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I am the 3
grader teacher; Mrs. Elif (math &Science). It is my belief that we are working
together as partners in edcation of yor child. !s partners" we shold both be flly aware of yor
child#s academic progress. $or this prpose" I wold like to do %ome&'isits. In this regard" I am
attaching a smmary of the article abot the importance of %ome&'isits. I wold like yo to re(iew
this article and fill ot the LAST PAGES.
%ome (isit will last 15-20 minutes. I will try to come with other teacher. )e will talk abot
yor child#s academic progress and beha(ior at school and get feedback from yo abot *S!.
Elif +ildirim
Why Make Home Visits?
.eachers are making home (isits in order to better meet the needs of the child and family. In
promoting a partnership between parents and teachers" home (isits pro(ide the means for effecti(e
team problem sol(ing" obser(ing children in their home en(ironment" and encoraging parent
in(ol(ement. )hile pro(iding teaching ser(ices for the child" home (isits may also lend distressed
parents needed spport to foster positi(e parenting. Effecti(e home (isiting frthers the mental"
emotional" and physical health and de(elopment of the child by ser(ing the whole family.
.o (isit stdents and parents on their own trf are a way for teachers to learn more abot their
stdents" get the parents more in(ol(ed in their kids/ edcation" and bridge cltral gaps that might
occr between stdent and teacher. Most teachers report their home (isits ha(e a lasting effect on the
child" the parent" and parent&teacher commnication.
*lease detach the ne0t page and retrn signed to Mrs. Elif

S.12E3. 3!ME, 4444444444444444444444444444444444
*lease pick the 2ate and .ime best fits yor schedle.
2ate, 44444444444444444444
.ime, 44444444444444444444

*arent56ardian/s Signatre
*arent56ardian 7ontact Information,
3ame, 4444444444444444444444444444444444
!ddress, 44444444444444444444444444444444
Email, 4444444444444444444444444444444444
*hone, 4444444444444444444444444444444444

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