Att. 3 - Technical Requirements

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Attachment 3 PQ Technical Requirements

Bidders Technical Proposal shall include, as a minimum, the following:

1. Describe in detail how your company will manage the project from your home office,
including project management, engineering, cost control, schedule control,
procurement, shipping and inoicing.
!. Describe in detail how your company would establish your construction support
facilities in the "epu Bloc#, including details of how you would set up your
accommodation and office facilities, proision of office e$uipment, personnel, ehicles
etc. %nclude details of permits re$uired from local goernment and socialising actiities
re$uired in order to establish your construction team on location. %ndicate the time in
wee#s re$uired from "ontract &ward to haing completed mobili'ation in order to start
construction wor# at site
(. )rganisation "hart. Proide a chart showing #ey project positions, including
management, site superision, safety, and *&+*" functions. Proide ",s of proposed
candidates for -ite .anager, -enior "iil /ngineer and -ite -0/ -uperisor.
1. -ub2"ontractors. Proide a list of proposed sub2contractors. 3or each sub2contractor
proide a contact name, address and telephone number.
4. /$uipment. Proide a list of proposed heay e$uipment suppliers. 3or each supplier
proide types of e$uipment to be proided, proide a contact name, address and
telephone number.
5. .aterials. Proide a list of proposed suppliers for base course aggregate and $uarry
waste. 3or each supplier proide types of material to be proided, proide a contact
name, address and telephone number.

6. Personnel. Proide details of where and how Bidder intends to source manpower for
engineering, construction superision, -0/, s#illed craftsmen and uns#illed labour.
7. -afety. Proide an e8ample from an earlier project of a -ite -afety Plan, typical of what
Bidder will be proposing for use on this project.
9. *uality. Proide an e8ample from an earlier project of a Project *uality "ontrol +
*uality &ssurance Plan, typical of what Bidder will be proposing for use on this project.
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