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* Para apresentar no console ou ao usurio o conjunto array[], necessrio converter

para String com o comando Arrays.toString()'
public again means that anyone can access it.
static means that you can run this method without creating an instance o
f Main.
void means that this method doesn't return any value.
main is the name of the method.
System is a pre-defined class that Java provides us and it holds some us
eful methods and variables.
out is a static variable within System that represents the output of you
r program (stdout).
java.util.Arrays (biblioteca responsavel)
(apresentar conjunto comando Arrays.toString(variavel);
//apresentar os arrays em formato de string
Arrays.binarySearch(variavel, "key");
//pesquisa binaria no vetor
Arrays.sort(varivel, 0, paises.length)
//ordena posicao ordem crescente (0-paiseslength)

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