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Readers Workshop Mini-Lesson Template

Mini-Lesson Topic: British Empire

Materials needed: article and video
Yesterday we learned about seven years war between British
and France.
Today, Im going to teach you about British Empire
Mentor Text:
Anchor chart:
Today, Im going to show you how the British Empire built up
and why it would fall.
sing this video !http"##tune.p$#video#%&'()*&#history+of+
british+empire+for+dummies, to show how strong the British
Empire was, and use power point to show the reason of British
rise! as$ students to read,
T!rn and talk
to partner"
share #ith
-ow its your turn to try to read this article and $now why such
a strong empire would fall and try to list these reason point by
Then tell students they can divide the article into several parts
and summary it.
.ivide students into group, and % students share a paper, to
discuss, then share their answer to whole class.
Today, I taught you how to find the useful information in a long
essay and summary it.
/hen you go off to read today and every time you read, youre
going to pay more attention to the important information and
try to summary and list it on paper or in your mind.
%ndependent reading time & min!te
(haring individ!al" partner" gro!p$ gro!p
% think % didnt do #ell in s!mmar) part" ma)*e % sho!ld ask each gro!p s!mmar) and
compare #hich ans#er is *est" it co!ld make st!dent learn more a*o!t s!mmar)+

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