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Samantha Gmez

Annotated Bibliography English 1A

1. Axelrod, Rise B., and Charles Raymond Cooper. Reading Critically, Writing
Well: A Reader and Guide. 9th ed. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002. Print.
Reading Critically, Writing Well is a compilation of essays as well as a
guide for writers of all level. Each chapter contains a handful of fairly
short essays. The essays are of ranging lengths, subjects, and styles.
Before and after the essays is a guide to assist the reader on how to begin,
structure, and choose a topic for their own essay based on the style or
subject matter of the samples within the chapter.

2. Hacker, Diana, Nancy I. Sommers, and Marcy Carbajal Van Horn. A Writer's
Reference. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. Print.
The Hacker Handbook is a guide for readers and writers. It teaches us
how to write effectively and also contains reading strategies to help us
read to become a better writer. The main sections of the text include:
composing, academic writing, sentence style, word choice, grammatical
sentences, multilingual writers and ESL challenges, punctuation and
mechanics, basic grammar, researching, MLA papers, and APA and CMS
papers. All but two of these sections (multilingual writers and ESL
challenges and APA and CMS papers) were very helpful throughout the
semester in this class. Throughout the handbook, there are many different
examples that teach students how to improve their writing. I believe this
handbook can easily be used for any college level English class and I feel
that many high school age writers can find this handbook extremely

3. Pipher, Mary Bray. Writing to Change the World. New York: Riverhead, 2006.
Piphers book provides an abundance of recourses that are useful for
beginning writers. The book is littered with her personal testimonials
about becoming a writer and how she used her past experiences to guide
her writing. She stresses how important it is for a writer to find their voice
and how without the writers authentic voice playing a part of the piece of
writing, all writing will be flat and bland. This text is very simple to
understand and I would consider it to be a top resource for most college
English and writing classes.

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