to your students$ growth
and e!erience here at %&he Ranch'( )ourth Grade is a wonder#ul
year #ull o# new e!eriences and transitional growth into the
intermediate grades( Students can e!ect some new and eciting
res!onsi"ilities, as well as many o!!ortunities to demonstrate
their growing inde!endence(
Below you will *nd an overview o# 4
Grade Policies and
Procedures #or the +,-4.+,-/ school years( )ollowing this
overview, we have included some in#ormation a"out classroom
social contracts, e!ectations o# "ehavior and conse0uences(
&han1 you,
&he )ourth Grade &eam
Policies and Procedures
Attendance: The doors of Banning Lewis Ranch academy open at
7:45 each morning and school begins at 8:00. ttendance will be
ta!en once" therefore" st#dents arri$ing late to school m#st chec!
in at the front des! in order to be co#nted present for that school
day. %t#dents will recei$e a yellow slip that m#st be deli$ered to
their teacher #pon arri$al to their classroom.
Planners/Homework Folders: &lease chec! yo#r st#dent's
planner and homewor! folder e$ery day for important
comm#nication" anno#ncements" test dates" and homewor!
Mrs. Parker Ms. Shovald Ms. Fedor
assignments. To s#pport yo#r st#dent's growing responsibilities"
we as! that planners be signed and ret#rned daily.
Absences: (f a st#dent is going to be absent for an e)tended
period of time" please comm#nicate with *s. Brewer at the front
des! to complete the !rearranged a"sence form. %t#dents will be
gi$en two days per day absent to complete their ma!e+#p

Homework: -omewor! is an essential part of st#dents' learning
e)periences. (t allows them to practice the s!ills ta#ght that day
and allows teachers to ga#ge the learning they ha$e achie$ed.
Homework will be assigned daily and will be due the
following day. &ossible points for homewor! assignments will
$ary based on the assignment. %t#dents' late wor! will be
accepted with a one point loss for each day late++#p to .$e days.
ny wor! recei$ed after .$e days from the assigned d#e date will
recei$e a /00.
Uniform Policy: &lease reference o#r BLR st#dent handboo!
for #niform speci.c g#idelines. (n the e$ent that a st#dent is not
in appropriate #niform attire:
warning: a $erbal warning will be gi$en
warning: a written warning will be gi$en
warning: a written warning will be gi$en and
a co#rtesy call will be made home
warning: a referral to *rs. *olnar will be
Snack/Recess: %t#dents will be gi$en a 15 min#te snac!,recess
brea! each afternoon. &lease ma!e s#re yo#r st#dent brings a
healthy food item 4no candy" soda etc.5 e$ery day for snac!. No
nut or nut oil products.
PowerSchool: Thro#gho#t the school year" we will #pdate
grades on a wee!ly basis. &lease ma!e s#re yo# $isit the
&ower%chool website fre6#ently to re$iew yo#r st#dent's grades
Mrs. Parker Ms. Shovald Ms. Fedor
and #pdate yo#r contact information. The website can be
accessed at https:,,,p#blic,.
Birthday Celebrations: 7lassroom birthday celebrations may
be prearranged with st#dent's homeroom teacher. &lease do not
send in any nut or nut oil products" please chec! prepac!aged
labels for allergy information. Birthday celebrations ta!e place
from 3:15+3:30 on the prearranged day.
Buses: &lease ens#re that st#dents riding the b#s come to
school prepared with their b#s information. %t#dents will be
escorted to the b#s pic!+#p location at the end of the day" each
day they are riding.
ebsite: 8#r 4
9rade website can be accessed at . This website will be #tili:ed as a
primary so#rce of comm#nication between teachers and families.
&lease chec! the website fre6#ently as it will be #pdated wee!ly
with homewor! assignments" e$ents" and s#b;ect area foc#ses.
<#ic! lin!s to indi$id#al teacher's contact information can also be
fo#nd here.
Contact !nfo": &lease do not hesitate to contact #s. =o# can
reach me #s by phone at 71>+570+0075. ?oicemail bo)es can be
accessed by last name or yo# may write me a note in yo#r
st#dent's planner or folder.
Mrs. Parker Ms. Shovald Ms. Fedor
Classroom Social Contracts/Behavior
8#r common goal is to create a self+managing classroom
en$ironment in which st#dents demonstrate appropriate social
beha$iors that are cond#ci$e to learning. %t#dents will wor!
cooperati$ely to write a classroom social contract within the .rst
few wee!s. Their contract will ser$e as a li$ing doc#ment that
g#ides o#r classroom comm#nity to consider the needs and
e)pectations of e$eryone in o#r learning en$ironment. long with
their teacher" st#dents will disc#ss social priorities and decide
Mrs. Parker Ms. Shovald Ms. Fedor
how e$eryone wants to be treated. This doc#ment will be signed
and posted in the classroom for all st#dents to refer to on a daily
basis. %t#dents will ha$e the opport#nity to help one another and
hold each other acco#ntable based on this agreement. Teachers
will also ha$e the opport#nity to help st#dents and hold them
acco#ntable based on this agreement.
Conseuences for choosing not to follow the social
1. ?erbal @arning
2. 5 *in#te Recess Aetention
3. 10 *in#te Recess Aetention
4. 15 *in#te Recess Aetention and a co#rtesy call
home will be made
2t is im!ortant #or students to remem"er that their 3o" at school is
to learn( @e want to create the positi$e learning en$ironment"
free of distractions for a s#ccessf#l fo#rth grade year. (n order to
help create this en$ironment we as! that yo# s#pport #s by
Bo toys are to be bro#ght to school or they will be
con.scated and will need to be pic!ed #p by
7ell phones will be re6#ired to be t#rned oC and
stowed in bac!pac!s d#ring the school day. (n the
e$ent that a cell phone sho#ld go oC or be #sed
d#ring the school day" it will be con.scated and
t#rned into the school B(%. 7ell phones will need to
be pic!ed #p by a parent.
%t#dents sho#ld !eep $al#ables at home to
pre$ent them from being lost or stolen 4ie. i&ods"
i&ads" D+Readers" monies" etc5. (n the e$ent that
an D+Reader is needed at school" the appropriate
doc#mentation m#st be completed before they
can be bro#ght to school.
7lassroom te)tboo!s and tools are e)pensi$e and
st#dents need to be enco#raged to #se them with
care. Dach st#dent will be assigned a textbook/supply
number and they are responsible for ensuring that items stay in
Mrs. Parker Ms. Shovald Ms. Fedor
good condition. n the event that supplies and/or textbooks are
damaged or lost! students/parents responsibilities are to replace
the item.

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