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Civics Fall 2014 Syllabus

Mrs. DAntoni

Course Description

In this class we will investigate and study the foundations of government, how
government works, and how we as citizens are involved in the government. In
addition to this, we will learn about and compare the government of the United
States to other forms of government, both past and present. We will also explore the
basic economic principals of our country and other world economies.

Course Materials

For class you will need the following materials every day.
- Pen or pencil. For notes you may use whatever color pen or pencil you
want, but for tests and quizzes please use pencil only.
- Loose leaf paper.
It is your responsibility to bring these items to class or to borrow missing items
from myself or your peers before class begins. Arriving to class unprepared and
disrupting the class can result in consequences.


Test 40%
Quizzes 30%
Classwork 20%
Homework & Participation 10%

This course is composed of nine units that will seek to answer the following
Unit 1 What is Government? What is the purpose of government?
Unit 2 What are the different interpretations of government?
Unit 3 What makes America unique?
Unit 4 - How does our legislative branch work?
Unit 5 How does our executive branch work?
Unit 6 How does our judicial branch work?
Unit 7 How does the election process work?
Unit 8 What does equality mean in America?
Unit 9 What makes an informed in United States citizen?

The Rules Be Positive, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.

Chalmette High School and its faculty and staff have pledged to empower all
students to grow academically, emotionally, and socially in a safe environment. The
following rules have been established to promote those goals. Much like the United
States must have laws to maintain order so must a classroom! (Dont worry guys, we
will get to that!)

1. Be Prompt & Prepared - Always come to class with something to write
with and something to write on!
2. Cell phones Cell phones and other electronic devices are NOT
ALLOWED in class and if I see them I will confiscate them and deliver
them to 117, where you can pick them up at the end of the day.
3. Follow classroom procedures as explained on the first day, posted in
the classroom, and on the Weebly page.
4. Talking Talking will be kept on task and students will take turns in
class discussions.
5. Cheating and Plagiarism Any cheating or plagiarism will result in an
F grade and a Class II write up.
6. **** RESPECTFUL ENVIRONMENT our class will involve much class
discussion surrounding what can be some difficult or hot-button topics.
We will maintain a respectful environment. Students will not call each
other hurtful names, laugh at, or otherwise make fun of any other student
because of differing opinions. Students will be polite to and supportive
of their classmates, voice only positive comments, and participate in
classroom activities with a good attitude, From the CHSs Positive
Behavior Support Classroom Expectations. ****


Consequences can range from a lunch detention to a Class II write up,
pending upon the severity of the transgression.

For most offenses, after correcting students three times during class, they
will receive a lunch detention. If the behavior persists Mrs. DAntoni will call home
and discuss behavior with the parent/guardian, as well as move on to after school
detention or a Class II violation, which could result in Saturday detentions or

Follow the guidelines set out in this syllabus and we are in for a truly great

Please have your parents read through and sign this syllabus. Bring this page
back to me! The rest of the syllabus should stay with you.

__________________________________________ ____________________________
Parent Signature Date

__________________________________________ ____________________________
Student Signature Date

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