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Innovative Logistics The Supply Chain Strategy Enabler

Annual 8. Padly WaLers Supply Chaln Symposlum

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A leader ln speclalLy coffee and coffee makers, keurlg Creen MounLaln, lnc., ls recognlzed for lLs
award-wlnnlng coffees, lnnovaLlve keurlg brewlng Lechnology, and envlronmenLally and
soclally responslble buslness pracLlces. 1hls comblnaLlon has made lL a regular on lC81unL's
lasLesL Crowlng Companles llsL, wlLh 19x revenue growLh ln 8 years Lo $4.4 bllllon. Cf course,
wlLh such growLh comes added opporLunlLy and challenges ln Lhe supply chaln. 8ob CsLrynlec,
Chlef of Clobal Supply Chaln, and Mlchael !acobs, Chlef LoglsLlcs Cfflcer, wlll dlscuss keurlg
Creen MounLaln's besL-ln-class loglsLlcs pracLlces and how Lhls [ourney has Lransformed noL
only Lhe company's supply chaln, buL has enabled lL Lo dellver agalnsL lLs purpose of creaLlng
Lhe ulLlmaLe beverage experlence ln every llfe we Louch from source Lo cup - Lransformlng Lhe
way Lhe world undersLands buslness."

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Chlef LoglsLlcs Cfflcer

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Chlef roducL Supply Cfflcer

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Chlef LoglsLlcs Cfflcer
Mlchael !acobs has served as chlef loglsLlcs offlcer of keurlg Creen MounLaln, lnc., slnce
SepLember 2012. ln Lhls role he ls responslble for all aspecLs of LoglsLlcs lncludlng neLwork
deslgn and sLraLegy, dlsLrlbuLlon operaLlons, domesLlc LransporLaLlon, global lmporLlng and
exporLlng, CusLoms compllance, supply chaln plannlng, sales and operaLlons plannlng and
cusLomer servlce. under !acobs's leadershlp, LoglsLlcs ls a shared servlce LhaL wlll work across
all buslness unlLs Lo drlve besL-ln-class process for our cusLomers, develop well lnLegraLed
Lechnology and ensure LhaL all buslness unlLs beneflL from keurlg Creen MounLaln's scale.

rlor Lo [olnlng keurlg Creen MounLaln, lnc., !acobs was Lhe senlor vlce presldenL of LoglsLlcs
for 1oys8"us, lnc. uurlng hls 14 years aL 1oys 8 us, !acobs held progresslvely responslble
poslLlons ln LransporLaLlon, dlsLrlbuLlon and loglsLlcs sLraLegy on a global basls. !acobs began
hls career ln flnance wlLh LSlCC, lnc. Pe subsequenLly worked for May ueparLmenL SLores as
a group manager of llnance and for Melvllle CorporaLlon as a dlrecLor of Supply Chaln.

Mlchael holds a 8S ln flnance and an M8A ln accounLlng from ManhaLLan College, as well as a
MasLers ln Supply Chaln ManagemenL from enn SLaLe unlverslLy.

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Chlef roducL Supply Cfflcer
8oberL (8ob) . CsLrynlec [olned keurlg Creen MounLaln, lnc., as Lhe chlef producL supply
offlcer ln AugusL 2013. Pe ls responslble for global producL supply lncludlng loglsLlcs,
procuremenL and sourclng, as well as Lhe efflclency, quallLy, safeLy and envlronmenLal
managemenL of Lhe company's manufacLurlng processes.

CsLrynlec [olned keurlg Creen MounLaln, lnc., from P.!. Pelnz Company, where he held
progresslvely responslble poslLlons ln global supply chaln managemenL as senlor vlce presldenL,
global chlef supply chaln offlcer, and quallLy and chlef rlsk offlcer. Pe was Chlef Supply Chaln
Cfflcer of norLh Amerlca from May 2003 Lo !an 2010 and Croup vlce resldenL Consumer
roducLs-roducL Supply from !uly 2003 Lo Aprll 2003. rlor Lo [olnlng Pelnz, CsLrynlec spenL
more Lhan 17 years wlLh Ceneral LlecLrlc and SLanley 1ools ln varlous manufacLurlng,
purchaslng and supply chaln roles.

CsLrynlec holds a 8S ln flnance from 1he ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy and an M8A from
Shlppensburg unlverslLy.

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