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1. What is the life cycle of dinosaurs?


2. What is the importance of Pangaea?
It was a supercontinent
Dinosaurs lived on Pangaea
We got the seven continents from Pangaea
3. What are the different types of dinosaurs?
4. What are the differences between Tyrannosaurs Rex and Ankylosaurs?
Tyrannosaurs Rex was a carnivore and Ankylosaurs was a herbivore
Tyrannosaurs Rex walked on two legs and Ankylosaurs walked on four legs
Tyrannosaurs Rex fossils/footprints were found in Western North America and
Magnolia while Ankylosaurs fossils/footprints were found in South America
5. What does Paleontologist do?
A Paleontologist is a scientist who studies fossils, animals, and plants that lived a
long time ago
Dinosaurs are extinct, which means an animal or plant no longer lives on earth
Fossils are things left behind by animals or plants that lived a long time ago that
paleontologists look for
Paleontologists go on excavations, which is when they dig for fossils

6. What are theories of why dinosaurs disappeared?
Asteroid theory
Vocalic activity
Ice age
Gradually changed in climate

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